LynxCup 2025

Date February 14, 2025
Country United States
State Ohio
City Columbus
Software Meyer Squared (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword (Division 3) 41 12
Mixed Steel Longsword (Division 1) 68 16
Mixed Steel Longsword (Division 2) 123 33
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 56 17
Mixed Steel Sabre 91 22
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler 43 9
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 48 13

Fighters in event

Kaitlyn Rose Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing
Matthew Avila Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing
Anna Thompson Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing
Caleb DeGraaf
Lex DeGraaf
Gina Mendicino
Rhea Debussy
Trevor Samberg
Katina Dunham Ars Gladii
Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii
Jack Seyler Ars Gladii
Matt Goff Black Bear Historical Fencing
Ryan Backos Black Bear Historical Fencing
Jason Littleton Black Bear Historical Fencing
Jeffrey Will Bucks Historical Longsword
Reya George Bucks Historical Longsword
Rachel Burns-Watson Columbus United Fencing Club
Carley Miller Columbus United Fencing Club
Nachiket Despande Columbus United Fencing Club
Tim Casey Columbus United Fencing Club
Jonathan Adams Columbus United Fencing Club
Seth Day Columbus United Fencing Club
Luke Priutt Columbus United Fencing Club
Olivia Cleymaet Columbus United Fencing Club
Sydney Schulte Columbus United Fencing Club
Charles Paschke Columbus United Fencing Club
Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club
J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society
Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society
David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society
Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society
Adam Whaley Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Christian Achgill Indianapolis Fencing Club
Douglas Silfies L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing
Anthony Klon Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
Richard Shepro Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Chris Holloman Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Nicholas Tyson Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Christopher Pavon Nashville School of Historical Fencing
MJ Posadas Pittsburgh Fighters Guild
Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild
Tiffany Shi Queen City Sword Guild
Loyd Briski Queen City Sword Guild
Aaron Hudson Queen City Sword Guild
Brady O'Callaghan Queen City Sword Guild
Angus Thompson Queen City Sword Guild
Cianna Drake Queen City Sword Guild
Crystal Pfeiffer Queen City Sword Guild
Dominick Scheuringer Queen City Sword Guild
Ryan Drager Queen City Sword Guild
Sharif Kerr Queen City Sword Guild
Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Jonathan Fernandez Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Rachelle Hitt Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Tasia Socha Two Ravens Fencing School
David Socha Two Ravens Fencing School
Alex Kellogg Two Ravens Fencing School
Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School
Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School
Brienne Charlton Two Ravens Fencing School
Aaron Pinsoneault Two Ravens Fencing School
Anthony Deperro Two Ravens Fencing School
Brandon Ransbury Two Ravens Fencing School
Cole Engle Two Ravens Fencing School
Matthew Melonuk Waterfront Historical Fencing Club
Joshua Derby Waterfront Historical Fencing Club
Thomas Barefoot Waterfront Historical Fencing Club
Tan Nguyen Waterfront Historical Fencing Club
Jacob Proto Waterfront Historical Fencing Club
Jack Yoder Youngstown Historical Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool MJ Posadas Jonathan Adams LOSS WIN
Pool Rachel Burns-Watson Rhea Debussy LOSS WIN
Pool Tim Casey Jonathan Adams WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Proto Rachel Burns-Watson WIN LOSS
Pool Tim Casey MJ Posadas WIN LOSS
Pool Rhea Debussy Jacob Proto LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Adams Rachel Burns-Watson WIN LOSS
Pool MJ Posadas Rhea Debussy WIN LOSS
Pool Tim Casey Rachel Burns-Watson WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Proto MJ Posadas LOSS WIN
Pool Rhea Debussy Jonathan Adams WIN LOSS
Pool Tim Casey Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Rachel Burns-Watson MJ Posadas LOSS WIN
Pool Tim Casey Rhea Debussy WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Proto Jonathan Adams LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Jack Yoder LOSS WIN
Pool Carley Miller Jonathan Fernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Barefoot Jack Yoder WIN LOSS
Pool Nachiket Despande Carley Miller LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Thomas Barefoot LOSS WIN
Pool Nachiket Despande Jonathan Fernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Yoder Carley Miller LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Jonathan Fernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Carley Miller Thomas Barefoot LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Nachiket Despande WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder Jonathan Fernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Barefoot Nachiket Despande WIN LOSS
Pool Carley Miller Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Fernandez Thomas Barefoot LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Yoder Nachiket Despande WIN LOSS
Table of 16 MJ Posadas Rachel Burns-Watson WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jack Yoder Rhea Debussy WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jonathan Adams Nachiket Despande WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jacob Proto Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Thomas Barefoot Jack Yoder WIN LOSS
Table of 8 MJ Posadas Jonathan Fernandez LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Jonathan Adams Carley Miller WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Tim Casey Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Semifinal Thomas Barefoot Jonathan Fernandez WIN LOSS
Semifinal Tim Casey Jonathan Adams WIN LOSS
Final Thomas Barefoot Tim Casey LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool David Socha Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Loyd Briski WIN LOSS
Pool Joshua Derby Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Joshua Derby WIN LOSS
Pool Loyd Briski Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Joshua Derby Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski David Socha LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool David Socha Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Loyd Briski Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Alexander Brindley WIN LOSS
