Berlin HEMA Cup 2025

Date March 1, 2025
Country Germany
City Berlin
Software Turnier Piranha

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 294 59
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger (Open) 165 35
Mixed Steel Sabre (Open) 250 49
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 80 17
Underrepresented Genders Steel Rapier and Dagger 53 10
Underrepresented Genders Sabre 36 8

Fighters in event

Benjamin Russ Kampfhus
Florian Fortner Sprezzatura
Etienne Darcas Twerchhau e.V.
Haris Eminovic Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Bjorn Carne Meyer May Rise
Jocelyn Wanzoul Meyer May Rise
Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani
Felipe Mangusto Batalha Cênica Salvador
Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex
Jonas Bürgi Reisläufer Bern
Anan Tan Twerchhau e.V.
Jan Žegklitz SHŠ Krkavci
Steffen Wonner 7Schwerter
Tobias Schromm De Schola Pugnator
Gregor Walz Dimicator Schola
Felix Linder Europäische Schwertkunst
Christian Sauerbrey Fechtschule Schrankhut
Ludwig Theile Fencing Club Dresden
Britta Henke Hammaborg
Sergei Kazantsev Hammaborg
Henning Hottong Historisches Fechten Raspo
Anjali Singh Historisches Fechten Rosenheim
Christina Pölt Historisches Fechten Rosenheim
Franz Teichert Historisches Fechten Würzburg
Irmgard Stark Historisches Fechten Würzburg
Michael Utzel In MOTU
Johannes Meyer In MOTU
Ole Soldatow INDES Wien
Christian Rothe Kenshinkai Berlin e. V.
Riccardo Klinger Kenshinkai Berlin e. V.
Thomas Menz Kenshinkai Berlin e. V.
Matteo Arndt Kenshinkai Berlin e. V.
Thomas Rettig Meisterhauw
Markus Schampera Meisterhauw
Andreas Arndt Pfälzer Schwertlöwen
Susanne Watzek Saalefechter
Erik Schneider Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Malte Ostermeier Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Lukas Schmidt Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Jannes Malanowski Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Robin Rocher Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Melissa Kleiß Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Jesse Gerdes Schildwache Potsdam e.V
Leon Roob Schule des inneren Schwertes
Valentin Stechow Schule des inneren Schwertes
Simon Reimann Schule des inneren Schwertes
Saskia Eisenbach Schwabenfedern
Laura Kalchschmid Schwabenfedern
Marina Hertlein Schwert und Bogen
Sarah NAUJOKS Schwert und Bogen
Melissa Gutsche Schwert und Bogen
Boris Mijat Schwert und Bogen
Christoph Bär-Vontz Schwert und Bogen
Mathias Bär Schwert und Bogen
Marc Schramm Schwert und Bogen
Lukas Tetzlaff Schwert und Bogen
Niclas Reichel Schwert und Bogen
Vivian Morka Schwert und Bogen
Dennis-Marius Thieme Schwert-Greifen Rostock
Hannes Rudzinski Schwert-Greifen Rostock
Erik Endlicher Schwert-Greifen Rostock
Martin Hacker Schwert-Greifen Rostock
Angelina Klett Schwert-Greifen Rostock
Nina Reese Schwert-Greifen Rostock
Markus Köhler Schwertspiel Dresden
Moritz Löschner Schwertspiel Dresden
Tina John Schwertspiel Dresden
Sebastian Höglinger Sportbund DJK Rosenheim
Lars Stankuweit Sulverstede Armatus TSV Silberstedt
Christoph Behrens TSV Uesen - Winkelfechter
Brian Brown Buckley Twerchhau e.V.
Till Balbach Twerchhau e.V.
Dimitri Klein Twerchhau e.V.
Nico Röder Twerchhau e.V.
Filipp Streshnev Twerchhau e.V.
Markus Montenegro Twerchhau e.V.
Anna Sophie Welter Twerchhau e.V.
Helmut Seiler Walk the Path Berlin
Troels Christensen Københavns Historiske Fægteklub
Anna Sophie Pöggeler Frères d'AMHE
Bastien Mersier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Etienne Bidermann Ochs München
Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis
Nika Veronek Noble Science Academy - Dublin
Juan Ambrosio Schwert und Bogen
Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas De Zwaardkring
Jeroen van Wordragen De Zwaardkring
Bor Jaspers Historisch Schermgilde Limburg
Max Albertz Historisch Schermgilde Limburg
Michelle Maes Historisch Schermgilde Limburg
Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Juliette Hemelaar Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Pieter van der Werff Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede
Jazhara Zengerink Københavns Historiske Fægteklub
Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen
Nick Bos Zwaard & Steen
Guus Langelaan Zwaard & Steen
Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Akademia Szermierzy
Antoni Reinfuss Akademia Szermierzy
Karol Nowacki ARMA Poland Poznan
Tomasz Kraśnicki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej
Andrzej Mrożek Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej
Mateusz Siejko Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej
Brian Wieczorkiewicz Twerchhau e.V.
Mateusz Majewski VALKYRIE/BLADE
Grzegorz Mikita VALKYRIE/BLADE
Djordje Mijailovic Twerchhau e.V.
Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Sharukhan
Wojciech Skoczynski SwordFight
Noah Thrasher Twerchhau e.V.


