Icebreaker Open 2024

Date April 19, 2024
Country United States
State Minnesota
City St.Paul
Software Ferrotas

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 215 62
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 52 16
Mixed Singlestick 114 32
Mixed Steel Any One-Handed Weapon 191 60
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 27 11

Fighters in event

Alex Pirie Superior HEMA
Sithisone Douangmala Superior HEMA
Alex Amborsky Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Brendan O'Rourke Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Nicholas McConnell Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Derek D Young WHFC Valour
Paul Bates Center for Blade Arts
Mark Nelson
Peter Altschwager
Ryan David
Brian Fleming
Derek Swart
Kevin Wander
Scott Christie
Bryant Coston Arena Weapon Arts
Ryan Collins Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts
Joan Keizer Bent Blades
Alex Griesel Bent Blades
Rebecca Rose Bent Blades
Romana Shemayev Bent Blades
Eric Wood Bent Blades
Deidre Crouch Bent Blades
Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing
Gavin Engles Borealis Blades Historical Fencing
Ania Chaney Boston Armizare
Annette Sherrod Boston Armizare
Chase Drawz Center for Blade Arts
Colin Lacy Center for Blade Arts
Kyle Johnson Center for Blade Arts
Parker Cook Center for Blade Arts
Zach Kayser Center for Blade Arts
Teresa Padron Center for Blade Arts
Laura Kalsow Center for Blade Arts
Alex Burton Center for Blade Arts
Alex Gottschalk Center for Blade Arts
Greg Nieuwenhuis Center for Blade Arts
Laura Burbank Center for Blade Arts
Martin Miller Center for Blade Arts
Samuel Storck-Post Center for Blade Arts
Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts
Timothy Roach Center for Blade Arts
Joel Johnson Center for Blade Arts
Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts
Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts
Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts
Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts
Andrew Dale Center for Blade Arts
Leo Dannersmith Center for Blade Arts
Timothy Verseput Center for Blade Arts
Thomas Tang Center for Blade Arts
Jeff Burbank Center for Blade Arts
Jon Reding Center for Blade Arts
Mike Tschida Center for Blade Arts
Nathan Wichman Center for Blade Arts
Ryan Mahoney Center for Blade Arts
Drew Zelitsky Chicago Swordplay Guild
Richie Trentacoste Chicago Swordplay Guild
Sam Halote Chicago Swordplay Guild
Henry Von Ohlen Fargo Moorhead Historical Fencing Club
Kyle Thrush HEMA Urbana-Champaign
Izaak Wadle House of Blades
Mac Siruta House of Blades
Aaron Labertew House of Blades
Matt Karmelich House of Blades
Paul Hubbard House of Blades
Scott Hansen House of Blades
Max Mull House of Blades
Kevin Granzow Knoxville Academy of the Blade
Patrick Kelly Krieg School
Douglas Leonard Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Jason Skirry Ram's Head Fencing
Hershel-Mars Auberon Ram's Head Fencing
Benjamin Marie Ram's Head Fencing
Lucie Biros Ram's Head Fencing
Daniel Evans Ram's Head Fencing
Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing
Pasta Mistretta Ram's Head Fencing
Daniel Swenson Ram's Head Fencing
Marissa Evans Ram's Head Fencing
Casey Kopp Red River Fencing
Grant Smith Red River Fencing
Ray Hornung Red River Fencing
Kyle Swanson River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild
David Estrada River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild
Kyle Tilton River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild
JR Lemberger St. Paul Freifechter
Matthew Barrett St. Paul Freifechter
Taylor Hodne St. Paul Freifechter
Zachary Brown Superior HEMA
Amanda Tickner Swordsmanship Museum and Academy
Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
Erik Archer Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
Adam Bruce Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy
Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Noah Gumness Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Parker Middendorp Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Anthony Scott Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Leon Fuller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Ross McDowell Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Gabe Arroyo Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Bryant Cobarrubias Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Reid Roubidoux Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Trin Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Drew Zelitsky Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Thrush Ray Hornung WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Currey Peter Altschwager WIN LOSS
Pool Lars Olsen Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Thrush Drew Zelitsky WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Sell Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Pool Ray Hornung Drew Zelitsky WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Sell Brian Fleming WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Currey Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Zelitsky Peter Altschwager WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Thrush Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Currey Ray Hornung WIN LOSS
Pool Lars Olsen Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Zelitsky Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool Ray Hornung Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool Lars Olsen Kyle Thrush WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Fleming Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool Andrew Sell Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Zelitsky Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool Ray Hornung Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Currey Kyle Thrush WIN LOSS
Pool Lars Olsen Peter Altschwager WIN LOSS
Pool Ray Hornung Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Zelitsky Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Thrush Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Marie Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
Pool Gabe Arroyo Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool Anthony Scott Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Richeson Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Matt Karmelich Gabe Arroyo WIN LOSS
Pool Benjamin Marie Anthony Scott LOSS WIN
Pool Dale Utt Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Grant Smith Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Anthony Scott Gabe Arroyo WIN LOSS
