Icebreaker Open 2018

Date April 28, 2018
Country United States
State Minnesota
City Minneapolis

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Synthetic Any Weapon 163 45
Mixed Singlestick 121 31
Mixed Steel Any One-Handed Weapon 150 43
Mixed Steel Longsword 233 63

Fighters in event

Trenton Smith Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Chad McFarland Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Conner Fraser Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Frederic David La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Sam Street
Robert Roy
Kyle Olesen
Mark Nelson
Peter Paasonen
Romana Shemayev Bent Blades
John Keizer Bent Blades
Eric Wood Bent Blades
Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing
Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts
Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts
Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts
Cole Baxter Center for Blade Arts
Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts
Ed Butler Center for Blade Arts
Eric Hallstrom Center for Blade Arts
Sami Showalter Center for Blade Arts
Jarod Harbrecht Center for Blade Arts
Rashi McKinney Center for Blade Arts
Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts
Scott Thomas Center for Blade Arts
Joel Johnson Center for Blade Arts
Autumn Eule-Nashoba Center for Blade Arts
Matt Olesen Center for Blade Arts
Steve Mattsen Center for Blade Arts
Layne Gerrard Center for Blade Arts
Ryan Carlson Center for Blade Arts
Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School
Scott Jeffers Chicago Swordplay Guild
Vlad Hintaut Chicago Swordplay Guild
Davis Vader Chicago Swordplay Guild
Sidney Salud Chicago Swordplay Guild
Tim Hoyt European Martial Arts of St. Louis
Aaron Labertew House of Blades
Kevin Granzow Knoxville Academy of the Blade
Chuck Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy
Flynn Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy
Adam Franti Lansing Longsword Guild
Jason Murdey Lansing Longsword Guild
Ian Smith Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Richard Young Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Danesh Bankwala Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Tony Williams Minneapolis HEMA Study Group
Philip Ristow Minneapolis HEMA Study Group
Nathan Clough Minnesota Sword Guild
Don Doumakes Omaha Kunst des Fechtens
Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing
Casey Kopp Red River Fencing
Andrew Ring River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild
Mathew Kortuem True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Logan Black War Sword Historical Fencing
Michael Meyer Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Josh Ellison Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Tyler Hull Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Edward Sagritalo Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Steven Kozel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Anne Brink Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Douglas Newhouse Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
John Dollmeyer Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Miles Ehmling Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Sarah Potratz Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Tyler Hull Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool A Douglas Newhouse Philip Ristow LOSS WIN
Pool A Sami Showalter Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Pool A Scott Thomas Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool A Mark Nelson Douglas Newhouse LOSS WIN
Pool A Tyler Hull Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Pool A Philip Ristow Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool A Sami Showalter Scott Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool A Douglas Newhouse Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool A Mark Nelson Casey Kopp DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Tyler Hull Scott Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool A Philip Ristow Sami Showalter WIN LOSS
Pool A Mark Nelson Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool A Scott Thomas Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Pool A Sami Showalter Douglas Newhouse LOSS WIN
Pool A Philip Ristow Tyler Hull LOSS WIN
Pool A Sami Showalter Jason Murdey DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Mark Nelson Scott Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool A Philip Ristow Casey Kopp DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Tyler Hull Douglas Newhouse WIN LOSS
Pool A Jason Murdey Tyler Hull LOSS WIN
Pool A Scott Thomas Philip Ristow WIN LOSS
Pool A Sami Showalter Mark Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool A Douglas Newhouse Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Pool A Mark Nelson Philip Ristow LOSS WIN
Pool A Tyler Hull Sami Showalter WIN LOSS
Pool A Douglas Newhouse Scott Thomas WIN LOSS
Pool A Casey Kopp Jason Murdey LOSS WIN
Pool B Flynn Castellanos Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool B Brendan Maloney Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool B Ian Smith Ed Butler WIN LOSS
Pool B Logan Black Flynn Castellanos DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Ian Smith Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool B Brendan Maloney Ed Butler LOSS WIN
Pool B Flynn Castellanos Ian Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Logan Black Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool B Brendan Maloney Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool B Logan Black Ian Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Ed Butler Tim Hoyt LOSS WIN
Pool B Flynn Castellanos Brendan Maloney DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Ian Smith Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool B Logan Black Ed Butler WIN LOSS
Pool B Steve Mattsen Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool B Ed Butler Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool B Logan Black Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool B Tim Hoyt Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool B Logan Black Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool B Ed Butler Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool B Tim Hoyt Ian Smith LOSS WIN
