FightCamp 2017

Date August 11, 2017
Country United Kingdom
City Coventry

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 137 52
Mixed Steel Sabre 91 42
Mixed Synthetic Backsword 122 49

Fighters in event

Friedrich Bialas Wiener Fecht- und Ausdauersportrunde
Wenzhe Shi Schola Gladiatoria
Georg Illing Twerchhau e.V.
Cristian Lopez Glasgow HEMA
Alejandro Cortes-Garcia The Iron Door Collective
Dorian Canham De Feu et d'Acier
Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier
Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy
Arkadiusz Jablonski KdF Nottingham
Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team
Andreas Engström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Magnus Hagelberg Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola
Ian Macdonald
Matthew Johnson
Noah Tonkin
Tony Ford
Andrew Wishart
Michal Polaski Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group
Dave McPherson Alpha Weapons Academy
Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club
Matthew Duke Cambridge HEMA
Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA
Tea Kew Cambridge HEMA
David Young Clashing Steel Longsword Club
Stevie Thurston Dragon's Tayle
Kindred Willow Glasgow HEMA
Alexander Bourdas Glasgow HEMA
Bartlomiej Modzelewski KdF Bournemouth
Bradley Davies-Smith KdF Manchester
Stephen Jenkinson KdF Manchester
James Dougherty KdF Manchester
Martin Forrester KdF Manchester
Anna Clisham KdF Manchester
Jake Norman Les Indépendants Réunis
Bethan Jenkins Linacre School of Defence
Milo Thurston Linacre School of Defence
Robyn Saul London Historical Fencing Club
Robert Clampitt London Historical Fencing Club
Tony Lamb London Historical Fencing Club
Tim Fuke London Longsword Academy
Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club
Robin Dando Oxford Sword and Staff
Rhiannon Hirst Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Michael Sloan Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Angus King Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Gaz Ffitch Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Harry McCusker Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Stephen Foulston Red Dragon Longsword Academy
Sam Gedrych Riddle of Steel
Mark Gilbert Riddle of Steel
Daniel Hughes Schola Gladiatoria
Sarah Liles Schola Gladiatoria
Ty Harris Schola Gladiatoria
Jaime White Schola Gladiatoria
Alexander Davis Schola Gladiatoria
Laurence Cooper Schola Gladiatoria
Max Beer Schola Gladiatoria
Philip Baxter Schola Gladiatoria
Edmund Brass Schola Gladiatoria
Marko Sanderson Schola Gladiatoria
Martin Wilkinson Schola Gladiatoria
Chris Castle Schola Gladiatoria
Stephen Parfitt Schola Gladiatoria
Matthew Truong Schola Gladiatoria
Charles Anderson Schola Gladiatoria
Gabriel Laycock Schola Gladiatoria
Galvin Locke Schola Gladiatoria
Jack Butcher Schola Gladiatoria
James Greenleaf Schola Gladiatoria
Joshua Bradshaw Southampton Historical Fencing
Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives
George Livermore The 1595 Club
Darren Dadswell The English Martial Arts Academy
Matt Joyes The English Martial Arts Academy
Richard Linehan The English Martial Arts Academy
Tim Jones The English Martial Arts Academy
Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts
Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective
Christophe Loyce The School of the Sword
Piermarco Terminiello The School of the Sword
Adrian Faulkner The School of the Sword
James Wilson The School of the Sword
Stephen Bourne The School of the Sword
Jakub Sadowski The School of the Sword
Thierry Flekier-Wathen The Vanguard Centre
Chris Scott Tree of Shields
Anthony Wilkes Tree of Shields
Thomas Ive Tree of Shields
Sam Ive Tree of Shields
Greg Szanto Tree of Shields
Samuel English Virtus Sword School
Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group
Martin Godsave Wealden Sword & Steel
Alex Lewis Wessex School of Arms
Jonathan Middleton Wivenhoe HEMA
Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
James Roberts Medieval Armed Combat Society


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Jonathan Middleton Darren Dadswell WIN LOSS
Matthew Duke Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Daniel Antrobus Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Andrew Wishart Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Bradley Davies-Smith Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Darren Dadswell Matthew Duke WIN LOSS