Pool Matt Karmelich Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Marie Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
Pool Grant Smith Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Anthony Scott Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
Pool Gabe Arroyo Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Dale Utt Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Benjamin Marie Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Matt Karmelich Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Parker Middendorp Gabe Arroyo LOSS WIN
Pool Grant Smith Benjamin Marie LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Richeson Anthony Scott WIN LOSS
Pool Matt Karmelich Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Dale Utt Benjamin Marie WIN LOSS
Pool Gabe Arroyo Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Pool Anthony Scott Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Matt Karmelich Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Marie Gabe Arroyo WIN LOSS
Pool Reid Roubidoux Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool Mac Siruta Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Richie Trentacoste Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Reid Roubidoux Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool Richie Trentacoste Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Swart Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Casey Kopp Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Reid Roubidoux Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool Bryant Cobarrubias Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Richie Trentacoste Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Reid Roubidoux Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Swart Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool Bryant Cobarrubias Richie Trentacoste LOSS WIN
Pool Reid Roubidoux Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Eric Wood Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
Pool Richie Trentacoste Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Cobarrubias Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Evans Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Reid Roubidoux Richie Trentacoste LOSS WIN
Pool Eric Wood Bryant Cobarrubias LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Swart Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool Mac Siruta Richie Trentacoste LOSS WIN
Pool Eric Wood Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Reid Roubidoux Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Casey Kopp Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool Max Mull Sam Halote LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Trin Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Swenson Kyle Tilton LOSS WIN
Pool Dylan Kostman Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Halote Joan Keizer WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Tilton Max Mull WIN LOSS
Pool Dylan Kostman Trin Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Swenson Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Joan Keizer Kyle Tilton WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Halote Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Wander Max Mull WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Swenson Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool Sam Halote Kyle Tilton WIN LOSS
Pool Joan Keizer Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Swenson Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Dylan Kostman Max Mull WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Halote Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Trin Griesel Kyle Tilton WIN LOSS
Pool Dylan Kostman Joan Keizer WIN LOSS
Pool Max Mull Daniel Swenson LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Wander Kyle Tilton WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Halote Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool Max Mull Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Daniel Swenson WIN LOSS
Pool Dylan Kostman Kyle Tilton WIN LOSS
Pool Trin Griesel Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Swenson Sam Halote LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Max Mull WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Labertew Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool Jeff Burbank Paul Hubbard WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Labertew Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Pool Romana Shemayev Jeff Burbank WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Hershel-Mars Auberon Alex Pirie WIN LOSS
Pool Paul Hubbard Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Labertew Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Hershel-Mars Auberon Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Pirie Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool Hershel-Mars Auberon Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Aaron Labertew LOSS WIN
Pool Jeff Burbank Alex Pirie WIN LOSS
Pool Hershel-Mars Auberon Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Pirie Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Labertew Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool Jason Skirry Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
Pool Joe van Ert Derek D Young WIN LOSS
Pool Scott Christie Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Rauens Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool Scott Christie Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Derek D Young Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Joe van Ert Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Rauens Joel Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Derek D Young Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool Joel Johnson Jason Skirry WIN LOSS
Pool Derek D Young Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Christie Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Olson Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Skirry Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Rauens Derek D Young WIN LOSS
