Purpleheart Open 2016

Date March 18, 2016
Country United States
State Texas
City Houston
Software HEMA CM

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 132 44
Women's Steel Longsword 20 8
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 44 17
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 43 16

Fighters in event

Luis Francisco Rodríguez Blake Krigerskole
Ties Kool Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Joakim Blomgren Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA
Rob Runacres The Renaissance Sword Club
Clint Mendoca
Kenneth Marcrum
Matthew Isom
Paul Pleasant Accademia del Leone
Charels Mae Accademia del Leone
Eric Weiss Accademia del Leone
Kory Taylor ATX Longsword
Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild
Jorge Aliaga Brandr Combat Academy
Sean Brower Brandr Combat Academy
Josh Parise Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Cody Brune Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Andrew Weems Dallas School of Historical Fencing
Jayson Barrons Denver Historical Fencing Academy
Tom Karnuta Denver Historical Fencing Academy
Leann Hansen Drei Wunder Wma
Ben Brown Drei Wunder Wma
Brent Lambell Drei Wunder Wma
Jordan Thompson Eastside Fechtverein HEMA
Anthony Robinson Emerald Coast Sword Guild
Meg Piekarska Gentleman's Dueling Society
Charles Murdock Grünberg Freifechter
Dustin Barrett Historical Fighting Academy
Bozhidar Mladenov Knight's Blade HEMA Association
Lydia Rhoa Knight's Blade HEMA Association
Cristian Rosa Knight's Blade HEMA Association
Devin McDuffie Knight's Blade HEMA Association
Scarlett Wren Ord Krieg School
Tim Davis Krieg School
Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica
Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society
Minhduc Kenny Phan Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Josh Furrate Nachreisen Historical Fencing
Kenneth Ostrom Nachreisen Historical Fencing
Amber Damare Nachreisen Historical Fencing
Tim Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association
Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association
Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association
Christopher Desplas Ordo Procinctus
Bryan Bitton Ordo Procinctus
Justin Vance Ordo Procinctus
Josiah Dunlap Ordo Procinctus
Eric Wiggins Ordo Procinctus
Aaron Karnuta Salida Historical Fencing Academy
Ashleigh Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Neal Voor Steel Ring Academy
Bryan Poppenhausen Sword to Sword
Lisa Thidavanh Sword to Sword
Pearl Flath Sword to Sword
Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword
Andrew Charlton Sword to Sword
Drew Schulz Sword to Sword
Gray Bennett Sword to Sword
Julius Pedersen Sword to Sword
Van Wilde Sword to Sword
Jessica Le Sword to Sword
Brett Ardiel Sword to Sword
Clinton Allen Sword to Sword
Jamie Marzoni Sword to Sword
Christian Trosclair Système d’Armes
Nathan King True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Jeremy Halliday True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Kristen Argyle True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Joakim Blomgren Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Minhduc Kenny Phan Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Bryan Poppenhausen WIN LOSS
Bryan Bitton Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Devin McDuffie Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Kory Taylor WIN LOSS
Jeremy Halliday Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Jordan Thompson WIN LOSS
Tim Kaufman Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Ties Kool Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Scarlett Wren Ord Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Ties Kool Aaron Karnuta WIN LOSS