Daniel Antrobus Darren Dadswell WIN LOSS
Darren Dadswell Andrew Wishart WIN LOSS
Bradley Davies-Smith Darren Dadswell LOSS WIN
Daniel Antrobus Matthew Duke WIN LOSS
Matthew Duke Andrew Wishart WIN LOSS
Matthew Duke Bradley Davies-Smith WIN LOSS
Daniel Antrobus Andrew Wishart WIN LOSS
Bradley Davies-Smith Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Andrew Wishart Bradley Davies-Smith LOSS WIN
Anna Clisham Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Lee Conley Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Christopher Wood Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Stephen Foulston Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Anna Clisham Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Christopher Wood Anna Clisham DRAW DRAW
Stephen Foulston Anna Clisham WIN LOSS
Christopher Wood Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Stephen Foulston Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Christopher Wood Stephen Foulston LOSS WIN
Robin Dando Andrzej Rozycki DRAW DRAW
Magnus Hagelberg Robin Dando WIN LOSS
Thomas Lobo Robin Dando WIN LOSS
Robin Dando James Roberts WIN LOSS
Robin Dando Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Magnus Hagelberg Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Andrzej Rozycki Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Andrzej Rozycki James Roberts WIN LOSS
Andrzej Rozycki Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Thomas Lobo Magnus Hagelberg LOSS WIN
Magnus Hagelberg James Roberts WIN LOSS
Thomas Pittwood Magnus Hagelberg LOSS WIN
Thomas Lobo James Roberts WIN LOSS
Thomas Lobo Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Thomas Pittwood James Roberts WIN LOSS
Samuel English Jaime White LOSS WIN
Marko Sanderson Jaime White LOSS WIN
Jaime White Tony Lamb LOSS WIN
Jaime White Dorian Canham DRAW DRAW
Sam Ive Jaime White WIN LOSS
Marko Sanderson Samuel English LOSS WIN
Samuel English Tony Lamb WIN LOSS
Samuel English Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Sam Ive Samuel English LOSS WIN
Marko Sanderson Tony Lamb LOSS WIN
Marko Sanderson Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Sam Ive Marko Sanderson WIN LOSS
Tony Lamb Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Tony Lamb Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Dorian Canham Sam Ive DRAW DRAW
Mark Wilkie Ty Harris WIN LOSS
Alexander Bourdas Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Stevie Thurston Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Robert Clampitt Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Tim Fuke Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
Ty Harris Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Stevie Thurston Ty Harris LOSS WIN
Robert Clampitt Ty Harris LOSS WIN
Tim Fuke Ty Harris WIN LOSS
Stevie Thurston Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Robert Clampitt Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Tim Fuke Alexander Bourdas WIN LOSS
Stevie Thurston Robert Clampitt WIN LOSS
Tim Fuke Stevie Thurston WIN LOSS
Robert Clampitt Tim Fuke LOSS WIN
Alejandro Cortes-Garcia Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Gabriel Riou Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Jake Norman Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Philip Mitchell Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Martin Wilkinson Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Alejandro Cortes-Garcia Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Alejandro Cortes-Garcia Jake Norman LOSS WIN
Maurine Brimau Alejandro Cortes-Garcia LOSS WIN
Alejandro Cortes-Garcia Martin Wilkinson LOSS WIN
Gabriel Riou Jake Norman LOSS WIN
Gabriel Riou Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Gabriel Riou Martin Wilkinson WIN LOSS
Jake Norman Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Jake Norman Martin Wilkinson WIN LOSS
Maurine Brimau Martin Wilkinson WIN LOSS
Anthony Wilkes Arkadiusz Jablonski LOSS WIN
Anthony Wilkes James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Anthony Wilkes Daniel Hughes LOSS WIN
Jerzy Miklaszewski Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
Edmund Brass Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
James Dougherty Arkadiusz Jablonski WIN LOSS
Arkadiusz Jablonski Daniel Hughes LOSS WIN