Pool Joshua Derby Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Loyd Briski WIN LOSS
Pool Joshua Derby Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Jeffrey Will Matthew Melonuk WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Dunham Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Melonuk Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Jeffrey Will Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Jeffrey Will Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Matthew Melonuk LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Jeffrey Will LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Melonuk Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Jeffrey Will WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Matthew Melonuk WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Jeffrey Will Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Melonuk Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Melonuk Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Jeffrey Will Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Thomas Kesler Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Table of 16 David Socha Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Derek Ray Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Matthew Melonuk Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Joshua Derby Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Loyd Briski Jeffrey Will LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Samuel Ryals Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Branden Zipplinger Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Joseph Pugnetti Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Joshua Derby Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Samuel Ryals Jeffrey Will WIN LOSS
Semifinal Branden Zipplinger Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Final Samuel Ryals Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Semifinal Derek Ray Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Crystal Pfeiffer Reya George LOSS WIN
Pool Lex DeGraaf Tim Casey LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Pool Crystal Pfeiffer Sharif Kerr LOSS WIN
Pool Reya George Tim Casey WIN LOSS
Pool Lex DeGraaf Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pool Sharif Kerr Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Crystal Pfeiffer Tim Casey LOSS WIN
Pool Reya George Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pool Lex DeGraaf Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Pool Sharif Kerr Tim Casey LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Crystal Pfeiffer WIN LOSS
Pool Reya George Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Sharif Kerr Lex DeGraaf WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Tim Casey WIN LOSS
Pool Crystal Pfeiffer Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Reya George Lex DeGraaf WIN LOSS
Pool Sharif Kerr Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pool Charles Paschke Tim Casey LOSS WIN
Pool Crystal Pfeiffer Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool Reya George Sharif Kerr WIN LOSS
Pool Dominick Scheuringer Cole Engle LOSS WIN
Pool Tiffany Shi Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Drager Luke Priutt LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Barefoot Cole Engle LOSS WIN
Pool Dominick Scheuringer Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Luke Priutt Matthew Avila WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Drager Thomas Barefoot LOSS WIN
Pool Tiffany Shi Cole Engle WIN LOSS
Pool Dominick Scheuringer Luke Priutt WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Avila Ryan Drager WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Barefoot Tiffany Shi LOSS WIN
Pool Cole Engle Luke Priutt WIN LOSS
Pool Dominick Scheuringer Ryan Drager LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Avila Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Pool Luke Priutt Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Cole Engle Ryan Drager WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Avila Dominick Scheuringer WIN LOSS
Pool Luke Priutt Thomas Barefoot LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Drager Tiffany Shi LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Avila Cole Engle LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Backos Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler Angus Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Backos David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Littleton Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Angus Thompson Jason Littleton WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler Ryan Backos LOSS WIN
Pool Angus Thompson Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Littleton Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Backos Angus Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Jason Littleton WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Hudson Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Angus Thompson David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Littleton Ryan Backos LOSS WIN
Pool Cianna Drake Tan Nguyen LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino Anna Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Pavon Brady O'Callaghan WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Samberg Tan Nguyen LOSS WIN
Pool Anna Thompson Cianna Drake WIN LOSS
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Samberg Christopher Pavon LOSS WIN
Pool Anna Thompson Tan Nguyen LOSS WIN
Pool Cianna Drake Brady O'Callaghan LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino Christopher Pavon LOSS WIN
Pool Trevor Samberg Anna Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Tan Nguyen LOSS WIN
Pool Cianna Drake Christopher Pavon LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino Trevor Samberg WIN LOSS
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Anna Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool Tan Nguyen Christopher Pavon WIN LOSS
Pool Gina Mendicino Cianna Drake WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Samberg Brady O'Callaghan LOSS WIN
Pool Anna Thompson Christopher Pavon LOSS WIN
Pool Tan Nguyen Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool Cianna Drake Trevor Samberg LOSS WIN
Pool Nicholas Tyson Anthony Klon WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Silfies Matt Goff LOSS WIN
Pool Seth Day Anthony Klon LOSS WIN