Pool Joel Johnson Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Rauens Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Derek D Young Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Christie Joe van Ert LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Olson Joel Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Skirry Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Noah Gumness Douglas Leonard WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Crighton Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool Annette Sherrod Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Leonard Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool Jon Reding Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool Josias Arcadia Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool Annette Sherrod Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool Jon Reding Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool Sithisone Douangmala Douglas Leonard LOSS WIN
Pool Noah Gumness Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool Josias Arcadia Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Crighton Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool Scott Hansen Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool Noah Gumness Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Leonard Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool Sithisone Douangmala Jon Reding LOSS WIN
Pool Josias Arcadia Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Pool Scott Hansen Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool Jon Reding Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Leonard Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool Sithisone Douangmala Noah Gumness LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Hansen Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Pool Jon Reding Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool Annette Sherrod Sithisone Douangmala LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Hansen Douglas Leonard WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Crighton Noah Gumness LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan David Erik Archer WIN LOSS
Pool Bryant Coston Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool Brent Jungclaus Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool Erik Archer Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool Nicholas McConnell Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool Lucie Biros Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool Erik Archer Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool Nicholas McConnell Brent Jungclaus LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Stahl Erik Archer LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Lucie Biros LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Coston Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool Nicholas McConnell Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Erik Archer LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Coston Patrick Stahl WIN LOSS
Pool Nicholas McConnell Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan David Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan Maloney Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool Nicholas McConnell Erik Archer LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan David Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool Brent Jungclaus Lucie Biros LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Coston Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool Erik Archer Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan David Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Joan Keizer Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Daniel Rauens Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Lucas Olson Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Daniel Evans Ryan David WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Dylan Kostman Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jeff Burbank Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Paul Hubbard Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Bryant Coston Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Quarters Jack Richeson Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Quarters Daniel Evans Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Quarters Lars Olsen Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Quarters Bryant Coston Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Semi Casey Kopp Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Semi Bryant Coston Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Final Lars Olsen Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Semi Bryant Coston Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Colin Lacy Alex Gottschalk WIN LOSS
Pool Teresa Padron Alex Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Henry Von Ohlen Alex Burton LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Barrett JR Lemberger LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Gottschalk Alex Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Colin Lacy Alex Burton LOSS WIN
Pool Teresa Padron Matthew Barrett LOSS WIN
Pool Henry Von Ohlen JR Lemberger WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Griesel Alex Burton LOSS WIN
Pool Teresa Padron Alex Gottschalk LOSS WIN
Pool Colin Lacy JR Lemberger WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Barrett Henry Von Ohlen LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Gottschalk Alex Burton LOSS WIN
Pool JR Lemberger Alex Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Teresa Padron Henry Von Ohlen LOSS WIN
Pool Colin Lacy Matthew Barrett LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Gottschalk JR Lemberger LOSS WIN
Pool Teresa Padron Alex Burton LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Griesel Matthew Barrett LOSS WIN
Pool Colin Lacy Henry Von Ohlen LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Barrett Alex Gottschalk LOSS WIN
Pool Colin Lacy Teresa Padron WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Griesel Henry Von Ohlen LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Barrett Alex Burton WIN LOSS
Pool JR Lemberger Teresa Padron WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Gottschalk Henry Von Ohlen LOSS WIN
Pool Colin Lacy Alex Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Laura Burbank Patrick Kelly LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Swanson Gavin Engles LOSS WIN
Pool Martin Miller Greg Nieuwenhuis LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Kelly David Estrada WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Swanson Chase Drawz LOSS WIN
Pool Martin Miller Laura Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Kelly Kyle Swanson WIN LOSS
