CapoFiore Comp 2023

Date January 27, 2023
Country Australia
State Victoria
City Melbourne
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 116 26
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 153 33

Fighters in event

Peter Stevens Adelaide Sword Academy
Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola
Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Monika Stankiewicz Celerity Fencing Academy
Tim Harris Fitzroy College of Arms
David Gresham Fitzroy College of Arms
Rune Anonymous Fitzroy College of Arms
Artemisia Yung Fitzroy College of Arms
Mosh Hewson Fitzroy College of Arms
Kiah Waretini Fitzroy College of Arms
Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms
Alfy You Fitzroy College of Arms
Garth Bradbeer Fitzroy College of Arms
Justin Jay Mackley Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms
Edward Craig Melbourne Fencing Society
Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club
Stanley Foster Melbourne Messer Club
Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club
Tamara Selge Scholar Victoria
Zihan Shi Scholar Victoria
Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria
Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria
Hunter Wild Scholar Victoria
Daniel Romano Scholar Victoria
Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria
Thomas Tucker Scholar Victoria
Joel Thomas Scholar Victoria
Lorne Williams The School of Historical Fencing
Patrick Hunter The School of Historical Fencing
Adam Tate The School of Historical Fencing
Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing
Will Brookes The School of Historical Fencing
Andrew Slorach The School of Historical Fencing
Matthew Juers The School of Historical Fencing
Roy Bleasdale The School of Historical Fencing
Elizabeth Norris-King The School of Historical Fencing
Enzo Lara-Hamilton The School of Historical Fencing
Ben Keller Schwert und Bogen


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Seeding Pools Justin Jay Mackley Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Matthew Juers Lorne Williams WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Daniel Pope Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Justin Jay Mackley Lorne Williams LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Matthew Juers Damien Hewson-Donovan DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Daniel Pope Lorne Williams WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Pope Matthew Juers WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Lorne Williams LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Justin Jay Mackley Matthew Juers LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Romano Stanley Foster WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Stuart Willis Thomas Tucker LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Romano Monika Stankiewicz WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Stuart Willis Stanley Foster LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Thomas Tucker Monika Stankiewicz DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Stuart Willis Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Stanley Foster Monika Stankiewicz WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Thomas Tucker Daniel Romano DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Stuart Willis Monika Stankiewicz LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Stanley Foster Thomas Tucker DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Victor Ngo Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools David Gresham Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Victor Ngo David Gresham DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Aleks Roseneder Victor Ngo DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Katherine Livingston Aleks Roseneder WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools David Gresham Aleks Roseneder DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Adam Tate David Gresham LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Aleks Roseneder Adam Tate DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Adam Tate Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Victor Ngo Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Tamara Selge Peter Stevens DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Dennis Gubb Tamara Selge DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Tamara Selge WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Peter Stevens Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Dennis Gubb Peter Stevens DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Artemisia Yung WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Artemisia Yung Peter Stevens LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Dennis Gubb Artemisia Yung LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Tamara Selge Artemisia Yung WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Sean Reichman Joel Thomas LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Will Brookes Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Joel Thomas Will Brookes WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Rune Anonymous Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Will Brookes Rune Anonymous WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Joel Thomas Rune Anonymous WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Zihan Shi Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Rune Anonymous Zihan Shi LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Joel Thomas Zihan Shi DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Zihan Shi Will Brookes DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Andrew Slorach Will Brookes LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Sean Reichman Andrew Slorach LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Rune Anonymous Andrew Slorach DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Joel Thomas Andrew Slorach WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Zihan Shi Andrew Slorach DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Daniel Pope Joel Thomas WIN LOSS
