CapoFiore 2025

Date January 25, 2025
Country Australia
State Victoria
City Melbourne

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 83 27
Mixed Steel Single Rapier (Masters 50+) 4 5
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 91 25
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler 65 20

Fighters in event

Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy
Rhys Kinlough Adelaide Sword Academy
Eric Nesbitt Adelaide Sword Academy
Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy
Katie Doyle Fechtschule Victoria
Andrew Appuhamy Fechtschule Victoria
Isaac King Fechtschule Victoria
Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms
Garth Bradbeer Fitzroy College of Arms
Heather Avery Fitzroy College of Arms
James Watt Fitzroy College of Arms
Tim Harris Fitzroy College of Arms
David Gresham Fitzroy College of Arms
Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club
Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria
Hunter Wild Scholar Victoria
Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria
Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria
Jay Tan Scholar Victoria
Aidan Warnakulasuriya Scholar Victoria
Dayantha Warnakulasuriya Scholar Victoria
Chao Li The School of Historical Fencing
Urvashi Garg The School of Historical Fencing
Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing
Lachlan Porter The School of Historical Fencing
Adam Tate The School of Historical Fencing
Gindi Wauchope The School of Historical Fencing
Stuart Manahan The School of Historical Fencing
Patrick Hunter The School of Historical Fencing
Roy Bleasdale The School of Historical Fencing
Jesse De Cata The School of Historical Fencing
Simon Tomasetti The School of Historical Fencing
Xinghuan Liu The School of Historical Fencing
Liam Schofield The School of Historical Fencing
Roman Cunci The School of Historical Fencing
Alex Muir The School of Historical Fencing
Jason Metcalfe The School of Historical Fencing
Andrew Trounson The School of Historical Fencing
Julian Trounson The School of Historical Fencing
Ash Rhynsburger The School of Historical Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Nelson McGuigan Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Katherine Livingston Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Mark Holgate Eric Nesbitt WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aidan Warnakulasuriya Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Mark Holgate Dayantha Warnakulasuriya WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Katherine Livingston Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Nelson McGuigan Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aidan Warnakulasuriya Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Andrew Appuhamy Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Katherine Livingston Andrew Appuhamy WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Stuart Willis Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Katherine Livingston Jesse De Cata WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Andrew Appuhamy Eric Nesbitt WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Stuart Willis Eric Nesbitt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eric Nesbitt Roman Cunci WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jesse De Cata Andrew Appuhamy LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Andrew Appuhamy Xinghuan Liu WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dayantha Warnakulasuriya Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Katie Doyle Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Aidan Warnakulasuriya Dayantha Warnakulasuriya WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Roman Cunci Aidan Warnakulasuriya LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Aidan Warnakulasuriya Chao Li LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Katie Doyle Dayantha Warnakulasuriya LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jesse De Cata Roman Cunci LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Katie Doyle Roman Cunci WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jesse De Cata Xinghuan Liu WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Chao Li Jesse De Cata WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Katie Doyle Xinghuan Liu WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Chao Li Xinghuan Liu WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Katie Doyle Chao Li LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Daniel Pope David Gresham WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Daniel Pope Gindi Wauchope WIN LOSS
Pool 2 James Watt Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Daniel Pope Simon Tomasetti WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Victor Ngo David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Rhys Kinlough David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jay Tan David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gindi Wauchope Victor Ngo LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Jones Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lachlan Porter Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 James Watt Jack Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jay Tan James Watt LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Isaac King James Watt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Lachlan Porter Victor Ngo WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Victor Ngo Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Isaac King Jack Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ash Rhynsburger Jack Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Rhys Kinlough Simon Tomasetti WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jay Tan Rhys Kinlough LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Urvashi Garg Rhys Kinlough LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Isaac King Simon Tomasetti WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Simon Tomasetti Ash Rhynsburger WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ash Rhynsburger Jay Tan WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Lachlan Porter Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Urvashi Garg Lachlan Porter LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Isaac King Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Urvashi Garg Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ash Rhynsburger Urvashi Garg WIN LOSS
