Brass Frog 2023

Date June 23, 2023
Country United States
State Connecticut
City East Haddam

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Sabre 139 47

Fighters in event

Stéfany Cantin Académie Scrimicie
Laurent Theil-Santerre Académie Scrimicie
Arjan Mann Ottawa Historical Fencing Society
Matthew Pawlowski
Freddy Xie
Andrew Kilgore Athena School of Arms
Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms
Murphy Barrett Athena School of Arms
Steven Hirsch Athena School of Arms
Micha Rieser Athena School of Arms
Brendan McKenna Athena School of Arms
Camilla Elvis Athena School of Arms
Kathryn Ledbetter Athena School of Arms
Julie Olsen Athena School of Arms
Sean You Boston Armizare
Young Kuo Boston Armizare
Dustin Kirkpatrick Boston Armizare
Mike O'Brien Boston Armizare
David Lillethun Boston Armizare
Derek Wise Boston Armizare
Zachary Fournier Boston Armizare
Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Blaise Simpson Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Christopher Beauregard Forte Swordplay
Joseph Hochadel Gem City Duelists Society
Josh Hoh HIVE Fencing Academy
Leah Gustavson Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Kyle Barr Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Greg Josenhans Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Jeffrey Baravarian Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Jonathan Grabois Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Hsin-chieh Chiang Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Leslie Grice Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Eric Crain Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
John Nelson New Haven Historical Fencing
Ian Claflin New Haven Historical Fencing
Ian Thresher New Haven Historical Fencing
Bryan Larkin Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy
Kevin Rezac Round Table Historical Fencing
Patrick Bratton Sala Della Spada
Will Crozier University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club
Patrick Joyce Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Abby Rodriguez Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Michael Thompson Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Scott Loescher Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
John Morahn Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Patrick Joyce John Morahn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eric Crain John Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Patrick Joyce Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kevin Rezac John Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Morahn Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eric Crain Kevin Rezac WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Patrick Joyce John Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool 1 John Morahn Eric Crain LOSS WIN
Pool 1 John Nelson Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 John Morahn Kevin Rezac WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Patrick Joyce Eric Crain LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Joseph Hochadel Kevin Rezac WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Nelson John Morahn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eric Crain Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Patrick Joyce Kevin Rezac LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Scott Loescher Camilla Elvis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kyle Barr Blaise Simpson LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Brendan McKenna Camilla Elvis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Blaise Simpson Zachary Fournier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Brendan McKenna Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Zachary Fournier Kyle Barr LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Blaise Simpson Camilla Elvis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kyle Barr Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Blaise Simpson Brendan McKenna WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Zachary Fournier Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kyle Barr Camilla Elvis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Zachary Fournier Brendan McKenna LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Blaise Simpson Scott Loescher WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kyle Barr Brendan McKenna WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Zachary Fournier Camilla Elvis WIN LOSS
pool 3 Derek Wise Michael Thompson WIN LOSS
pool 3 Will Crozier Greg Josenhans LOSS WIN
pool 3 Derek Wise Julie Olsen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Ian Thresher Will Crozier LOSS WIN
pool 3 Michael Thompson Julie Olsen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Greg Josenhans Ian Thresher WIN LOSS
pool 3 Will Crozier Derek Wise LOSS WIN
pool 3 Greg Josenhans Michael Thompson WIN LOSS
pool 3 Julie Olsen Will Crozier LOSS WIN
pool 3 Michael Thompson Ian Thresher WIN LOSS
pool 3 Derek Wise Greg Josenhans LOSS WIN
pool 3 Julie Olsen Ian Thresher WIN LOSS
pool 3 Michael Thompson Will Crozier WIN LOSS
pool 3 Greg Josenhans Julie Olsen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Ian Thresher Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Nathan Weston Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Leslie Grice Bryan Larkin WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Nathan Weston Leah Gustavson WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Leslie Grice Patrick Bratton DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Leah Gustavson Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Patrick Bratton Bryan Larkin WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Leslie Grice Nathan Weston DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Bryan Larkin Kieran Garrity WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Leslie Grice Leah Gustavson WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Patrick Bratton Kieran Garrity WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Nathan Weston Bryan Larkin WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Leah Gustavson Patrick Bratton LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Leslie Grice Kieran Garrity WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Bryan Larkin Leah Gustavson WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Nathan Weston Patrick Bratton DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Dustin Kirkpatrick Kathryn Ledbetter WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Laurent Theil-Santerre Jonathan Grabois WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Kathryn Ledbetter Micha Rieser WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Laurent Theil-Santerre Arjan Mann WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Dustin Kirkpatrick Micha Rieser WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Arjan Mann Jonathan Grabois WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Kathryn Ledbetter Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Jonathan Grabois Dustin Kirkpatrick LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Micha Rieser Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Dustin Kirkpatrick Arjan Mann WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Jonathan Grabois Kathryn Ledbetter LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Micha Rieser Arjan Mann WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Dustin Kirkpatrick Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Micha Rieser Jonathan Grabois WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Kathryn Ledbetter Arjan Mann LOSS WIN
