Oslo Penguin Cup 2019

Date June 1, 2019
Country Norway
City Oslo
Software HEMA CM

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword (Beginners) 38 13
Mixed Steel Longsword (Open) 91 36
Women's Steel Longsword 20 8
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 48 21
Mixed Steel Sabre 40 16
Women's Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 9 4
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 38 15
Women's Steel Sabre 10 4

Fighters in event

Jinlu Cui Sword Fencers Training Camp
Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Hafnia Longsword Akademi
Valentin Skokov Københavns Historiske Fægteklub
Miro Lahtela EHMS
Mikko Lehto EHMS
Sara Vertanen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts
Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Diana Michelis La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Thorsteinn Thorarensen Bergen HEMA
Michela D'Orlando Ordine delle Lame Scaligere
Majken Roelfszema Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Håkon Folkestad Valland Bergen HEMA
Kristofer Heramb Bentz Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Magnus Rolstad Jordal Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Lars Asbjørn Adskim Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Johan Frederik Beichmann Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Sandra Moen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Ole Andreas Morvik Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Rasmus Rønningen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Herbert Karl Sjølund Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Tomm Alexander Skotner Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Petter Haaland Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Piotr Marek Palma Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Igor Netto Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Marcus Irgens Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Nikolai Vincent Vaags Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Hans Henrik Engen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Hanne Eik Pilskog Halden HEMA
Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga
Marius Rafoshei Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Leif-Julian Øvrelid Trondheim HEMA
Joakim Linde Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Petri Loukasmäki Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Johan Norberg Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Markus Berggren Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Kalle Widegren Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Jonathan Lindskog Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Olle Kausland Halmstad HEMA
Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola
Jonas Hultén Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola
Aron Arrefjäll Ljungamarkens HEMA
Jenny Sellén Lindkvist Ljungamarkens HEMA
Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist Ljungamarkens HEMA
Gunilla Lindberg Malmö Historiska Fäktskola
Pontus Westerholm Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF
Henrik Wadell Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF
Isak Almqvist Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF
Erik Edling Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF
Johannes Hilding Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF
Nils Lindqvist Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare
Marcus Lockowandt Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare
Staffan Hammar Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare
Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA
Mattias Brännström Umeås Historiska Fäktskola
Daniel Hambraeus Umeås Historiska Fäktskola
Björn Lindahl Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola
Martin Svedberg Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola
Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club
Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria
Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Swiss competition 1 Jonathan Lindskog Johannes Hilding LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Heramb Bentz Erik Edling LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kalle Widegren Björn Lindahl DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Håkon Folkestad Valland Johan Frederik Beichmann WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Sandra Moen Aron Arrefjäll LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Ole Andreas Morvik Rasmus Rønningen LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Erik Edling Aron Arrefjäll DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Rasmus Rønningen LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Håkon Folkestad Valland Johannes Hilding WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Jonathan Lindskog Kalle Widegren WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Johan Frederik Beichmann Björn Lindahl LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Sandra Moen Ole Andreas Morvik WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Rasmus Rønningen Håkon Folkestad Valland WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Björn Lindahl Aron Arrefjäll WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Erik Edling Johannes Hilding WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Jonathan Lindskog WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Sandra Moen Kristofer Heramb Bentz LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Johan Frederik Beichmann Kalle Widegren DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Rasmus Rønningen Erik Edling WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Björn Lindahl Håkon Folkestad Valland LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Heramb Bentz Magnus Rolstad Jordal LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Johannes Hilding Aron Arrefjäll LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kalle Widegren Sandra Moen LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Ole Andreas Morvik Jonathan Lindskog LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Aron Arrefjäll Rasmus Rønningen WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Håkon Folkestad Valland LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Erik Edling Björn Lindahl WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Jonathan Lindskog Kristofer Heramb Bentz LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Sandra Moen Johan Frederik Beichmann WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Ole Andreas Morvik Kalle Widegren LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 1 Björn Lindahl Rasmus Rønningen WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 2 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Erik Edling LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 3 Aron Arrefjäll Kristofer Heramb Bentz WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 4 Håkon Folkestad Valland Sandra Moen WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Erik Edling Björn Lindahl WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Aron Arrefjäll Håkon Folkestad Valland WIN LOSS
Final Erik Edling Aron Arrefjäll WIN LOSS