A Tier Eliminations Katherine Livingston Isaac King LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations Isaac King Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations Jack Jones Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations Chao Li Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
A Tier Semi-Final Daniel Pope Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
A Tier Eliminations Andrew Appuhamy Rhys Kinlough WIN LOSS
A Tier Eliminations Nelson McGuigan Andrew Appuhamy WIN LOSS
A Tier Eliminations Eric Nesbitt David Gresham LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations David Gresham Adam Tate WIN LOSS
A Tier Semi-Final David Gresham Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
A Tier Bronze Final Mark Holgate David Gresham WIN LOSS
A Tier Gold Final Nelson McGuigan Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Victor Ngo Roman Cunci WIN LOSS
B Tier Eliminations Lachlan Porter Victor Ngo LOSS WIN
B Tier Semi-Finals Victor Ngo Gindi Wauchope WIN LOSS
B Tier Eliminations Aidan Warnakulasuriya Jay Tan LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Gindi Wauchope Xinghuan Liu WIN LOSS
B Tier Eliminations James Watt Dayantha Warnakulasuriya WIN LOSS
B Tier Eliminations Katie Doyle James Watt LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Urvashi Garg Ash Rhynsburger WIN LOSS
B Tier Eliminations Simon Tomasetti Jesse De Cata WIN LOSS
B Tier Eliminations Urvashi Garg Simon Tomasetti LOSS WIN
B Tier Semi-Finals James Watt Simon Tomasetti WIN LOSS
B Tier Gold Final Victor Ngo James Watt LOSS WIN
B Tier Bronze Final Gindi Wauchope Simon Tomasetti WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Masters (50+) Roy Bleasdale Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Masters (50+) Tim Harris Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Masters (50+) Jason Metcalfe Andrew Trounson WIN LOSS
Masters Gold Final Mark Holgate Jason Metcalfe LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 2 Nelson McGuigan Gindi Wauchope WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Gindi Wauchope Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hunter Wild Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Stuart Willis Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrew Trounson Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 James Watt Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nelson McGuigan Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nelson McGuigan Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Dennis Gubb Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nelson McGuigan Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Katherine Livingston Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Dennis Gubb Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katherine Livingston Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Lachlan Porter Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrew Trounson Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Pool 2 James Watt Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Hunter Wild Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Pool 2 James Watt Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Dennis Gubb Lachlan Porter WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Roy Bleasdale Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrew Trounson Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lachlan Porter Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Heather Avery Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andrew Trounson Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Roy Bleasdale Andrew Trounson LOSS WIN
Pool 2 James Watt Jack Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Roy Bleasdale James Watt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jack Jones Lachlan Porter LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Roy Bleasdale Lachlan Porter LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lachlan Porter Heather Avery LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Roy Bleasdale Jack Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Jones Heather Avery WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Roy Bleasdale Heather Avery WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Daniel Pope Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Pool 1 David Gresham Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julian Trounson Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stuart Manahan Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jason Metcalfe Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Liam Schofield Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 1 David Gresham Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julian Trounson Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stuart Manahan Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jason