Broken Point 2018

Date April 21, 2018
Country United States
State Pennsylvania
City Pittsburgh

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 126 52

Fighters in event

Greg Tsagris Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing
Alexander Kitaev Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild
Jesse Eaton
Alexander Kotarakos
Kyle Wehler
John Hoffman
Dave Feldmann Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Joshua Maurer Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Justin Clawson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Cody Brune Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Brandon Shuler Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
George Faltot Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Wayne Canne Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Jim Brooks Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Greg Garland Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Todd Rooney Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Kyle Ferreira Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Andy Gaul Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Kyle Schriver Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Jack Rooney Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Harvey Daniels Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Stephen Sader Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword
Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club
J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society
Pete May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Joseph Ingrao Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Nicholas Schneider Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Daniel Spahr Men At Arms Martial Arts
Jay Tsulis New York Historical Fencing Association
Luis Torres New York Historical Fencing Association
Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association
Jeff Kim New York Historical Fencing Association
Andre Troche New York Historical Fencing Association
Michael Croke Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens
Zachary White Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens
Josh Raines Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens
Hana Janet Croke Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens
Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Ashleigh Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Simai Liu Steel City Historical Fencing
Phillip Evankovich Steel City Historical Fencing
Steven Thomas Steel City Historical Fencing
Austin Bae The HEMA Club at VCU
Alex Meloi Tri-State Historical Fencing Club
Adam Severa Youngstown Historical Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Nicholas Schneider Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Halstead Josh Raines LOSS WIN
Pools Todd Rooney Kyle Schriver LOSS WIN
Pools Stephen Cheney Josh Raines WIN LOSS
Pools Todd Rooney Wesley Halstead WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Schriver Nicholas Schneider LOSS WIN
Pools Todd Rooney Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Halstead Nicholas Schneider LOSS WIN
Pools Josh Raines Kyle Schriver LOSS WIN
Pools Stephen Cheney Kyle Schriver WIN LOSS
Pools Nicholas Schneider Todd Rooney WIN LOSS
Pools Wesley Halstead Kyle Schriver LOSS WIN
Pools Josh Raines Todd Rooney WIN LOSS
Pools Stephen Cheney Wesley Halstead WIN LOSS
Pools Nicholas Schneider Josh Raines LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Spahr Alexander Kitaev LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Kemp-Cowell Jack Rooney WIN LOSS
Pools Jack Rooney Alexander Kitaev LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Spahr Phillip Evankovich LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Spahr Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pools Phillip Evankovich Jack Rooney WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Kitaev Phillip Evankovich WIN LOSS
Pools Phillip Evankovich Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Kemp-Cowell Alexander Kitaev WIN LOSS
Pools Jack Rooney Daniel Spahr WIN LOSS
Pools Wayne Canne Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Pools Hana Janet Croke Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pools Alexander Kotarakos Hana Janet Croke WIN LOSS
Pools Wayne Canne Greg Garland WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Shelton Wayne Canne WIN LOSS
Pools Hana Janet Croke Greg Garland LOSS WIN
Pools Alexander Kotarakos Greg Garland WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Shelton Greg Garland WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Kotarakos Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pools Wayne Canne Hana Janet Croke WIN LOSS
Pools Justin Clawson Luis Torres LOSS WIN
Pools Simai Liu Kyle Wehler WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Wehler Luis Torres WIN LOSS
Pools Nathan Wallace Justin Clawson WIN LOSS
Pools Justin Clawson Simai Liu LOSS WIN
Pools Nathan Wallace Kyle Wehler WIN LOSS
Pools Nathan Wallace Luis Torres LOSS WIN
Pools Simai Liu Nathan Wallace LOSS WIN
Pools Luis Torres Simai Liu LOSS WIN
Pools Justin Clawson Kyle Wehler LOSS WIN
Pools Brandon Shuler Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pools Greg Tsagris Joseph Ingrao WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Ingrao Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Pools Brandon Shuler Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Greg Tsagris Brandon Shuler WIN LOSS
Pools Ashleigh Hobbs Joseph Ingrao WIN LOSS
Pools Frank Zamary Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Greg Tsagris Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Frank Zamary Greg Tsagris WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Ingrao Brandon Shuler WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Pugnetti Adam Severa WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Ferreira Jeff Kim LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Pugnetti Kyle Ferreira WIN LOSS
Pools Joshua Maurer Adam Severa LOSS WIN
Pools Jeff Kim Adam Severa WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Ferreira Joshua Maurer LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Pugnetti Joshua Maurer WIN LOSS
Pools Joshua Maurer Jeff Kim LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Pugnetti Jeff Kim WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Ferreira Adam Severa LOSS WIN
Pools Pete May Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Pools Jesse Eaton Andre Troche WIN LOSS
Pools Austin Bae Dave Feldmann LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Hobbs Andre Troche LOSS WIN
Pools Jesse Eaton Austin Bae WIN LOSS
Pools Pete May Dave Feldmann WIN LOSS
Pools Chris Hobbs Austin Bae WIN LOSS