Main Pools Daniel Romano Nelson McGuigan DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Daniel Pope David Gresham WIN LOSS
Main Pools Joel Thomas Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Main Pools David Gresham Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
Main Pools Daniel Pope Nelson McGuigan DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Joel Thomas David Gresham LOSS WIN
Main Pools Daniel Pope Daniel Romano WIN LOSS
Main Pools David Gresham Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Main Pools Joel Thomas Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
Main Pools Matthew Juers Stanley Foster WIN LOSS
Main Pools Katherine Livingston Peter Stevens WIN LOSS
Main Pools Will Brookes Matthew Juers WIN LOSS
Main Pools Stanley Foster Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Main Pools Will Brookes Peter Stevens LOSS WIN
Main Pools Katherine Livingston Matthew Juers LOSS WIN
Main Pools Will Brookes Stanley Foster WIN LOSS
Main Pools Peter Stevens Matthew Juers WIN LOSS
Main Pools Will Brookes Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Main Pools Stanley Foster Peter Stevens LOSS WIN
Main Pools Monika Stankiewicz Lorne Williams LOSS WIN
Main Pools Victor Ngo Tamara Selge LOSS WIN
Main Pools Lorne Williams Zihan Shi WIN LOSS
Main Pools Victor Ngo Monika Stankiewicz LOSS WIN
Main Pools Tamara Selge Zihan Shi LOSS WIN
Main Pools Victor Ngo Lorne Williams WIN LOSS
Main Pools Monika Stankiewicz Zihan Shi LOSS WIN
Main Pools Tamara Selge Lorne Williams WIN LOSS
Main Pools Zihan Shi Victor Ngo LOSS WIN
Main Pools Monika Stankiewicz Tamara Selge LOSS WIN
Main Pools Justin Jay Mackley Thomas Tucker LOSS WIN
Main Pools Artemisia Yung Adam Tate WIN LOSS
Main Pools Justin Jay Mackley Andrew Slorach WIN LOSS
Main Pools Thomas Tucker Adam Tate WIN LOSS
Main Pools Artemisia Yung Andrew Slorach DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Justin Jay Mackley Adam Tate DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Andrew Slorach Thomas Tucker LOSS WIN
Main Pools Justin Jay Mackley Artemisia Yung WIN LOSS
Main Pools Andrew Slorach Adam Tate WIN LOSS
Main Pools Thomas Tucker Artemisia Yung WIN LOSS
Main Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
Main Pools Stuart Willis Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Main Pools Sean Reichman Rune Anonymous WIN LOSS
Main Pools Stuart Willis Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
Main Pools Sean Reichman Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Main Pools Rune Anonymous Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Main Pools Stuart Willis Rune Anonymous WIN LOSS
Main Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Main Pools Aleks Roseneder Rune Anonymous LOSS WIN
Main Pools Dennis Gubb Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
Main Pools Stuart Willis Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Main Pools Aleks Roseneder Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Main Pools Rune Anonymous Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Main Pools Sean Reichman Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Tamara Selge Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Tamara Selge Peter Stevens WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Stuart Willis Tamara Selge LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Thomas Tucker Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Semifinals Nelson McGuigan Daniel Romano WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Daniel Pope Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Tamara Selge Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Seeding Pools Edward Craig Hunter Wild DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Rune Anonymous Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Aleks Roseneder Hunter Wild WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Edward Craig Aleks Roseneder WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Rune Anonymous Hunter Wild WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Aleks Roseneder Rune Anonymous WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Zihan Shi Aleks Roseneder WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Edward Craig Zihan Shi WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Zihan Shi Hunter Wild WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Rune Anonymous Zihan Shi WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Justin Jay Mackley Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Dennis Gubb Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Pope Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Patrick Hunter Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Dennis Gubb Patrick Hunter WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Justin Jay Mackley Patrick Hunter LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Daniel Pope WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Patrick Hunter Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Justin Jay Mackley WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Dennis Gubb Damien Hewson-Donovan DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Mosh Hewson Elizabeth Norris-King WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Monika Stankiewicz Mosh Hewson LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Elizabeth Norris-King Monika Stankiewicz WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Monika Stankiewicz Andrew Slorach LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Elizabeth Norris-King Andrew Slorach WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Mosh Hewson Andrew Slorach WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Katherine Livingston Mosh Hewson WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Andrew Slorach Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Katherine Livingston Elizabeth Norris-King WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Monika