Alessandro Ricci

Accademia Romana d'Armi


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Rapier and Dagger (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1193 16 (May 2014) 1250 (May 2014)
Sidesword (Mixed, Steel) Inactive 1188.8 3 (May 2014) 1250.4 (May 2014)
Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1379 22 (November 2015) 1436.2 (December 2017)


Mixed Steel Single Rapier 11 7 4 0 0
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 9 6 3 0 0
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword 4 3 1 0 0
Sum 24 16 8 0 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in October 2020

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in April 2016

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in November 2019

Match results

Rapier and Dagger (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Torneo ARA 2018 (November 2018) Eliminatories Matteo Riviello LOSS 60%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Torneo ARA 2018 (November 2018) Pools Enrica Angiolini WIN 61%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Torneo ARA 2018 (November 2018) Pools Daniele Bisazza WIN 70%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Torneo ARA 2018 (November 2018) Pools Manuel Mazzatelli LOSS 52%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Torneo ARA 2018 (November 2018) Pools Dario De Judicibus WIN 78%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger UISP 2014 (May 2014) Eliminatories Marco Zaccari LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger UISP 2014 (May 2014) Pools Federica Carfagna WIN 54%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger UISP 2014 (May 2014) Pools Laura Ciorba WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger UISP 2014 (May 2014) Pools Matteo D'Uffizi WIN 50%

Sidesword (Mixed, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword UISP 2014 (May 2014) Eliminatories Paolo Gianni WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword UISP 2014 (May 2014) Final Silvio Ciri LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword UISP 2014 (May 2014) Quarter final Dalmazio Rustia WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword UISP 2014 (May 2014) Semifinal Raffaele Ventura WIN 50%

Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Pools Francesco Lodà LOSS 27%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Pools Robert Wrightson WIN 54%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Pools Paolo Urgesi WIN 54%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Quarter finals Francesco Lodà LOSS 27%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Round of 16 Florian Fortner WIN 37%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA 2016 (March 2016) Eliminatories Kristofer Stanson LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA 2016 (March 2016) Pools Valentina Terenzi WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA 2016 (March 2016) Pools Kurt Schweiger Gallo WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA 2016 (March 2016) Pools Predrag Agatonović WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier CSEN 2015 (November 2015) Eliminatories Emanuele Falcolini WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier CSEN 2015 (November 2015) Eliminatories Gabriele Giagnoli LOSS 50%