Boar's Tooth 2018

Date June 16, 2018
Country United States
State Massachusetts
City Boston
Software HEMA CM

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 80 31

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 3 Shane Brown Matthew Coyle WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Connor Kemp-Cowell Will del Solar WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Elizabeth Beattie Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Connor Kemp-Cowell Shane Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Elizabeth Beattie Matthew Coyle LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Will del Solar Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Connor Kemp-Cowell Elizabeth Beattie WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Matthew Coyle Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Will del Solar Shane Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Connor Kemp-Cowell Matthew Coyle WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Will del Solar Elizabeth Beattie WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Camren O'Connor Shane Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Will del Solar Matthew Coyle DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Shane Brown Elizabeth Beattie DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Connor Kemp-Cowell Camren O'Connor DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Keith Stratton Victor Lavenstein LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Miranda Dobbs Jake Burns LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Derek Wise Keith Stratton LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Miranda Dobbs Victor Lavenstein LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Derek Wise Jake Burns LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Miranda Dobbs Keith Stratton LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Victor Lavenstein Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jake Burns Keith Stratton WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Derek Wise Miranda Dobbs WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jake Burns Victor Lavenstein WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Adrian Gunn Ian Davis LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Tanya Smith Brendan Taranowski DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Ian Davis Harold Vance III WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Adrian Gunn Brendan Taranowski LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Tanya Smith Harold Vance III DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Brendan Taranowski Ian Davis LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrian Gunn Harold Vance III WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Ian Davis Tanya Smith WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Harold Vance III Brendan Taranowski WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Adrian Gunn Tanya Smith WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Diego Farrell Nathan Weston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Christina Beaulieu Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Zack Kochanski Nathan Weston DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Eddy Louis Diego Farrell WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Christina Beaulieu Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nathan Weston Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Diego Farrell Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Christina Beaulieu Nathan Weston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Zack Kochanski Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Christina Beaulieu Diego Farrell WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Sandra Coyne Peter Breton DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Patrick Breitenbach Julie Gaunt WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Alexander Kotarakos Peter Breton WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Sandra Coyne Julie Gaunt LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Patrick Breitenbach Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Julie Gaunt Peter Breton LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Alexander Kotarakos Sandra Coyne WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Patrick Breitenbach Peter Breton WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Julie Gaunt Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Patrick Breitenbach Sandra Coyne WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jeremy Wolf Jay Leccese WIN LOSS
Pool 6 George Taranowski Shane Scallin DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Jeremy Wolf Donald Black DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 George Taranowski Jay Leccese WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Donald Black Shane Scallin WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jeremy Wolf George Taranowski LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jay Leccese Donald Black DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Jeremy Wolf Shane Scallin WIN LOSS
Pool 6 George Taranowski Donald Black WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jay Leccese Shane Scallin LOSS WIN
Final pool Alexander Kotarakos Camren O'Connor WIN LOSS
Final pool Jake Burns Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Final pool Patrick Breitenbach Ian Davis LOSS WIN
Final pool Alexander Kotarakos Jake Burns DRAW DRAW
Final pool Camren O'Connor Ian Davis WIN LOSS
Final pool Eddy Louis Patrick Breitenbach WIN LOSS
Final pool Jake Burns Ian Davis WIN LOSS
Final pool Camren O'Connor Patrick Breitenbach WIN LOSS
Final pool Eddy Louis Alexander Kotarakos WIN LOSS
Final pool Camren O'Connor Jake Burns LOSS WIN
Final pool Ian Davis Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Final pool Patrick Breitenbach Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Final pool Eddy Louis Camren O'Connor WIN LOSS
Final pool Ian Davis Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Final pool Jake Burns Patrick Breitenbach WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Boar's Tooth 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
30 18 Eddy Louis Forte Swordplay 1743.5 48
80 4 Alexander Kotarakos N/A 1635.5 5.5
185 49 Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild 1540.1 32.9
364 286 Camren O'Connor Swords of Chivalry 1443.6 122.5
376 391 Jake Burns Boston Armizare 1437.7 148.9
428 6 Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms 1417.6 10.8
638 490 George Taranowski Athena School of Arms 1336.4 155.8
669 164 Zack Kochanski Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy 1322.6 59.2
736 5 Jeremy Wolf New York Historical Fencing Association 1307 7.3
786 Ian Davis Boston Armizare 1292.7
955 11 Keith Stratton Lansing Longsword Guild 1243.4 9.6
1011 224 Matthew Coyle Athena School of Arms 1227.6 54.2
1081 17 Shane Brown New Jersey Historical Fencing Association 1205.2 8
1096 197 Adrian Gunn Boston Armizare 1201.2 60.5
1126 Will del Solar Boston Armizare 1192.2
1139 12 Harold Vance III Frozen Clover Swordplay 1188.3 7.7
1346 445 Victor Lavenstein Rhode Island Fencing Academy & Club 1138.3 118.9
1367 148 Julie Gaunt Athena School of Arms 1133.6 25.8
1546 756 Patrick Breitenbach Boston Armizare 1091.3 195.2
1562 19 Tanya Smith Rogue Fencing 1087.1 12.8
1635 Derek Wise Boston Armizare 1073.3
1832 40 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 1026 25.5
1836 122 Peter Breton Boston Armizare 1025 42.9
1927 Brendan Taranowski Athena School of Arms 1002.3
2072 642 Donald Black Athena School of Arms 965.6 215.3
2220 Shane Scallin Black Cat Historical Fencing 933.5
2298 92 Jay Leccese Boston Armizare 911.7 8.6
2575 39 Sandra Coyne Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 835.1 12.4
2586 66 Elizabeth Beattie New York Historical Fencing Association 829.6 52.5
2630 Diego Farrell Boston Armizare 814.2
2677 Miranda Dobbs Athena School of Arms 798.1