Pool Laura Burbank David Estrada LOSS WIN
Pool Chase Drawz Greg Nieuwenhuis WIN LOSS
Pool Greg Nieuwenhuis Patrick Kelly WIN LOSS
Pool Laura Burbank Gavin Engles WIN LOSS
Pool Chase Drawz Martin Miller WIN LOSS
Pool David Estrada Greg Nieuwenhuis WIN LOSS
Pool Laura Burbank Kyle Swanson WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Kelly Martin Miller WIN LOSS
Pool Gavin Engles Chase Drawz LOSS WIN
Pool Martin Miller David Estrada LOSS WIN
Pool Chase Drawz Laura Burbank WIN LOSS
Pool Gavin Engles Patrick Kelly LOSS WIN
Pool Martin Miller Kyle Swanson WIN LOSS
Pool Greg Nieuwenhuis Laura Burbank WIN LOSS
Semi Alex Burton Henry Von Ohlen WIN LOSS
Semi Chase Drawz Patrick Kelly WIN LOSS
Final Alex Burton Chase Drawz LOSS WIN
Semi Henry Von Ohlen Patrick Kelly LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Ryan David Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Parker Middendorp Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Rauens Nathan Wichman WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Wander Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Rauens Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool Parker Middendorp Nathan Wichman WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Wander Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Sell Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Wander Nathan Wichman WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Sell Parker Middendorp LOSS WIN
Pool Mac Siruta Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Casey Kopp Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Wander Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool Nathan Wichman Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan David Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Nathan Wichman Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Wander Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan David Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Rauens Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Nathan Wichman WIN LOSS
Pool Mac Siruta Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Rauens Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan David Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Richeson Jason Skirry WIN LOSS
Pool Trin Griesel Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool Brent Jungclaus Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Johnson Ryan Collins LOSS WIN
Pool Trin Griesel Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Richeson Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Johnson Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool Paul Hubbard Ryan Collins WIN LOSS
Pool Brent Jungclaus Trin Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Mahoney Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Collins Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Johnson Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Brent Jungclaus Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Pool Trin Griesel Ryan Collins LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Mahoney Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Richeson Kyle Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Skirry Ryan Collins LOSS WIN
Pool Brent Jungclaus Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool Trin Griesel Kyle Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Richeson Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Collins Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Skirry Kyle Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Richeson Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool Trin Griesel Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Johnson Brent Jungclaus LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Mahoney Ryan Collins LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Hubbard Jason Skirry WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan Maloney Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Verseput Parker Cook LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Hansen Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Dylan Kostman Ross McDowell LOSS WIN
Pool Jereme Griesel Aaron Labertew LOSS WIN
Pool Parker Cook Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool Timothy Verseput Ross McDowell LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Labertew Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Hansen Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool Parker Cook Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Timothy Verseput Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool Ross McDowell Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Labertew Parker Cook LOSS WIN
Pool Jereme Griesel Brendan Maloney LOSS WIN
Pool Dylan Kostman Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool Jereme Griesel Ross McDowell LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Parker Cook LOSS WIN
Pool Jereme Griesel Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Labertew Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool Ross McDowell Parker Cook LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Verseput Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Labertew Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool Dylan Kostman Parker Cook LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Ross McDowell LOSS WIN
Pool Grant Smith Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Bates Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Amanda Tickner WIN LOSS
Pool Zach Kayser Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Olson Paul Bates WIN LOSS
Pool Grant Smith Amanda Tickner WIN LOSS
Pool Dale Utt Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Zach Kayser WIN LOSS
Pool Amanda Tickner Paul Bates LOSS WIN
Pool Izaak Wadle Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Zach Kayser Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Stahl Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Olson Amanda Tickner WIN LOSS
Pool Zach Kayser Paul Bates LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Stahl Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool Dale Utt Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Olson Zach Kayser WIN LOSS
Pool Izaak Wadle Amanda Tickner WIN LOSS
Pool Paul Bates Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Stahl Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Zach Kayser Amanda Tickner LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Olson Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool Izaak Wadle Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Paul Bates WIN LOSS