Arkadiusz Jablonski Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Arkadiusz Jablonski Edmund Brass LOSS WIN
Daniel Hughes James Dougherty LOSS WIN
James Dougherty Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
James Dougherty Edmund Brass WIN LOSS
Daniel Hughes Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Daniel Hughes Edmund Brass WIN LOSS
Edmund Brass Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel David Young WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Maria Makarova Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Jakub Sadowski Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Alexander Makarov David Young WIN LOSS
David Young Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Jakub Sadowski David Young WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Jakub Sadowski Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Maria Makarova Jakub Sadowski WIN LOSS
Martin Godsave Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Chris Scott Matthew Truong LOSS WIN
Martin Forrester Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Tea Kew Chris Scott DRAW DRAW
Chris Scott Robyn Saul LOSS WIN
Martin Godsave Matthew Truong LOSS WIN
Martin Forrester Martin Godsave WIN LOSS
Tea Kew Martin Godsave WIN LOSS
Martin Godsave Robyn Saul WIN LOSS
Matthew Truong Martin Forrester LOSS WIN
Tea Kew Matthew Truong WIN LOSS
Matthew Truong Robyn Saul WIN LOSS
Tea Kew Martin Forrester LOSS WIN
Martin Forrester Robyn Saul WIN LOSS
Tea Kew Robyn Saul WIN LOSS
Jonathan Middleton Lee Conley DRAW DRAW
Tim Fuke Sam Ive WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Magnus Hagelberg Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Jake Norman Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Martin Forrester Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Magnus Hagelberg Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Jake Norman Tim Fuke LOSS WIN
Alexander Makarov Martin Forrester WIN LOSS
Sam Ive Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Sam Ive Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Jerzy Miklaszewski Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Galvin Locke Charles Anderson DRAW DRAW
Darren Dadswell Galvin Locke WIN LOSS
Galvin Locke Friedrich Bialas WIN LOSS
Charles Anderson Darren Dadswell LOSS WIN
Charles Anderson Friedrich Bialas LOSS WIN
Friedrich Bialas Darren Dadswell DRAW DRAW
Jack Butcher Christophe Loyce WIN LOSS
Matthew Truong Jack Butcher WIN LOSS
Jack Butcher Bartlomiej Modzelewski WIN LOSS
Sarah Liles Jack Butcher LOSS WIN
Matthew Truong Christophe Loyce WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Bartlomiej Modzelewski WIN LOSS
Sarah Liles Christophe Loyce LOSS WIN
Matthew Truong Bartlomiej Modzelewski WIN LOSS
Sarah Liles Matthew Truong LOSS WIN
Bartlomiej Modzelewski Sarah Liles WIN LOSS
Magnus Hagelberg Stephen Foulston WIN LOSS
Mark Gilbert Magnus Hagelberg WIN LOSS
Jerzy Miklaszewski Magnus Hagelberg LOSS WIN
Magnus Hagelberg Bradley Davies-Smith WIN LOSS
Mark Gilbert Stephen Foulston WIN LOSS
Stephen Foulston Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Stephen Foulston Bradley Davies-Smith WIN LOSS
Jerzy Miklaszewski Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Bradley Davies-Smith Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Bradley Davies-Smith Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Dorian Canham Stephen Parfitt WIN LOSS
Piermarco Terminiello Dorian Canham WIN LOSS
Dorian Canham Wenzhe Shi WIN LOSS
Dorian Canham Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
Stephen Parfitt Piermarco Terminiello WIN LOSS
Wenzhe Shi Stephen Parfitt LOSS WIN
Stephen Parfitt Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
Piermarco Terminiello Wenzhe Shi WIN LOSS
Anthony Wilkes Piermarco Terminiello LOSS WIN
Anthony Wilkes Wenzhe Shi LOSS WIN
Gabriel Riou Tim Fuke LOSS WIN
Tim Fuke Georg Illing DRAW DRAW
Tim Fuke Sam Ive WIN LOSS
Tim Fuke Arkadiusz Jablonski WIN LOSS
Gabriel Riou Georg Illing LOSS WIN
Gabriel Riou Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Gabriel Riou Arkadiusz Jablonski WIN LOSS
Georg Illing Sam Ive WIN LOSS
Georg Illing Arkadiusz Jablonski WIN LOSS