Metcalfe Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Garth Bradbeer Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julian Trounson David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stuart Manahan David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jason Metcalfe David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tim Harris David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julian Trounson Liam Schofield LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tim Harris Julian Trounson LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julian Trounson Roman Cunci WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Liam Schofield Jason Metcalfe WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jason Metcalfe Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Roman Cunci Jason Metcalfe LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eric Nesbitt Liam Schofield LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jesse De Cata Liam Schofield LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tim Harris Garth Bradbeer LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Roman Cunci Garth Bradbeer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Eric Nesbitt Garth Bradbeer LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tim Harris Rhys Kinlough WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Eric Nesbitt Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Roman Cunci Rhys Kinlough WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Eric Nesbitt Roman Cunci WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Roman Cunci Jesse De Cata WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rhys Kinlough Jesse De Cata WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jesse De Cata Eric Nesbitt LOSS WIN
B Eliminations Rhys Kinlough Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
B Eliminations Roman Cunci Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
B Eliminations Andrew Trounson Jesse De Cata WIN LOSS
B Eliminations James Watt Julian Trounson LOSS WIN
B Eliminations Andrew Trounson Julian Trounson WIN LOSS
B Semi-Final Roman Cunci Andrew Trounson LOSS WIN
B Eliminations Eric Nesbitt Heather Avery WIN LOSS
B Eliminations Jack Jones Eric Nesbitt WIN LOSS
B Eliminations Jason Metcalfe Roy Bleasdale WIN LOSS
B Eliminations Garth Bradbeer Jason Metcalfe WIN LOSS
B Semi-Final Jack Jones Garth Bradbeer WIN LOSS
B Gold Final Andrew Trounson Jack Jones WIN LOSS
B Bronze Final Garth Bradbeer Roman Cunci WIN LOSS
A Eliminations Dennis Gubb Liam Schofield WIN LOSS
A Eliminations Nelson McGuigan Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
A Eliminations Lachlan Porter Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
A Eliminations David Gresham Gindi Wauchope WIN LOSS
A Semi-Final David Gresham Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
A Eliminations Stuart Manahan Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
A Eliminations Daniel Pope Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
A Eliminations Tim Harris Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
A Eliminations Mark Holgate Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
A Semi-Final Hunter Wild Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
A Gold Final Nelson McGuigan Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
A Bronze Final Hunter Wild David Gresham LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 David Gresham Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lachlan Porter Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Mark Holgate Dayantha Warnakulasuriya WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dennis Gubb Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Adam Tate Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dayantha Warnakulasuriya David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 David Gresham Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lachlan Porter David Gresham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dayantha Warnakulasuriya Lachlan Porter WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dayantha Warnakulasuriya Jesse De Cata LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stuart Willis Dayantha Warnakulasuriya WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dennis Gubb Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stuart Willis Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lachlan Porter Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rhys Kinlough Lachlan Porter LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jesse De Cata Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rhys Kinlough Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jesse De Cata Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rhys Kinlough Jesse De Cata WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Stuart Willis Rhys Kinlough LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gindi Wauchope Daniel Pope WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alex Muir Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Stuart Manahan Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jay Tan Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katherine Livingston Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Daniel Pope Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alex Muir Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Stuart Manahan Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Roman Cunci Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katherine Livingston Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Eric Nesbitt Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Jones Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alex Muir Eric Nesbitt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 James Watt Alex Muir WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Patrick Hunter Alex Muir LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jay Tan Stuart Manahan LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Patrick Hunter Stuart Manahan LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Roman Cunci Jay Tan LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Eric Nesbitt Jay Tan WIN LOSS
