Glasgow HEMA Open 2022

Date February 26, 2022
Country United Kingdom
City Glasgow

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 57 22
Mixed Steel Sabre 68 24

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Neil Donald Benjamin Brown WIN LOSS
Pool A Duncan McLaren Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool A Neil Donald Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool A Wojciech Kwasik James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pool A Duncan McLaren Benjamin Brown WIN LOSS
Pool A Neil Donald James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pool A Benjamin Brown James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pool A Neil Donald Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool A Benjamin Brown Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool A James Tamplin Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool B Mark Wilkie Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pool B Michael Muldoon Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool B Mark Wilkie Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Jordan Eyre Elizabeth Brown WIN LOSS
Pool B Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pool B Jordan Eyre Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool B Amber Chester Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Mark Wilkie Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg WIN LOSS
Pool C Owen Hahn Scott Gallacher WIN LOSS
Pool C Vytautas Zickus Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool C Jason Hughes-White Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool C Vytautas Zickus Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool C Jason Hughes-White Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool C Amber Chester Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool C Vytautas Zickus Jason Hughes-White WIN LOSS
Pool C Scott Gallacher Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool C Amber Chester Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool C Vytautas Zickus Scott Gallacher DRAW DRAW
Pool C Reuben Joseph Mowbray Amber Chester LOSS WIN
Pool C Jason Hughes-White Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool C Amber Chester Vytautas Zickus LOSS WIN
Pool C Reuben Joseph Mowbray Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool C Scott Gallacher Jason Hughes-White LOSS WIN
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pool D Rachel Terrell Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Clarkson Iain Murtagh WIN LOSS
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Clarkson Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Pool D Iain Murtagh Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Clarkson Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
Pool D Michal Polaski Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pool D Iain Murtagh Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Rachel Terrell Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pool D Michal Polaski Iain Murtagh LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Clarkson Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Iain Murtagh Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
Pool D Michal Polaski Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Dan Powell Andrew Clarkson WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Vytautas Zickus Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Jason Hughes-White WIN LOSS
Quarter Final James Tamplin Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Owen Hahn Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS
Semi Final James Tamplin Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Semi Final Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Owen Hahn WIN LOSS
Bronze James Tamplin Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Champion Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Pedro San Miguel Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Vytautas Zickus LOSS WIN
Pool A Gary Gillies Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool A Pedro San Miguel Vytautas Zickus WIN LOSS
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool A Zoltan Betlen Gary Gillies WIN LOSS
Pool A Vytautas Zickus Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool A Zoltan Betlen Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS
Pool A Gary Gillies Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool A Zoltan Betlen Vytautas Zickus LOSS WIN
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Gary Gillies WIN LOSS
Pool A Kerri Tamplin Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool A Vytautas Zickus Gary Gillies WIN LOSS
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool A Zoltan Betlen Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool B Michal Polaski Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool B Michael Muldoon Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool B Neil Donald Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool B Benjamin Hamilton Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Neil Donald Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool B Duncan McLaren Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Pool B Neil Donald Michael Muldoon LOSS WIN
Pool B Owen Hahn Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Pool B Duncan McLaren Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool B Michal Polaski Michael Muldoon LOSS WIN
Pool B Duncan McLaren Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool B Neil Donald Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool B Michael Muldoon Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool B Benjamin Hamilton Owen Hahn WIN LOSS
Pool B Neil Donald Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Pool C Mark Wilkie Gavin Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool C Christopher Strang-Moran Jason Hughes-White WIN LOSS
Pool C Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Elizabeth Brown WIN LOSS
Pool C Mark Wilkie Christopher Strang-Moran WIN LOSS
Pool C Elizabeth Brown Jason Hughes-White LOSS WIN
Pool C Gavin Thomson Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool C Elizabeth Brown Christopher Strang-Moran LOSS WIN
Pool C Gavin Thomson Jason Hughes-White LOSS WIN
Pool C Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
Pool C Christopher Strang-Moran Gavin Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool C Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Jason Hughes-White WIN LOSS
Pool C Mark Wilkie Elizabeth Brown WIN LOSS
Pool C Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Christopher Strang-Moran WIN LOSS
Pool C Jason Hughes-White Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
Pool C Elizabeth Brown Gavin Thomson LOSS WIN
Pool D Jordan Eyre James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pool D Rachel Terrell Cailean MacLennan WIN LOSS
Pool D Sean McNamara Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool D Jordan Eyre Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
Pool D Reuben Joseph Mowbray Cailean MacLennan LOSS WIN
Pool D James Tamplin Sean McNamara LOSS WIN
Pool D Rachel Terrell Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool D Cailean MacLennan James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pool D Sean McNamara Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Pool D James Tamplin Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
Pool D Sean McNamara Cailean MacLennan WIN LOSS
Pool D Jordan Eyre Reuben Joseph Mowbray LOSS WIN
Pool D Rachel Terrell Sean McNamara WIN LOSS
Pool D Cailean MacLennan Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Pool D Reuben Joseph Mowbray James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Rachel Terrell Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Owen Hahn Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Vytautas Zickus James Tamplin WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Pedro San Miguel Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Vytautas Zickus Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Bronze Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Vytautas Zickus WIN LOSS
Champion Benjamin Hamilton Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Glasgow HEMA Open 2022