Third place Björn Lindahl Håkon Folkestad Valland WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 4 Håkon Folkestad Valland Mattias Brännström LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Olle Kausland Piotr Marek Palma WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Majken Roelfszema Håkon Folkestad Valland WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Piotr Marek Palma Mattias Brännström LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Olle Kausland Majken Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Håkon Folkestad Valland Piotr Marek Palma LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Majken Roelfszema Mattias Brännström LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Håkon Folkestad Valland Olle Kausland LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Piotr Marek Palma Majken Roelfszema LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Mattias Brännström Olle Kausland LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Marcus Irgens Valentin Skokov WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jinlu Cui Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Igor Netto Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Couturier Marcus Irgens WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Igor Netto Valentin Skokov WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jinlu Cui Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Thomas Couturier Igor Netto WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Valentin Skokov Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jinlu Cui Marcus Irgens WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Valentin Skokov Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jinlu Cui Igor Netto WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Marcus Irgens Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jinlu Cui Valentin Skokov WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Marcus Irgens Igor Netto WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Thomas Couturier Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Staffan Hammar Thorsteinn Thorarensen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hans Henrik Engen Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Martin Svedberg Thorsteinn Thorarensen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hans Henrik Engen Staffan Hammar LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alexander Makarov Martin Svedberg WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hans Henrik Engen Thorsteinn Thorarensen LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Staffan Hammar Martin Svedberg WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Thorsteinn Thorarensen Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Martin Svedberg Hans Henrik Engen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Staffan Hammar Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Isak Almqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nikolai Vincent Vaags Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Markus Berggren Magnus Rolstad Jordal WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Nikolai Vincent Vaags Isak Almqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Markus Berggren Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nikolai Vincent Vaags Magnus Rolstad Jordal WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Isak Almqvist Markus Berggren WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Markus Berggren Nikolai Vincent Vaags WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Mikko Lehto Isak Almqvist WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema Petri Loukasmäki WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Hanne Eik Pilskog Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Nils Lindqvist Petri Loukasmäki WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema Hanne Eik Pilskog WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Nils Lindqvist Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Petri Loukasmäki Hanne Eik Pilskog LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema Nils Lindqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jamie MacIver Petri Loukasmäki WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Hanne Eik Pilskog Nils Lindqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jamie MacIver Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Leif-Julian Øvrelid Marius Rafoshei LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Miro Lahtela Daniel Hambraeus WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Leif-Julian Øvrelid LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Marius Rafoshei Daniel Hambraeus WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Leif-Julian Øvrelid Daniel Hambraeus LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Marius Rafoshei DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Leif-Julian Øvrelid Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Daniel Hambraeus WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Miro Lahtela Marius Rafoshei WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Rasmus Rønningen Henrik Wadell LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Dennis Ljungqvist Lars Asbjørn Adskim WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Rasmus Rønningen Jenny Sellén Lindkvist LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Henrik Wadell Lars Asbjørn Adskim WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Jenny Sellén Lindkvist Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Lars Asbjørn Adskim Rasmus Rønningen WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Henrik Wadell Jenny Sellén Lindkvist WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Rasmus Rønningen Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Lars Asbjørn Adskim Jenny Sellén Lindkvist LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Dennis Ljungqvist Henrik Wadell WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 1 Marcus Irgens Alexander Makarov WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 2 Mattias Brännström Isak Almqvist WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 3 Olle Kausland Nils Lindqvist WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 4 Miro Lahtela Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 5 Dennis Ljungqvist Jinlu Cui WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 6 Henrik Wadell Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 7 Staffan Hammar Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 8 Mikko Lehto Marius Rafoshei WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 1 Marcus Irgens Mattias Brännström LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 2 Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist Olle Kausland LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 3 Dennis Ljungqvist Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 4 Thomas Couturier Mikko Lehto WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Olle Kausland Mattias Brännström WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Thomas Couturier Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Final Olle Kausland Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Third place Mattias Brännström Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Swiss competition 1 Majken Roelfszema Hanne Eik Pilskog WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Kristine Konsmo Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Sara Vertanen Gunilla Lindberg WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Sandra Moen Michela D'Orlando LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Sara Vertanen Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Majken Roelfszema Michela D'Orlando LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Sandra Moen Hanne Eik Pilskog LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Gunilla Lindberg Diana Michelis LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Sara Vertanen Michela D'Orlando WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Majken Roelfszema Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Hanne Eik Pilskog Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Sandra Moen Gunilla Lindberg WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Hanne Eik Pilskog Sara Vertanen LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Michela D'Orlando Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Gunilla Lindberg Majken Roelfszema LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Diana Michelis Sandra Moen WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Hanne Eik Pilskog Sara Vertanen LOSS WIN
