Icebreaker Open 2022

Date April 29, 2022
Country United States
State Minnesota
City Bloomington

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 191 57
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 49 18
Mixed Singlestick 91 28

Fighters in event

Mathias Schneider Academie Duello
Matthew Thompson Bighorn Historical Combat
Alex Williamson Bighorn Historical Combat
Alex Pirie Superior HEMA
Tavis McKee The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Dajiang Wang
Sihong Fu Academie Duello
Paul Bates Center for Blade Arts
Ryan David
Brian Fleming
Derek Swart
Ezekiel Town
Yudu Chen
Lee Kristensen
Kevin Wander
Scott Christie
Shane Clune
Eric Wood Bent Blades
John Keizer Bent Blades
Romana Shemayev Bent Blades
Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing
Aaron Lent Center for Blade Arts
Timothy Verseput Center for Blade Arts
Jennifer Lindgren Center for Blade Arts
Andrew Dale Center for Blade Arts
Leo Dannersmith Center for Blade Arts
Lizzie Nelson Center for Blade Arts
Lucas Lindgren Center for Blade Arts
Xander Jacobsen Center for Blade Arts
Ryan Carlson Center for Blade Arts
Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts
Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts
Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts
Matt Olesen Center for Blade Arts
Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts
Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School
Ehren Wynder Centerline Sword School
Matthew Channing Centerline Sword School
G Fielder Central Iowa Historic Fencing Guild
Mac Siruta House of Blades
Matt Karmelich House of Blades
Scott Hansen House of Blades
Elliot Robinson Indes Ferox Gladio
Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio
Crystal Ives Tallman Iron Gate Swordfighting
Joel Tallman Iron Gate Swordfighting
Hannah Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy
Chuck Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy
Flynn Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy
Aaron Washik Meyer Freifechter Guild
Richard Young Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Samuel Gabel Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Philip Ristow Minneapolis HEMA Study Group
Alex Nutt Ram's Head Fencing
Lucie Biros Ram's Head Fencing
Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing
Casey Kopp Red River Fencing
Isaac Yerry Red River Fencing
Grant Smith Red River Fencing
Charles Noble Springfield Historical Fencing Club
Zachary Brown Superior HEMA
Arwin Depue Swordsmanship Museum and Academy
Jordan Kuneyl Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
Miles Norsworthy Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants
Bryce Johns True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Timo Elliott True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Trin Wheeler Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Kurt Fleschner Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Nathan Scalone Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Tim Christiansen Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Caleb Schuster Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Alex Pirie Andrew Dale LOSS WIN
Pool A Flynn Castellanos Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool A Lucas Olson Tavis McKee WIN LOSS
Pool A Andrew Dale Aaron Lent WIN LOSS
Pool A Tavis McKee Andrew Dale WIN LOSS
Pool A Aaron Lent Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool A Flynn Castellanos Alex Pirie WIN LOSS
Pool A Tavis McKee Aaron Lent LOSS WIN
Pool A Lucas Olson Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool A Andrew Dale Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool A Flynn Castellanos Tavis McKee WIN LOSS
Pool A Aaron Lent Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool A Alex Pirie Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool A Lucas Olson Alex Pirie DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Flynn Castellanos Aaron Lent DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Andrew Dale Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool A Aaron Lent Alex Pirie DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Andrew Dale Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool A Tavis McKee Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool B Bryce Johns Chuck Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool B Zachary Brown Dajiang Wang WIN LOSS
Pool B Casey Kopp Trin Wheeler WIN LOSS
Pool B Brendan Maloney Chuck Castellanos DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Bryce Johns Trin Wheeler WIN LOSS
Pool B Zachary Brown Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Chuck Castellanos Trin Wheeler LOSS WIN
Pool B Brendan Maloney Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
Pool B Zachary Brown Bryce Johns WIN LOSS
Pool B Brendan Maloney Trin Wheeler LOSS WIN
Pool B Dajiang Wang Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Zachary Brown Chuck Castellanos DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Trin Wheeler Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool B Brendan Maloney Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Bryce Johns Dajiang Wang WIN LOSS
Pool B Bryce Johns Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Zachary Brown Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool B Chuck Castellanos Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
Pool B Bryce Johns Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool B Chuck Castellanos Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Dajiang Wang Trin Wheeler WIN LOSS