Pools Pete May Jesse Eaton WIN LOSS
Pools Dave Feldmann Andre Troche LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Hobbs Dave Feldmann WIN LOSS
Pools Pete May Austin Bae WIN LOSS
Pools Jesse Eaton Dave Feldmann WIN LOSS
Pools Austin Bae Andre Troche LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Hobbs Jesse Eaton WIN LOSS
Pools Pete May Andre Troche WIN LOSS
Pools Cody Brune George Faltot WIN LOSS
Pools Zachary White Jim Brooks LOSS WIN
Pools Cody Brune Zachary White WIN LOSS
Pools J.J. Conlon George Faltot WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Brooks George Faltot WIN LOSS
Pools J.J. Conlon Zachary White LOSS WIN
Pools Cody Brune J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Brooks J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Brooks Cody Brune LOSS WIN
Pools George Faltot Zachary White LOSS WIN
Pools Harvey Daniels Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Pools John Hoffman Jamie Kikilidis LOSS WIN
Pools Jay Tsulis John Hoffman WIN LOSS
Pools Harvey Daniels Alex Meloi LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie Kikilidis Harvey Daniels WIN LOSS
Pools Alex Meloi John Hoffman LOSS WIN
Pools Jay Tsulis Alex Meloi WIN LOSS
Pools Jamie Kikilidis Alex Meloi WIN LOSS
Pools Jay Tsulis Jamie Kikilidis WIN LOSS
Pools Harvey Daniels John Hoffman WIN LOSS
Pools Toby Hall Andy Gaul WIN LOSS
Pools Stephen Sader Michael Croke LOSS WIN
Pools Toby Hall Stephen Sader WIN LOSS
Pools Andy Gaul Steven Thomas LOSS WIN
Pools Michael Croke Andy Gaul WIN LOSS
Pools Stephen Sader Steven Thomas LOSS WIN
Pools Toby Hall Steven Thomas WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Croke Steven Thomas WIN LOSS
Pools Toby Hall Michael Croke WIN LOSS
Pools Andy Gaul Stephen Sader LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Joseph Pugnetti Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Stephen Cheney Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Toby Hall Simai Liu WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Jamie Kikilidis Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Jim Brooks Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Alexander Kitaev Cody Brune LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Michael Croke Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Jeff Kim Pete May WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Stephen Cheney Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Toby Hall Jay Tsulis WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Connor Kemp-Cowell Cody Brune WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Jeff Kim Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Semifinals Stephen Cheney Toby Hall WIN LOSS
Semifinals Connor Kemp-Cowell Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Finals (Gold Match) Stephen Cheney Alexander Kotarakos WIN LOSS
Finals (Bronze Match) Connor Kemp-Cowell Toby Hall LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Broken Point 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
18 4 Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association 1778.4 16.7
36 5 Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 1725.5 4.5
47 15 Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword 1686 38.2
74 4 Alexander Kotarakos N/A 1632.7 13.7
126 26 Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club 1572.8 22.5
133 4 Jay Tsulis New York Historical Fencing Association 1567.9 8.6
159 8 Jeff Kim New York Historical Fencing Association 1548.7 0.2
167 41 Alexander Kitaev Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1543.9 24.7
185 42 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1529.1 32.3
223 101 Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild 1508.8 63
245 24 Luis Torres New York Historical Fencing Association 1497.5 4
247 63 Cody Brune Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1496.5 42.6
347 1 Simai Liu Steel City Historical Fencing 1445.7 12.8
353 Nicholas Schneider Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1441.5 11.7
380 Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1430 18.7
427 17 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1404.2 8.2
435 3 Michael Croke Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1401.3 16.9
446 23 Jim Brooks Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1396.1 5.8
500 52 Pete May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1373.5 31.4
546 69 J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society 1355 16.4
688 445 Greg Tsagris Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1304.6 155.5
760 73 Steven Thomas Steel City Historical Fencing 1279.9 40.3
781 Josh Raines Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1272.2
804 33 Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1263.4 25.3
826 Jesse Eaton N/A 1257.3
839 132 Andre Troche New York Historical Fencing Association 1254.1 58.4
846 116 Joshua Maurer Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1253.3 25.3
876 250 Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing 1246.9 68.1
883 419 Kyle Schriver Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1244.2 139.6
925 93 Alex Meloi Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 1231.3 8.9
937 336 Dave Feldmann Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1226.7 95.1
1038 152 Austin Bae The HEMA Club at VCU 1193.5 31.1
1066 Kyle Wehler N/A 1186.5
1178 Phillip Evankovich Steel City Historical Fencing 1157.8
1189 80 Ashleigh Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 1154.5 3.1
1196 92 Brandon Shuler Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1152.3 6.2
1324 Zachary White Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1120.1
1345 205 Justin Clawson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1115.5 31.1
1424 196 Adam Severa Youngstown Historical Fencing 1094.7 79.6
1530 282 Joseph Ingrao Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1070.9 103
1612 260 Daniel Spahr Men At Arms Martial Arts 1050.3 40.7
1688 Jack Rooney Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1029.7
1694 Todd Rooney Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1026.8
1785 Stephen Sader Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1001.3
1799 388 Wayne Canne Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 999.8 143.7
1900 John Hoffman N/A 977.4
1975 172 George Faltot Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 956.6 14.1
2101 Harvey Daniels Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 923.1
2124 Greg Garland Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 916.8
2282 Andy Gaul Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 874
2417 Kyle Ferreira Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 832.4
2529 Hana Janet Croke Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 785.6