Pool Matt Goff Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Seth Day Nicholas Tyson LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Silfies Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Matt Goff Anthony Klon WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Silfies Nicholas Tyson WIN LOSS
Pool Seth Day Matt Goff LOSS WIN
Pool Katina Dunham Nicholas Tyson LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Silfies Anthony Klon LOSS WIN
Pool Seth Day Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Matt Goff Nicholas Tyson WIN LOSS
Pool Seth Day Douglas Silfies LOSS WIN
Pool Katina Dunham Anthony Klon LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Angus Thompson Seth Day WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Aaron Hudson Tan Nguyen LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Jack Seyler Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Sharif Kerr Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Cole Engle Trevor Samberg WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jason Littleton Douglas Silfies WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Tiffany Shi Nicholas Tyson LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Ryan Drager Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Matt Goff Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Thomas Barefoot David Reddy LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Brady O'Callaghan Anna Thompson WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Christopher Pavon Crystal Pfeiffer WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Charles Paschke Tim Casey WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Luke Priutt Anthony Klon LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Ryan Backos Cianna Drake WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Tan Nguyen Sharif Kerr LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Lex DeGraaf Reya George LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Angus Thompson Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jason Littleton Cole Engle LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Chris Holloman Nicholas Tyson WIN LOSS
Table of 16 David Reddy Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Christopher Pavon Brady O'Callaghan WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Charles Paschke Reya George WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Ryan Backos Anthony Klon WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Matthew Avila Sharif Kerr WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Cole Engle Chris Holloman WIN LOSS
Table of 8 David Reddy Christopher Pavon LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Ryan Backos Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Semifinal Matthew Avila Cole Engle LOSS WIN
Semifinal Christopher Pavon Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Final Charles Paschke Cole Engle WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Rachelle Hitt Anthony Klon LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Anthony Klon Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Anthony Klon Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Anthony Klon WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Rachelle Hitt Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Aaron Pinsoneault WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Proto Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Brandon Ransbury WIN LOSS
Pool Tiffany Shi Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Pinsoneault Brandon Ransbury LOSS WIN
Pool Tiffany Shi Jacob Proto LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Christian Achgill WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Pinsoneault Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Christian Achgill Brandon Ransbury WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Pinsoneault Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Ransbury Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Christian Achgill Aaron Pinsoneault WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Ransbury Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Melonuk Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Matthew Melonuk WIN LOSS
Pool Joshua Derby Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder Thomas Barefoot LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Yoder Matthew Melonuk LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Barefoot Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Melonuk Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Joshua Derby Matthew Melonuk WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Rachelle Hitt Jack Yoder LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Joshua Derby Jack Yoder WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Matthew Melonuk Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Thomas Kesler Anthony Klon WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Thomas Barefoot Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jacob Proto Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Tyler Dunham Aaron Pinsoneault WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Brandon Ransbury Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Samuel Ryals Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Branden Zipplinger Joshua Derby WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Derek Ray Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Ethan Adkins Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Semifinal Thomas Kesler Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Christian Achgill Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Semifinal Samuel Ryals Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Final Branden Zipplinger Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Jack Yoder Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool David Socha Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Chris Holloman WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder David Socha LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool David Socha Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder Thomas Barefoot LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman David Socha WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Barefoot Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Yoder Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool David Socha Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Alec Willette WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Yoder Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Thomas Barefoot WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette David Socha WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Yoder Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Ryan Backos WIN LOSS
