Hanseschlag Hamburg 2024

September 28

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Men's Steel Longsword 106 36
Women's Steel Longsword 28 10

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Magnus Thorben Spieß Hannes Rudzinski LOSS WIN
Pool A Felix Linder Michael Kühnel WIN LOSS
Pool A Martin Ederer Jonas Lingel LOSS WIN
Pool A Michael Kühnel Hannes Rudzinski WIN LOSS
Pool A Magnus Thorben Spieß Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Pool A Hannes Rudzinski Jonas Lingel DRAW DRAW
Pool A Martin Ederer Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Pool A Jonas Lingel Michael Kühnel LOSS WIN
Pool A Martin Ederer Magnus Thorben Spieß LOSS WIN
Pool A Felix Linder Hannes Rudzinski WIN LOSS
Pool A Jonas Lingel Magnus Thorben Spieß WIN LOSS
Pool A Michael Kühnel Martin Ederer WIN LOSS
Pool A Jonas Lingel Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Pool A Hannes Rudzinski Martin Ederer WIN LOSS
Pool A Michael Kühnel Magnus Thorben Spieß WIN LOSS
Pool B Steffen Wonner Illia Babounikau WIN LOSS
Pool B Marcus Fallschessel Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Pool B Jan Schuh Simon Plettau LOSS WIN
Pool B Illia Babounikau Marcus Fallschessel WIN LOSS
Pool B Steffen Wonner Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Pool B Illia Babounikau Simon Plettau WIN LOSS
Pool B Jan Schuh Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Pool B Simon Plettau Marcus Fallschessel WIN LOSS
Pool B Jan Schuh Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Pool B Illia Babounikau Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Pool B Simon Plettau Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Pool B Jan Schuh Marcus Fallschessel WIN LOSS
Pool B Jesse Gerdes Simon Plettau WIN LOSS
Pool B Jan Schuh Illia Babounikau LOSS WIN
Pool B Steffen Wonner Marcus Fallschessel WIN LOSS
Pool C Erik Endlicher Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
Pool C Konstantin Sukharnikov Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Pool C Andreas Weiß Lucas Harmening WIN LOSS
Pool C Konstantin Sukharnikov Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
Pool C Erik Endlicher Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Pool C Oskar ter Mors Lucas Harmening WIN LOSS
Pool C Christoph Behrens Andreas Weiß WIN LOSS
Pool C Lucas Harmening Konstantin Sukharnikov LOSS WIN
Pool C Andreas Weiß Erik Endlicher WIN LOSS
Pool C Christoph Behrens Oskar ter Mors WIN LOSS
Pool C Lucas Harmening Erik Endlicher LOSS WIN
Pool C Andreas Weiß Konstantin Sukharnikov WIN LOSS
Pool C Christoph Behrens Lucas Harmening WIN LOSS
Pool C Oskar ter Mors Andreas Weiß WIN LOSS
Pool C Konstantin Sukharnikov Erik Endlicher LOSS WIN
Pool D Altan Şafak Tobias Schromm LOSS WIN
Pool D Johannes Häßler Yari VAHLE WIN LOSS
Pool D Michael Hein Mart van den Burg WIN LOSS
Pool D Yari VAHLE Altan Şafak WIN LOSS
Pool D Tobias Schromm Johannes Häßler WIN LOSS
Pool D Mart van den Burg Altan Şafak WIN LOSS
Pool D Johannes Häßler Michael Hein LOSS WIN
Pool D Yari VAHLE Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Pool D Tobias Schromm Michael Hein WIN LOSS
Pool D Altan Şafak Johannes Häßler LOSS WIN
Pool D Tobias Schromm Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Pool D Yari VAHLE Michael Hein WIN LOSS
Pool D Johannes Häßler Mart van den Burg WIN LOSS
Pool D Altan Şafak Michael Hein LOSS WIN
Pool D Tobias Schromm Yari VAHLE LOSS WIN
Pool E Sebastian Linstädt Fabian Konrad DRAW DRAW