Pool C Ryan Carlson Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool C Joel Johnson Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Trenton Smith Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool C Kyle Olesen Chuck Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool C Eric Wood Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Trenton Smith Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool C Kyle Olesen Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool C Chuck Castellanos Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool C Kyle Olesen Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Trenton Smith Eric Wood LOSS WIN
Pool C Chuck Castellanos Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool C Joel Johnson Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool C Kyle Olesen Eric Wood LOSS WIN
Pool C Trenton Smith Chuck Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool C Josias Arcadia Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Ryan Carlson Joel Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool C Kyle Olesen Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool C Chuck Castellanos Eric Wood LOSS WIN
Pool C Trenton Smith Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool C Ryan Carlson Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Kyle Olesen Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool C Joel Johnson Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool C Eric Wood Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool C Trenton Smith Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Joel Johnson Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool C Ryan Carlson Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool C Chuck Castellanos Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Trenton Smith Kyle Olesen WIN LOSS
Pool D Romana Shemayev Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool D Sidney Salud Cole Baxter DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Conner Fraser Peter Paasonen LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Jeffers Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool D Sidney Salud Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Sell Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Jeffers Cole Baxter LOSS WIN
Pool D Peter Paasonen Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Jeffers Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool D Conner Fraser Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool D Daniel Rauens Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool D Peter Paasonen Cole Baxter WIN LOSS
Pool D Scott Jeffers Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool D Daniel Rauens Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool D Sidney Salud Peter Paasonen LOSS WIN
Pool D Cole Baxter Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool D Scott Jeffers Peter Paasonen WIN LOSS
Pool D Daniel Rauens Romana Shemayev DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Conner Fraser Cole Baxter WIN LOSS
Pool D Sidney Salud Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Jeffers Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool D Cole Baxter Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool D Romana Shemayev Peter Paasonen WIN LOSS
Pool D Sidney Salud Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool D Romana Shemayev Cole Baxter WIN LOSS
Pool D Peter Paasonen Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool D Daniel Rauens Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool D Scott Jeffers Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool E Dylan Kostman Michael Meyer WIN LOSS
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
Pool E Davis Vader Robert Roy LOSS WIN
Pool E Kevin Granzow Michael Meyer LOSS WIN
Pool E Robert Roy Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool E Davis Vader Brent Jungclaus LOSS WIN
Pool E Michael Meyer Robert Roy LOSS WIN
Pool E Kevin Granzow Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
Pool E Dylan Kostman Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool E Kevin Granzow Robert Roy LOSS WIN
Pool E Davis Vader Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
Pool E Michael Meyer Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool E Robert Roy Brent Jungclaus DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Kevin Granzow Davis Vader WIN LOSS
Pool E Dylan Kostman Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
Pool E Davis Vader Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool E Kevin Granzow Brent Jungclaus LOSS WIN
Pool E Michael Meyer Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
Pool E Kevin Granzow Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool E Davis Vader Michael Meyer WIN LOSS
Pool E Robert Roy Chad McFarland DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F John Keizer Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool F Eric Hallstrom Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Pool F Richard Young Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Pool F Autumn Eule-Nashoba Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool F John Keizer Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool F John Dollmeyer Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Crighton Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool F John Keizer John Dollmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool F Richard Young Eric Hallstrom WIN LOSS
Pool F John Dollmeyer Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool F Richard Young Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool F John Keizer Eric Hallstrom WIN LOSS
Pool F Autumn Eule-Nashoba John Dollmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Crighton Eric Hallstrom WIN LOSS
Pool F John Keizer Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool F Eric Hallstrom John Dollmeyer WIN LOSS
Pool F Autumn Eule-Nashoba Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Crighton Cameron Metcalf DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Autumn Eule-Nashoba Eric Hallstrom LOSS WIN
