Queen's Court 2024

July 27
United States
Meyer Squared

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 64 15
Mixed Steel Longsword 98 26
Mixed Steel Messer 100 23

Fighters in event

Justin Hernandez
AJ Trefney
Gina Mendicino
Daniel Blair
Ethan Garrett
Katharine Keller Ars Gladii
Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii
Jack Seyler Ars Gladii
Landen Kirkland Ars Gladii
Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club
Stephanie Eaton Columbus United Fencing Club
William Handford Columbus United Fencing Club
Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club
Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club
Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society
Lucas Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society
Jonathan Rose Gem City Duelists Society
David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society
Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society
J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society
Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild
Kaitlin Evans Queen City Sword Guild
Loyd Briski Queen City Sword Guild
William Grube Queen City Sword Guild
Patrick McCarthy Queen City Sword Guild
Brady O'Callaghan Queen City Sword Guild
J Hendrix Queen City Sword Guild
Nate Sirrat Queen City Sword Guild
Elaine Davis Queen City Sword Guild
Jade Smith Queen City Sword Guild
Nick Mills Queen City Sword Guild
Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Brandon Caylor Royal Arts Fencing Academy
John Osborn Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Brian Thiessen Steelhead Western Martial Arts
David Twitchell Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Alex Beaudet Two Ravens Fencing School
Victor Marchetto Two Ravens Fencing School
Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School
Patrick Chick Two Ravens Fencing School
Tyler Indermuhle Two Ravens Fencing School
Marten Dollinger Two Ravens Fencing School
Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Victor Marchetto Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Mills Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool Victor Marchetto Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Mills Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Victor Marchetto Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Dicken Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Victor Marchetto Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Victor Marchetto WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Mills Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Victor Marchetto Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Yang John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Yang Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy John Osborn LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Yang Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn Alec Willette WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool John Osborn Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Colin McConnell Alec Willette WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Yang Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Thomas Kesler Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Table of 8 AJ Trefney John Osborn WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Derek Ray Victor Marchetto WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Samuel Ryals Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Matthew Dicken Alec Willette WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Ethan Adkins Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Colin McConnell David Reddy WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Branden Zipplinger Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Derek Ray AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Samuel Ryals Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Christopher Yang Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Semifinal Matthew Dicken Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Semifinal Branden Zipplinger Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Final Derek Ray Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Third Place Branden Zipplinger Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Landen Kirkland William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Patrick Chick WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Pigeon Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Chick Landen Kirkland WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose Tyler Indermuhle LOSS WIN
Pool David Twitchell Jacob Pigeon LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Chick William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Landen Kirkland Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Jacob Pigeon WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell Patrick Chick WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Landen Kirkland Jacob Pigeon LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Indermuhle David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose Patrick Chick WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Jacob Pigeon WIN LOSS
Pool Landen Kirkland Tyler Indermuhle LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Rose David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Chick Jacob Pigeon WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Tyler Indermuhle LOSS WIN
Pool David Twitchell Landen Kirkland LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Caylor Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Brian Thiessen LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski Nate Sirrat WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Caylor Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick McCarthy Nate Sirrat WIN LOSS
Pool Loyd Briski Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Thiessen Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Brandon Caylor LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Beaudet Nate Sirrat WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Thiessen Loyd Briski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Patrick McCarthy WIN LOSS
Pool Nate Sirrat Brandon Caylor LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Beaudet Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick McCarthy Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon Caylor Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Nate Sirrat Brian Thiessen LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Beaudet Patrick McCarthy LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon Caylor Loyd Briski WIN LOSS
Pool Nate Sirrat Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Pool William Grube Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool J Hendrix Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pool Kaitlin Evans Gina Mendicino LOSS WIN
Pool J Hendrix Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino William Grube LOSS WIN
Pool Kaitlin Evans Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool J Hendrix Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi William Grube LOSS WIN
Pool Kaitlin Evans Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Gina Mendicino LOSS WIN
Pool J Hendrix William Grube WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool Kaitlin Evans William Grube LOSS WIN
Pool J Hendrix Gina Mendicino LOSS WIN
Pool Stephanie Eaton Marten Dollinger LOSS WIN
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Garrett Daniel Blair LOSS WIN
Pool Stephanie Eaton Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Garrett Marten Dollinger LOSS WIN
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Daniel Blair WIN LOSS
Pool Stephanie Eaton Ethan Garrett LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Blair Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Marten Dollinger Brady O'Callaghan WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Blair Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Ethan Garrett WIN LOSS
Pool Marten Dollinger Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Marten Dollinger Daniel Blair WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Garrett Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Stephanie Eaton J Hendrix WIN LOSS
Table of 16 David Twitchell William Grube WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Loyd Briski Nate Sirrat WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jacob Pigeon Patrick Chick WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Brian Thiessen Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Katharine Keller Patrick McCarthy WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Landen Kirkland Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Kaitlin Evans Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Daniel Blair Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Alex Beaudet Brady O'Callaghan WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Stephanie Eaton Tyler Indermuhle LOSS WIN