Pool E Marc Zeller Felix SCHRÖTER WIN LOSS
Pool E Markus Köhler Alexander Fox WIN LOSS
Pool E Felix SCHRÖTER Sebastian Linstädt LOSS WIN
Pool E Marc Zeller Fabian Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool E Sebastian Linstädt Alexander Fox DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Marc Zeller Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
Pool E Alexander Fox Felix SCHRÖTER LOSS WIN
Pool E Markus Köhler Fabian Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool E Marc Zeller Sebastian Linstädt WIN LOSS
Pool E Fabian Konrad Alexander Fox WIN LOSS
Pool E Markus Köhler Felix SCHRÖTER WIN LOSS
Pool E Alexander Fox Marc Zeller LOSS WIN
Pool E Sebastian Linstädt Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
Pool E Fabian Konrad Felix SCHRÖTER LOSS WIN
Pool F Marc Schramm Xihua HU WIN LOSS
Pool F Julius Berse Jonas Neubarth LOSS WIN
Pool F Nils Sagorski Bjarne Kortmann WIN LOSS
Pool F Xihua HU Jonas Neubarth WIN LOSS
Pool F Julius Berse Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Pool F Nils Sagorski Xihua HU LOSS WIN
Pool F Bjarne Kortmann Julius Berse LOSS WIN
Pool F Jonas Neubarth Nils Sagorski WIN LOSS
Pool F Bjarne Kortmann Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Pool F Xihua HU Julius Berse WIN LOSS
Pool F Marc Schramm Nils Sagorski WIN LOSS
Pool F Bjarne Kortmann Jonas Neubarth LOSS WIN
Pool F Nils Sagorski Julius Berse WIN LOSS
Pool F Bjarne Kortmann Xihua HU WIN LOSS
Pool F Marc Schramm Jonas Neubarth WIN LOSS
Elimination Christoph Behrens Michael Hein LOSS WIN
Elimination Marc Zeller Michael Kühnel WIN LOSS
Elimination Markus Köhler Andreas Weiß WIN LOSS
Elimination Jonas Neubarth Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Elimination Johannes Häßler Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Elimination Illia Babounikau Oskar ter Mors WIN LOSS
Elimination Jesse Gerdes Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Elimination Steffen Wonner Xihua HU WIN LOSS
Elimination Michael Hein Marc Zeller WIN LOSS
Elimination Markus Köhler Felix Linder WIN LOSS
Elimination Marc Schramm Illia Babounikau LOSS WIN
Elimination Steffen Wonner Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Semifinal Illia Babounikau Mart van den Burg WIN LOSS
Semifinal Michael Hein Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
Small Final Mart van den Burg Michael Hein WIN LOSS
Final Markus Köhler Illia Babounikau WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Vanessa Orlowski Sarah NAUJOKS LOSS WIN
Pool A Tina John Britta Henke LOSS WIN
Pool A Laura Kalchschmid Sarah NAUJOKS WIN LOSS
Pool A Vanessa Orlowski Tina John LOSS WIN
Pool A Laura Kalchschmid Britta Henke LOSS WIN
Pool A Sarah NAUJOKS Tina John LOSS WIN
Pool A Vanessa Orlowski Laura Kalchschmid WIN LOSS
Pool A Sarah NAUJOKS Britta Henke LOSS WIN
Pool A Laura Kalchschmid Tina John LOSS WIN
Pool A Britta Henke Vanessa Orlowski WIN LOSS
Pool B Matylda BOBNIS Laura Brechlin WIN LOSS
Pool B Marina Hertlein Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Pool B Melanie Angele Matylda BOBNIS LOSS WIN
Pool B Melissa Kleiß Laura Brechlin WIN LOSS
Pool B Melanie Angele Marina Hertlein LOSS WIN
Pool B Melissa Kleiß Matylda BOBNIS WIN LOSS
Pool B Melanie Angele Laura Brechlin WIN LOSS
Pool B Marina Hertlein Matylda BOBNIS DRAW DRAW
Pool B Melanie Angele Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Pool B Marina Hertlein Laura Brechlin LOSS WIN
Elimination Laura Brechlin Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Elimination Marina Hertlein Matylda BOBNIS LOSS WIN