Drew Schulz Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Ties Kool Bryan Bitton WIN LOSS
Cody Brune Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Ties Kool Chris Hobbs WIN LOSS
Josiah Dunlap Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Ties Kool Nathan King WIN LOSS
Ben Brown Tom Karnuta WIN LOSS
Paul Pleasant Ben Brown LOSS WIN
Aaron Karnuta Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Anthony Buonomo Josh Parise WIN LOSS
Nathan King Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Tim Davis LOSS WIN
Christopher Desplas Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Anthony Robinson Christopher Desplas LOSS WIN
Scarlett Wren Ord Nathan Grepares WIN LOSS
Scarlett Wren Ord Luis Francisco Rodríguez Blake WIN LOSS
Scarlett Wren Ord Josh Furrate WIN LOSS
Devin McDuffie Scarlett Wren Ord LOSS WIN
Scarlett Wren Ord Kory Taylor WIN LOSS
Sigmund Werndorf Scarlett Wren Ord LOSS WIN
Joakim Blomgren Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Toby Hall Tim Davis WIN LOSS
Chris Hobbs Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Matthew Isom Meg Piekarska WIN LOSS
Julius Pedersen Matthew Isom LOSS WIN
Aaron Karnuta Nathan King WIN LOSS
Josiah Dunlap Aaron Karnuta LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Scarlett Wren Ord WIN LOSS
Bryan Poppenhausen Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Luis Francisco Rodríguez Blake WIN LOSS
Brent Lambell Josh Furrate WIN LOSS
Devin McDuffie Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Sigmund Werndorf WIN LOSS
Sigmund Werndorf Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Tom Karnuta Paul Pleasant LOSS WIN
Minhduc Kenny Phan Bryan Poppenhausen LOSS WIN
Kory Taylor Bryan Poppenhausen LOSS WIN
Bryan Poppenhausen Bryan Bitton WIN LOSS
Sean Brower Bryan Poppenhausen LOSS WIN
Christian Trosclair Kenneth Marcrum WIN LOSS
Jordan Thompson Christian Trosclair LOSS WIN
Minhduc Kenny Phan Bryan Bitton LOSS WIN
Ben Brown Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Joseph Ceirante Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Nathan Grepares Christopher Desplas WIN LOSS
Anthony Robinson Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Matthew Isom Eric Wiggins LOSS WIN
Christian Trosclair Eric Wiggins LOSS WIN
Julius Pedersen Eric Wiggins LOSS WIN
Sean Brower Eric Wiggins LOSS WIN
Meg Piekarska Eric Wiggins LOSS WIN
Josiah Dunlap Eric Wiggins LOSS WIN
Joakim Blomgren Gray Bennett LOSS WIN
Gray Bennett Ben Brown WIN LOSS
Tom Karnuta Gray Bennett LOSS WIN
Paul Pleasant Gray Bennett LOSS WIN
Charles Murdock Gray Bennett LOSS WIN
Gray Bennett Charles Murdock WIN LOSS
Christian Trosclair Cody Brune LOSS WIN
Cody Brune Jayson Barrons WIN LOSS
Kenneth Marcrum Cody Brune LOSS WIN
Jayson Barrons Cody Brune LOSS WIN
Chris Hobbs Joakim Blomgren WIN LOSS
Chris Hobbs Christopher Desplas WIN LOSS
Tim Davis Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Eric Wiggins Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Chris Hobbs Andrew Weems WIN LOSS
Jordan Thompson Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Josh Parise Ben Brown WIN LOSS
Tom Karnuta Josh Parise LOSS WIN
Paul Pleasant Josh Parise LOSS WIN
Meg Piekarska Julius Pedersen LOSS WIN
Sean Brower Julius Pedersen LOSS WIN
Christopher Desplas Andrew Weems LOSS WIN
Andrew Weems Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Tim Davis Andrew Weems LOSS WIN
Anthony Robinson Andrew Weems LOSS WIN
Christian Trosclair Jayson Barrons LOSS WIN
Jeremy Halliday Jayson Barrons LOSS WIN
Jayson Barrons Jordan Thompson WIN LOSS
Sigmund Werndorf Luis Francisco Rodríguez Blake LOSS WIN
Sean Brower Matthew Isom WIN LOSS
Meg Piekarska Sean Brower LOSS WIN
Josiah Dunlap Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Drew Schulz Josiah Dunlap LOSS WIN
Julius Pedersen Josiah Dunlap LOSS WIN
