Swordplay Australia 2023

September 22
HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 158 25
Women's Steel Longsword 1 2
Women's Steel Any Weapon 10 5
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 115 32
Mixed Steel Sabre 156 26

Fighters in event

William Deasy
Datian Li Adelaide Sword Academy
Jack Wyrill Adelaide Sword Academy
Xander McConnell Adelaide Sword Academy
Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy
Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy
Jonas Wong Adelaide Sword Academy
Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk
Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola
Lois Spangler Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Ryan Tanzer Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Aidan Hughes Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Michael Pennington Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Campbell Walker Brisbane Swords
Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis
William Carew Collegium in Armis
Sandy Appleby Collegium in Armis
Fuller November Collegium in Armis
Chris Binggeli Collegium in Armis
Jean Fainges Collegium in Armis
Joshua Gardiner Fitzroy College of Arms
Cohen Benson Invicta Fencing Academy
Braden Twomey Invicta Fencing Academy
Marcus Allen Invicta Fencing Academy
Ronald Lee Melbourne Messer Club
Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club
Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club
Jacob Haberley Prima Spada School of Fence
Tim Davissen Prima Spada School of Fence
Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria
Bader Pendergast-Lee Sword Fighter Gold Coast
Lachlan Bennett Sword Fighter Gold Coast
Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast
Jessica Silvallana Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Zack Dixon Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Matthew Bennett Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Gary Andrews Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Denis Antipov Adelaide Sword Academy


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
First Round Nelson McGuigan Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
First Round Jonas Wong Fuller November LOSS WIN
First Round Campbell Walker Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
First Round Jonas Wong Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
First Round Campbell Walker Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
First Round Matthew Bennett Fuller November LOSS WIN
First Round Mark Holgate Campbell Walker WIN LOSS
First Round Jonas Wong Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
First Round Nelson McGuigan Fuller November WIN LOSS
First Round Matthew Bennett Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
First Round Campbell Walker Fuller November LOSS WIN
First Round Jonas Wong Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
First Round Fuller November Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
First Round Nelson McGuigan Matthew Bennett WIN LOSS
First Round Jonas Wong Campbell Walker LOSS WIN
First Round Katherine Livingston Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
First Round Lachlan Bennett Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Sandy Appleby Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Lachlan Bennett Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
First Round Jack Wyrill Datian Li LOSS WIN
First Round Kristian Guivarra Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
First Round Lachlan Bennett Datian Li LOSS WIN
First Round Katherine Livingston Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
First Round Sandy Appleby Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
First Round Sean Reichman Datian Li LOSS WIN
First Round Lachlan Bennett Sandy Appleby LOSS WIN
First Round Katherine Livingston Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Sandy Appleby Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
First Round Kristian Guivarra Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Lachlan Bennett Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
First Round Kristian Guivarra Sandy Appleby WIN LOSS
First Round Jack Wyrill Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
First Round Katherine Livingston Datian Li LOSS WIN
First Round Jack Wyrill Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Katherine Livingston Sandy Appleby LOSS WIN
First Round Lachlan Bennett Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
First Round William Carew Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Jack Jones WIN LOSS
First Round Denis Antipov Chris Binggeli WIN LOSS
First Round Jack Jones Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round William Carew Chris Binggeli LOSS WIN
First Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Denis Antipov LOSS WIN
First Round Alex Roberson Chris Binggeli WIN LOSS
First Round Jack Jones Denis Antipov LOSS WIN
First Round William Carew Bader Pendergast-Lee WIN LOSS
First Round Alex Roberson Denis Antipov WIN LOSS
First Round Chris Binggeli Bader Pendergast-Lee WIN LOSS
First Round William Carew Jack Jones WIN LOSS
First Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round Denis Antipov William Carew WIN LOSS
First Round Chris Binggeli Jack Jones WIN LOSS
First Round Ryan Tanzer Benjamin Pope LOSS WIN
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
First Round Xander McConnell Jean Fainges LOSS WIN
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Ryan Tanzer LOSS WIN
First Round Benjamin Pope Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
First Round Jean Fainges Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
First Round Ryan Tanzer Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
First Round Jean Fainges Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
First Round Aleks Roseneder Benjamin Pope LOSS WIN
First Round Jean Fainges Ryan Tanzer LOSS WIN
First Round Aleks Roseneder Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Benjamin Pope LOSS WIN
First Round Aleks Roseneder Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
First Round Jean Fainges Benjamin Pope LOSS WIN
First Round Xander McConnell Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Second Round Denis Antipov Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
Second Round Sandy Appleby Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Datian Li Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Sandy Appleby WIN LOSS
Second Round Benjamin Pope Denis Antipov WIN LOSS
Second Round Kristian Guivarra Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Second Round Datian Li Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Sandy Appleby LOSS WIN
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
Second Round Mark Holgate Denis Antipov WIN LOSS
Second Round Datian Li Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Second Round Sandy Appleby Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Datian Li Denis Antipov WIN LOSS
Second Round Alex Roberson Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Kristian Guivarra Benjamin Pope WIN LOSS
Second Round Sandy Appleby Denis Antipov WIN LOSS