Table of 8 David Twitchell Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Marten Dollinger Jacob Pigeon LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Jack Seyler Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Brandon Caylor Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Ethan Garrett Landen Kirkland WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Lucas Caldwell Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Table of 8 William Handford Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Loyd Briski Tyler Indermuhle WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Jacob Pigeon Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Ethan Garrett Brandon Caylor LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Lucas Caldwell William Handford LOSS WIN
Semifinal Jacob Pigeon Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Semifinal William Handford Brandon Caylor LOSS WIN
Final Loyd Briski Brandon Caylor WIN LOSS
Third Place William Handford Jacob Pigeon WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Samuel Ryals Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Dicken Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Thiessen Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Katharine Keller Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Katharine Keller Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Caldwell Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Thiessen Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Dicken Nick Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Mills Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Caldwell Brian Thiessen LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Mills Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Beaudet AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool William Handford Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Tyler Indermuhle WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Beaudet Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool David Twitchell Tyler Indermuhle LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Beaudet Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool David Twitchell William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Tyler Indermuhle LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool William Handford Tyler Indermuhle WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool William Handford Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi David Twitchell LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney William Handford WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Victor Marchetto LOSS WIN
Pool Justin Hernandez Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy John Osborn LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Jade Smith LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Seyler Victor Marchetto LOSS WIN
Pool Justin Hernandez John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick McCarthy Jade Smith LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn Victor Marchetto LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Seyler Jade Smith LOSS WIN
Pool John Osborn Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Victor Marchetto LOSS WIN
Pool Justin Hernandez Jade Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler John Osborn LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Justin Hernandez Victor Marchetto LOSS WIN
Pool Jade Smith John Osborn LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Seyler Patrick McCarthy LOSS WIN
Pool Justin Hernandez Alec Willette WIN LOSS
Pool Jade Smith Victor Marchetto LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Caldwell Elaine Davis WIN LOSS
Pool Elaine Davis Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Elaine Davis WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Thiessen Elaine Davis WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Mills Elaine Davis WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Dicken Elaine Davis WIN LOSS
Pool Elaine Davis Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Chiappazzi J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool David Twitchell J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Indermuhle J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Nick Mills Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Table of 16 David Twitchell Jade Smith WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Katharine Keller Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Brian Thiessen Patrick McCarthy WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Nick Chiappazzi John Osborn LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Elaine Davis Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jack Seyler Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Derek Ray Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Ethan Adkins William Handford WIN LOSS
Table of 8 David Twitchell Tyler Indermuhle LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Matthew Dicken AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Brian Thiessen Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Table of 8 John Osborn J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Alec Willette Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Alex Beaudet Victor Marchetto LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Derek Ray Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Tyler Indermuhle AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal J.J. Conlon Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Victor Marchetto Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Semifinal Derek Ray AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Semifinal Justin Hernandez J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Final J.J. Conlon Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Third Place AJ Trefney Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Queen's Court 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
58 18 Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society 1731.3 20.4
69 11 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1723 21
81 26 Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club 1707.3 39.9
84 6 AJ Trefney N/A 1703.1 2
143 21 Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club 1643.2 15.8
150 34 Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School 1639.5 25.2
213 7 Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1602.6 8.8
429 46 Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild 1502.5 17.2
574 111 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1464.8 23.8
587 108 Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School 1459.5 25.6
707 290 Victor Marchetto Two Ravens Fencing School 1428.4 75.7
768 134 William Handford Columbus United Fencing Club 1414.4 33.5
795 426 Loyd Briski Queen City Sword Guild 1407.7 90.4
807 139 Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club 1405.5 33.9
900 1105 Tyler Indermuhle Two Ravens Fencing School 1385.5 196.6
1150 593 Brandon Caylor Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1333.1 107
1169 56 John Osborn Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1329.4 12.4
1344 288 Marten Dollinger Two Ravens Fencing School 1300.4 56.7
1375 22 Jack Seyler Ars Gladii 1292.9 9.2
1495 85 Stephanie Eaton Columbus United Fencing Club 1270.4 10.5
1959 2 David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society 1200 5
2016 330 Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii 1192.2 52.2
2040 91 William Grube Queen City Sword Guild 1189.6 7
2055 455 Katharine Keller Ars Gladii 1187.5 74.5
2249 98 Jonathan Rose Gem City Duelists Society 1155.5 10.5
2265 686 Lucas Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society 1154.1 104.5
2309 Alex Beaudet Two Ravens Fencing School 1150.2
2327 51 Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1147.9 12.1
2545 Nick Mills Queen City Sword Guild 1116.5
2619 119 Brian Thiessen Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1105.2 9.9
2810 31 Brady O'Callaghan Queen City Sword Guild 1076.5 2.5
2954 Ethan Garrett N/A 1055.6
3295 382 Landen Kirkland Ars Gladii 1002.8 73.2
3378 184 J Hendrix Queen City Sword Guild 988.2 22.9
3708 325 Patrick Chick Two Ravens Fencing School 933.4 71.2
3768 David Twitchell Steelhead Western Martial Arts 924.4
3892 250 Gina Mendicino N/A 904.5 64
4054 Patrick McCarthy Queen City Sword Guild 872.1
4403 Daniel Blair N/A 794.5
4456 Nate Sirrat Queen City Sword Guild 775.6
4680 103 Kaitlin Evans Queen City Sword Guild 674.5 27.7