Pool F John Keizer Richard Young DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F John Dollmeyer Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
elimination Steve Mattsen Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
elimination Douglas Newhouse Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
elimination Douglas Crighton Richard Young WIN LOSS
elimination Joel Johnson Chad McFarland WIN LOSS
elimination Cameron Metcalf Scott Thomas WIN LOSS
elimination Dylan Kostman Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
elimination Logan Black Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
elimination Tyler Hull Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Logan Black Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Conner Fraser Steve Mattsen WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Ryan Carlson Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Douglas Crighton Joel Johnson WIN LOSS
Semi Final Cameron Metcalf Logan Black LOSS WIN
Semi Final Douglas Crighton Conner Fraser WIN LOSS
bronze Cameron Metcalf Conner Fraser WIN LOSS
Final Douglas Crighton Logan Black LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Autumn Eule-Nashoba Sam Street LOSS WIN
Pool A Dylan Kostman Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Pool A Philip Ristow Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool A Don Doumakes Autumn Eule-Nashoba LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Street Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Pool A Dylan Kostman Philip Ristow LOSS WIN
Pool A Steve Mattsen Don Doumakes WIN LOSS
Pool A Autumn Eule-Nashoba Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool A Philip Ristow Sam Street WIN LOSS
Pool A Steve Mattsen Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool A Philip Ristow Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool A Dylan Kostman Don Doumakes WIN LOSS
Pool A Steve Mattsen Dylan Kostman WIN LOSS
Pool A Philip Ristow Autumn Eule-Nashoba LOSS WIN
Pool A Don Doumakes Sam Street LOSS WIN
Pool A Steve Mattsen Sam Street DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Dylan Kostman Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool A Scott Jeffers Don Doumakes WIN LOSS
Pool A Dylan Kostman Sam Street DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Philip Ristow Don Doumakes WIN LOSS
Pool A Steve Mattsen Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Sell Steven Kozel LOSS WIN
Pool B Tim Hoyt Jarod Harbrecht LOSS WIN
Pool B Jason Murdey Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool B Rashi McKinney Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool B Jason Murdey Steven Kozel LOSS WIN
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool B Matt Olesen Rashi McKinney WIN LOSS
Pool B Sidney Salud Tim Hoyt LOSS WIN
Pool B Andrew Sell Jason Murdey LOSS WIN
Pool B Steven Kozel Rashi McKinney WIN LOSS
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool B Andrew Sell Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
Pool B Rashi McKinney Jason Murdey LOSS WIN
Pool B Tim Hoyt Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Steven Kozel LOSS WIN
Pool B Matt Olesen Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Sell Rashi McKinney DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Jason Murdey LOSS WIN
Pool B Steven Kozel Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool B Sidney Salud Steven Kozel LOSS WIN
Pool B Rashi McKinney Jarod Harbrecht WIN LOSS
Pool B Matt Olesen Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool B Jason Murdey Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool B Steven Kozel Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool B Rashi McKinney Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool B Jason Murdey Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool C Dale Utt Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool C Daniel Rauens Layne Gerrard WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Richeson Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Pool C Ian Smith Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool C Dale Utt Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Richeson Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool C Ian Smith Layne Gerrard LOSS WIN
Pool C Frederic David Cameron Metcalf DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Daniel Rauens Ian Smith DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Jack Richeson Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool C Frederic David Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool C Layne Gerrard Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Pool C Dale Utt Ian Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Richeson Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool C Daniel Rauens Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Pool C Lars Olsen Layne Gerrard DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Ian Smith Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool C Frederic David Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool C Layne Gerrard Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Daniel Rauens Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool C Lars Olsen Ian Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Frederic David Layne Gerrard LOSS WIN
Pool C Cameron Metcalf Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Richeson Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Pool C Layne Gerrard Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool C Lars Olsen Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Pool C Daniel Rauens Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Richeson Ian Smith WIN LOSS
Pool D Tony Williams Danesh Bankwala LOSS WIN
Pool D Richard Young Nathan Clough LOSS WIN
Pool D Adam Franti Miles Ehmling WIN LOSS
Pool D Davis Vader Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool D Danesh Bankwala Richard Young DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Miles Ehmling Tony Williams WIN LOSS
Pool D Nathan Clough Davis Vader WIN LOSS