Pool Anthony Deperro Tan Nguyen LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb DeGraaf Joshua Derby WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Backos Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Anthony Deperro WIN LOSS
Pool Tan Nguyen Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb DeGraaf Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Backos Anthony Deperro LOSS WIN
Pool Joshua Derby Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Caleb DeGraaf Tan Nguyen WIN LOSS
Pool Anthony Deperro Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Joshua Derby Ryan Backos WIN LOSS
Pool Caleb DeGraaf Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Tan Nguyen Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Pool Anthony Deperro Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb DeGraaf Ryan Backos LOSS WIN
Pool Tan Nguyen Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Charles Paschke Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Pool Anthony Deperro Caleb DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool Tan Nguyen Ryan Backos LOSS WIN
Pool Charles Paschke Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Matthew Melonuk LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Pavon Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Avila Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Melonuk J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Proto Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Pool Alexander Brindley Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Pavon Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Melonuk Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Pavon Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Melonuk Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Avila J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Pavon Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Melonuk Matthew Avila WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Proto Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Pavon Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Avila Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Melonuk Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Pavon J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Alexander Brindley Jacob Proto WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Avila Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Pavon Matthew Melonuk LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Charles Paschke Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jack Yoder David Socha LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Ryan Backos Christopher Pavon WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Tan Nguyen Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Jacob Proto Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Thomas Barefoot Anthony Deperro LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Alexander Brindley Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Caleb DeGraaf Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Table of 16 David Socha Joshua Derby LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ryan Backos Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Matthew Avila Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Chris Holloman Matthew Melonuk WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Alec Willette J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Anthony Deperro Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Thomas Kesler Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Joshua Derby Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Chris Holloman Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Alec Willette Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Semifinal Samuel Ryals Alexander Brindley WIN LOSS
Semifinal Branden Zipplinger Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Final Samuel Ryals Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Adam Whaley Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Paschke Olivia Cleymaet LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino Jeffrey Will LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Richard Shepro WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Hudson Reya George LOSS WIN
Pool Adam Whaley Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Gina Mendicino Olivia Cleymaet LOSS WIN
Pool Jeffrey Will Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Reya George WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Hudson Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Pool Adam Whaley Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool Richard Shepro Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Reya George Jeffrey Will WIN LOSS
Pool J.J. Conlon Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Paschke Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool Adam Whaley Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Reya George LOSS WIN
Pool Jeffrey Will J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Hudson Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool Richard Shepro Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Adam Whaley Reya George LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Hudson Jeffrey Will LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Shepro Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Paschke Reya George DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Adam Whaley J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Jeffrey Will LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Shepro Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Reya George Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool J.J. Conlon Charles Paschke DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Adam Whaley Jeffrey Will LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Richard Shepro Reya George LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Charles Paschke Jeffrey Will DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Adam Whaley Olivia Cleymaet LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Jeffrey Will Olivia Cleymaet LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Adam Whaley Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Semifinal Olivia Cleymaet J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Gina Mendicino J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Reya George Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Semifinal Richard Shepro Reya George WIN LOSS
Final Richard Shepro J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Rachel Burns-Watson Anna Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Reya George LOSS WIN