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Round Robin Pool 1 Jocelyn Wanzoul Till Balbach WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Jocelyn Wanzoul WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jocelyn Wanzoul Lars Stankuweit DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Jocelyn Wanzoul LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jocelyn Wanzoul Felix Linder WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Lukas Schmidt Jocelyn Wanzoul LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jocelyn Wanzoul Felix SCHRÖTER WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jocelyn Wanzoul Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jocelyn Wanzoul Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Till Balbach DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Lukas Schmidt Alexey Rodriguez Blanter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Lars Stankuweit LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Alexey Rodriguez Blanter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Felix SCHRÖTER LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Felix SCHRÖTER Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Felix Linder Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Till Balbach Felix Linder WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Felix Linder Lars Stankuweit WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Felix Linder Lukas Schmidt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Yannic Müller Lars Stankuweit WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Yannic Müller Lukas Schmidt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Yannic Müller Till Balbach WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Felix SCHRÖTER Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Felix SCHRÖTER Till Balbach LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Lars Stankuweit Till Balbach LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Till Balbach WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Lukas Schmidt Till Balbach LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Till Balbach LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Felix SCHRÖTER Lars Stankuweit WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Felix SCHRÖTER LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Lukas Schmidt Felix SCHRÖTER WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Felix SCHRÖTER LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Lars Stankuweit Hannes Rudzinski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Lars Stankuweit LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Lukas Schmidt Lars Stankuweit LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Lukas Schmidt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Valentin Stechow Hannes Rudzinski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Lukas Schmidt Valentin Stechow WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Wojciech Skoczynski Sergei Kazantsev LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Jannes Malanowski Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Wojciech Skoczynski Markus Montenegro LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Marc Schramm Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Wojciech Skoczynski Riccardo Klinger LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Wojciech Skoczynski Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Wojciech Skoczynski Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Wojciech Skoczynski Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Marc Schramm Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Sergei Kazantsev Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Markus Montenegro Marc Schramm WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Riccardo Klinger Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Marc Schramm Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Marc Schramm Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Steffen Wonner Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Richard Bagdi Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mart van den Burg Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mart van den Burg Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sergei Kazantsev Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mart van den Burg Sebastian Höglinger DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 2 Markus Montenegro Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mart van den Burg Riccardo Klinger WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Steffen Wonner Sergei Kazantsev WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Sergei Kazantsev LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Sergei Kazantsev Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Sergei Kazantsev Riccardo Klinger LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Sergei Kazantsev WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Jannes Malanowski Sergei Kazantsev WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Markus Montenegro Sergei Kazantsev LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Jannes Malanowski Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Jannes Malanowski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Jannes Malanowski Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Markus Montenegro Jannes Malanowski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Jannes Malanowski Sebastian Höglinger DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 2 Riccardo Klinger Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Riccardo Klinger WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Riccardo Klinger Markus Montenegro WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Riccardo Klinger Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Steffen Wonner Riccardo Klinger WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Riccardo Klinger LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Steffen Wonner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Sebastian Höglinger WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Markus Montenegro Sebastian Höglinger LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Steffen Wonner Markus Montenegro WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Steffen Wonner Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Nico Röder Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Richard Bagdi Nico Röder WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Markus Montenegro Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Markus Montenegro Nico Röder WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Noah Thrasher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Bjorn Carne Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Etienne Bidermann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Henning Hottong LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Lukas Tetzlaff Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Niclas Reichel WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Jeroen van Wordragen WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Antoni Reinfuss Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Niclas Reichel Lukas Tetzlaff WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Henning Hottong Niclas Reichel WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Antoni Reinfuss Niclas Reichel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Niclas Reichel Jeroen van Wordragen WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Noah Thrasher Niclas Reichel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Niclas Reichel Bjorn Carne DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 4 Etienne Bidermann Niclas Reichel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Maarten van der Auwera Niclas Reichel WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Lukas Tetzlaff Etienne Bidermann LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Etienne Bidermann Henning Hottong LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Etienne Bidermann Antoni Reinfuss LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jeroen van Wordragen Etienne Bidermann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Etienne Bidermann Noah Thrasher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Etienne Bidermann Bjorn Carne WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Maarten van der Auwera Etienne Bidermann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Noah Thrasher Jeroen van Wordragen WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jeroen van Wordragen Bjorn Carne LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Maarten van der Auwera Jeroen van Wordragen WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jeroen van Wordragen Lukas Tetzlaff WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Henning Hottong Jeroen van Wordragen WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jeroen van Wordragen Antoni Reinfuss LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Noah Thrasher Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Bjorn Carne Noah Thrasher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Noah Thrasher Antoni Reinfuss LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Noah Thrasher Henning Hottong LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Lukas Tetzlaff Noah Thrasher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Maarten van der Auwera Henning Hottong WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Henning Hottong Bjorn Carne LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Henning Hottong Lukas Tetzlaff WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Antoni Reinfuss Henning Hottong LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Lukas Tetzlaff Antoni Reinfuss LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Antoni Reinfuss Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Bjorn Carne Antoni Reinfuss LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Bjorn Carne Lukas Tetzlaff WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Bjorn