Pool 2 James Watt Jay Tan WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Roman Cunci James Watt LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Jones Roman Cunci WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Eric Nesbitt Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Pool 2 James Watt Patrick Hunter WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jack Jones Patrick Hunter WIN LOSS
B Tier Eliminations Roman Cunci Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Dennis Gubb Alex Muir LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Jack Jones Dayantha Warnakulasuriya WIN LOSS
B Tier Semi-Final Alex Muir Jack Jones LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Patrick Hunter Jay Tan LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Jesse De Cata Jay Tan LOSS WIN
B Tier Eliminations Eric Nesbitt Lachlan Porter LOSS WIN
B Tier Semi-Final Jay Tan Lachlan Porter LOSS WIN
B Tier Bronze Final Alex Muir Jay Tan WIN LOSS
B Tier Gold Final Jack Jones Lachlan Porter LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations Stuart Manahan Rhys Kinlough LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations Rhys Kinlough Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations James Watt Adam Tate WIN LOSS
A Tier Eliminations Stuart Willis Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
A Tier Semi-Final James Watt Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations Katherine Livingston Gindi Wauchope LOSS WIN
A Tier Eliminations David Gresham Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
A Tier Semi-Final Gindi Wauchope Daniel Pope WIN LOSS
A Tier Bronze Final James Watt Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
A Tier Gold Final Mark Holgate Gindi Wauchope WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just CapoFiore 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
8 5 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1923.6 22.9
39 1 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1783.6 1.1
113 40 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1680.8 32.7
302 29 David Gresham Fitzroy College of Arms 1572.4 14.5
426 65 Gindi Wauchope The School of Historical Fencing 1518.8 27.9
582 25 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1476.4 4
803 4 Rhys Kinlough Adelaide Sword Academy 1426.4 3.7
850 40 Eric Nesbitt Adelaide Sword Academy 1415.6 6.8
1031 118 James Watt Fitzroy College of Arms 1378.3 22.8
1171 301 Andrew Appuhamy Fechtschule Victoria 1351.6 50.9
1264 75 Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria 1334.4 13.5
1524 391 Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy 1296.5 57.4
1671 Chao Li The School of Historical Fencing 1275.2
1673 48 Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing 1275 9
1982 20 Simon Tomasetti The School of Historical Fencing 1232 5
2202 1667 Adam Tate The School of Historical Fencing 1202.8 224.6
2405 1012 Isaac King Fechtschule Victoria 1178.2 134.5
2533 161 Lachlan Porter The School of Historical Fencing 1159.3 22.3
2617 129 Aidan Warnakulasuriya Scholar Victoria 1147.8 17.6
2808 40 Jay Tan Scholar Victoria 1124.6 2.7
3000 88 Dayantha Warnakulasuriya Scholar Victoria 1098.3 7.9
3387 504 Ash Rhynsburger The School of Historical Fencing 1050.3 76.2
3655 42 Roman Cunci The School of Historical Fencing 1013 2.8
3774 36 Jesse De Cata The School of Historical Fencing 993.2 2.2
4157 Katie Doyle Fechtschule Victoria 938.7
4830 252 Xinghuan Liu The School of Historical Fencing 827.4 42.2
4899 Urvashi Garg The School of Historical Fencing 812.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
8 3 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1841.7 38.1
44 14 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1640.4 17.7
54 2 Gindi Wauchope The School of Historical Fencing 1632.9 6.2
76 33 David Gresham Fitzroy College of Arms 1595.1 47.7
122 19 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1530.9 24
151 3 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1498.8 0.1
158 30 Hunter Wild Scholar Victoria 1492.8 45
319 43 Julian Trounson The School of Historical Fencing 1349 25.6
363 30 Stuart Manahan The School of Historical Fencing 1325.3 15.7
436 52 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1290.2 29.7
496 197 Andrew Trounson The School of Historical Fencing 1260.2 112
532 95 Liam Schofield The School of Historical Fencing 1241.1 55.8
570 45 Jason Metcalfe The School of Historical Fencing 1221.3 25.8
625 45 Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing 1196.3 14
635 123 Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy 1191.9 82.2
689 46 Garth Bradbeer Fitzroy College of Arms 1160.9 39.5
694 48 Tim Harris Fitzroy College of Arms 1158.2 38.5
696 59 Lachlan Porter The School of Historical Fencing 1156.5 45.8
726 33 Roman Cunci The School of Historical Fencing 1137.7 28.5
891 38 Heather Avery Fitzroy College of Arms 1051.9 22.8
915 2 Roy Bleasdale The School of Historical Fencing 1040.3 6
916 184 James Watt Fitzroy College of Arms 1040 81.7
1006 130 Rhys Kinlough Adelaide Sword Academy 997.1 55.7
1014 164 Eric Nesbitt Adelaide Sword Academy 989.5 110.1
1371 44 Jesse De Cata The School of Historical Fencing 721.9 21.9