Pool C Dale Utt Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool C Timothy Verseput Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool C Joel Tallman David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Ehren Wynder Dale Utt DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Timothy Verseput Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool C Joel Tallman Ehren Wynder LOSS WIN
Pool C Timothy Verseput Dale Utt DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C David Ito Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Pool C Joel Tallman Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool C Timothy Verseput David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Daniel Rauens Ehren Wynder WIN LOSS
Pool C Joel Tallman Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool C Dale Utt David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Douglas Crighton Ehren Wynder LOSS WIN
Pool C Joel Tallman Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool C Dale Utt Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool C Timothy Verseput Ehren Wynder LOSS WIN
Pool C Douglas Crighton Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito Ehren Wynder WIN LOSS
Pool C Joel Tallman Timothy Verseput LOSS WIN
Pool D Isaac Yerry Elliot Robinson WIN LOSS
Pool D Alex Williamson Timo Elliott WIN LOSS
Pool D Hannah Castellanos Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Jack Richeson Elliot Robinson WIN LOSS
Pool D Isaac Yerry Timo Elliott WIN LOSS
Pool D Hannah Castellanos Alex Williamson LOSS WIN
Pool D Jack Richeson Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Timo Elliott Elliot Robinson WIN LOSS
Pool D Hannah Castellanos Isaac Yerry LOSS WIN
Pool D Elliot Robinson Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Hannah Castellanos Timo Elliott LOSS WIN
Pool D Jack Richeson Alex Williamson WIN LOSS
Pool D Alex Williamson Eric Wood LOSS WIN
Pool D Hannah Castellanos Elliot Robinson LOSS WIN
Pool D Jack Richeson Isaac Yerry LOSS WIN
Pool D Isaac Yerry Eric Wood DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Elliot Robinson Alex Williamson LOSS WIN
Pool D Jack Richeson Timo Elliott WIN LOSS
Pool D Isaac Yerry Alex Williamson WIN LOSS
Pool D Hannah Castellanos Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool D Timo Elliott Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool E Derek Swart Crystal Ives Tallman LOSS WIN
Pool E John Keizer Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool E Josias Arcadia Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Pool E Matthew Currey Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool E Derek Swart John Keizer LOSS WIN
Pool E Josias Arcadia Crystal Ives Tallman WIN LOSS
Pool E Matthew Currey Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool E Joe van Ert Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Pool E John Keizer Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Pool E Derek Swart Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool E Joe van Ert Crystal Ives Tallman WIN LOSS
Pool E Jereme Griesel Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Pool E Matthew Currey Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool E Josias Arcadia Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool E John Keizer Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Pool E Crystal Ives Tallman Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool E Matthew Currey Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Pool E Joe van Ert Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool E Jereme Griesel Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool E John Keizer Crystal Ives Tallman WIN LOSS
Pool E Crystal Ives Tallman Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool E Joe van Ert Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool E Joseph Colistro Derek Swart WIN LOSS
Pool E John Keizer Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool E Jereme Griesel Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool E Joseph Colistro Crystal Ives Tallman WIN LOSS
Pool E John Keizer Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool E Josias Arcadia Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool F Lizzie Nelson Kurt Fleschner LOSS WIN
Pool F Lee Kristensen Mathias Schneider LOSS WIN
Pool F Mathias Schneider Lizzie Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool F Leo Dannersmith Lee Kristensen LOSS WIN
Pool F Kurt Fleschner Mathias Schneider LOSS WIN
Pool F Lizzie Nelson Leo Dannersmith LOSS WIN
Pool F Lars Olsen Lee Kristensen WIN LOSS
Pool F Mathias Schneider Leo Dannersmith WIN LOSS
Pool F Lizzie Nelson Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool F Kurt Fleschner Leo Dannersmith LOSS WIN
Pool F Lars Olsen Mathias Schneider LOSS WIN
Pool F Leo Dannersmith Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool F Lee Kristensen Kurt Fleschner DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Lars Olsen Kurt Fleschner WIN LOSS
Pool F Lizzie Nelson Lee Kristensen LOSS WIN
Pool G Brent Jungclaus Tim Christiansen LOSS WIN
Pool G Matt Karmelich Matthew Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool G Miles Norsworthy Philip Ristow LOSS WIN
Pool G Nathan Scalone Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool G Matt Karmelich Tim Christiansen LOSS WIN
Pool G Brent Jungclaus Philip Ristow LOSS WIN
Pool G Matthew Thompson Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool G Miles Norsworthy Nathan Scalone LOSS WIN
Pool G Scott Christie Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
Pool G Tim Christiansen Philip Ristow DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool G Brent Jungclaus Nathan Scalone LOSS WIN
Pool G Miles Norsworthy Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool G Tim Christiansen Scott Christie DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool G Philip Ristow Nathan Scalone LOSS WIN