Arkadiusz Jablonski Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Greg Szanto Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Dave McPherson Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Alexander Makarov Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Andreas Engström Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Greg Szanto Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Greg Szanto WIN LOSS
Andreas Engström Greg Szanto DRAW DRAW
Alexander Makarov Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Andreas Engström Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Andreas Engström WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Thomas Ive Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Martin Forrester Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Jakub Sadowski Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Thomas Ive Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Martin Forrester Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Jakub Sadowski Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Martin Forrester Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Jakub Sadowski Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Martin Forrester Jakub Sadowski LOSS WIN
James Greenleaf James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Chris Castle James Greenleaf WIN LOSS
James Greenleaf Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Thomas Pittwood James Greenleaf LOSS WIN
James Dougherty Chris Castle LOSS WIN
Jonathan Middleton James Dougherty WIN LOSS
Thomas Pittwood James Dougherty WIN LOSS
Chris Castle Jonathan Middleton WIN LOSS
Chris Castle Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Jonathan Middleton Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Laurence Cooper Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Gabriel Laycock Chris Scott LOSS WIN
Laurence Cooper Gabriel Laycock LOSS WIN
Matthew Truong Darren Dadswell LOSS WIN
Dorian Canham Georg Illing LOSS WIN
Chris Castle Thomas Ive WIN LOSS
Mark Gilbert Darren Dadswell WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Dorian Canham WIN LOSS
Gabriel Laycock Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Mark Gilbert Matthew Truong LOSS WIN
Alexander Makarov Georg Illing WIN LOSS
Gabriel Laycock Chris Castle LOSS WIN
Alexander Makarov Mark Gilbert WIN LOSS
Mark Gilbert Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Thomas Ive Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Stephen Bourne Richard Linehan LOSS WIN
Sam Gedrych Richard Linehan WIN LOSS
Alexander Davis Richard Linehan WIN LOSS
James Dougherty Richard Linehan WIN LOSS
Richard Linehan Anna Clisham LOSS WIN
Stephen Bourne Sam Gedrych LOSS WIN
Alexander Davis Stephen Bourne LOSS WIN
James Dougherty Stephen Bourne WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Anna Clisham WIN LOSS
Sam Gedrych Alexander Davis WIN LOSS
Sam Gedrych James Dougherty WIN LOSS
Sam Gedrych Anna Clisham WIN LOSS
James Dougherty Alexander Davis WIN LOSS
Alexander Davis Anna Clisham LOSS WIN
James Dougherty Anna Clisham WIN LOSS
Darren Dadswell Wenzhe Shi WIN LOSS
Darren Dadswell Matthew Johnson LOSS WIN
Kindred Willow Darren Dadswell LOSS WIN
Darren Dadswell Matt Joyes WIN LOSS
Alex Lewis Darren Dadswell LOSS WIN
Matthew Johnson Wenzhe Shi WIN LOSS
Wenzhe Shi Kindred Willow LOSS WIN
Matt Joyes Wenzhe Shi LOSS WIN
Wenzhe Shi Alex Lewis WIN LOSS
Kindred Willow Matthew Johnson LOSS WIN
Matthew Johnson Matt Joyes WIN LOSS
Alex Lewis Matthew Johnson LOSS WIN
Matt Joyes Kindred Willow DRAW DRAW
Alex Lewis Kindred Willow LOSS WIN
Matt Joyes Alex Lewis WIN LOSS
Noah Tonkin Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Dave McPherson Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Max Beer Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Jerzy Miklaszewski Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Noah Tonkin Dave McPherson LOSS WIN
Max Beer Noah Tonkin WIN LOSS
Jerzy Miklaszewski Noah Tonkin WIN LOSS
Max Beer Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Jerzy Miklaszewski Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Max Beer Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Harry McCusker Sam Ive WIN LOSS
Sarah Liles Harry McCusker LOSS WIN
Harry McCusker Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Harry McCusker Philip Baxter WIN LOSS
Michael Sloan Harry McCusker DRAW DRAW
Sarah Liles Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Sam Ive Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Sam Ive Philip Baxter WIN LOSS