Pool D Josias Arcadia Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool D Richard Young Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool D Danesh Bankwala Miles Ehmling LOSS WIN
Pool D Tony Williams Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool D Nathan Clough Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool D Davis Vader Danesh Bankwala LOSS WIN
Pool D Josias Arcadia Miles Ehmling LOSS WIN
Pool D Richard Young Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool D Tony Williams Nathan Clough LOSS WIN
Pool D Davis Vader Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool D Danesh Bankwala Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool D Miles Ehmling Nathan Clough WIN LOSS
Pool D Tony Williams Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool D Davis Vader Tony Williams WIN LOSS
Pool D Josias Arcadia Nathan Clough WIN LOSS
Pool D Danesh Bankwala Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool D Miles Ehmling Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool D Nathan Clough Danesh Bankwala DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Tony Williams Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool D Richard Young Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool D Miles Ehmling Davis Vader WIN LOSS
Elimination Danesh Bankwala Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Elimination Matt Olesen Layne Gerrard WIN LOSS
Elimination Dylan Kostman Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Elimination Steven Kozel Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Elimination Rashi McKinney Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Elimination Adam Franti Philip Ristow LOSS WIN
Elimination Jason Murdey Frederic David LOSS WIN
Elimination Sam Street Miles Ehmling WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Steve Mattsen Sam Street WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Frederic David Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Josias Arcadia Philip Ristow LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Jack Richeson Steven Kozel WIN LOSS
Semi Final Steve Mattsen Philip Ristow WIN LOSS
Semi Final Jack Richeson Matt Olesen WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Matt Olesen Philip Ristow WIN LOSS
Final Jack Richeson Steve Mattsen WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool A Trenton Smith Tony Williams LOSS WIN
pool A Danesh Bankwala Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
pool A Sam Street Frederic David LOSS WIN
pool A Jason Murdey Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
pool A Trenton Smith Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
pool A Sam Street Tony Williams WIN LOSS
pool A Danesh Bankwala Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
pool A Jason Murdey Frederic David LOSS WIN
pool A Flynn Castellanos Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
pool A Trenton Smith Sam Street LOSS WIN
pool A Tony Williams Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
pool A Frederic David Danesh Bankwala WIN LOSS
pool A Trenton Smith Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
pool A Sam Street Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
pool A Chad McFarland Frederic David WIN LOSS
pool A Tony Williams Danesh Bankwala LOSS WIN
pool A Frederic David Flynn Castellanos WIN LOSS
pool A Jason Murdey Trenton Smith WIN LOSS
pool A Sam Street Danesh Bankwala WIN LOSS
pool A Chad McFarland Tony Williams WIN LOSS
pool A Flynn Castellanos Tony Williams DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool A Jason Murdey Danesh Bankwala LOSS WIN
pool A Frederic David Trenton Smith WIN LOSS
pool A Chad McFarland Sam Street DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool A Danesh Bankwala Trenton Smith WIN LOSS
pool A Tony Williams Frederic David LOSS WIN
pool A Jason Murdey Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
pool A Sam Street Flynn Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool B Conner Fraser Kevin Granzow WIN LOSS
Pool B Matt Olesen Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Sell Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool B Conner Fraser Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool B Kevin Granzow Josias Arcadia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Andrew Sell Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool B Josias Arcadia Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Richard Young Mark Nelson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Kevin Granzow Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool B Mark Nelson Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Sell Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool B Matt Olesen Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Josias Arcadia Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool B Andrew Sell Mark Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool B Kevin Granzow Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Sell Kevin Granzow LOSS WIN
Pool B Matt Olesen Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool B Conner Fraser Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool B Kevin Granzow Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Sell Conner Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Josias Arcadia Richard Young WIN LOSS
Pool C John Dollmeyer Nathan Clough LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Richeson Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool C Robert Roy Logan Black LOSS WIN
Pool C Nathan Clough Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Brendan Maloney Robert Roy LOSS WIN
Pool C Logan Black Davis Vader WIN LOSS
Pool C Robert Roy Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Logan Black John Dollmeyer WIN LOSS
Pool C Davis Vader Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool C Nathan Clough Robert Roy LOSS WIN
Pool C Davis Vader Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
Pool C John Dollmeyer Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool C Davis Vader Robert Roy DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Nathan Clough Logan Black LOSS WIN
Pool C John Dollmeyer Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Robert Roy John Dollmeyer WIN LOSS