Pool G Miles Norsworthy Matt Karmelich DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool G Matthew Thompson Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool G Miles Norsworthy Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool G Nathan Scalone Tim Christiansen WIN LOSS
Pool G Philip Ristow Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool G Brent Jungclaus Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
Pool G Scott Christie Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool G Matthew Thompson Nathan Scalone LOSS WIN
Pool G Miles Norsworthy Tim Christiansen LOSS WIN
Pool G Philip Ristow Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
Pool G Tim Christiansen Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool G Miles Norsworthy Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool G Matt Karmelich Nathan Scalone LOSS WIN
Pool G Philip Ristow Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool H Shane Hillen Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool H Romana Shemayev Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool H Sihong Fu Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool H Scott Hansen Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool H Romana Shemayev Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool H Ryan Carlson Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool H Sihong Fu Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool H Shane Hillen Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool H Ryan Carlson Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Pool H Sihong Fu Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool H Shane Hillen Romana Shemayev DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool H Scott Hansen Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool H Shane Hillen Sihong Fu WIN LOSS
Pool H Richard Young Ryan David DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool H Ryan Carlson Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool H Richard Young Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool H Ryan David Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Pool H Scott Hansen Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Pool H Romana Shemayev Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool H Shane Hillen Ryan Carlson WIN LOSS
Pool H Sihong Fu Ryan David WIN LOSS
Elimination Josias Arcadia Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
Elimination Lars Olsen Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Elimination Nathan Scalone Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Elimination Jack Richeson Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Elimination Flynn Castellanos Mathias Schneider LOSS WIN
Elimination Zachary Brown Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Elimination Matthew Thompson David Ito WIN LOSS
Elimination Scott Hansen Alex Williamson LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Alex Williamson Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Casey Kopp Matthew Thompson WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Nathan Scalone Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Mathias Schneider Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Semi Final Josias Arcadia Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
Semi Final Joseph Colistro Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Bronze medal Casey Kopp Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Joseph Colistro Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Aaron Washik Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool A Caleb Schuster Alex Nutt WIN LOSS
Pool A Aaron Washik Caleb Schuster LOSS WIN
Pool A Lucas Lindgren Alex Nutt WIN LOSS
Pool A Caleb Schuster Lucas Lindgren LOSS WIN
Pool A Arwin Depue Alex Nutt WIN LOSS
Pool A Lucas Lindgren Aaron Washik LOSS WIN
Pool A Caleb Schuster Arwin Depue DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Lucie Biros Alex Nutt DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Lucas Lindgren Arwin Depue LOSS WIN
Pool A Lucie Biros Caleb Schuster WIN LOSS
Pool A Lucas Lindgren Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool A Aaron Washik Arwin Depue LOSS WIN
Pool A Alex Nutt Aaron Washik LOSS WIN
Pool A Lucie Biros Arwin Depue LOSS WIN
Pool B Charles Noble Matthew Channing LOSS WIN
Pool B Xander Jacobsen Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Charles Noble Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Xander Jacobsen Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool B Grant Smith Matthew Channing LOSS WIN
Pool B Ezekiel Town Charles Noble WIN LOSS
Pool B Xander Jacobsen Samuel Gabel WIN LOSS
Pool B Grant Smith Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool B Samuel Gabel Charles Noble WIN LOSS
Pool B Ezekiel Town Matthew Channing WIN LOSS
Pool B Samuel Gabel Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Ezekiel Town Samuel Gabel WIN LOSS
Pool B Xander Jacobsen Matthew Channing LOSS WIN
Pool B Matthew Channing Samuel Gabel LOSS WIN
Pool B Xander Jacobsen Charles Noble WIN LOSS
Pool C G Fielder Jennifer Lindgren DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Jordan Kuneyl Yudu Chen DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Brian Fleming Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool C Jennifer Lindgren Yudu Chen LOSS WIN
Pool C Mac Siruta G Fielder WIN LOSS
Pool C Jennifer Lindgren Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
Pool C Jordan Kuneyl Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool C Yudu Chen Brian Fleming DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Jordan Kuneyl G Fielder DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Mac Siruta Jordan Kuneyl WIN LOSS