Pool Amanda Tickner Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool Zach Kayser Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Olson Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Bates Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Quarters Paul Hubbard Ross McDowell WIN LOSS
Quarters Daniel Rauens Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Quarters Parker Cook Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Quarters Patrick Stahl Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Semi Daniel Rauens Paul Hubbard WIN LOSS
Semi Lucas Olson Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Final Daniel Rauens Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Semi Paul Hubbard Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Joel Johnson Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Collins Adam Bruce WIN LOSS
Pool Mac Siruta Sam Halote LOSS WIN
Pool Casey Kopp Ryan Collins LOSS WIN
Pool Leon Fuller Adam Bruce LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Collins Sam Halote LOSS WIN
Pool Casey Kopp Adam Bruce WIN LOSS
Pool Leon Fuller Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Casey Kopp Sam Halote WIN LOSS
Pool Adam Bruce Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
Pool Sam Halote Adam Bruce WIN LOSS
Pool Leon Fuller Ryan Collins LOSS WIN
Pool Joel Johnson Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Leon Fuller Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool Adam Bruce Joel Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Collins Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Leon Fuller Sam Halote LOSS WIN
Pool Casey Kopp Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Collins Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Leo Dannersmith Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Granzow Pasta Mistretta WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Andrew Dale LOSS WIN
Pool Trin Griesel Andrew Dale LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool Andrew Dale Pasta Mistretta WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Granzow Leo Dannersmith LOSS WIN
Pool Trin Griesel Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Ray Hornung LOSS WIN
Pool Andrew Dale Leo Dannersmith WIN LOSS
Pool Scott Hansen Pasta Mistretta WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Kevin Granzow LOSS WIN
Pool Ray Hornung Trin Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Leo Dannersmith Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Granzow Andrew Dale LOSS WIN
Pool Pasta Mistretta Ray Hornung LOSS WIN
Pool Trin Griesel Brendan O'Rourke WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Dale Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool Trin Griesel Kevin Granzow LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Pasta Mistretta WIN LOSS
Pool Ray Hornung Andrew Dale LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Hansen Kevin Granzow WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan O'Rourke Leo Dannersmith LOSS WIN
Pool Trin Griesel Pasta Mistretta LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Richeson Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Amborsky Joe van Ert LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Tang Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Grant Smith Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Johnson Alex Amborsky LOSS WIN
Pool Ross McDowell Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Joe van Ert Thomas Tang LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Hubbard Kyle Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Grant Smith Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Tang Alex Amborsky WIN LOSS
Pool Ross McDowell Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Richeson Kyle Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Amborsky Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Joe van Ert Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Tang Ross McDowell LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Richeson Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Johnson Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Amborsky Ross McDowell LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Tang Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Joe van Ert Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Amborsky Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Tang Kyle Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Grant Smith Ross McDowell WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Mahoney Joan Keizer LOSS WIN
Pool Brent Jungclaus Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Coston Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Coston Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Pirie Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Brent Jungclaus Joan Keizer LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Pirie Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool Bryant Coston Joan Keizer WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Pirie Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Pool Brent Jungclaus Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Pirie Joan Keizer LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Coston Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Olson Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Pirie Bryant Coston WIN LOSS
Pool Brent Jungclaus Ryan Mahoney LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Crighton Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Brent Jungclaus Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Mahoney Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Evans Douglas Leonard WIN LOSS
Pool Derek D Young Mike Tschida LOSS WIN
Pool Reid Roubidoux Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Leonard Mike Tschida LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool Derek D Young Reid Roubidoux LOSS WIN
Pool Reid Roubidoux Douglas Leonard WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Evans Mike Tschida WIN LOSS
Pool Derek D Young Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Leonard Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool Reid Roubidoux Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Derek D Young Douglas Leonard LOSS WIN
Pool Mike Tschida Reid Roubidoux WIN LOSS