Pool Carley Miller Brienne Charlton WIN LOSS
Pool Anna Thompson Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Rachel Burns-Watson Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Reya George Carley Miller WIN LOSS
Pool Brienne Charlton Tiffany Shi LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Anna Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool Rachel Burns-Watson Carley Miller LOSS WIN
Pool Reya George Brienne Charlton WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Carley Miller Anna Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool Brienne Charlton Rachel Burns-Watson WIN LOSS
Pool Reya George Tiffany Shi WIN LOSS
Pool Carley Miller Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Anna Thompson Brienne Charlton WIN LOSS
Pool Rachel Burns-Watson Reya George LOSS WIN
Pool Tiffany Shi Carley Miller LOSS WIN
Pool Brienne Charlton Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Reya George Anna Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool Rachel Burns-Watson Tiffany Shi LOSS WIN
Pool Kaitlyn Rose Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino Lex DeGraaf WIN LOSS
Pool Tasia Socha Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Gina Mendicino Sydney Schulte WIN LOSS
Pool Tasia Socha Kaitlyn Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Lex DeGraaf Sydney Schulte WIN LOSS
Pool Gina Mendicino Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Lex DeGraaf Kaitlyn Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Tasia Socha Gina Mendicino WIN LOSS
Pool Sydney Schulte Kaitlyn Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Lex DeGraaf Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Tasia Socha Sydney Schulte WIN LOSS
Pool Kaitlyn Rose Gina Mendicino LOSS WIN
Pool Tasia Socha Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool Katina Dunham Sydney Schulte WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Sydney Schulte Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Rachel Burns-Watson Anna Thompson LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Tasia Socha Kaitlyn Rose WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Brienne Charlton Gina Mendicino LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Tiffany Shi Carley Miller WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Reya George Tasia Socha WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Lex DeGraaf Anna Thompson WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Gina Mendicino Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Tiffany Shi Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Semifinal Lex DeGraaf Reya George LOSS WIN
Semifinal Tiffany Shi Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Final Lacey Eck Reya George LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just LynxCup 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
25 8 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1834.5 36.3
32 5 Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society 1814.7 25.8
57 5 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1751.3 8.5
75 22 Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club 1726.9 31.2
92 4 Jeffrey Will Bucks Historical Longsword 1701.9 9.2
99 14 Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1693.5 13.8
159 2 Joshua Derby Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1644 1
253 56 Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild 1593.5 26.9
283 Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii 1580.3 0.4
432 2 David Socha Two Ravens Fencing School 1516.6 0.8
695 81 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1450.6 19.1
768 23 Alex Kellogg Two Ravens Fencing School 1432.7 6.3
815 137 Chris Holloman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1423.3 29.4
854 Ryan Backos Black Bear Historical Fencing 1416
896 Tim Casey Columbus United Fencing Club 1406.4
958 1525 Cole Engle Two Ravens Fencing School 1393.8 229
1021 259 Tan Nguyen Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1381.6 49.8
1039 124 Matthew Avila Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1377.7 24.1
1129 Christopher Pavon Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1360.7
1157 38 Loyd Briski Queen City Sword Guild 1356 9.3
1270 460 Matt Goff Black Bear Historical Fencing 1334.2 66.4
1303 76 Matthew Melonuk Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1329.6 10.1
1564 Charles Paschke Columbus United Fencing Club 1291.5
1596 250 Jack Seyler Ars Gladii 1286.3 34.4
1646 145 Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School 1279.5 19.3
1752 152 Anthony Klon Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1264.1 21.3
1761 214 David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society 1262.7 30.9
1785 195 Brady O'Callaghan Queen City Sword Guild 1259.6 28.2
1789 677 Reya George Bucks Historical Longsword 1259.1 90.5
2043 1502 Angus Thompson Queen City Sword Guild 1223.2 194.2
2070 122 Olivia Cleymaet Columbus United Fencing Club 1220.2 15.7
2101 20 Luke Priutt Columbus United Fencing Club 1216 2.5
2156 1438 Thomas Barefoot Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1208.5 186.7
2227 303 Nicholas Tyson Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1198.8 41.1
2316 390 MJ Posadas Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 1187.2 49.6
2419 130 Jason Littleton Black Bear Historical Fencing 1174.7 18.5
2421 156 Douglas Silfies L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1174.1 22.5
2469 1242 Sharif Kerr Queen City Sword Guild 1168.9 167.6
2748 271 Lex DeGraaf N/A 1131.8 34.4
2834 206 Katina Dunham Ars Gladii 1119 26.1
2859 1076 Jonathan Fernandez Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1115.5 146.7
3009 1854 Jonathan Adams Columbus United Fencing Club 1093.3 274.7
3027 Carley Miller Columbus United Fencing Club 1090.4
3098 143 Anna Thompson Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1080.5 22.7
3439 Dominick Scheuringer Queen City Sword Guild 1043.6
3525 473 Tiffany Shi Queen City Sword Guild 1031.1 71
3677 Jacob Proto Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1005.8
4040 286 Gina Mendicino N/A 953.9 41.2
4057 Rhea Debussy N/A 951.4
4080 Jack Yoder Youngstown Historical Fencing 948.6
4642 150 Aaron Hudson Queen City Sword Guild 862.2 23.9
4768 Ryan Drager Queen City Sword Guild 840
4791 Crystal Pfeiffer Queen City Sword Guild 835.8
4862 253 Seth Day Columbus United Fencing Club 821.2 62.3
4992 32 Trevor Samberg N/A 798.3 8.5
5038 Rachelle Hitt Royal Arts Fencing Academy 787.3
5308 Rachel Burns-Watson Columbus United Fencing Club 690.6
5405 Cianna Drake Queen City Sword Guild 588.8
5414 Nachiket Despande Columbus United Fencing Club 568.1