Mixed & Men's Steel Sword and Buckler - March 2025

1 fighters have competed this month, out of a total of 29 active fighters.

166 fights from 2 events in 2 countries have gone into this month's rating changes

Jan Žegklitz increases their weighted rating from 1482.8 to 1501.1, making them the fighter with the biggest rating climb on the main island this month

Jan Žegklitz climbs 20 places from 179th to 159th with a rating of 1501.1, making them the fighter who climbed to the highest rank on the main island this month

1123 fighters are on the "main island". The remaining 4 are distributed among 2 islands.

2 fighters have been on an island for as long as they've been active in this rating category.

29 fighters have supported HEMA Ratings on Patreon this month

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
2 Patrick Rance Smart HEMA Clubs 1899.8
3 Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA 1888.5
7 Michael Roth Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1840
11 Massimiliano Cappello Comense Scherma 1809.5
74 1 Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword 1615.8
78 1 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1609.1
93 2 Kevin Beahan Sword to Sword 1580.4
109 2 Ben Blythe Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1557.5
126 2 Jason Smith Valley's heart HEMA 1539.3
146 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1514.7
159 20 Jan Žegklitz SHŠ Krkavci 1501.1 18.3
191 1 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1468.8
193 2 Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword 1465.4
220 3 Steven Gallagher Smart HEMA Clubs 1436.8
230 3 Dean Noaksey Noakes The School of the Sword 1428.3
256 3 Honza Blažek Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1400.7
300 7 Ken McKenzie Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms 1363.4
318 2 Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy 1346.6
382 2 Martin Vrábeľ Rotyka 1307.5
495 1 Pavel Dostál Pardubický spolek šermířský 1229.7
508 2 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1222.1
509 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Sharukhan 1221.9
534 3 Anatolii Berelekhis HEMA Israel 1204.4
684 2 Ronald Lee Melbourne Messer Club 1119.4
698 3 Owen Hahn London Historical Fencing Club 1111.4
766 4 Alexander Kotarakos Sword Inquisition 1079.7
790 4 Cody Shepherd Masterless Fencing 1072.8
853 9 Nikos Kyriakopoulos EHMS 1043.4
1265 5 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 789.9