Pool Brendan Maloney Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Leonard Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool Brendan Maloney Mike Tschida LOSS WIN
Pool Reid Roubidoux Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool Derek D Young Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Annette Sherrod Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool Peter Altschwager Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Sithisone Douangmala Timothy Roach LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Swart Drew Zelitsky WIN LOSS
Pool Sithisone Douangmala Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool Timothy Roach Peter Altschwager WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Labertew Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Roach Drew Zelitsky WIN LOSS
Pool Sithisone Douangmala Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Roach Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool Annette Sherrod Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Zelitsky Sithisone Douangmala LOSS WIN
Pool Annette Sherrod Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Labertew Sithisone Douangmala LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Zelitsky Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool Annette Sherrod Drew Zelitsky WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Labertew Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool Sithisone Douangmala Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Roach Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool Izaak Wadle Taylor Hodne WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Richie Trentacoste WIN LOSS
Pool Nathan Wichman Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Jeff Burbank Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool Nathan Wichman Taylor Hodne WIN LOSS
Pool Richie Trentacoste Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Rauens Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool Nathan Wichman Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool Izaak Wadle Richie Trentacoste LOSS WIN
Pool Taylor Hodne Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Rauens Jeff Burbank WIN LOSS
Pool Nathan Wichman Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool Richie Trentacoste Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Cobarrubias Izaak Wadle LOSS WIN
Pool Nathan Wichman Richie Trentacoste WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Stahl Jeff Burbank WIN LOSS
Pool Taylor Hodne Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Nathan Wichman Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool Jeff Burbank Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool Richie Trentacoste Taylor Hodne LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Stahl Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Nathan Wichman Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool Bryant Cobarrubias Richie Trentacoste LOSS WIN
Pool Izaak Wadle Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Stahl Taylor Hodne WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Wander Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Storck-Post Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool Nicholas McConnell Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Mark Nelson Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Zachary Brown Samuel Storck-Post LOSS WIN
Pool Nicholas McConnell Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Mark Nelson Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Pool Nicholas McConnell Samuel Storck-Post LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Christie Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Wander Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Parker Middendorp Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Zachary Brown Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Mark Nelson Samuel Storck-Post WIN LOSS
Pool Romana Shemayev Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool Parker Middendorp Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
Pool Zachary Brown Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Nicholas McConnell Scott Christie LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Storck-Post Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Wander Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Nicholas McConnell Mark Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool Zachary Brown Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Scott Christie Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool Nicholas McConnell Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool Mark Nelson Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Storck-Post Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Mike Tschida Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Timothy Roach Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Andrew Dale Daniel Evans WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Scott Hansen Ryan Collins LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Casey Kopp Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Alex Pirie Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Mark Nelson Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Lucas Olson Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Quarters Paul Hubbard Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Quarters Andrew Dale Ryan Collins WIN LOSS
Quarters Patrick Stahl Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
Quarters Derek Swart Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Semi Andrew Dale Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Semi Patrick Stahl Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Final Paul Hubbard Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
Semi Andrew Dale Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Deidre Crouch Ania Chaney LOSS WIN
Pool Rebecca Rose Deidre Crouch WIN LOSS
Pool Ania Chaney Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Pool Rebecca Rose Amanda Tickner LOSS WIN
Pool Deidre Crouch Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Pool Rebecca Rose Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Pool Deidre Crouch Amanda Tickner LOSS WIN
Pool Rebecca Rose Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Pool Laura Kalsow Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Romana Shemayev Marissa Evans WIN LOSS
