Victor Soares


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword 672 (top 11% of island) 1461.5 230 (February 2022) 1477 (October 2019)


Mixed Steel Longsword 23 15 8 0 0
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 3 2 1 0 0
Sum 26 17 9 0 0

Full rating histories

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 61 out of 90 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

Match results

Copa Ignis 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword 2nd Pool Thales Rodrigues Gallinati da Silva WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword 2nd Pool Allen Ferraudo WIN 992.83 65%
Mixed Steel Longsword 2nd Pool Cezar Augusto Nicolotti LOSS 1296.08 66%
Mixed Steel Longsword 2nd Pool Gabriel Gaban WIN 1110.83 59%
Mixed Steel Longsword 2nd Pool Clayton Zóccoli Sisnando de Oliveira WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Quarterfinals Otavio Nikolaus WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Semifinals Ramon Kowalski LOSS 1413.24 56%

Torneio Nacional de Espada Longa 2019

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword 3rd place Yuri Ishikiriyama WIN 1541.40 34%
Mixed Steel Longsword Poll 2 Lucie Rogge LOSS Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Poll 2 Larissa Uhlmann WIN 1056.88 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword Poll 2 João Zanini WIN 1245.24 45%
Mixed Steel Longsword Poll 2 Marcelo Milton Laserra WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Quarters Rafael Campos Ferreira da Cruz WIN 1527.56 33%
Mixed Steel Longsword Semi finals Al Askerov LOSS Unrated

Torneio Paranaense de Espada Longa

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Pools Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani WIN 1016.71 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pools Larissa Uhlmann LOSS Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Pools Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes LOSS 1202.81 52%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pools Yuri Ishikiriyama LOSS 1374.66 49%

1º Torneio Sul-brasileiro de Artes Marciais Históricas Europeias

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 1 Bruna Gabriela Peixer WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Quarters Mirian de França Santos Pereira WIN 991.06 54%

1º Torneio Regional de Esgrima Histórica Riversouth

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 1 Felipe Lobo WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Quarters Mirian de França Santos Pereira WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Semi Finals Fábio Ledier de Viveiros LOSS Unrated
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 1º Torneio Regional de Esgrima Histórica Riversouth (October 2017) Finals Yuri Ishikiriyama LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 1º Torneio Regional de Esgrima Histórica Riversouth (October 2017) Quarters Victor Zellmeister WIN
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 1º Torneio Regional de Esgrima Histórica Riversouth (October 2017) Semi Finals Bruna Gabriela Peixer WIN