Pool C Jennifer Lindgren Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool C Jordan Kuneyl Jennifer Lindgren LOSS WIN
Pool C G Fielder Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Semi Final Brian Fleming Arwin Depue WIN LOSS
Semi Final Lucas Lindgren Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Arwin Depue Lucas Lindgren WIN LOSS
Gold medal Ezekiel Town Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool A Alex Williamson Dajiang Wang DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool A Dale Utt Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
pool A Bryce Johns Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool A Dale Utt Alex Williamson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool A Dajiang Wang Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool A Kurt Fleschner Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
pool A Dale Utt Kurt Fleschner WIN LOSS
pool A Daniel Rauens Alex Williamson LOSS WIN
pool A Bryce Johns Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
pool A Kurt Fleschner Alex Williamson LOSS WIN
pool A Bryce Johns Dale Utt LOSS WIN
pool A Andrew Sell Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
pool A Kurt Fleschner Bryce Johns WIN LOSS
pool A Andrew Sell Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool A Dajiang Wang Dale Utt LOSS WIN
pool A Kurt Fleschner Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
pool A Alex Williamson Bryce Johns DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool A Dale Utt Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
pool A Andrew Sell Alex Williamson LOSS WIN
pool A Dajiang Wang Bryce Johns LOSS WIN
pool A Kurt Fleschner Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool B Aaron Lent Scott Christie WIN LOSS
pool B Josias Arcadia David Ito WIN LOSS
pool B Kevin Wander Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
pool B Aaron Lent Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
pool B Scott Christie Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
pool B Jack Richeson Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
pool B Kevin Wander Aaron Lent LOSS WIN
pool B Jereme Griesel Scott Christie WIN LOSS
pool B David Ito Jack Richeson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool B Jereme Griesel Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
pool B Josias Arcadia Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
pool B Aaron Lent Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
pool B David Ito Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
pool B Josias Arcadia Scott Christie WIN LOSS
pool B Jereme Griesel David Ito LOSS WIN
pool B Aaron Lent Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
pool B Kevin Wander Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
pool B Aaron Lent David Ito LOSS WIN
pool B Scott Christie Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
pool B Josias Arcadia Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
pool C Brent Jungclaus Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
pool C Paul Bates Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
pool C Philip Ristow Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
pool C Paul Bates Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
pool C Philip Ristow Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
pool C Matthew Currey Richard Young LOSS WIN
pool C Paul Bates Richard Young WIN LOSS
pool C Philip Ristow Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
pool C Matthew Currey Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
pool C Lucas Olson Richard Young WIN LOSS
pool C Paul Bates Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
pool C Brent Jungclaus Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
pool C Matthew Thompson Richard Young LOSS WIN
pool C Matthew Currey Philip Ristow DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool C Paul Bates Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
pool C Brent Jungclaus Richard Young LOSS WIN
pool C Matthew Thompson Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
pool C Philip Ristow Paul Bates WIN LOSS
pool C Lucas Olson Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
pool C Brent Jungclaus Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
pool C Philip Ristow Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool D Zachary Brown Ryan Carlson WIN LOSS
Pool D Matt Olesen Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool D Miles Norsworthy Shane Clune LOSS WIN
Pool D Matt Olesen Ryan Carlson WIN LOSS
Pool D Miles Norsworthy Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool D Trin Wheeler Shane Clune LOSS WIN
Pool D Miles Norsworthy Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool D Trin Wheeler Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Hansen Shane Clune DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Trin Wheeler Miles Norsworthy DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Shane Clune Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool D Zachary Brown Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool D Trin Wheeler Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool D Miles Norsworthy Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool D Matt Olesen Zachary Brown WIN LOSS
Pool D Scott Hansen Trin Wheeler WIN LOSS
Pool D Ryan Carlson Shane Clune LOSS WIN
Pool D Matt Olesen Miles Norsworthy WIN LOSS
Pool D Scott Hansen Ryan Carlson WIN LOSS
Pool D Zachary Brown Shane Clune WIN LOSS
Pool D Trin Wheeler Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
qtr Final Dale Utt Matt Olesen WIN LOSS