Carne Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Maarten van der Auwera Lukas Tetzlaff WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Franz Teichert Markus Köhler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Erik Schneider Markus Köhler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Christian Sauerbrey Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Markus Köhler Max van den Ekart WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Markus Köhler Matteo Arndt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Thomas Menz Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Markus Köhler Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Tobias Schromm Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Tobias Schromm Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Thomas Menz Tobias Schromm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Matteo Arndt Tobias Schromm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Moritz Löschner Tobias Schromm WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Tobias Schromm Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Erik Schneider Tobias Schromm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Christian Sauerbrey Tobias Schromm LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Erik Schneider Thomas Menz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Thomas Menz Christian Sauerbrey LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Franz Teichert Thomas Menz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Thomas Menz Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Thomas Menz Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Thomas Menz Matteo Arndt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Franz Teichert Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Franz Teichert Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Franz Teichert Matteo Arndt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Erik Schneider Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Christian Sauerbrey Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Erik Schneider Christian Sauerbrey WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Christian Sauerbrey Moritz Löschner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Matteo Arndt Christian Sauerbrey LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Christian Sauerbrey Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Erik Schneider Matteo Arndt LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Matteo Arndt Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Moritz Löschner Matteo Arndt DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 5 Moritz Löschner Erik Schneider WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Erik Schneider Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Max van den Ekart Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Christian Rothe LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Christoph Behrens Erik Endlicher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Bastien Mersier LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Ole Soldatow Erik Endlicher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Bor Jaspers Erik Endlicher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Ole Soldatow Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Jan Žegklitz Bastien Mersier WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Jan Žegklitz Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Christian Rothe Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Jan Žegklitz Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Jan Žegklitz Bor Jaspers DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 6 Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas Bastien Mersier LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Bastien Mersier Bor Jaspers WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Bastien Mersier Helmut Seiler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Christian Rothe Bastien Mersier LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Bastien Mersier Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Ole Soldatow Bastien Mersier WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Ole Soldatow Bor Jaspers LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Bor Jaspers Christian Rothe WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Christoph Behrens Bor Jaspers WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Bor Jaspers Helmut Seiler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Bor Jaspers Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Ole Soldatow Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas Ole Soldatow LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Christian Rothe Ole Soldatow LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Christoph Behrens Ole Soldatow WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Helmut Seiler Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Christian Rothe Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Christoph Behrens Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas Christian Rothe WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Christoph Behrens Christian Rothe WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Christoph Behrens Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Guus Langelaan Jesse Gerdes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Guus Langelaan Grzegorz Mikita LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Gabriel Suchy Guus Langelaan WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Guus Langelaan Juan Ambrosio WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Guus Langelaan Florian Fortner DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 7 Benjamin Russ Guus Langelaan WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Guus Langelaan Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Guus Langelaan Nick Bos LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Guus Langelaan Anonymous fighter DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 7 Nick Bos Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Nick Bos Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Grzegorz Mikita Nick Bos LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Nick Bos Benjamin Russ LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Nick Bos Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Anonymous fighter Nick Bos LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Juan Ambrosio Nick Bos WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Nick Bos Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Gabriel Suchy Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Jesse Gerdes Grzegorz Mikita WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Benjamin Russ Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Jesse Gerdes Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Anonymous fighter Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Florian Fortner Jesse Gerdes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Jesse Gerdes Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Gabriel Suchy Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Gabriel Suchy Benjamin Russ WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Gabriel Suchy Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Gabriel Suchy Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Gabriel Suchy Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Grzegorz Mikita Gabriel Suchy WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Juan Ambrosio Ludwig Theile WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Florian Fortner Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Anonymous fighter Ludwig Theile WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Ludwig Theile Benjamin Russ WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Ludwig Theile Grzegorz Mikita WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Grzegorz Mikita Benjamin Russ LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Benjamin Russ Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Benjamin Russ Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Benjamin Russ Juan Ambrosio WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Juan Ambrosio Florian Fortner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Juan Ambrosio Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Juan Ambrosio Grzegorz Mikita WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 7 Grzegorz Mikita Anonymous fighter DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 7 Grzegorz Mikita Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 7 Florian Fortner Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
16th Finals Jocelyn Wanzoul Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
16th Finals Jesse Gerdes Till Balbach WIN LOSS
16th Finals Felix Linder Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
16th Finals Richard Bagdi Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
16th Finals Tobias Schromm Bor Jaspers WIN LOSS
16th Finals Erik Endlicher Christoph Behrens WIN LOSS
16th Finals Riccardo Klinger Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
16th Finals Jonas Bürgi Bastien Mersier WIN LOSS
16th Finals Marc Schramm Gabriel Suchy WIN LOSS
16th Finals Antoni Reinfuss Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
16th Finals Jan Žegklitz Markus Montenegro WIN LOSS
16th Finals Niclas Reichel Henning Hottong LOSS WIN
16th Finals Mart van den Burg Juan Ambrosio WIN LOSS
16th Finals Hannes Rudzinski Jannes Malanowski LOSS WIN
16th Finals Sebastian Höglinger Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
16th Finals Maarten van der Auwera Florian Fortner WIN LOSS
8th Finals Jan Žegklitz Jesse Gerdes WIN LOSS
8th Finals Markus Köhler Henning Hottong WIN LOSS
8th Finals Tobias Schromm Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
8th Finals Erik Endlicher Jannes Malanowski LOSS WIN
8th Finals Yannic Müller Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
8th Finals Steffen Wonner Ludwig Theile WIN LOSS
8th Finals Marc Schramm Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