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Datian Li WIN LOSS
Second Round Mark Holgate Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Denis Antipov Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
Second Round Sandy Appleby Datian Li LOSS WIN
Second Round Denis Antipov Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Mark Holgate Aleks Roseneder WIN LOSS
Second Round Sandy Appleby Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Datian Li WIN LOSS
Second Round Campbell Walker William Carew LOSS WIN
Second Round Ryan Tanzer Jean Fainges LOSS WIN
Second Round Fuller November Chris Binggeli LOSS WIN
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Matthew Bennett WIN LOSS
Second Round Campbell Walker Jean Fainges WIN LOSS
Second Round William Carew Chris Binggeli WIN LOSS
Second Round Ryan Tanzer Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Fuller November Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Jean Fainges Chris Binggeli LOSS WIN
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Campbell Walker WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November William Carew LOSS WIN
Second Round Ryan Tanzer Matthew Bennett WIN LOSS
Second Round Chris Binggeli Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Fuller November Jean Fainges WIN LOSS
Second Round Ryan Tanzer Campbell Walker WIN LOSS
Second Round Matthew Bennett William Carew LOSS WIN
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Fuller November WIN LOSS
Second Round Chris Binggeli Ryan Tanzer LOSS WIN
Second Round William Carew Jean Fainges WIN LOSS
Second Round Campbell Walker Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Ryan Tanzer Fuller November LOSS WIN
Second Round Nelson McGuigan William Carew LOSS WIN
Second Round Campbell Walker Chris Binggeli LOSS WIN
Second Round Jean Fainges Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Ryan Tanzer William Carew WIN LOSS
Second Round Campbell Walker Fuller November LOSS WIN
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Jean Fainges WIN LOSS
Second Round Matthew Bennett Chris Binggeli LOSS WIN
Second Round Katherine Livingston Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
Second Round Jonas Wong Xander McConnell LOSS WIN
Second Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Jack Jones LOSS WIN
Second Round Sean Reichman Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
Second Round Jack Jones Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Second Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Jonas Wong LOSS WIN
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Jonas Wong LOSS WIN
Second Round Jack Jones Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Second Round Sean Reichman Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round Jack Wyrill Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
Second Round Sean Reichman Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round Jonas Wong Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Sean Reichman Bader Pendergast-Lee WIN LOSS
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
Second Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Jonas Wong LOSS WIN
Second Round Katherine Livingston Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Jonas Wong Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round Jack Wyrill Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
Second Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Katherine Livingston Bader Pendergast-Lee WIN LOSS
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Jack Jones Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Second Round Jack Wyrill Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Bader Pendergast-Lee LOSS WIN
Second Round Jack Wyrill Jonas Wong WIN LOSS
Second Round Sean Reichman Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Second Round Jack Jones Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Jonas Wong Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Second Round Katherine Livingston Lachlan Bennett WIN LOSS
Second Round Bader Pendergast-Lee Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Xander McConnell Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Jean Fainges Jessica Silvallana WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Lois Spangler Jessica Silvallana LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jean Fainges Datian Li LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jessica Silvallana Campbell Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jean Fainges Lois Spangler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Campbell Walker Datian Li WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jessica Silvallana Jean Fainges WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Campbell Walker Lois Spangler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Datian Li Jessica Silvallana WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Campbell Walker Jean Fainges WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Lois Spangler Datian Li LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
First Round Nelson McGuigan Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
First Round Matthew Bennett Xander McConnell LOSS WIN
First Round William Deasy Jacob Haberley LOSS WIN
First Round Xander McConnell Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
First Round Sean Reichman William Deasy WIN LOSS
First Round Matthew Bennett Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
First Round Nelson McGuigan William Deasy WIN LOSS
First Round Xander McConnell Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
First Round Sean Reichman Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
First Round Jacob Haberley Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
First Round William Deasy Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
First Round Xander McConnell Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
First Round Nelson McGuigan Matthew Bennett WIN LOSS
First Round Jacob Haberley Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
First Round William Deasy Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
First Round Geraud Lemenager Cohen Benson WIN LOSS
First Round Gary Andrews Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Fuller November Michael Pennington WIN LOSS
First Round Geraud Lemenager Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Michael Pennington Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
First Round Fuller November Gary Andrews WIN LOSS
First Round Geraud Lemenager Michael Pennington WIN LOSS
First Round Fuller November Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Cohen Benson Gary Andrews WIN LOSS
First Round Fuller November Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
First Round Michael Pennington Gary Andrews LOSS WIN
First Round Cohen Benson Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Gary Andrews Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
First Round Cohen Benson Fuller November WIN LOSS
First Round Michael Pennington Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Ryan Tanzer Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
First Round Campbell Walker Zack Dixon LOSS WIN
First Round Ryan Tanzer Braden Twomey WIN LOSS