Pool C Logan Black Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool C Davis Vader Nathan Clough WIN LOSS
Pool C Nathan Clough Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool C Davis Vader John Dollmeyer WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Richeson Logan Black LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Ring Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool D Chuck Castellanos Brent Jungclaus LOSS WIN
Pool D John Keizer Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool D Chuck Castellanos Andrew Ring WIN LOSS
Pool D Sidney Salud Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool D Chuck Castellanos Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool D Sidney Salud Andrew Ring WIN LOSS
Pool D Chuck Castellanos Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
Pool D John Keizer Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool D Romana Shemayev Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Ring John Keizer LOSS WIN
Pool D Romana Shemayev Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool D John Keizer Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool D Brent Jungclaus Andrew Ring WIN LOSS
Pool D John Keizer Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
Pool E Autumn Eule-Nashoba Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool E Miles Ehmling Mathew Kortuem WIN LOSS
Pool E Scott Jeffers Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Pool E Miles Ehmling Adam Franti WIN LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool E Scott Jeffers Mathew Kortuem WIN LOSS
Pool E Miles Ehmling Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool E Adam Franti Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool E Cole Baxter Mathew Kortuem WIN LOSS
Pool E Autumn Eule-Nashoba Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Pool E Miles Ehmling Scott Jeffers DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Adam Franti Cole Baxter LOSS WIN
Pool E Daniel Rauens Mathew Kortuem WIN LOSS
Pool E Scott Jeffers Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Miles Ehmling LOSS WIN
Pool E Adam Franti Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool E Autumn Eule-Nashoba Mathew Kortuem WIN LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool E Adam Franti Mathew Kortuem WIN LOSS
Pool E Daniel Rauens Miles Ehmling LOSS WIN
Pool F Joe van Ert Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Pool F Lars Olsen Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool F Tim Hoyt Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Newhouse Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool F Lars Olsen Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool F Vlad Hintaut Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool F Steve Mattsen Douglas Newhouse WIN LOSS
Pool F Ryan Carlson Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool F Lars Olsen Douglas Newhouse DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Vlad Hintaut Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool F Dale Utt Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Newhouse Joe van Ert DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Tim Hoyt Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool F Lars Olsen Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool F Vlad Hintaut Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool F Dale Utt Douglas Newhouse LOSS WIN
Pool F Ryan Carlson Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool F Tim Hoyt Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool F Vlad Hintaut Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool F Douglas Newhouse Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Pool F Steve Mattsen Ryan Carlson WIN LOSS
Pool F Dale Utt Joe van Ert LOSS WIN
Pool F Tim Hoyt Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool F Steve Mattsen Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool F Vlad Hintaut Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool F Lars Olsen Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Newhouse Tim Hoyt LOSS WIN
Elimination Frederic David Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Elimination Conner Fraser Vlad Hintaut WIN LOSS
Elimination Logan Black Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Elimination Sidney Salud Sam Street LOSS WIN
Elimination Scott Jeffers Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Elimination Chad McFarland Steve Mattsen WIN LOSS
Elimination Romana Shemayev Miles Ehmling WIN LOSS
Elimination Ryan Carlson Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Frederic David Matt Olesen WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Conner Fraser Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Jack Richeson Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Davis Vader Sam Street LOSS WIN
Semi Final Frederic David Chad McFarland LOSS WIN
semi final Conner Fraser Sam Street WIN LOSS
Bronze medal Frederic David Sam Street WIN LOSS
final Chad McFarland Conner Fraser WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Matt Olesen Adam Franti WIN LOSS
Pool A Andrew Ring Eric Hallstrom DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Vlad Hintaut Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Pool A Ian Smith Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool A Adam Franti Andrew Ring WIN LOSS
Pool A Eric Hallstrom Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Pool A Daniel Rauens Ian Smith WIN LOSS
Pool A Matt Olesen Andrew Ring WIN LOSS
Pool A Vlad Hintaut Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool A Daniel Rauens Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool A Vlad Hintaut Andrew Ring WIN LOSS
Pool A Ian Smith Eric Hallstrom WIN LOSS
Pool A Daniel Rauens Eric Hallstrom WIN LOSS
Pool A Matt Olesen Vlad Hintaut WIN LOSS
Pool A Ian Smith Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Pool A Adam Franti Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Pool A Eric Hallstrom Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Pool A Andrew Ring Ian Smith LOSS WIN
Pool A Adam Franti Eric Hallstrom WIN LOSS
Pool A Ian Smith Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Pool A Daniel Rauens Andrew Ring WIN LOSS