8th Finals Mart van den Burg Franz Teichert WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Markus Köhler Tobias Schromm WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Jonas Bürgi Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Jan Žegklitz Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Mart van den Burg Steffen Wonner WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Markus Köhler Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Mart van den Burg Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
3rd Place Match Mart van den Burg Markus Köhler LOSS WIN
Final Max van den Ekart Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Round Robin Pool 1 Jannes Malanowski Jakub Białek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Etienne Darcas Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jannes Malanowski Max Albertz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Dennis-Marius Thieme Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jannes Malanowski Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Gregor Walz Jannes Malanowski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Antoni Reinfuss Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jakub Białek Antoni Reinfuss WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Jakub Białek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jakub Białek Gregor Walz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Max Albertz Jakub Białek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Dennis-Marius Thieme Jakub Białek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jakub Białek Etienne Darcas DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Etienne Darcas Gregor Walz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Etienne Darcas Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Max Albertz Etienne Darcas WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Etienne Darcas Dennis-Marius Thieme LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Etienne Darcas Antoni Reinfuss WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Gregor Walz Dennis-Marius Thieme LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Dennis-Marius Thieme Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Max Albertz Dennis-Marius Thieme WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Antoni Reinfuss Dennis-Marius Thieme WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Max Albertz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Gregor Walz Max Albertz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Max Albertz Antoni Reinfuss DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Gregor Walz Antoni Reinfuss LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Gregor Walz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Antoni Reinfuss Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Max van den Ekart Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Erik Schneider Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Anna Sophie Welter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dimitri Klein Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Jan Žegklitz Dimitri Klein WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Jan Žegklitz Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Jan Žegklitz Erik Schneider WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Anna Sophie Welter Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Jan Žegklitz Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Jan Žegklitz Sebastian Höglinger WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Jan Žegklitz Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Erik Schneider WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Anna Sophie Welter Sebastian Höglinger LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Dimitri Klein Sebastian Höglinger LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Max van den Ekart Sebastian Höglinger WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Sebastian Höglinger Michelle Maes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Max van den Ekart Dimitri Klein WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dimitri Klein Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dimitri Klein Anna Sophie Welter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Erik Schneider Dimitri Klein WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dimitri Klein Richard Bagdi DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 2 Max van den Ekart Erik Schneider WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Erik Schneider Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Richard Bagdi Erik Schneider LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Anna Sophie Welter Erik Schneider LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Anna Sophie Welter Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Max van den Ekart Anna Sophie Welter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Michelle Maes Anna Sophie Welter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Richard Bagdi Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Max van den Ekart Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Richard Bagdi Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Haris Eminovic WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Benjamin Russ Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Malte Ostermeier LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Filipp Streshnev Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Troels Christensen Alexey Rodriguez Blanter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Mateusz Majewski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Mateusz Majewski Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Wojciech Skoczynski Troels Christensen LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Florian Fortner Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Wojciech Skoczynski Filipp Streshnev WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Malte Ostermeier Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Wojciech Skoczynski Benjamin Russ LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Haris Eminovic Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Florian Fortner Mateusz Majewski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Mateusz Majewski Filipp Streshnev WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Malte Ostermeier Mateusz Majewski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Mateusz Majewski Haris Eminovic WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Benjamin Russ Mateusz Majewski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Troels Christensen Mateusz Majewski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Troels Christensen Benjamin Russ WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Benjamin Russ Filipp Streshnev LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Benjamin Russ Florian Fortner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Benjamin Russ Haris Eminovic WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Benjamin Russ Malte Ostermeier DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 3 Filipp Streshnev Troels Christensen LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Malte Ostermeier Filipp Streshnev WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Filipp Streshnev Haris Eminovic WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Filipp Streshnev Florian Fortner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Haris Eminovic Malte Ostermeier DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 3 Malte Ostermeier Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Malte Ostermeier Troels Christensen LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Florian Fortner Haris Eminovic WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 3 Haris Eminovic Troels Christensen LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 3 Troels Christensen Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jesse Gerdes Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jesse Gerdes Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Steffen Wonner Jesse Gerdes DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 4 Jesse Gerdes Simon Reimann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Andrzej Mrożek Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jesse Gerdes Tomasz Kraśnicki LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Robin Rocher Jesse Gerdes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Tomasz Kraśnicki Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Gabriel Suchy Robin Rocher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Andrzej Mrożek Gabriel Suchy WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Simon Reimann Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Gabriel Suchy Steffen Wonner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Franz Teichert Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Andrzej Mrożek Simon Reimann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Andrzej Mrożek Tomasz Kraśnicki LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Andrzej Mrożek Robin Rocher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Steffen Wonner Andrzej Mrożek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Andrzej Mrożek Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Franz Teichert Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Simon Reimann Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Franz Teichert Tomasz Kraśnicki LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Franz Teichert Robin Rocher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Tomasz Kraśnicki Andreas Arndt DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Robin Rocher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Simon Reimann Andreas Arndt LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Steffen Wonner Robin Rocher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Steffen Wonner Tomasz Kraśnicki LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Simon Reimann Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Simon Reimann Tomasz Kraśnicki LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Robin Rocher Simon Reimann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Tomasz Kraśnicki Robin Rocher WIN LOSS
