Francisco José Puerta Castro

Asociación Española de Esgrima Antigua


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Rapier and Dagger (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1083.3 116 (March 2022) 1117 (June 2019)
Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1465 34 (January 2022) 1515.8 (February 2020)
Sword and Buckler (Mixed, Steel) Inactive 1331 77 (March 2022) 1368.3 (February 2020)


Mixed Steel Single Rapier 16 11 5 0 0
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 4 1 3 0 0
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 7 4 3 0 0
Sum 27 16 11 0 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in May 2021

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 8 out of 106 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in January 2022

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 3 out of 59 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in January 2022

Match results

Rapier and Dagger (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger European Games Invitational Gala Tournament 2019 (June 2019) Pool 2 Stefano Ciamei WIN 38%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger European Games Invitational Gala Tournament 2019 (June 2019) Pool 2 Kirill Danilov LOSS 30%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger European Games Invitational Gala Tournament 2019 (June 2019) Pool 2 Alexey Tursky LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger European Games Invitational Gala Tournament 2019 (June 2019) Pool 2 Sam Brennan Booth LOSS 45%

Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 3 Hugo Samuel Gonzalez Lemos WIN 69%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 3 Jose Daniel Diez Casado WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 3 Francisco Prado Valiño WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 3 Efren Faraldo Figueira LOSS 46%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Quarter Final Luis Manuel García Simón WIN 39%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Round of sixteen Filipe Martins WIN 46%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Semi Final Daniel Lopez Varela LOSS 19%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier III Torneo de Esgrima Historica de Pontevedra (May 2019) Poule 2 Rodrigo Presa Gomez WIN 37%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier III Torneo de Esgrima Historica de Pontevedra (May 2019) Poule 2 Carlos Loscertales Martinez WIN 45%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier III Torneo de Esgrima Historica de Pontevedra (May 2019) Poule 2 Ricardo Macedo WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier III Torneo de Esgrima Historica de Pontevedra (May 2019) Poule 2 Alberto Rodriguez Ferraces WIN 43%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier III Torneo de Esgrima Historica de Pontevedra (May 2019) Poule 2 Jose Francisco Rojo Fernandez WIN 28%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier III Torneo de Esgrima Historica de Pontevedra (May 2019) Round of sixteen Victor Mora Gomez LOSS 43%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA 2016 (March 2016) Pools Anonymous fighter WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA 2016 (March 2016) Pools Matteo D'Uffizi LOSS 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA 2016 (March 2016) Pools Paolo Gianni LOSS 55%

Sword and Buckler (Mixed, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 2 Damián Troncoso Saavedra LOSS 36%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 2 Diego Pereira Gomez WIN 54%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 2 Alberto Jose Leon Perez WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 2 Pablo Dominguez Caamaño WIN 41%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Poule 2 Ricardo Macedo LOSS 58%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Quarter Final Damián Troncoso Saavedra LOSS 36%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 3º Torneo Vila de Redondela 2020 (February 2020) Round of sixteen Manuel Alvarez Vilariño WIN 36%