Pool B Tony Williams Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Pool B Jack Richeson Davis Vader WIN LOSS
Pool B Josh Ellison Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool B Andrew Sell Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Tony Williams Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool B Josh Ellison Jarod Harbrecht LOSS WIN
Pool B Frederic David Davis Vader WIN LOSS
Pool B Josh Ellison Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Richeson Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool B Tony Williams Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool B Josh Ellison Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool B Frederic David Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool B Davis Vader Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Tony Williams Jarod Harbrecht WIN LOSS
Pool B Josh Ellison Davis Vader WIN LOSS
Pool B Frederic David Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool B Tony Williams Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Josh Ellison Tony Williams LOSS WIN
Pool B Frederic David Jarod Harbrecht WIN LOSS
Pool B Davis Vader Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool B Jack Richeson Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Pool B Jarod Harbrecht Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool B Tony Williams Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool B Casey Kopp Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Richeson Josh Ellison WIN LOSS
Pool C Mark Nelson Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool C John Keizer Brendan Maloney LOSS WIN
Pool C Steven Kozel Joel Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool C Scott Jeffers John Dollmeyer WIN LOSS
Pool C Mark Nelson John Keizer LOSS WIN
Pool C Steven Kozel Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool C Brendan Maloney John Dollmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool C Joel Johnson Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Pool C John Keizer John Dollmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool C Steven Kozel Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool C Tim Hoyt Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool C Brendan Maloney Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool C John Dollmeyer Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool C Scott Jeffers Steven Kozel LOSS WIN
Pool C John Keizer Joel Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool C Tim Hoyt Brendan Maloney LOSS WIN
Pool C John Dollmeyer Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool C Mark Nelson Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool C Steven Kozel Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool C John Keizer Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool C John Dollmeyer Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Pool C Brendan Maloney Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool C Joel Johnson Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool C John Keizer Steven Kozel LOSS WIN
Pool C Brendan Maloney Mark Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool C Tim Hoyt Joel Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool C John Keizer Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Pool C John Dollmeyer Steven Kozel LOSS WIN
Pool D Aaron Labertew Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Steve Mattsen Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Pool D Chad McFarland Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool D Sarah Potratz Layne Gerrard DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Cameron Metcalf Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Chad McFarland Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool D Steve Mattsen Sarah Potratz WIN LOSS
Pool D Brent Jungclaus Layne Gerrard WIN LOSS
Pool D Cameron Metcalf Sarah Potratz WIN LOSS
Pool D Chad McFarland Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Aaron Labertew Layne Gerrard LOSS WIN
Pool D Brent Jungclaus Steve Mattsen LOSS WIN
Pool D Eric Wood Sarah Potratz DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Chad McFarland Layne Gerrard WIN LOSS
Pool D Cameron Metcalf Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool D Steve Mattsen Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool D Brent Jungclaus Sarah Potratz LOSS WIN
Pool D Eric Wood Layne Gerrard WIN LOSS
Pool D Chad McFarland Steve Mattsen WIN LOSS
Pool D Aaron Labertew Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool D Sarah Potratz Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool D Steve Mattsen Layne Gerrard DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Brent Jungclaus Eric Wood LOSS WIN
Pool D Cameron Metcalf Chad McFarland WIN LOSS
Pool D Steve Mattsen Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Brent Jungclaus Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool D Layne Gerrard Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool D Chad McFarland Sarah Potratz WIN LOSS
Pool E Romana Shemayev Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool E Conner Fraser Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool E Sam Street Cole Baxter WIN LOSS
Pool E Edward Sagritalo Nathan Clough LOSS WIN
Pool E Conner Fraser Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool E Sam Street Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool E Edward Sagritalo Autumn Eule-Nashoba LOSS WIN
Pool E Cole Baxter Nathan Clough LOSS WIN
Pool E Edward Sagritalo Conner Fraser DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Sam Street Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Pool E Jason Murdey Nathan Clough WIN LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Autumn Eule-Nashoba DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Romana Shemayev Edward Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Pool E Sam Street Nathan Clough WIN LOSS
Pool E Conner Fraser Cole Baxter LOSS WIN
Pool E Jason Murdey Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Edward Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Pool E Nathan Clough Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool E Autumn Eule-Nashoba Sam Street LOSS WIN