Stankiewicz Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Sean Reichman Daniel Romano DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Alfy You Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Romano Alfy You WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Roy Bleasdale Alfy You LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Romano Roy Bleasdale WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Roy Bleasdale Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Sean Reichman Stuart Willis DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Roy Bleasdale Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Romano Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Alfy You Stuart Willis WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Kiah Waretini Alfy You WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Sean Reichman Kiah Waretini LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Roy Bleasdale Kiah Waretini LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Daniel Romano Kiah Waretini LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Stuart Willis Kiah Waretini DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Adam Tate Will Brookes DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Garth Bradbeer Will Brookes LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Adam Tate Garth Bradbeer DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Peter Stevens Garth Bradbeer DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Adam Tate Peter Stevens LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Will Brookes Peter Stevens WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Victor Ngo Will Brookes LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Peter Stevens Victor Ngo WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Adam Tate Victor Ngo LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Garth Bradbeer Victor Ngo LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Stanley Foster Garth Bradbeer LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Will Brookes Stanley Foster WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Stanley Foster Peter Stevens LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Adam Tate Stanley Foster DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Victor Ngo Stanley Foster LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Ben Keller LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Ben Keller Joel Thomas WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Joel Thomas WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Enzo Lara-Hamilton Joel Thomas DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Enzo Lara-Hamilton DRAW DRAW
Seeding Pools Ben Keller Enzo Lara-Hamilton WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Tim Harris Ben Keller LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Enzo Lara-Hamilton Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Joel Thomas Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Tamara Selge Joel Thomas LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Tamara Selge Ben Keller LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Enzo Lara-Hamilton Tamara Selge WIN LOSS
Seeding Pools Nelson McGuigan Tamara Selge LOSS WIN
Seeding Pools Tim Harris Tamara Selge DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Daniel Pope Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Main Pools Ben Keller Katherine Livingston DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Will Brookes Kiah Waretini WIN LOSS
Main Pools Edward Craig Ben Keller WIN LOSS
Main Pools Daniel Pope Will Brookes WIN LOSS
Main Pools Katherine Livingston Kiah Waretini WIN LOSS
Main Pools Will Brookes Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Main Pools Ben Keller Kiah Waretini WIN LOSS
Main Pools Daniel Pope Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Main Pools Kiah Waretini Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Main Pools Katherine Livingston Will Brookes WIN LOSS
Main Pools Daniel Pope Ben Keller WIN LOSS
Main Pools Edward Craig Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Main Pools Daniel Pope Kiah Waretini WIN LOSS
Main Pools Will Brookes Ben Keller WIN LOSS
Main Pools Aleks Roseneder Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Main Pools Peter Stevens Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
Main Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Peter Stevens LOSS WIN
Main Pools Mosh Hewson Daniel Romano WIN LOSS
Main Pools Peter Stevens Aleks Roseneder WIN LOSS
Main Pools Mosh Hewson Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Main Pools Daniel Romano Aleks Roseneder WIN LOSS
Main Pools Peter Stevens Mosh Hewson LOSS WIN
Main Pools Aleks Roseneder Mosh Hewson LOSS WIN
Main Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
Main Pools Mosh Hewson Enzo Lara-Hamilton WIN LOSS
Main Pools Enzo Lara-Hamilton Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
Main Pools Daniel Romano Enzo Lara-Hamilton WIN LOSS
Main Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Enzo Lara-Hamilton WIN LOSS
Main Pools Peter Stevens Enzo Lara-Hamilton WIN LOSS
Main Pools Sean Reichman Rune Anonymous DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Zihan Shi Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Main Pools Rune Anonymous Zihan Shi LOSS WIN
Main Pools Sean Reichman Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Main Pools Rune Anonymous Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Main Pools Sean Reichman Zihan Shi WIN LOSS
Main Pools Elizabeth Norris-King Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
Main Pools Tim Harris Elizabeth Norris-King WIN LOSS
Main Pools Rune Anonymous Elizabeth Norris-King WIN LOSS
Main Pools Elizabeth Norris-King Zihan Shi DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Patrick Hunter Andrew Slorach DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Dennis Gubb Victor Ngo LOSS WIN
Main Pools Andrew Slorach Alfy You WIN LOSS