16th Finals Troels Christensen Alexey Rodriguez Blanter WIN LOSS
16th Finals Malte Ostermeier Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
16th Finals Filipp Streshnev Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
16th Finals Tomasz Kraśnicki Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
16th Finals Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Anna Sophie Welter WIN LOSS
16th Finals Antoni Reinfuss Andrzej Mrożek WIN LOSS
16th Finals Erik Schneider Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
16th Finals Jannes Malanowski Mateusz Majewski WIN LOSS
16th Finals Michelle Maes Benjamin Russ WIN LOSS
16th Finals Steffen Wonner Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
16th Finals Jakub Białek Sebastian Höglinger WIN LOSS
16th Finals Andreas Arndt Etienne Darcas LOSS WIN
16th Finals Dennis-Marius Thieme Max Albertz LOSS WIN
16th Finals Florian Fortner Dimitri Klein WIN LOSS
16th Finals Haris Eminovic Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
16th Finals Richard Bagdi Robin Rocher LOSS WIN
8th Finals Jesse Gerdes Troels Christensen LOSS WIN
8th Finals Gabriel Suchy Jakub Białek WIN LOSS
8th Finals Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Jan Žegklitz WIN LOSS
8th Finals Franz Teichert Antoni Reinfuss WIN LOSS
8th Finals Tomasz Kraśnicki Jannes Malanowski WIN LOSS
8th Finals Max Albertz Etienne Darcas WIN LOSS
8th Finals Florian Fortner Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
8th Finals Max van den Ekart Robin Rocher WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Florian Fortner Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Troels Christensen Mykhaylo Skorobogatov WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Max Albertz Franz Teichert WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Max van den Ekart Tomasz Kraśnicki WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Gabriel Suchy Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Troels Christensen Max Albertz LOSS WIN
3rd Place Match Gabriel Suchy Troels Christensen WIN LOSS
Final Max van den Ekart Max Albertz WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Round Robin Pool 1 Felipe Mangusto Andrzej Mrożek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Felipe Mangusto Leon Roob LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Felipe Mangusto DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Felipe Mangusto Martin Hacker LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Felipe Mangusto LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Felipe Mangusto Jakub Białek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Felipe Mangusto Jesse Gerdes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jesse Gerdes Jakub Białek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Martin Hacker Jesse Gerdes WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jesse Gerdes Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Leon Roob Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jesse Gerdes Andrzej Mrożek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Andrzej Mrożek Jakub Białek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Andrzej Mrożek Leon Roob WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Martin Hacker Andrzej Mrożek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Andrzej Mrożek Hannes Rudzinski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Andrzej Mrożek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Leon Roob Martin Hacker LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Martin Hacker DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Martin Hacker WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Martin Hacker Jakub Białek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jakub Białek Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Leon Roob Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Leon Roob Jakub Białek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Leon Roob WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Hannes Rudzinski Jakub Białek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Michael Utzel Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Behrens Michael Utzel WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Michael Utzel Christian Sauerbrey WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Bär-Vontz Michael Utzel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Michael Utzel Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Michael Utzel Brian Brown Buckley LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Michael Utzel Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Michael Utzel WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Michael Utzel Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Michael Utzel Benjamin Russ WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Gabriel Suchy DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 2 Juan Ambrosio Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Gabriel Suchy Benjamin Russ LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Gabriel Suchy Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Gabriel Suchy Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Gabriel Suchy Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Bär-Vontz Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Gabriel Suchy Christian Sauerbrey WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Brian Brown Buckley Gabriel Suchy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Brian Brown Buckley WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christian Sauerbrey Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Christoph Bär-Vontz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Behrens Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Benjamin Russ WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Mykhaylo Skorobogatov LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Benjamin Russ Christoph Bär-Vontz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christian Sauerbrey Benjamin Russ WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Benjamin Russ Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Brian Brown Buckley Benjamin Russ LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Benjamin Russ Dennis-Marius Thieme WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Benjamin Russ Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Benjamin Russ Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Helmut Seiler Christian Sauerbrey WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Christian Sauerbrey WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christian Sauerbrey Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Christian Sauerbrey Brian Brown Buckley LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Bär-Vontz Christian Sauerbrey WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christian Sauerbrey Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Brian Brown Buckley Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Juan Ambrosio Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Bär-Vontz Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Juan Ambrosio Helmut Seiler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Juan Ambrosio WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Brian Brown Buckley Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Behrens Helmut Seiler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Bär-Vontz Helmut Seiler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Christoph Bär-Vontz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Brian Brown Buckley Christoph Bär-Vontz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christoph Behrens Christoph Bär-Vontz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Christoph Behrens DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 2 Brian Brown Buckley Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Dennis-Marius Thieme Brian Brown Buckley WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jocelyn Wanzoul Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jocelyn Wanzoul Grzegorz Mikita WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Bastien Mersier Jocelyn Wanzoul WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jocelyn Wanzoul Andreas Arndt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Boris Mijat Jocelyn Wanzoul LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jocelyn Wanzoul Bor Jaspers LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jocelyn Wanzoul Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jan Žegklitz Jocelyn Wanzoul WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jocelyn Wanzoul Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Yannic Müller Bastien Mersier LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Grzegorz Mikita Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Yannic Müller Ludwig Theile WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Yannic Müller Jan Žegklitz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Yannic Müller Bor Jaspers LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Yannic Müller Boris Mijat WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Ludwig Theile WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Bor Jaspers WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Boris Mijat WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jonas Bürgi Bastien Mersier LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Grzegorz Mikita Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Boris Mijat Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Ludwig Theile Bor Jaspers LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Ludwig Theile Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Ludwig Theile Grzegorz Mikita LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Bastien Mersier Ludwig Theile LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Ludwig Theile WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jan