Pool E Conner Fraser Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool E Edward Sagritalo Jason Murdey LOSS WIN
Pool E Nathan Clough Autumn Eule-Nashoba DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Romana Shemayev DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Sam Street Conner Fraser WIN LOSS
Pool E Romana Shemayev Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
Pool E Cole Baxter Jason Murdey WIN LOSS
Pool E Nathan Clough Conner Fraser WIN LOSS
Pool E Edward Sagritalo Sam Street LOSS WIN
Pool F Dale Utt Miles Ehmling LOSS WIN
Pool F Rashi McKinney Kevin Granzow WIN LOSS
Pool F Philip Ristow Peter Paasonen WIN LOSS
Pool F Douglas Crighton Scott Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool F Miles Ehmling Rashi McKinney DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Peter Paasonen Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool F Kevin Granzow Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool F Philip Ristow Scott Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool F Rashi McKinney Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool F Miles Ehmling Peter Paasonen WIN LOSS
Pool F Dale Utt Scott Thomas WIN LOSS
Pool F Philip Ristow Kevin Granzow LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Crighton Miles Ehmling WIN LOSS
Pool F Scott Thomas Peter Paasonen WIN LOSS
Pool F Rashi McKinney Philip Ristow WIN LOSS
Pool F Kevin Granzow Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Crighton Philip Ristow WIN LOSS
Pool F Scott Thomas Miles Ehmling WIN LOSS
Pool F Peter Paasonen Kevin Granzow LOSS WIN
Pool F Dale Utt Rashi McKinney WIN LOSS
Pool F Douglas Crighton Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool F Kevin Granzow Scott Thomas DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Philip Ristow Miles Ehmling LOSS WIN
Pool F Peter Paasonen Rashi McKinney LOSS WIN
Pool F Kevin Granzow Miles Ehmling WIN LOSS
Pool F Philip Ristow Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool F Rashi McKinney Scott Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool F Douglas Crighton Peter Paasonen WIN LOSS
Pool G Joe van Ert Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool G Ryan Carlson Flynn Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool G Danesh Bankwala Anne Brink WIN LOSS
Pool G Michael Meyer Sami Showalter WIN LOSS
Pool G Flynn Castellanos Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool G Richard Young Anne Brink LOSS WIN
Pool G Ryan Carlson Michael Meyer WIN LOSS
Pool G Sami Showalter Danesh Bankwala LOSS WIN
Pool G Flynn Castellanos Michael Meyer LOSS WIN
Pool G Joe van Ert Anne Brink WIN LOSS
Pool G Richard Young Sami Showalter WIN LOSS
Pool G Ryan Carlson Danesh Bankwala LOSS WIN
Pool G Michael Meyer Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool G Anne Brink Sami Showalter WIN LOSS
Pool G Danesh Bankwala Flynn Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool G Richard Young Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool G Danesh Bankwala Michael Meyer WIN LOSS
Pool G Sami Showalter Joe van Ert LOSS WIN
Pool G Anne Brink Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool G Richard Young Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool G Michael Meyer Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool G Ryan Carlson Sami Showalter WIN LOSS
Pool G Danesh Bankwala Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool G Anne Brink Flynn Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool G Joe van Ert Ryan Carlson LOSS WIN
Pool G Richard Young Danesh Bankwala LOSS WIN
Pool G Flynn Castellanos Sami Showalter LOSS WIN
Pool G Michael Meyer Anne Brink LOSS WIN
Pool H Don Doumakes Logan Black LOSS WIN
Pool H Ed Butler Chuck Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool H Josias Arcadia Tyler Hull WIN LOSS
Pool H Sidney Salud Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool H Chuck Castellanos Logan Black LOSS WIN
Pool H Tyler Hull Don Doumakes WIN LOSS
Pool H Ed Butler Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool H Josias Arcadia Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool H Sidney Salud Chuck Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool H Logan Black Tyler Hull WIN LOSS
Pool H Don Doumakes Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool H Ed Butler Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool H Logan Black Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool H Tyler Hull Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool H Josias Arcadia Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool H Ed Butler Don Doumakes WIN LOSS
Pool H Josias Arcadia Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Pool H Lars Olsen Logan Black LOSS WIN
Pool H Tyler Hull Ed Butler WIN LOSS
Pool H Don Doumakes Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool H Sidney Salud Don Doumakes LOSS WIN
Pool H Lars Olsen Ed Butler WIN LOSS
Pool H Josias Arcadia Logan Black LOSS WIN
Pool H Tyler Hull Chuck Castellanos LOSS WIN
Pool H Logan Black Ed Butler WIN LOSS
Pool H Don Doumakes Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool H Lars Olsen Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Pool H Tyler Hull Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
elimination Matt Olesen Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
elimination Danesh Bankwala Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
elimination Adam Franti Logan Black WIN LOSS
elimination Ryan Carlson Frederic David WIN LOSS
elimination Steven Kozel Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
elimination Scott Thomas Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
elimination Sam Street Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
elimination Chad McFarland Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Matt Olesen Chad McFarland WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Jack Richeson Sam Street WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Adam Franti Scott Thomas WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Ryan Carlson Steven Kozel WIN LOSS
semi final Matt Olesen Adam Franti WIN LOSS
semi final Ryan Carlson Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