Main Pools Patrick Hunter Dennis Gubb DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Alfy You Victor Ngo DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Andrew Slorach Dennis Gubb DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Patrick Hunter Alfy You DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Victor Ngo Andrew Slorach WIN LOSS
Main Pools Alfy You Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Main Pools Patrick Hunter Victor Ngo LOSS WIN
Main Pools Tamara Selge Stanley Foster DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Nelson McGuigan Garth Bradbeer WIN LOSS
Main Pools Tamara Selge Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Main Pools Stanley Foster Garth Bradbeer LOSS WIN
Main Pools Justin Jay Mackley Nelson McGuigan DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Tamara Selge Garth Bradbeer WIN LOSS
Main Pools Stanley Foster Justin Jay Mackley DRAW DRAW
Main Pools Tamara Selge Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Main Pools Justin Jay Mackley Garth Bradbeer WIN LOSS
Main Pools Stanley Foster Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Main Pools Roy Bleasdale Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Main Pools Monika Stankiewicz Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Main Pools Stuart Willis Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Main Pools Adam Tate Roy Bleasdale WIN LOSS
Main Pools Stuart Willis Monika Stankiewicz LOSS WIN
Main Pools Hunter Wild Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Main Pools Roy Bleasdale Stuart Willis LOSS WIN
Main Pools Monika Stankiewicz Hunter Wild WIN LOSS
Main Pools Stuart Willis Adam Tate LOSS WIN
Main Pools Monika Stankiewicz Roy Bleasdale WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Nelson McGuigan Adam Tate WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Mosh Hewson Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Tim Harris Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Nelson McGuigan Victor Ngo WIN LOSS
Semifinals Daniel Pope Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Semifinals Edward Craig Mosh Hewson WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Daniel Pope Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Mosh Hewson Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just CapoFiore Comp 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
11 1 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1867.6 19.2
147 18 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1593.5 24.5
175 21 Daniel Romano Scholar Victoria 1567.9 20.4
387 52 David Gresham Fitzroy College of Arms 1446.4 23.5
506 111 Thomas Tucker Scholar Victoria 1403.6 51
696 99 Joel Thomas Scholar Victoria 1331.7 38.1
767 229 Zihan Shi Scholar Victoria 1312.2 82.5
786 66 Will Brookes The School of Historical Fencing 1307.5 38.2
826 29 Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1295.2 27.1
875 137 Lorne Williams The School of Historical Fencing 1276.7 51.3
916 112 Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria 1263.1 43.4
923 319 Peter Stevens Adelaide Sword Academy 1260.7 98.4
994 215 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1242 56.8
1041 108 Justin Jay Mackley Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms 1229.4 41.7
1061 Matthew Juers The School of Historical Fencing 1223.2
1087 587 Tamara Selge Scholar Victoria 1215 171.7
1143 9 Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing 1200.6 8.4
1158 159 Stanley Foster Melbourne Messer Club 1197.5 57.3
1450 Andrew Slorach The School of Historical Fencing 1121.7
1528 284 Monika Stankiewicz Celerity Fencing Academy 1101.8 100.6
1580 244 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1087.4 88.6
1598 Rune Anonymous Fitzroy College of Arms 1081.2
1700 393 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1054.3 133.7
1743 209 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1044.5 82.3
1770 139 Artemisia Yung Fitzroy College of Arms 1035.8 60.3
1931 Adam Tate The School of Historical Fencing 996
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
4 13 Edward Craig Melbourne Fencing Society 1759 103
22 6 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1628.7 40
56 23 Daniel Romano Scholar Victoria 1516.1 58.1
57 30 Mosh Hewson Fitzroy College of Arms 1515.8 81.9
67 9 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1484.8 26.7
116 65 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1379.6 82.5
132 8 Justin Jay Mackley Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms 1355.7 2.8
142 246 Peter Stevens Adelaide Sword Academy 1342.3 300.6
151 140 Will Brookes The School of Historical Fencing 1332.8 178.4
152 Ben Keller Schwert und Bogen 1327.8
172 194 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1310.9 238.2
184 250 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1293.2 306.7
211 114 Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria 1249.3 145.1
216 83 Tim Harris Fitzroy College of Arms 1238 100.2
218 Adam Tate The School of Historical Fencing 1233
228 Kiah Waretini Fitzroy College of Arms 1226.8
263 Alfy You Fitzroy College of Arms 1178.1
295 Rune Anonymous Fitzroy College of Arms 1140.3
302 62 Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing 1126.8 49.9
305 Zihan Shi Scholar Victoria 1121.3
326 Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1100.9
334 54 Stanley Foster Melbourne Messer Club 1095.9 53.9
347 Patrick Hunter The School of Historical Fencing 1081.3
357 67 Monika Stankiewicz Celerity Fencing Academy 1077 77.1
370 Garth Bradbeer Fitzroy College of Arms 1063.7
371 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1061.9
377 Enzo Lara-Hamilton The School of Historical Fencing 1054.8
378 Hunter Wild Scholar Victoria 1050.7
388 Andrew Slorach The School of Historical Fencing 1034.2
404 159 Tamara Selge Scholar Victoria 1007.9 223.9
430 Elizabeth Norris-King The School of Historical Fencing 978.8
487 55 Joel Thomas Scholar Victoria 906.3 91.3
526 Roy Bleasdale The School of Historical Fencing 822.3