Žegklitz Andreas Arndt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Jan Žegklitz Bastien Mersier LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Grzegorz Mikita Jan Žegklitz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jan Žegklitz Bor Jaspers LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Jan Žegklitz Boris Mijat LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Boris Mijat Grzegorz Mikita WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Boris Mijat WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Boris Mijat Bastien Mersier WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Bor Jaspers Boris Mijat LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Bastien Mersier Bor Jaspers WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Bastien Mersier Grzegorz Mikita LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Bastien Mersier Andreas Arndt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 4 Bor Jaspers Grzegorz Mikita LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 4 Bor Jaspers Andreas Arndt DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 4 Andreas Arndt Grzegorz Mikita LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Simon Reimann Djordje Mijailovic LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Djordje Mijailovic Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Henning Hottong Djordje Mijailovic LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Mateusz Siejko Djordje Mijailovic LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Djordje Mijailovic Markus Schampera LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Djordje Mijailovic Karol Nowacki WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Djordje Mijailovic Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Wojciech Skoczynski Djordje Mijailovic LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Djordje Mijailovic Etienne Darcas WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Wojciech Skoczynski Henning Hottong WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Simon Reimann Wojciech Skoczynski LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Wojciech Skoczynski Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Wojciech Skoczynski Mateusz Siejko LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Karol Nowacki Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Wojciech Skoczynski Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Markus Schampera Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Wojciech Skoczynski Etienne Darcas LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Markus Schampera Karol Nowacki WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Mart van den Burg Markus Schampera WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Etienne Darcas Markus Schampera LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Simon Reimann Markus Schampera DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 5 Moritz Löschner Markus Schampera LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Henning Hottong Markus Schampera LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Markus Schampera Mateusz Siejko DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 5 Mart van den Burg Simon Reimann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Moritz Löschner Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Mart van den Burg Henning Hottong LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Mart van den Burg Mateusz Siejko WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Karol Nowacki Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Mart van den Burg Etienne Darcas WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Henning Hottong Mateusz Siejko LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Mateusz Siejko Moritz Löschner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Simon Reimann Mateusz Siejko WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Mateusz Siejko Etienne Darcas LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Mateusz Siejko Karol Nowacki WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Karol Nowacki Etienne Darcas LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Simon Reimann Karol Nowacki LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Karol Nowacki Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Henning Hottong Karol Nowacki WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Etienne Darcas Simon Reimann LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Moritz Löschner Etienne Darcas LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Etienne Darcas Henning Hottong LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 5 Simon Reimann Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Henning Hottong Simon Reimann WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 5 Henning Hottong Moritz Löschner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Jeroen van Wordragen Johannes Meyer WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Thomas Rettig Johannes Meyer WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Johannes Meyer Brian Wieczorkiewicz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Johannes Meyer LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Johannes Meyer LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Steffen Wonner Johannes Meyer WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Mathias Bär Johannes Meyer DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 6 Noah Thrasher Johannes Meyer WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Pieter van der Werff Johannes Meyer LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Brian Wieczorkiewicz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Thomas Rettig LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Jeroen van Wordragen WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Noah Thrasher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Pieter van der Werff Erik Endlicher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Mathias Bär LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Steffen Wonner Erik Endlicher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Erik Endlicher Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Pieter van der Werff Brian Wieczorkiewicz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Pieter van der Werff Thomas Rettig LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Jeroen van Wordragen Pieter van der Werff WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Pieter van der Werff Noah Thrasher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Pieter van der Werff Mathias Bär LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Pieter van der Werff LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Pieter van der Werff Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Noah Thrasher WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Mathias Bär WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Steffen Wonner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Brian Wieczorkiewicz WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Thomas Rettig WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Franz Teichert Jeroen van Wordragen WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Jeroen van Wordragen Mathias Bär WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Mathias Bär Thomas Rettig LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Mathias Bär Brian Wieczorkiewicz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Steffen Wonner Mathias Bär WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Noah Thrasher Mathias Bär LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Jeroen van Wordragen Steffen Wonner LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Jeroen van Wordragen Noah Thrasher LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Jeroen van Wordragen Thomas Rettig LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Jeroen van Wordragen Brian Wieczorkiewicz LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Steffen Wonner Thomas Rettig WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Noah Thrasher Thomas Rettig LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Brian Wieczorkiewicz Thomas Rettig LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 6 Noah Thrasher Steffen Wonner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Brian Wieczorkiewicz Steffen Wonner WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 6 Brian Wieczorkiewicz Noah Thrasher WIN LOSS
16th Finals Michael Utzel Thomas Rettig LOSS WIN
16th Finals Djordje Mijailovic Martin Hacker WIN LOSS
16th Finals Gabriel Suchy Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
16th Finals Erik Endlicher Juan Ambrosio LOSS WIN
16th Finals Boris Mijat Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
16th Finals Jonas Bürgi Brian Wieczorkiewicz LOSS WIN
16th Finals Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Wojciech Skoczynski WIN LOSS
16th Finals Bor Jaspers Markus Schampera LOSS WIN
16th Finals Andrzej Mrożek Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
16th Finals Noah Thrasher Ludwig Theile WIN LOSS
16th Finals Grzegorz Mikita Jan Žegklitz WIN LOSS
16th Finals Mart van den Burg Bastien Mersier WIN LOSS
16th Finals Benjamin Russ Franz Teichert LOSS WIN
16th Finals Steffen Wonner Mateusz Siejko WIN LOSS
16th Finals Jakub Białek Hannes Rudzinski LOSS WIN
16th Finals Dennis-Marius Thieme Simon Reimann LOSS WIN
8th Finals Steffen Wonner Djordje Mijailovic LOSS WIN
8th Finals Franz Teichert Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
8th Finals Thomas Rettig Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
8th Finals Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Noah Thrasher LOSS WIN
8th Finals Markus Schampera Mart van den Burg WIN LOSS
8th Finals Juan Ambrosio Brian Wieczorkiewicz LOSS WIN
8th Finals Grzegorz Mikita Christoph Behrens LOSS WIN