Michael Sloan Sam Ive WIN LOSS
Gabriel Riou Sarah Liles WIN LOSS
Philip Baxter Sarah Liles WIN LOSS
Sarah Liles Michael Sloan LOSS WIN
Philip Baxter Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Gabriel Riou Michael Sloan LOSS WIN
Michael Sloan Philip Baxter WIN LOSS
Adrian Faulkner Rhiannon Hirst DRAW DRAW
Chris Scott Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Angus King Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Adrian Faulkner Dorian Canham DRAW DRAW
Adrian Faulkner Laurence Cooper LOSS WIN
Rhiannon Hirst Chris Scott LOSS WIN
Angus King Rhiannon Hirst LOSS WIN
Rhiannon Hirst Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Laurence Cooper Rhiannon Hirst WIN LOSS
Chris Scott Angus King WIN LOSS
Chris Scott Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Chris Scott Laurence Cooper LOSS WIN
Angus King Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Angus King Laurence Cooper LOSS WIN
Laurence Cooper Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Stephen Jenkinson Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Thomas Ive Stephen Jenkinson WIN LOSS
Stephen Jenkinson Cristian Lopez LOSS WIN
Bethan Jenkins Stephen Jenkinson LOSS WIN
Ian Macdonald Stephen Jenkinson WIN LOSS
Thomas Ive Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Cristian Lopez WIN LOSS
Bethan Jenkins Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Ian Macdonald WIN LOSS
Thomas Ive Cristian Lopez WIN LOSS
Bethan Jenkins Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Ian Macdonald Thomas Ive WIN LOSS
Bethan Jenkins Cristian Lopez WIN LOSS
Cristian Lopez Ian Macdonald DRAW DRAW
Bethan Jenkins Ian Macdonald LOSS WIN
Tim Jones Gaz Ffitch LOSS WIN
Gaz Ffitch Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Milo Thurston Gaz Ffitch LOSS WIN
Gaz Ffitch Mark Gilbert DRAW DRAW
Tim Jones Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Milo Thurston Tim Jones LOSS WIN
Tim Jones Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Milo Thurston Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Thierry Flekier-Wathen Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Mark Gilbert Milo Thurston WIN LOSS
Tony Ford Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Jaime White Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Michal Polaski James Wilson LOSS WIN
Jaime White Tony Ford WIN LOSS
Tony Ford James Wilson DRAW DRAW
Jaime White James Wilson WIN LOSS
Martin Forrester Stephen Parfitt WIN LOSS
Jonathan Middleton Martin Forrester WIN LOSS
Martin Forrester George Livermore LOSS WIN
Greg Szanto Martin Forrester WIN LOSS
Stephen Parfitt Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
George Livermore Stephen Parfitt WIN LOSS
Greg Szanto Stephen Parfitt WIN LOSS
Jonathan Middleton George Livermore DRAW DRAW
Greg Szanto Jonathan Middleton WIN LOSS
George Livermore Greg Szanto WIN LOSS
Sam Gedrych Matthew Johnson WIN LOSS
Matthew Johnson Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Jerzy Miklaszewski Sam Gedrych LOSS WIN
Dorian Canham Michael Sloan WIN LOSS
Michael Sloan Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Dorian Canham Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Mark Gilbert Jaime White WIN LOSS
George Livermore Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Sam Gedrych Dorian Canham WIN LOSS
Dorian Canham Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Sam Gedrych Mark Gilbert WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just FightCamp 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
33 14 Thomas Lobo WARRIOR BOX 1699.7 58.8
52 2 Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives 1631.3 7.2
56 54 Jonathan Middleton Wivenhoe HEMA 1620.2 82.5
60 33 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1615.3 56.9
79 4 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1586.6 5.4
115 12 Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team 1538.2 11.4
126 Tim Fuke London Longsword Academy 1529.3
192 67 Daniel Hughes Schola Gladiatoria 1478.1 61.1
233 490 Magnus Hagelberg Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1445.6 256.4
354 110 Dorian Canham De Feu et d'Acier 1368.1 67.3
419 696 Martin Forrester KdF Manchester 1333.7 287.7
451 122 Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1321 68.2
513 935 Stephen Foulston Red Dragon Longsword Academy 1288.8 360.1