Pool Joan Keizer Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool Laura Kalsow Marissa Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Annette Sherrod Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool Laura Kalsow Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Marissa Evans Joan Keizer LOSS WIN
Pool Annette Sherrod Laura Kalsow LOSS WIN
Pool Romana Shemayev Trin Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool Marissa Evans Annette Sherrod LOSS WIN
Pool Joan Keizer Laura Kalsow WIN LOSS
Pool Marissa Evans Trin Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool Annette Sherrod Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Semi Amanda Tickner Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Semi Trin Griesel Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Final Romana Shemayev Hershel-Mars Auberon WIN LOSS
Semi Trin Griesel Amanda Tickner WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Icebreaker Open 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
59 28 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1726 35.9
126 33 Casey Kopp Red River Fencing 1649.5 21.5
154 62 Daniel Evans Ram's Head Fencing 1629.3 39.4
186 50 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1607.1 30.4
263 11 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1566 6.6
277 124 Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts 1559.3 53.3
290 18 Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1554.6 5.9
295 19 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1551.4 11
310 65 Bryant Coston Arena Weapon Arts 1543.7 30.5
340 65 Scott Hansen House of Blades 1529.5 25.9
342 244 Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1528.7 76.9
398 16 Paul Hubbard House of Blades 1506.8 5.5
427 131 Derek Swart N/A 1498.1 38.1
508 87 Sam Halote Chicago Swordplay Guild 1474.5 25.1
518 376 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1472.5 104.2
601 180 Benjamin Marie Ram's Head Fencing 1448.4 53.3
647 31 Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1432.8 11.1
708 87 Reid Roubidoux Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1413.9 28.9
748 17 Matt Karmelich House of Blades 1403.5 2.7
769 178 Brian Fleming N/A 1399.2 41.2
784 142 Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1396.3 33.9
808 163 Joel Johnson Center for Blade Arts 1389.6 37.1
891 105 Romana Shemayev Bent Blades 1372.7 25.8
986 200 Ryan David N/A 1351.2 41.2
996 348 Anthony Scott Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1349.2 71.8
1044 409 Jason Skirry Ram's Head Fencing 1339.3 82.5
1176 Jeff Burbank Center for Blade Arts 1315.3
1199 805 Richie Trentacoste Chicago Swordplay Guild 1311 142.2
1215 304 Noah Gumness Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1308.8 62.6
1240 Joan Keizer Bent Blades 1304.3
1282 Erik Archer Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1295.6
1293 201 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 1293.5 44.9
1345 Trin Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1281.7
1458 70 Peter Altschwager N/A 1259.5 14.7
1510 92 Mac Siruta House of Blades 1252.4 10.9
1743 712 Grant Smith Red River Fencing 1215.3 115.9
1809 Kyle Thrush HEMA Urbana-Champaign 1203.3
1832 436 Gabe Arroyo Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1199 68.3
1962 Jon Reding Center for Blade Arts 1180.5
1982 213 Douglas Leonard Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1177.8 29.2
2107 64 Bryant Cobarrubias Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1157.9 5.3
2219 Kevin Wander N/A 1142.6
2316 127 Alex Pirie Superior HEMA 1128.2 27
2367 302 Ray Hornung Red River Fencing 1120.7 39
2415 189 Aaron Labertew House of Blades 1111.9 25.3
2661 1046 Hershel-Mars Auberon Ram's Head Fencing 1075 193.1
2700 121 Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing 1070.8 26.8
2828 145 Nicholas McConnell Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1050.2 13.9
2842 99 Lucie Biros Ram's Head Fencing 1048.4 25.2
2857 Daniel Swenson Ram's Head Fencing 1047
2858 Kyle Tilton River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild 1047
2969 220 Drew Zelitsky Chicago Swordplay Guild 1028.1 50.1
3037 177 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 1012.5 25.4
3125 183 Eric Wood Bent Blades 997.1 25.4
3538 97 Sithisone Douangmala Superior HEMA 926.9 29.6
3642 Derek D Young WHFC Valour 905.3
3717 169 Parker Middendorp Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 890.2 24.7
3724 131 Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts 889 38.8
3878 Max Mull House of Blades 855.8
4167 153 Annette Sherrod Boston Armizare 784.1 28
4206 104 Scott Christie N/A 768.8 18.3
4225 Brendan O'Rourke Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 760
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
2 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1772.9 32.6
6 1 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1686.1 31
7 2 Casey Kopp Red River Fencing 1678.8 44.8
11 1 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1613.7 14.2
12 15 Paul Hubbard House of Blades 1609.5 106.5
13 8 Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1605.8 51.4
40 14 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1468 69.3
41 1 Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts 1462.4 6.5
43 1 Paul Bates Center for Blade Arts 1455.3 5.7
47 Parker Cook Center for Blade Arts 1443.8
66 Ryan Collins Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1332.8
75 69 Ross McDowell Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1285.1 190
77 23 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 1271.6 52.7
96 24 Kevin Wander N/A 1226.3 49.2
101 14 Scott Hansen House of Blades 1216.2 26.8
102 14 Parker Middendorp Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1215 26.1
106 56 Ryan David N/A 1210.4 154
115 84 Jason Skirry Ram's Head Fencing 1187.2 221.9
123 1 Izaak Wadle House of Blades 1178.7 21.1
181 1 Mac Siruta House of Blades 1027.1 14.5
189 26 Grant Smith Red River Fencing 1004.3 81.9
198 Zach Kayser Center for Blade Arts 985.3
199 8 Timothy Verseput Center for Blade Arts 985 37.6
202 40 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 972.2 142.9
208 61 Aaron Labertew House of Blades 959 248.7
210 Amanda Tickner Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 953.1
211 Nathan Wichman Center for Blade Arts 951.9
218 Kyle Johnson Center for Blade Arts 939.4
235 34 Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 881.5 80
255 Trin Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 808.1
260 Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts 797.2
279 Ryan Mahoney Center for Blade Arts 723.9