Elimination Britta Henke Laura Kalchschmid LOSS WIN
Elimination Tina John Vanessa Orlowski WIN LOSS
Semifinals Matylda BOBNIS Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Semifinals Laura Kalchschmid Tina John LOSS WIN
Small Final Matylda BOBNIS Laura Kalchschmid WIN LOSS
Final Melissa Kleiß Tina John WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Hanseschlag Hamburg 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
97 31 Michael Kühnel INDES Regensburg 1681.5 41.4
98 3 Marc Schramm Schwert und Bogen 1681 2.8
147 11 Oskar ter Mors Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1641.9 6
159 2 Illia Babounikau Hammaborg 1636.4 2.1
165 132 Christoph Behrens TSV Uesen - Winkelfechter 1633.1 71.2
247 58 Felix Linder Europäische Schwertkunst 1587.8 27.9
289 165 Markus Köhler Schwertspiel Dresden 1563.6 67.9
370 62 Jesse Gerdes Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1530.7 27.2
380 1359 Steffen Wonner 7Schwerter 1524.5 287.1
387 Michael Hein Schwabenfedern 1521.8 2.9
402 276 Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1516.2 78.8
517 242 Marc Zeller Schwabenfedern 1480.6 60.6
687 48 Tobias Schromm De Schola Pugnator 1439.5 15.3
754 54 Andreas Weiß Schwabenfedern 1423.2 16.1
763 196 Sebastian Linstädt Schwert und Bogen 1421.8 44.5
872 104 Fabian Konrad Schwert und Bogen 1396.4 20.9
897 113 Yari VAHLE Hammaborg 1390.3 26.9
906 41 Hannes Rudzinski Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1387.6 10.3
1095 15 Erik Endlicher Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1350.2 7.1
1175 297 Jonas Lingel Schwabenfedern 1333.8 54
1265 439 Johannes Häßler Saalefechter 1319.5 76.5
1688 118 Felix SCHRÖTER INDES Halle 1250.1 22.9
2509 822 Jonas Neubarth N/A 1133.4 127.1
2616 761 Xihua HU Hammaborg 1115.9 117.3
3169 1019 Simon Plettau Grün-Weiß Holten 1039.8 180.9
3210 Konstantin Sukharnikov Hammaborg 1035.4
3359 113 Bjarne Kortmann Twerchhau e.V. 1010.9 11.4
3555 536 Nils Sagorski Schwert-Greifen Rostock 978 100.2
3635 186 Altan Şafak N/A 965.6 20.5
3644 214 Alexander Fox Hammaborg 964.5 25.6
3682 Jan Schuh Turngemeinde Münster 958.5
3902 Lucas Harmening Arts of Mars 923.8
3916 346 Magnus Thorben Spieß Hammaborg 920.9 77.3
4290 Martin Ederer TSV Uesen - Winkelfechter 854.6
4322 Marcus Fallschessel Arts of Mars 848.6
4510 Julius Berse Turngemeinde Münster 808.2
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
2 3 Melissa Kleiß Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1782.8 39.9
14 2 Matylda BOBNIS Ochs München 1633.1 0.1
44 Marina Hertlein Schwert und Bogen 1491.3 7.4
48 Tina John Schwertspiel Dresden 1479.2 3.5
75 5 Britta Henke Hammaborg 1373.5 7.9
170 40 Laura Brechlin Twerchhau e.V. 1178.2 75
211 Melanie Angele 7Schwerter 1081.6
231 Sarah NAUJOKS Schwert und Bogen 1047.9 7.5
249 34 Laura Kalchschmid Schwabenfedern 1005.9 47.4
259 9 Vanessa Orlowski Twerchhau e.V. 981 6.9
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
7 2 Melissa Kleiß Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1782.9 39.9
25 1 Matylda BOBNIS Ochs München 1633.1 0.1
75 8 Marina Hertlein Schwert und Bogen 1491.3 7.4
81 9 Tina John Schwertspiel Dresden 1479.2 3.5
139 3 Britta Henke Hammaborg 1374.3 7.8
297 51 Laura Brechlin Twerchhau e.V. 1178.2 75
386 Melanie Angele 7Schwerter 1081.6
419 24 Sarah NAUJOKS Schwert und Bogen 1048 7.4
449 17 Laura Kalchschmid Schwabenfedern 1006 47.4
467 17 Vanessa Orlowski Twerchhau e.V. 981 6.9