Blademasters Cup 2019

Date March 30, 2019
Country Ireland
City Cork

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 71 21

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Karl Sassenberg LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Nuno Valverde Stephen Lindsay WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Samuel Gassmann Mathias Augustin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gavin McGinley Karl Sassenberg LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Stephen Lindsay LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Nuno Valverde Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Mathias Augustin Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Karl Sassenberg Stephen Lindsay WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Nuno Valverde Mathias Augustin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gavin McGinley Stephen Lindsay LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Samuel Gassmann Karl Sassenberg LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Mathias Augustin LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gavin McGinley Nuno Valverde DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Samuel Gassmann Stephen Lindsay WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Karl Sassenberg Mathias Augustin LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Nuno Valverde LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gavin McGinley Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stephen Lindsay Mathias Augustin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Karl Sassenberg Nuno Valverde LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Gavin McGinley LOSS WIN
Pool2 Micheál Foley Branden Treu WIN LOSS
Pool2 Joseph Hooton Aaron Meehan DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Michael Smallridge Oisin Newport WIN LOSS
Pool2 Martin Buckley Branden Treu LOSS WIN
Pool2 Micheál Foley Aaron Meehan DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Michael Smallridge Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
Pool2 Oisin Newport Martin Buckley WIN LOSS
Pool2 Branden Treu Aaron Meehan WIN LOSS
Pool2 Michael Smallridge Micheál Foley WIN LOSS
Pool2 Oisin Newport Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
Pool2 Martin Buckley Aaron Meehan LOSS WIN
Pool2 Michael Smallridge Branden Treu WIN LOSS
Pool2 Micheál Foley Oisin Newport LOSS WIN
Pool2 Joseph Hooton Martin Buckley WIN LOSS
Pool2 Michael Smallridge Aaron Meehan LOSS WIN
Pool2 Branden Treu Oisin Newport LOSS WIN
Pool2 Joseph Hooton Micheál Foley WIN LOSS
Pool2 Michael Smallridge Martin Buckley WIN LOSS
Pool2 Oisin Newport Aaron Meehan DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Branden Treu Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
Pool2 Micheál Foley Martin Buckley WIN LOSS
Pool3 Brian Moloney Paul Reck WIN LOSS
Pool3 Luke Lee Jürg Gassmann WIN LOSS
Pool3 Rebecca Leslie Tomas Srnec WIN LOSS
Pool3 Piotr Szymanski Brian Moloney LOSS WIN
Pool3 Jürg Gassmann Paul Reck LOSS WIN
Pool3 Luke Lee Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool3 Tomas Srnec Piotr Szymanski LOSS WIN
Pool3 Brian Moloney Jürg Gassmann DRAW DRAW
Pool3 Paul Reck Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool3 Tomas Srnec Luke Lee LOSS WIN
Pool3 Jürg Gassmann Piotr Szymanski WIN LOSS
Pool3 Brian Moloney Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool3 Tomas Srnec Paul Reck WIN LOSS
Pool3 Luke Lee Piotr Szymanski LOSS WIN
Pool3 Jürg Gassmann Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool3 Tomas Srnec Brian Moloney LOSS WIN
Pool3 Paul Reck Luke Lee WIN LOSS
Pool3 Piotr Szymanski Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool3 Tomas Srnec Jürg Gassmann WIN LOSS
Pool3 Brian Moloney Luke Lee WIN LOSS
Pool3 Paul Reck Piotr Szymanski LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Samuel Gassmann Mathias Augustin WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Jürg Gassmann Piotr Szymanski WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Joseph Hooton Brian Moloney WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Nuno Valverde Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Semi Final Samuel Gassmann Joseph Hooton WIN LOSS
Semi Final Jürg Gassmann Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Jürg Gassmann Joseph Hooton WIN LOSS
Final Michael Smallridge Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Blademasters Cup 2019