535 Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1279.7
582 967 James Dougherty KdF Manchester 1259.4 371.8
603 87 Alexander Bourdas Glasgow HEMA 1249.8 48.4
633 Jake Norman Les Indépendants Réunis 1236.7
668 793 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1219.9 297.5
673 314 Darren Dadswell The English Martial Arts Academy 1217.6 126.3
675 417 Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1217.5 162.6
683 Edmund Brass Schola Gladiatoria 1213.7
753 100 Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group 1186.8 42.7
773 Robin Dando Oxford Sword and Staff 1179.9
795 793 Sam Ive Tree of Shields 1174.2 300.4
798 220 Tea Kew Cambridge HEMA 1173.2 91.6
828 Samuel English Virtus Sword School 1162.1
888 Matthew Truong Schola Gladiatoria 1142.8
896 95 Ty Harris Schola Gladiatoria 1139.3 48.2
1023 Jaime White Schola Gladiatoria 1091.5
1079 Michal Polaski Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1077.5
1190 Matthew Duke Cambridge HEMA 1032
1215 281 Anna Clisham KdF Manchester 1020 91.8
1219 Martin Godsave Wealden Sword & Steel 1019.7
1259 Tony Lamb London Historical Fencing Club 1004.2
1341 Martin Wilkinson Schola Gladiatoria 981.9
1431 146 Robert Clampitt London Historical Fencing Club 944.1 44.6
1437 84 Arkadiusz Jablonski KdF Nottingham 942.8 44
1445 22 Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 941.4 3.3
1492 Stevie Thurston Dragon's Tayle 928.1
1494 176 Alejandro Cortes-Garcia The Iron Door Collective 927.7 96.3
1503 Jakub Sadowski The School of the Sword 924.4
1520 Bradley Davies-Smith KdF Manchester 913
1547 349 Anthony Wilkes Tree of Shields 906.5 104.4
1570 73 Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective 897.7 47.5
1575 Robyn Saul London Historical Fencing Club 896.5
1687 Chris Scott Tree of Shields 853.4
1793 Andrew Wishart N/A 794
1799 David Young Clashing Steel Longsword Club 790.5
1813 James Roberts Medieval Armed Combat Society 781.6
1821 Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier 779.2
1822 Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA 779.2
1863 Marko Sanderson Schola Gladiatoria 754.7
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
11 Piermarco Terminiello The School of the Sword 1610.6 7.3
22 Chris Castle Schola Gladiatoria 1535.2
29 56 Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives 1474 172.4
31 5 Jonathan Middleton Wivenhoe HEMA 1470.8 24.6
42 60 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1433.4 158.8
54 59 Darren Dadswell The English Martial Arts Academy 1376.3 114.6
56 4 Friedrich Bialas Wiener Fecht- und Ausdauersportrunde 1374.1 3
63 Stephen Parfitt Schola Gladiatoria 1367.2
69 Matthew Truong Schola Gladiatoria 1352.7
73 Mark Gilbert Riddle of Steel 1340
75 17 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1334.8 40.8
76 Tim Fuke London Longsword Academy 1334.2
81 Thomas Ive Tree of Shields 1332.1
83 11 Andreas Engström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1330.4 39.8
86 22 Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team 1327 32.6
92 68 Magnus Hagelberg Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1317.8 132.8
95 Georg Illing Twerchhau e.V. 1307.4
116 61 Greg Szanto Tree of Shields 1266.5 122.1
133 88 Martin Forrester KdF Manchester 1246.7 156
151 Jack Butcher Schola Gladiatoria 1214.2
180 Dorian Canham De Feu et d'Acier 1170.6
184 Galvin Locke Schola Gladiatoria 1157.7
219 Sam Ive Tree of Shields 1082.9
234 Jakub Sadowski The School of the Sword 1052.3
252 39 Christophe Loyce The School of the Sword 1027.6 105.3
259 Bradley Davies-Smith KdF Manchester 1018.9
261 21 Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective 1012.5 67.8
274 Chris Scott Tree of Shields 993.2
275 Laurence Cooper Schola Gladiatoria 993.2
278 Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 986.8
279 5 James Dougherty KdF Manchester 986.3 42.9
288 Wenzhe Shi Schola Gladiatoria 965.1
293 Stephen Foulston Red Dragon Longsword Academy 963.4
306 Charles Anderson Schola Gladiatoria 938.7
307 James Greenleaf Schola Gladiatoria 937.9
315 Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 915.4
316 Gabriel Laycock Schola Gladiatoria 915.4
343 Dave McPherson Alpha Weapons Academy 865.3
354 Bartlomiej Modzelewski KdF Bournemouth 832.2
362 Anthony Wilkes Tree of Shields 798.8
383 Arkadiusz Jablonski KdF Nottingham 747.8
400 Sarah Liles Schola Gladiatoria 668.9