bronze medal Adam Franti Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Final Ryan Carlson Matt Olesen LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Icebreaker Open 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
25 17 Matt Olesen Center for Blade Arts 1764.2 73.8
51 37 Ryan Carlson Center for Blade Arts 1677.4 68.7
63 Frederic David La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1651.8 4.8
73 16 Sam Street N/A 1633.3 24.8
83 239 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1620.1 173.3
103 2 Steve Mattsen Center for Blade Arts 1600.5 12.8
163 17 Scott Thomas Center for Blade Arts 1546.9 24.6
201 14 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1520.7 16.8
209 Danesh Bankwala Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1517.4
212 101 Adam Franti Lansing Longsword Guild 1514.7 63.3
300 196 Steven Kozel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1471.8 108.2
301 27 Vlad Hintaut Chicago Swordplay Guild 1471.8 28.8
349 Chad McFarland Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1444.3
378 96 Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School 1430.8 58.8
407 25 Joel Johnson Center for Blade Arts 1413.9 27.1
409 46 Romana Shemayev Bent Blades 1413.7 34.8
429 274 Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1403.8 113.5
432 8 Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1402.6 18.9
447 212 Logan Black War Sword Historical Fencing 1395.7 90.9
484 944 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1379.4 306
679 62 Flynn Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 1307.9 9.7
746 124 Scott Jeffers Chicago Swordplay Guild 1286.6 56.8
789 121 Miles Ehmling Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1268.5 50.6
856 Casey Kopp Red River Fencing 1250.8
978 15 Sarah Potratz Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1214.4 16.8
1012 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1204
1018 Rashi McKinney Center for Blade Arts 1199.9
1041 340 Kevin Granzow Knoxville Academy of the Blade 1193.1 110.9
1074 421 Philip Ristow Minneapolis HEMA Study Group 1184.1 122.7
1080 160 Jason Murdey Lansing Longsword Guild 1183.4 61.3
1157 149 Nathan Clough Minnesota Sword Guild 1164 60.2
1199 Davis Vader Chicago Swordplay Guild 1150.7
1215 Cole Baxter Center for Blade Arts 1145.7
1323 546 Tony Williams Minneapolis HEMA Study Group 1120.1 169.7
1377 Michael Meyer Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1105.1
1410 Ian Smith Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1098.8
1455 John Keizer Bent Blades 1085.8
1502 721 John Dollmeyer Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1076.5 230.9
1514 12 Eric Wood Bent Blades 1073.5 28
1547 Richard Young Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1066.5
1602 68 Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing 1052.7 49.5
1608 Conner Fraser Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1051.8
1681 202 Anne Brink Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1031.4 85.6
1701 Jarod Harbrecht Center for Blade Arts 1021.7
1702 Josh Ellison Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1021.7
1729 2 Don Doumakes Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1014.2 23.8
1877 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 982.3
1934 Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts 966.2
1935 Mark Nelson N/A 966.2
1977 232 Chuck Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 955.7 106.1
2007 24 Aaron Labertew House of Blades 946.8 26.1
2038 117 Tyler Hull Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 940.9 74.9
2087 Autumn Eule-Nashoba Center for Blade Arts 929.4
2110 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 921.5
2135 Ed Butler Center for Blade Arts 914.2
2143 406 Tim Hoyt European Martial Arts of St. Louis 913.4 76.6
2201 Eric Hallstrom Center for Blade Arts 897.2
2202 Andrew Ring River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild 897.2
2260 265 Edward Sagritalo Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 879 36.2
2287 Peter Paasonen N/A 872.8
2298 Sami Showalter Center for Blade Arts 869.6
2303 Layne Gerrard Center for Blade Arts 868.2
2430 Sidney Salud Chicago Swordplay Guild 826.7
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
2 7 Matt Olesen Center for Blade Arts 1696.2 74.4
9 45 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1615.4 248.7
13 9 Sam Street N/A 1583 57.8
25 44 Steve Mattsen Center for Blade Arts 1521.1 193.9
35 22 Adam Franti Lansing Longsword Guild 1461.2 100.4
41 58 Steven Kozel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1422.3 174.8
42 40 Frederic David La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1415.6 133.8
67 103 Miles Ehmling Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1340.6 237.3
78 74 Layne Gerrard Center for Blade Arts 1316 171.9
83 Jason Murdey Lansing Longsword Guild 1287.1
91 72 Philip Ristow Minneapolis HEMA Study Group 1264.5 149.6
110 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1234.6
118 22 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1217.3 51.8
128 26 Nathan Clough Minnesota Sword Guild 1194.6 55.2
144 Danesh Bankwala Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1171.8
153 Rashi McKinney Center for Blade Arts 1156.9
163 49 Scott Jeffers Chicago Swordplay Guild 1133.6 122.3
176 6 Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1104.6 26.4
178 Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts 1094
195 88 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1073.3 231.5
205 Richard Young Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1050.3
214 Autumn Eule-Nashoba Center for Blade Arts 1035
216 Jarod Harbrecht Center for Blade Arts 1030.8
228 Davis Vader Chicago Swordplay Guild 1002.8
243 49 Tony Williams Minneapolis HEMA Study Group 971.2 89.9
252 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 956.8
261 Tim Hoyt European Martial Arts of St. Louis 939.7
266 Sidney Salud Chicago Swordplay Guild 926.9
287 Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School 883
308 Ian Smith Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 812.8
313 Don Doumakes Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 783.9