Pool 6 David Lillethun Abby Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Murphy Barrett David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Abby Rodriguez Murphy Barrett LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Hsin-chieh Chiang Young Kuo LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Abby Rodriguez Hsin-chieh Chiang WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Young Kuo Abby Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pool 6 David Lillethun Hsin-chieh Chiang WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Young Kuo Murphy Barrett WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Murphy Barrett Hsin-chieh Chiang WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Young Kuo David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Mike O'Brien Andrew Kilgore LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Ian Claflin Jeffrey Baravarian LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Andrew Kilgore Christopher Beauregard WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Ian Claflin Josh Hoh LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Mike O'Brien Christopher Beauregard WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Josh Hoh Jeffrey Baravarian LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Andrew Kilgore Ian Claflin WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Jeffrey Baravarian Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Christopher Beauregard Ian Claflin LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Mike O'Brien Josh Hoh LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Jeffrey Baravarian Andrew Kilgore LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Christopher Beauregard Josh Hoh LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Mike O'Brien Ian Claflin WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Christopher Beauregard Jeffrey Baravarian WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Andrew Kilgore Josh Hoh LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Sean You Steven Hirsch LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Stéfany Cantin Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Freddy Xie Steven Hirsch LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Joseph Lilly Matthew Pawlowski LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Freddy Xie Sean You WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Stéfany Cantin Matthew Pawlowski WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Steven Hirsch Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Stéfany Cantin Sean You WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Freddy Xie Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Sean You Matthew Pawlowski LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Stéfany Cantin Steven Hirsch WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Freddy Xie Matthew Pawlowski WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Sean You Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Freddy Xie Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Steven Hirsch Matthew Pawlowski WIN LOSS
Round of 24 Josh Hoh Stéfany Cantin WIN LOSS
Round of 24 Mike O'Brien Murphy Barrett WIN LOSS
Round of 24 Kieran Garrity Derek Wise WIN LOSS
Round of 24 Steven Hirsch Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Round of 24 John Morahn Andrew Kilgore LOSS WIN
Round of 24 Michael Thompson Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Round of 24 Nathan Weston Kyle Barr WIN LOSS
Round of 24 Arjan Mann Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Josh Hoh Blaise Simpson WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Mike O'Brien Dustin Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Kieran Garrity Greg Josenhans LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Joseph Lilly Eric Crain WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Laurent Theil-Santerre Andrew Kilgore WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Joseph Hochadel Patrick Bratton LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Young Kuo Nathan Weston WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Scott Loescher Leslie Grice LOSS WIN
Round of 8 Josh Hoh Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Round of 8 Greg Josenhans Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Round of 8 Laurent Theil-Santerre Patrick Bratton LOSS WIN
Round of 8 Leslie Grice Young Kuo WIN LOSS
Round of 4 Greg Josenhans Mike O'Brien WIN LOSS
Round of 4 Leslie Grice Patrick Bratton WIN LOSS
Gold Match Greg Josenhans Leslie Grice LOSS WIN
Bronze Match Mike O'Brien Patrick Bratton LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Brass Frog 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
18 2 Laurent Theil-Santerre Académie Scrimicie 1717.8 3.7
28 13 Greg Josenhans Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1668.3 53.6
41 Leslie Grice Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1625.2
49 15 Joseph Hochadel Gem City Duelists Society 1601.6 46.9
63 Steven Hirsch Athena School of Arms 1565.5 9.7
82 38 Patrick Bratton Sala Della Spada 1541.2 59.2
87 45 Young Kuo Boston Armizare 1538.1 80.7
90 28 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1533 46.9
140 30 Stéfany Cantin Académie Scrimicie 1460.3 50.6
179 152 Eric Crain Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1404.6 144.3
191 67 Josh Hoh HIVE Fencing Academy 1392.8 80.4
219 117 Kathryn Ledbetter Athena School of Arms 1365.7 134.2
238 16 Derek Wise Boston Armizare 1351.1 33.1
266 16 Kevin Rezac Round Table Historical Fencing 1326.8 5.8
277 Blaise Simpson Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1314.9
284 Mike O'Brien Boston Armizare 1307.7
345 Scott Loescher Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1267.1
349 151 Dustin Kirkpatrick Boston Armizare 1265.1 135.8
366 70 Jeffrey Baravarian Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1254.4 26
377 Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms 1247.4
381 96 Murphy Barrett Athena School of Arms 1244.5 100.4
423 146 Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1214 131.6
428 Michael Thompson Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1211.1
465 370 Andrew Kilgore Athena School of Arms 1188 312
468 Matthew Pawlowski N/A 1185.1
489 46 Kyle Barr Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1169.6 61.7
499 John Morahn Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1162.7
531 8 Micha Rieser Athena School of Arms 1139.6 37.1
544 Freddy Xie N/A 1134
588 174 Will Crozier University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1103.4 159.3
592 David Lillethun Boston Armizare 1099.1
641 50 Arjan Mann Ottawa Historical Fencing Society 1068 74.8
659 61 Christopher Beauregard Forte Swordplay 1059.1 5.1
672 Bryan Larkin Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy 1053.3
738 John Nelson New Haven Historical Fencing 998.1
755 14 Brendan McKenna Athena School of Arms 985.9 46.6
797 Julie Olsen Athena School of Arms 959.7
804 Abby Rodriguez Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 954.9
872 Sean You Boston Armizare 903.1
885 Ian Claflin New Haven Historical Fencing 895.3
901 Patrick Joyce Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 883.1
907 150 Camilla Elvis Athena School of Arms 874.9 71.6
946 Ian Thresher New Haven Historical Fencing 837.9
971 Hsin-chieh Chiang Long Island Historical Fencing Society 810.6
1013 Zachary Fournier Boston Armizare 782.4
1053 Jonathan Grabois Long Island Historical Fencing Society 740.6
1058 103 Leah Gustavson Long Island Historical Fencing Society 727.9 22.9