The Horned Crown 2018

Date September 1, 2018
Country Ireland
City Wexford

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 53 21

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Michal Sworzeniowski Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrzej Rozycki Martin Buckley LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Aaron Meehan Katja Poppenhaeger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sam Hughes Piotr Szymanski WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jürg Gassmann Tomas Srnec LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katja Poppenhaeger Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michal Sworzeniowski Sam Hughes LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jürg Gassmann Martin Buckley LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Piotr Szymanski Jiri Jansa DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Aaron Meehan Tomas Srnec LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sam Hughes Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrzej Rozycki Jürg Gassmann WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tomas Srnec Katja Poppenhaeger LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jiri Jansa Michal Sworzeniowski WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Martin Buckley Aaron Meehan WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jack Gassmann Piotr Szymanski WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andrzej Rozycki Tomas Srnec WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jiri Jansa Sam Hughes LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jürg Gassmann Aaron Meehan LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Martin Buckley Katja Poppenhaeger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jiri Jansa Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrzej Rozycki Aaron Meehan WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michal Sworzeniowski Piotr Szymanski LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Martin Buckley Tomas Srnec LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katja Poppenhaeger Jürg Gassmann WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Joseph Hooton Ross Bailey WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Samuel Gassmann Dwayne Keogh WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Karl Sassenberg Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Ed Henry Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Joseph Hooton Karl Sassenberg WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Dwayne Keogh Ed Henry LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Ross Bailey Luke Lee WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Brian Moloney Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Luke Lee Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Brian Moloney Dwayne Keogh WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Rebecca Leslie Ross Bailey LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Samuel Gassmann Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Luke Lee Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Brian Moloney Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Ross Bailey Karl Sassenberg LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Ed Henry Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Rebecca Leslie Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Nuno Valverde Dwayne Keogh LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Karl Sassenberg Luke Lee LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Brian Moloney Ed Henry WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Ross Bailey Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Andrzej Rozycki Brian Moloney LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Sam Hughes Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Samuel Gassmann Martin Buckley WIN LOSS
Semi Final Brian Moloney Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Semi Final Joseph Hooton Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Brian Moloney Joseph Hooton WIN LOSS
Final Samuel Gassmann Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just The Horned Crown 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
26 11 Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1766.7 31.1
78 21 Samuel Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1654.5 38.4
169 26 Brian Moloney Blademasters Academy 1565.1 23.7
216 27 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1536.9 5.7
283 30 Joseph Hooton Blademasters Academy 1502.6 26.2
608 96 Jiri Jansa Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 1366.7 20.3
616 55 Martin Buckley Blademasters Academy 1364.2 33.7
711 88 Piotr Szymanski Leitrim Longswords 1332.6 15.8
798 99 Ross Bailey Medieval Combat Group 1307.3 46.3
908 54 Tomas Srnec The Wrathful Peasants 1275.5 29.5
1157 183 Luke Lee Blademasters Academy 1211.4 66.1
1286 Karl Sassenberg Blademasters Academy 1176.5
1532 475 Rebecca Leslie Medieval Combat Group 1119.1 98.7
1589 463 Ed Henry Medieval Combat Group 1108.9 127
1633 343 Nuno Valverde Blademasters Academy 1098.4 60.4
1684 210 Aaron Meehan Medieval Combat Group 1086 71
1888 816 Sam Hughes Dublin HEMA Club 1043.9 234.3
2075 594 Katja Poppenhaeger Athena School of Arms 999.6 180.1
2304 335 Jürg Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 950.5 50.2
2461 190 Dwayne Keogh Dublin HEMA Club 914.7 88.9
2895 247 Michal Sworzeniowski Blademasters Academy 788 38.4