qtr Final Matthew Thompson Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
qtr Final Jack Richeson Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
qtr Final Zachary Brown Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Semi Final Dale Utt Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Semi Final Daniel Rauens Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Bronze medal Dale Utt Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Gold medal Daniel Rauens Jack Richeson WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Icebreaker Open 2022

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
45 62 Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio 1679.5 114.1
60 21 Ryan Carlson Center for Blade Arts 1652.2 45
87 18 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1602.4 33.6
117 19 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 1559.5 22.2
137 24 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1542.4 26.5
170 53 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1516.9 51.5
180 330 Casey Kopp Red River Fencing 1512.8 247.1
181 Mathias Schneider Academie Duello 1509.9
189 Nathan Scalone Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1504.7
197 Isaac Yerry Red River Fencing 1496.4
200 2 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1493.8 16.6
250 155 Scott Hansen House of Blades 1457.8 114.8
252 3 Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1456.1 17.7
254 60 Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1455.2 25.9
260 34 Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School 1450.2 36.5
266 86 Zachary Brown Superior HEMA 1448.1 70
316 David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants 1417.8
318 63 Flynn Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 1417.5 56.7
403 24 Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1365.4 4.2
456 59 Romana Shemayev Bent Blades 1332.6 15.8
457 37 John Keizer Bent Blades 1331.9 54.7
488 31 Ehren Wynder Centerline Sword School 1317.3 55
499 216 Dajiang Wang N/A 1313.2 107.8
509 95 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1305.1 33.8
515 Matthew Thompson Bighorn Historical Combat 1302.3
525 Derek Swart N/A 1292
620 126 Philip Ristow Minneapolis HEMA Study Group 1241.9 101.5
652 86 Bryce Johns True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1220.3 74.9
653 91 Elliot Robinson Indes Ferox Gladio 1220.1 22.8
673 Alex Williamson Bighorn Historical Combat 1214.1
714 4 Timo Elliott True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1196 40.4
770 Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1171.6
803 Tim Christiansen Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1150.4
814 Andrew Dale Center for Blade Arts 1144.4
892 Lee Kristensen N/A 1108.1
925 Matt Karmelich House of Blades 1097.3
928 146 Richard Young Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1095.3 26.9
934 Aaron Lent Center for Blade Arts 1092.5
952 Ryan David N/A 1082.6
955 102 Chuck Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 1081.3 8.9
986 Tavis McKee The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1070.3
990 Leo Dannersmith Center for Blade Arts 1069.3
1006 5 Miles Norsworthy Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1061.9 40.5
1023 129 Eric Wood Bent Blades 1056.7 14.9
1043 Trin Wheeler Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1049.3
1062 19 Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing 1039.5 41.2
1095 178 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 1025.6 35.5
1186 Timothy Verseput Center for Blade Arts 985.2
1232 Alex Pirie Superior HEMA 963.1
1234 Kurt Fleschner Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 962.3
1289 122 Hannah Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 934.9 5.9
1297 Crystal Ives Tallman Iron Gate Swordfighting 930.7
1339 Joel Tallman Iron Gate Swordfighting 903.2
1388 269 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 876.1 73.8
1405 180 Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts 869 19.8
1458 Scott Christie N/A 831.8
1477 Lizzie Nelson Center for Blade Arts 813.5
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 1 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1683.4 40.2
5 2 Matt Olesen Center for Blade Arts 1633.1 57.8
8 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1546.7 49.9
10 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1505.2 43.4
13 31 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1444.6 405.2
18 Alex Williamson Bighorn Historical Combat 1395.6
22 4 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1366.9 85.5
23 Matthew Thompson Bighorn Historical Combat 1356.5
24 Zachary Brown Superior HEMA 1326.1
27 1 Richard Young Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1313 89.6
35 2 Paul Bates Center for Blade Arts 1251.5 92.2
36 8 Philip Ristow Minneapolis HEMA Study Group 1243.5 25.6
38 3 Scott Hansen House of Blades 1235.8 150.6
39 David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants 1227.1
51 5 Shane Clune N/A 1105.4 198.4
54 Aaron Lent Center for Blade Arts 1053.4
55 Kevin Wander N/A 1053.4
56 Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1053.4
58 11 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 1052.2 45.7
60 Dajiang Wang N/A 1031.6
70 Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 965.7
74 Ryan Carlson Center for Blade Arts 936.7
77 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 868.4
78 Bryce Johns True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 866.6
79 Kurt Fleschner Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 860.7
85 Scott Christie N/A 825.4
89 31 Miles Norsworthy Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 802.3 64.3
96 Trin Wheeler Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 695.1