Pardubický mec 2014

Date December 6, 2014
Country Czech Republic
City Pardubice

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 65 21

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Kamil Hozák Vladimír Šeliga WIN LOSS
Kamil Hozák Jéňa Truhlář WIN LOSS
Petr Mikulášek Kamil Hozák LOSS WIN
Pavla Markupová Kamil Hozák LOSS WIN
Jéňa Truhlář Vladimír Šeliga LOSS WIN
Vladimír Šeliga Petr Mikulášek WIN LOSS
Pavla Markupová Vladimír Šeliga WIN LOSS
Petr Mikulášek Jéňa Truhlář LOSS WIN
Pavla Markupová Jéňa Truhlář WIN LOSS
Petr Mikulášek Pavla Markupová LOSS WIN
Martin Csiba Andrej Stráňai WIN LOSS
Martin Csiba Petr Weber LOSS WIN
Vladimír Nerandžič Martin Csiba LOSS WIN
Antonín Mlejnek Martin Csiba LOSS WIN
Andrej Stráňai Petr Weber LOSS WIN
Vladimír Nerandžič Andrej Stráňai WIN LOSS
Antonín Mlejnek Andrej Stráňai WIN LOSS
Vladimír Nerandžič Petr Weber LOSS WIN
Petr Weber Antonín Mlejnek LOSS WIN
Vladimír Nerandžič Antonín Mlejnek WIN LOSS
Pavel Šilhánek Kryštof Císař LOSS WIN
Pavel Böhm Pavel Šilhánek LOSS WIN
Martin Fabian Pavel Šilhánek WIN LOSS
Filip Selinger Pavel Šilhánek LOSS WIN
Pavel Böhm Kryštof Císař WIN LOSS
Kryštof Císař Martin Fabian LOSS WIN
Filip Selinger Kryštof Císař WIN LOSS
Martin Fabian Pavel Böhm WIN LOSS
Pavel Böhm Filip Selinger WIN LOSS
Filip Selinger Martin Fabian LOSS WIN
Tomáš Sucha Daniel Fraj LOSS WIN
Karel Murgaš Daniel Fraj LOSS WIN
Vít Řezanina Daniel Fraj LOSS WIN
Daniel Fraj Tomáš Sirný LOSS WIN
Daniel Fraj Pavel Musílek WIN LOSS
Karel Murgaš Tomáš Sucha LOSS WIN
Vít Řezanina Tomáš Sucha LOSS WIN
Tomáš Sucha Tomáš Sirný WIN LOSS
Tomáš Sucha Pavel Musílek WIN LOSS
Karel Murgaš Vít Řezanina WIN LOSS
Karel Murgaš Tomáš Sirný LOSS WIN
Pavel Musílek Karel Murgaš LOSS WIN
Vít Řezanina Tomáš Sirný LOSS WIN
Vít Řezanina Pavel Musílek LOSS WIN
Pavel Musílek Tomáš Sirný LOSS WIN
Filip Selinger Martin Fabian LOSS WIN
Vladimír Nerandžič Petr Weber WIN LOSS
Pavel Šilhánek Daniel Fraj LOSS WIN
Antonín Mlejnek Tomáš Sucha LOSS WIN
Tomáš Sirný Vít Řezanina WIN LOSS
Vladimír Šeliga Pavla Markupová WIN LOSS
Pavel Böhm Martin Csiba WIN LOSS
Kamil Hozák Jéňa Truhlář WIN LOSS
Martin Fabian Pavel Böhm LOSS WIN
Kryštof Císař Filip Selinger LOSS WIN
Antonín Mlejnek Petr Mikulášek WIN LOSS
Vít Řezanina Karel Murgaš WIN LOSS
Jéňa Truhlář Pavel Musílek WIN LOSS
Daniel Fraj Martin Fabian LOSS WIN
Vladimír Šeliga Pavel Böhm LOSS WIN
Vladimír Nerandžič Martin Fabian LOSS WIN
Daniel Fraj Tomáš Sucha WIN LOSS
Tomáš Sirný Vladimír Šeliga LOSS WIN
Kamil Hozák Pavel Böhm LOSS WIN
Daniel Fraj Vladimír Šeliga WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Pardubický mec 2014