Nathan King Josiah Dunlap LOSS WIN
Luis Francisco Rodríguez Blake Josh Furrate LOSS WIN
Drew Schulz Nathan King LOSS WIN
Jayson Barrons Kenneth Marcrum LOSS WIN
Devin McDuffie Luis Francisco Rodríguez Blake WIN LOSS
Josh Furrate Devin McDuffie LOSS WIN
Joseph Ceirante Anthony Robinson LOSS WIN
Kory Taylor Bryan Bitton WIN LOSS
Minhduc Kenny Phan Kory Taylor LOSS WIN
Sigmund Werndorf Josh Furrate WIN LOSS
Devin McDuffie Sigmund Werndorf LOSS WIN
Josh Parise Charles Murdock LOSS WIN
Ben Brown Charles Murdock LOSS WIN
Charles Murdock Tom Karnuta WIN LOSS
Charles Murdock Aaron Karnuta WIN LOSS
Paul Pleasant Charles Murdock LOSS WIN
Christian Trosclair Jeremy Halliday LOSS WIN
Cody Brune Jeremy Halliday LOSS WIN
Kenneth Marcrum Jeremy Halliday LOSS WIN
Jeremy Halliday Matthew Isom WIN LOSS
Jordan Thompson Jeremy Halliday LOSS WIN
Toby Hall Jordan Thompson LOSS WIN
Jordan Thompson Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Jordan Thompson Gray Bennett WIN LOSS
Cody Brune Jordan Thompson LOSS WIN
Kenneth Marcrum Jordan Thompson LOSS WIN
Joakim Blomgren Tim Davis DRAW DRAW
Drew Schulz Anthony Buonomo DRAW DRAW
Aaron Karnuta Drew Schulz DRAW DRAW
Andrew Weems Nathan Grepares DRAW DRAW
Josh Parise Gray Bennett DRAW DRAW
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Kristofer Stanson Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Tim Davis Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Christopher Desplas WIN LOSS
Scarlett Wren Ord Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Aaron Karnuta WIN LOSS
Henry Kenyon Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Bryan Poppenhausen WIN LOSS
Kristofer Stanson Rob Runacres LOSS WIN
Rob Runacres Scarlett Wren Ord WIN LOSS
Tom Karnuta Rob Runacres LOSS WIN
Rob Runacres Bryan Poppenhausen WIN LOSS
Clint Mendoca Rob Runacres LOSS WIN
Rob Runacres Toby Hall WIN LOSS
Meg Piekarska Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Clint Mendoca WIN LOSS
Josh Parise Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Tim Davis Rob Runacres WIN LOSS
Tim Kaufman Tim Davis LOSS WIN
Clint Mendoca Tim Davis LOSS WIN
Tim Davis Brent Lambell WIN LOSS
Christopher Desplas Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Scarlett Wren Ord Tim Davis WIN LOSS
Clint Mendoca Scarlett Wren Ord LOSS WIN
Scarlett Wren Ord Minhduc Kenny Phan WIN LOSS
Joseph Ceirante Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Toby Hall Tim Davis WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Aaron Karnuta WIN LOSS
Minhduc Kenny Phan Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Toby Hall Josh Parise WIN LOSS
Tom Karnuta Meg Piekarska WIN LOSS
Joseph Ceirante Tom Karnuta LOSS WIN
Toby Hall Tom Karnuta LOSS WIN
Tom Karnuta Minhduc Kenny Phan WIN LOSS
Aaron Karnuta Christopher Desplas WIN LOSS
Christopher Desplas Aaron Karnuta LOSS WIN
Aaron Karnuta Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Bryan Poppenhausen Aaron Karnuta LOSS WIN
Meg Piekarska Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Josh Parise Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Joseph Ceirante Minhduc Kenny Phan LOSS WIN
Bryan Poppenhausen Christopher Desplas WIN LOSS
Henry Kenyon Bryan Poppenhausen LOSS WIN
Meg Piekarska Josh Parise LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Lydia Rhoa Jorge Aliaga LOSS WIN
Van Wilde Jorge Aliaga LOSS WIN
Clinton Allen Bozhidar Mladenov WIN LOSS
Jorge Aliaga Brett Ardiel LOSS WIN
Brett Ardiel Jorge Aliaga WIN LOSS
Lydia Rhoa Brett Ardiel LOSS WIN
Brett Ardiel Van Wilde WIN LOSS
Cristian Rosa Brett Ardiel LOSS WIN
Brett Ardiel Dustin Barrett LOSS WIN
Dustin Barrett Andrew Charlton WIN LOSS
Pearl Flath Dustin Barrett LOSS WIN
Dustin Barrett Charels Mae WIN LOSS
Justin Vance Dustin Barrett LOSS WIN
Neal Voor Dustin Barrett LOSS WIN