Semifinal 2 Michela D'Orlando Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Final Kristine Konsmo Sara Vertanen LOSS WIN
Third place Michela D'Orlando Hanne Eik Pilskog WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Stanson Jonas Hultén WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Tomm Alexander Skotner Nils Lindqvist WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Pontus Westerholm Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema Petter Haaland WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Herbert Karl Sjølund Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Miro Lahtela Magnus Rolstad Jordal WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Marcus Irgens Martin Svedberg WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Jamie MacIver Mattias Brännström LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Dennis Ljungqvist Björn Lindahl WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Nikolai Vincent Vaags Kristofer Heramb Bentz LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Miro Lahtela Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Mikko Lehto Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Stanson Mattias Brännström WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Heramb Bentz Tomm Alexander Skotner LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Marcus Irgens Alexander Makarov DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Martin Svedberg Lars Asbjørn Adskim LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Nikolai Vincent Vaags Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Nils Lindqvist Björn Lindahl WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Herbert Karl Sjølund Jonas Hultén LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Petter Haaland LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Tomm Alexander Skotner Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Miro Lahtela Dennis Ljungqvist WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Alexander Makarov Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Marcus Irgens Mattias Brännström WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Mikko Lehto Kristofer Heramb Bentz WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Nils Lindqvist Jonas Hultén LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Lars Asbjørn Adskim Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Björn Lindahl Petter Haaland WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Martin Svedberg LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Nikolai Vincent Vaags Herbert Karl Sjølund WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Miro Lahtela Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Dennis Ljungqvist Marcus Irgens WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Tomm Alexander Skotner Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Jonas Hultén Mikko Lehto DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Mattias Brännström Lars Asbjørn Adskim LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Heramb Bentz Nils Lindqvist DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Martin Svedberg Björn Lindahl DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Petter Haaland Nikolai Vincent Vaags LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Herbert Karl Sjølund Magnus Rolstad Jordal WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 1 Tomm Alexander Skotner Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 2 Marcus Irgens Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 3 Jonas Hultén Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 4 Mikko Lehto Alexander Makarov WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Kristofer Stanson Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Mikko Lehto Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Final Dennis Ljungqvist Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Third place Mikko Lehto Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Swiss competition 1 Jonathan Lindskog Olle Kausland LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Stanson Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Thomas Couturier Kalle Widegren WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Johan Norberg Marcus Lockowandt WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Björn Lindahl Joakim Linde WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Staffan Hammar Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Mikko Lehto Daniel Hambraeus WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Amir Sheikh-Warak Alexander Makarov WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Mikko Lehto Thomas Couturier DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Johan Norberg Olle Kausland WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Dennis Ljungqvist Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Anonymous fighter Björn Lindahl WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Joakim Linde Staffan Hammar LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Stanson Alexander Makarov WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Jonathan Lindskog Daniel Hambraeus DRAW DRAW
Swiss competition 1 Kalle Widegren Marcus Lockowandt LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Johan Norberg Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Mikko Lehto Dennis Ljungqvist WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Olle Kausland Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Staffan Hammar Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Kristofer Stanson Marcus Lockowandt WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Björn Lindahl Daniel Hambraeus LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Jonathan Lindskog Kalle Widegren WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Joakim Linde Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Mikko Lehto Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Thomas Couturier Dennis Ljungqvist WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Johan Norberg Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Daniel Hambraeus Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Swiss competition 1 Staffan Hammar Jonathan Lindskog WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Olle Kausland Björn Lindahl WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Alexander Makarov Marcus Lockowandt WIN LOSS
Swiss competition 1 Kalle Widegren Joakim Linde LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 1 Staffan Hammar Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 2 Kristofer Stanson Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 3 Anonymous fighter Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 4 Johan Norberg Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Semifinal 1 Mikko Lehto Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Dennis Ljungqvist Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Final Mikko Lehto Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Third place Amir Sheikh-Warak Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Michela D'Orlando Hanne Eik Pilskog WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kristine Konsmo Sara Vertanen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sara Vertanen Hanne Eik Pilskog DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Kristine Konsmo Michela D'Orlando DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Michela D'Orlando Sara Vertanen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Hanne Eik Pilskog Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Semifinal 1 Kristine Konsmo Sara Vertanen LOSS WIN