8th Finals Hannes Rudzinski Simon Reimann WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Djordje Mijailovic Markus Schampera WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Brian Wieczorkiewicz Jesse Gerdes LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Christoph Behrens Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Hannes Rudzinski Noah Thrasher WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Djordje Mijailovic Hannes Rudzinski WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Yannic Müller Jesse Gerdes WIN LOSS
3rd Place Match Jesse Gerdes Hannes Rudzinski WIN LOSS
Final Yannic Müller Djordje Mijailovic LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Round Robin Pool 1 Susanne Watzek Nika Veronek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Nika Veronek Anan Tan WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Sarah NAUJOKS Nika Veronek DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Nika Veronek Tina John LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Nika Veronek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Nika Veronek Anjali Singh LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Irmgard Stark Nika Veronek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anjali Singh Tina John LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Irmgard Stark Tina John LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Tina John Melissa Gutsche WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Sarah NAUJOKS Tina John LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Tina John LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Tina John Susanne Watzek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Irmgard Stark WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anjali Singh Melissa Gutsche WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Sarah NAUJOKS LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Anan Tan WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Susanne Watzek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anjali Singh Irmgard Stark WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Irmgard Stark Sarah NAUJOKS LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Irmgard Stark Anan Tan WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Irmgard Stark Susanne Watzek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anjali Singh Sarah NAUJOKS WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Anjali Singh LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anjali Singh Susanne Watzek WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Sarah NAUJOKS WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Sarah NAUJOKS Susanne Watzek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Susanne Watzek LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Britta Henke Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Britta Henke Laura Kalchschmid WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Vivian Morka Britta Henke LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Britta Henke Christina Pölt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Juliette Hemelaar Britta Henke LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Britta Henke Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Marina Hertlein Britta Henke WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Saskia Eisenbach Britta Henke WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Laura Kalchschmid Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Laura Kalchschmid Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Laura Kalchschmid Marina Hertlein LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Laura Kalchschmid Juliette Hemelaar LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Laura Kalchschmid Christina Pölt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Laura Kalchschmid Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Vivian Morka Laura Kalchschmid LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Marina Hertlein Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Vivian Morka Marina Hertlein LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Marina Hertlein Christina Pölt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Marina Hertlein Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Marina Hertlein Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Marina Hertlein Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Vivian Morka Juliette Hemelaar LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Saskia Eisenbach Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Juliette Hemelaar Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Juliette Hemelaar Christina Pölt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Saskia Eisenbach Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Saskia Eisenbach Vivian Morka WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Christina Pölt Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Saskia Eisenbach Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Christina Pölt WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Vivian Morka Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 2 Vivian Morka Christina Pölt LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Vivian Morka Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 2 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Christina Pölt WIN LOSS
8th Finals Nika Veronek Anjali Singh LOSS WIN
8th Finals Tina John Christina Pölt WIN LOSS
8th Finals Melissa Gutsche Britta Henke LOSS WIN
8th Finals Laura Kalchschmid Marina Hertlein LOSS WIN
8th Finals Irmgard Stark Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
8th Finals Juliette Hemelaar Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
8th Finals Susanne Watzek Sarah NAUJOKS WIN LOSS
8th Finals Anan Tan Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Anjali Singh Tina John LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Britta Henke Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Marina Hertlein Susanne Watzek LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Anna Sophie Pöggeler Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Susanne Watzek Tina John LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Saskia Eisenbach Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
3rd Place Match Saskia Eisenbach Susanne Watzek WIN LOSS
Final Tina John Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Paulina Popiel WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Paulina Popiel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Michelle Maes Paulina Popiel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Paulina Popiel Nina Reese WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Paulina Popiel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Paulina Popiel Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Paulina Popiel Angelina Klett WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Kleiß Paulina Popiel LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Paulina Popiel Anna Sophie Welter DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Juliette Hemelaar LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Juliette Hemelaar Nina Reese WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Juliette Hemelaar LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Juliette Hemelaar Anna Sophie Welter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Kleiß Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Juliette Hemelaar Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Michelle Maes Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Anna Sophie Welter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anna Sophie Welter Michelle Maes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anna Sophie Welter Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anna Sophie Welter Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Anna Sophie Welter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Anna Sophie Welter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Anna Sophie Welter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Michelle Maes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Jazhara Zengerink LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Kleiß Nina Reese LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Angelina Klett LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Nina Reese WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Michelle Maes Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Michelle Maes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Michelle Maes Angelina Klett WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Michelle Maes LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Michelle Maes Melissa Kleiß WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Jazhara Zengerink LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Anan Tan LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Anan Tan WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Kleiß Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anan Tan Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Paulina Popiel Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Melissa Kleiß Anna Sophie Welter WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Nina Reese Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Anan Tan Michelle Maes LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Paulina Popiel WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Michelle Maes Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
3rd Place Match Paulina Popiel Michelle Maes WIN LOSS