Dustin Barrett Kenneth Ostrom WIN LOSS
Andrew Charlton Pearl Flath WIN LOSS
Charels Mae Andrew Charlton WIN LOSS
Pearl Flath Charels Mae LOSS WIN
Lydia Rhoa Cristian Rosa WIN LOSS
Clinton Allen Justin Vance LOSS WIN
Justin Vance Bozhidar Mladenov WIN LOSS
Eric Weiss Justin Vance LOSS WIN
Van Wilde Lydia Rhoa WIN LOSS
Cristian Rosa Jorge Aliaga WIN LOSS
Neal Voor Clinton Allen WIN LOSS
Dustin Barrett Neal Voor LOSS WIN
Neal Voor Andrew Charlton WIN LOSS
Pearl Flath Neal Voor LOSS WIN
Neal Voor Charels Mae WIN LOSS
Kenneth Ostrom Neal Voor LOSS WIN
Kenneth Ostrom Neal Voor LOSS WIN
Andrew Charlton Kenneth Ostrom LOSS WIN
Kenneth Ostrom Pearl Flath WIN LOSS
Charels Mae Kenneth Ostrom LOSS WIN
Kenneth Ostrom Brett Ardiel WIN LOSS
Jamie Marzoni Kenneth Ostrom LOSS WIN
Bozhidar Mladenov Eric Weiss LOSS WIN
Jamie Marzoni Eric Weiss WIN LOSS
Justin Vance Jamie Marzoni LOSS WIN
Bozhidar Mladenov Jamie Marzoni LOSS WIN
Eric Weiss Clinton Allen DRAW DRAW
Van Wilde Cristian Rosa DRAW DRAW
Jamie Marzoni Clinton Allen DRAW DRAW

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Purpleheart Open 2016

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 1 Ties Kool Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1824.5 26.5
18 9 Tim Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association 1610.8 55.1
23 18 Scarlett Wren Ord Krieg School 1571.7 35.1
30 2 Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association 1552.7 4.7
34 4 Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword 1548.3 6.9
64 128 Brent Lambell Drei Wunder Wma 1477 229.7
92 220 Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 1416.4 295.7
99 Gray Bennett Sword to Sword 1398.2
102 14 Charles Murdock Grünberg Freifechter 1393.7 41
125 Eric Wiggins Ordo Procinctus 1354.4
133 245 Andrew Weems Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1341.6 286.8
143 1 Josh Parise Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1327.5 14
174 Bryan Poppenhausen Sword to Sword 1278.4
201 179 Jeremy Halliday True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1254.8 202.5
247 Josiah Dunlap Ordo Procinctus 1207.5
250 Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1206.1
255 130 Jordan Thompson Eastside Fechtverein HEMA 1201.4 155.5
286 Cody Brune Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1175.5
293 33 Joakim Blomgren Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1167.6 11.6
296 71 Jayson Barrons Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1161.8 98.7
317 48 Aaron Karnuta Salida Historical Fencing Academy 1141.4 76.1
348 Kory Taylor ATX Longsword 1113.7
359 Christopher Desplas Ordo Procinctus 1101
369 Devin McDuffie Knight's Blade HEMA Association 1089.6
394 Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society 1069.9
395 74 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 1069.4 44.8
411 30 Anthony Robinson Emerald Coast Sword Guild 1055.2 68.6
468 Tim Davis Krieg School 995.7
478 Bryan Bitton Ordo Procinctus 982.1
490 Julius Pedersen Sword to Sword 973.7
491 Sean Brower Brandr Combat Academy 973.7
495 101 Christian Trosclair Système d’Armes 969.8 143
498 Luis Francisco Rodríguez Blake Krigerskole 967.9
499 Josh Furrate Nachreisen Historical Fencing 967.9
504 128 Ben Brown Drei Wunder Wma 964.8 177
517 Matthew Isom N/A 952.7
555 Drew Schulz Sword to Sword 924.7
582 Nathan King True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 898.9
613 Paul Pleasant Accademia del Leone 872.1
626 Kenneth Marcrum N/A 844.5
654 Minhduc Kenny Phan Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 813.4
656 63 Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens 811.8 17.2
685 67 Meg Piekarska Gentleman's Dueling Society 775.9 24.3
730 55 Tom Karnuta Denver Historical Fencing Academy 698.5 1.2