Semifinal 2 Michela D'Orlando Hanne Eik Pilskog LOSS WIN
Final Hanne Eik Pilskog Sara Vertanen LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Martin Svedberg Daniel Hambraeus LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Markus Berggren Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Herbert Karl Sjølund Martin Svedberg LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Daniel Hambraeus Markus Berggren LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Joakim Linde Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Herbert Karl Sjølund Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kristofer Stanson Mattias Brännström WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Markus Berggren Martin Svedberg LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marcus Lockowandt Joakim Linde WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Daniel Hambraeus Herbert Karl Sjølund WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mattias Brännström Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Martin Svedberg Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kristofer Stanson Marcus Lockowandt WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Markus Berggren Herbert Karl Sjølund WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mattias Brännström Joakim Linde LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marcus Lockowandt Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Daniel Hambraeus Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Joakim Linde Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mattias Brännström Marcus Lockowandt LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kristofer Stanson Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Dennis Ljungqvist Björn Lindahl WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Thomas Couturier Majken Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Björn Lindahl Petter Haaland WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Dennis Ljungqvist Majken Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Thomas Couturier Petter Haaland WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Björn Lindahl Majken Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Petter Haaland Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Björn Lindahl Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Majken Roelfszema Petter Haaland LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dennis Ljungqvist Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 1 Marcus Lockowandt Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 2 Miro Lahtela Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 3 Björn Lindahl Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 4 Kristofer Stanson Daniel Hambraeus WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Alexander Makarov Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Kristofer Stanson Dennis Ljungqvist WIN LOSS
Final Kristofer Stanson Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Third place Miro Lahtela Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Sara Vertanen Hanne Eik Pilskog WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Diana Michelis Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Hanne Eik Pilskog Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sara Vertanen Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sara Vertanen Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kristine Konsmo Hanne Eik Pilskog LOSS WIN
Semifinal 1 Sara Vertanen Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Kristine Konsmo Hanne Eik Pilskog WIN LOSS
Final Kristine Konsmo Sara Vertanen WIN LOSS
Third place Hanne Eik Pilskog Diana Michelis WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Oslo Penguin Cup 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 2024.6 11.2
30 2 Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1772.2 10
51 6 Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives 1728.9 11.3
54 1 Miro Lahtela EHMS 1725.6 4
55 9 Mikko Lehto EHMS 1712.5 9.7
90 34 Olle Kausland Halmstad HEMA 1666.9 36.8
106 9 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1644.4 5.6
196 80 Gandalf Sellén Lindkvist Ljungamarkens HEMA 1570.7 43.1
349 38 Marius Rafoshei Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1496 17.9
418 15 Isak Almqvist Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1467.8 4.7
458 79 Mattias Brännström Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 1452 29.6
605 46 Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1402.6 13.1
710 535 Marcus Irgens Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1374.3 141.4
743 Jinlu Cui Sword Fencers Training Camp 1365.7
761 53 Henrik Wadell Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1358.7 17.1
1058 314 Staffan Hammar Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare 1278.1 72.4
1154 763 Erik Edling Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1254.2 159.1
1193 92 Majken Roelfszema Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1245.4 20.2
1326 136 Nikolai Vincent Vaags Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1217.4 26.6
1333 198 Piotr Marek Palma Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1215 41.1
1374 57 Lars Asbjørn Adskim Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1207 10.2
1394 140 Daniel Hambraeus Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 1203.4 27.5
1431 156 Jenny Sellén Lindkvist Ljungamarkens HEMA 1193.3 33.9
1455 Aron Arrefjäll Ljungamarkens HEMA 1187.6
1492 211 Hans Henrik Engen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1179.9 45.9
1559 405 Nils Lindqvist Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare 1163.9 78.7
1580 1 Igor Netto Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1161.1 0.5
1619 123 Martin Svedberg Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1153.1 25.1
1634 93 Hanne Eik Pilskog Halden HEMA 1150.5 15
1841 220 Markus Berggren Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1110.8 46.7
2020 297 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1074.1 68.1
2047 955 Björn Lindahl Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1070.3 204.7
2288 117 Petri Loukasmäki Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1014.5 27.1
2343 Håkon Folkestad Valland Bergen HEMA 1001.8
2374 813 Rasmus Rønningen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 996.7 184.4
2531 Sandra Moen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 967.4
2873 351 Leif-Julian Øvrelid Trondheim HEMA 899.6 96.3
2904 193 Johannes Hilding Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 893.2 54.3
2951 190 Kristofer Heramb Bentz Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 880.9 54.1
3046 Valentin Skokov Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 856.6
3142 323 Kalle Widegren Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 831.5 137
3145 241 Thorsteinn Thorarensen Bergen HEMA 831.5 88.1
3222 60 Jonathan Lindskog Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 808.4 25.8
3401 47 Johan Frederik Beichmann Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 742.6 10.9
3445 55 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 722.1 85.5
3547 Ole Andreas Morvik Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 381.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1444.5 18
15 Sara Vertanen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1225.1
16 9 Michela D'Orlando Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1191.2 225.8
18 6 Hanne Eik Pilskog Halden HEMA 1144.4 3.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1444.5 18
15 Sara Vertanen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1225.1
16 9 Michela D'Orlando Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1191.2 225.8
18 6 Hanne Eik Pilskog Halden HEMA 1144.4 3.6