Final Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Melissa Gutsche LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Melissa Gutsche WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Melissa Gutsche LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Gutsche Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Melissa Kleiß WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Nina Reese WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Kleiß Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Nina Reese WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Anna Sophie Pöggeler LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Nina Reese WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Kleiß Nina Reese WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Nina Reese Angelina Klett WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Angelina Klett Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Angelina Klett WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Melissa Kleiß Angelina Klett WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Jazhara Zengerink Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Round Robin Pool 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Melissa Kleiß WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Anna Sophie Pöggeler Melissa Gutsche LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Anonymous fighter Nina Reese LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Angelina Klett WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Melissa Kleiß Jazhara Zengerink WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Melissa Kleiß Melissa Gutsche WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Nina Reese Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska LOSS WIN
3rd Place Match Nina Reese Melissa Gutsche WIN LOSS
Final Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Melissa Kleiß LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Berlin HEMA Cup 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
15 2 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1882.9 16.5
56 14 Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede 1764.8 30
73 18 Jonas Bürgi Reisläufer Bern 1733 27.1
94 15 Jan Žegklitz SHŠ Krkavci 1707.7 19.1
99 91 Christoph Behrens TSV Uesen - Winkelfechter 1699 70.9
108 4 Marc Schramm Schwert und Bogen 1691.8 1.1
160 57 Franz Teichert Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1653.1 38.6
162 52 Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex 1651.9 36.3
164 37 Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1651.1 27.8
237 77 Markus Köhler Schwertspiel Dresden 1604.7 39.5
287 148 Steffen Wonner 7Schwerter 1579.7 61.6
316 28 Felix Linder Europäische Schwertkunst 1565.8 12.9
491 20 Ole Soldatow INDES Wien 1503.3 6.5
510 38 Jesse Gerdes Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1498.4 7.3
573 206 Tobias Schromm De Schola Pugnator 1481 47.7
592 1173 Florian Fortner Sprezzatura 1476.8 210.5
600 247 Ludwig Theile Fencing Club Dresden 1475.3 54.7
646 462 Juan Ambrosio Schwert und Bogen 1466.4 99.4
693 61 Bor Jaspers Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1457.2 18.4
725 32 Bastien Mersier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1449.9 11.3
831 2653 Henning Hottong Historisches Fechten Raspo 1427.5 383.2
976 75 Hannes Rudzinski Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1398.3 18.1
1018 172 Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis 1390.4 35.8
1059 174 Erik Endlicher Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1382 36.5
1060 249 Antoni Reinfuss Akademia Szermierzy 1381.9 49.7
1169 355 Bjorn Carne Meyer May Rise 1361.1 61.4
1205 761 Sebastian Höglinger Sportbund DJK Rosenheim 1356.3 116.6
1207 308 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen 1355.7 53.4
1221 23 Gabriel Suchy VALKYRIE/BLADE 1353.4 0.7
1266 196 Jeroen van Wordragen De Zwaardkring 1343.1 33.4
1288 1148 Jannes Malanowski Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1338.6 160.3
1386 Niclas Reichel Schwert und Bogen 1325.1
1484 831 Till Balbach Twerchhau e.V. 1310.4 119.4
1539 805 Etienne Bidermann Ochs München 1302.6 114.3
1583 267 Christian Sauerbrey Fechtschule Schrankhut 1295.8 35.4
1609 193 Markus Montenegro Twerchhau e.V. 1292 24.3
1700 502 Moritz Löschner Schwertspiel Dresden 1279.3 72.5
1770 300 Benjamin Russ Kampfhus 1269.1 45.3
1812 135 Felix SCHRÖTER INDES Halle 1263.3 20.8
1814 Riccardo Klinger Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1262.9
1947 3343 Jocelyn Wanzoul Meyer May Rise 1247.4 513.1
2002 136 Sergei Kazantsev Hammaborg 1239.2 12.9
2133 821 Thomas Menz Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1220 110
2180 1406 Helmut Seiler Walk the Path Berlin 1214.5 184.5
2729 803 Guus Langelaan Zwaard & Steen 1145.3 107.7
2777 415 Nick Bos Zwaard & Steen 1140.2 63.8
2790 Erik Schneider Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1139.2
2845 Christian Rothe Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1134.2
2846 805 Lars Stankuweit Sulverstede Armatus TSV Silberstedt 1134.1 114
3166 86 Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas De Zwaardkring 1088.5 1.2
3206 Noah Thrasher Twerchhau e.V. 1083.5
3442 Matteo Arndt Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1056
3453 Nico Röder Twerchhau e.V. 1054.7
3534 1133 Grzegorz Mikita VALKYRIE/BLADE 1046.2 178.1
3688 824 Lukas Schmidt Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1026.2 134.3
3974 481 Lukas Tetzlaff Schwert und Bogen 982.1 60.2
5008 Valentin Stechow Schule des inneren Schwertes 821.5
5053 34 Wojciech Skoczynski SwordFight 811 20.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
60 4 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Sharukhan 1679 13
116 41 Djordje Mijailovic Twerchhau e.V. 1587.3 35.4
180 85 Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1534 64.1
188 11 Jesse Gerdes Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1526.4 7.6
189 Christoph Behrens TSV Uesen - Winkelfechter 1523.3
204 37 Dennis-Marius Thieme Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1515.6 28.1
206 129 Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex 1514.6 91.5
223 40 Jan Žegklitz SHŠ Krkavci 1502.4 27.4
254 10 Jonas Bürgi Reisläufer Bern 1478.9 8.9
256 16 Brian Wieczorkiewicz Twerchhau e.V. 1477.9 11.5
289 260 Markus Schampera Meisterhauw 1458.3 148.9
356 419 Juan Ambrosio Schwert und Bogen 1413.8 191.9
377 118 Gabriel Suchy VALKYRIE/BLADE 1399.9 65.7
394 988 Franz Teichert Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1391.2 372.2
403 13 Benjamin Russ Kampfhus 1386.8 4.3
422 Thomas Rettig Meisterhauw 1377.3
488 313 Felipe Mangusto Batalha Cênica Salvador 1342.7 196.4
490 137 Karol Nowacki ARMA Poland Poznan 1342.1 69.1
498 266 Bastien Mersier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1340.1 116
500 142 Noah Thrasher Twerchhau e.V. 1338.4 72.5
563 123 Bor Jaspers Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1306.5 55
581 174 Martin Hacker Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1299.9 71.8
610 526 Grzegorz Mikita VALKYRIE/BLADE 1287 187
630 541 Hannes Rudzinski Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1278 189.7
726 Henning Hottong Historisches Fechten Raspo 1240.6
759 324 Erik Endlicher Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1231.6 135.8
821 23 Andreas Arndt Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1209.8 4.7
829 534 Boris Mijat Schwert und Bogen 1207.7 181.5
843 559 Andrzej Mrożek Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1202.2 188.6
849 47 Ludwig Theile Fencing Club Dresden 1201 21.1
858 917 Steffen Wonner 7Schwerter 1198 316.8
879 36 Jeroen van Wordragen De Zwaardkring 1189.6 8
882 384 Brian Brown Buckley Twerchhau e.V. 1188.4 129.9
888 280 Johannes Meyer In MOTU 1185.2 96
940 632 Etienne Darcas Twerchhau e.V. 1172.7 218
964 Jakub Białek VALKYRIE/BLADE 1166
965 101 Leon Roob Schule des inneren Schwertes 1165.9 22.6
968 154 Wojciech Skoczynski SwordFight 1165.2 59.4
1037 Jocelyn Wanzoul Meyer May Rise 1139.4
1092 155 Mateusz Siejko Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1120.2 53.5
1158 777 Michael Utzel In MOTU 1100.7 296
1167 939 Simon Reimann Schule des inneren Schwertes 1097.8 469
1189 261 Helmut Seiler Walk the Path Berlin 1088.7 94.1
1203 726 Christian Sauerbrey Fechtschule Schrankhut 1085.6 259.6
1529 81 Moritz Löschner Schwertspiel Dresden 975.1 20
1550 482 Mathias Bär Schwert und Bogen 968.4 226
1682 4 Christoph Bär-Vontz Schwert und Bogen 923.2 7.8
1890 Pieter van der Werff Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 834.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
40 6 Gabriel Suchy VALKYRIE/BLADE 1634.7 28.3
48 1 Tomasz Kraśnicki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1615.6 11
53 103 Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede 1600.4 170.1
95 63 Florian Fortner Sprezzatura 1517.1 90
106 69 Troels Christensen Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1505 123
109 14 Mateusz Majewski VALKYRIE/BLADE 1502.6 22.7
129 Jakub Białek VALKYRIE/BLADE 1480.2
138 287 Max Albertz Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1471 284.5
143 5 Antoni Reinfuss Akademia Szermierzy 1459.6 7
144 207 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Sharukhan 1459 216
211 49 Jan Žegklitz SHŠ Krkavci 1389 61.5
226 Franz Teichert Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1374.2
434 125 Jesse Gerdes Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1201.8 112
438 Robin Rocher Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1199.5
467 46 Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis 1175.1 12.6
471 Erik Schneider Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1171.4
472 Etienne Darcas Twerchhau e.V. 1171.2
489 Sebastian Höglinger Sportbund DJK Rosenheim 1161.2
495 Steffen Wonner 7Schwerter 1159.1
496 237 Dennis-Marius Thieme Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1159 204.7
505 Andrzej Mrożek Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1154.8
534 Malte Ostermeier Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1132.4
549 Jannes Malanowski Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1120
552 Benjamin Russ Kampfhus 1118.1
580 103 Michelle Maes Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1099.3 103.3
586 358 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen 1096.4 331.3
590 Andreas Arndt Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1095.9
594 Filipp Streshnev Twerchhau e.V. 1094.9
609 Dimitri Klein Twerchhau e.V. 1082.5
688 155 Wojciech Skoczynski SwordFight 1028 153
735 45 Gregor Walz Dimicator Schola 991.3 70.4
768 Haris Eminovic Schildwache Potsdam e.V 962.1
883 Anna Sophie Welter Twerchhau e.V. 881.4
926 Simon Reimann Schule des inneren Schwertes 833.7
980 Jazhara Zengerink Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 781.2