First Round Zack Dixon Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
First Round Campbell Walker Braden Twomey LOSS WIN
First Round Ryan Tanzer Zack Dixon WIN LOSS
First Round Braden Twomey Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
First Round Ryan Tanzer Campbell Walker WIN LOSS
First Round Braden Twomey Zack Dixon LOSS WIN
First Round Emma O'Toner Campbell Walker LOSS WIN
First Round Jessica Silvallana Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Tim Davissen Aleks Roseneder WIN LOSS
First Round Joshua Gardiner Jessica Silvallana LOSS WIN
First Round Aleks Roseneder Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Joshua Gardiner Tim Davissen LOSS WIN
First Round Jessica Silvallana Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
First Round Joshua Gardiner Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Tim Davissen Jessica Silvallana WIN LOSS
First Round Joshua Gardiner Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
First Round Kristian Guivarra Tim Davissen WIN LOSS
First Round Katherine Livingston Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Aidan Hughes WIN LOSS
First Round Mark Holgate Jack Jones WIN LOSS
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
First Round Aidan Hughes Jack Jones LOSS WIN
First Round Mark Holgate Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
First Round Jack Jones Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
First Round Mark Holgate Aidan Hughes WIN LOSS
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Jack Jones WIN LOSS
First Round Katherine Livingston Aidan Hughes WIN LOSS
First Round Benjamin Pope Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round Jack Wyrill Sandy Appleby LOSS WIN
First Round Benjamin Pope Marcus Allen WIN LOSS
First Round Sandy Appleby Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round Marcus Allen Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
First Round Benjamin Pope Sandy Appleby WIN LOSS
First Round Marcus Allen Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round Benjamin Pope Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
First Round Sandy Appleby Marcus Allen WIN LOSS
First Round Alex Roberson Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
Second Round Geraud Lemenager Kristian Guivarra WIN LOSS
Second Round Alex Roberson Ryan Tanzer LOSS WIN
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Second Round Ryan Tanzer Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Geraud Lemenager Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Second Round Alex Roberson Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Kristian Guivarra Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
Second Round Geraud Lemenager Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Alex Roberson Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Geraud Lemenager Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
Second Round Alex Roberson Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Second Round Ryan Tanzer Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Cohen Benson Tim Davissen LOSS WIN
Second Round Sean Reichman Benjamin Pope WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Second Round Cohen Benson Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November Tim Davissen WIN LOSS
Second Round Benjamin Pope Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
Second Round Sean Reichman Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Tim Davissen LOSS WIN
Second Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Fuller November WIN LOSS
Second Round Tim Davissen Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Second Round Benjamin Pope Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
Second Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Tim Davissen LOSS WIN
Second Round Sean Reichman Fuller November LOSS WIN
Second Round Matthew Bennett Aleks Roseneder LOSS WIN
Second Round Emma O'Toner Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Second Round Sandy Appleby Zack Dixon WIN LOSS
Second Round Emma O'Toner Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Zack Dixon WIN LOSS
Second Round Sandy Appleby Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Second Round Zack Dixon Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Sandy Appleby Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Second Round Matthew Bennett Sandy Appleby WIN LOSS
Second Round Zack Dixon Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Second Round Matthew Bennett Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round Aleks Roseneder Sandy Appleby WIN LOSS
Second Round Zack Dixon Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
First Round Kristian Guivarra Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
First Round Joshua Gardiner Zack Dixon LOSS WIN
First Round Michael Pennington Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Joshua Gardiner Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
First Round Kristian Guivarra Joshua Gardiner WIN LOSS
First Round Michael Pennington Zack Dixon LOSS WIN
First Round Zack Dixon Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
First Round Michael Pennington Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
First Round Zack Dixon Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
First Round Joshua Gardiner Michael Pennington WIN LOSS
First Round Lachlan Bennett Michael Pennington WIN LOSS
First Round Zack Dixon Lachlan Bennett WIN LOSS
First Round Lachlan Bennett Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
First Round Joshua Gardiner Lachlan Bennett LOSS WIN
First Round Kristian Guivarra Lachlan Bennett WIN LOSS
First Round Geraud Lemenager Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
First Round Cohen Benson William Deasy WIN LOSS
First Round Jack Wyrill Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
First Round William Deasy Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
First Round Nelson McGuigan William Deasy WIN LOSS
First Round Jack Wyrill Cohen Benson WIN LOSS
First Round Geraud Lemenager Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
First Round Nelson McGuigan Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
First Round Damien Hewson-Donovan William Deasy LOSS WIN
First Round Geraud Lemenager Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
First Round Nelson McGuigan Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
First Round Geraud Lemenager Cohen Benson WIN LOSS
First Round William Deasy Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
First Round Ryan Tanzer Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
First Round Matthew Bennett Ronald Lee WIN LOSS
First Round Ryan Tanzer Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Ronald Lee Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
First Round Matthew Bennett Datian Li WIN LOSS
First Round Ryan Tanzer Ronald Lee WIN LOSS
First Round Datian Li Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
First Round Matthew Bennett Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
First Round Datian Li Ronald Lee LOSS WIN
First Round Mark Holgate Matthew Bennett WIN LOSS
First Round Ronald Lee Benjamin Pope LOSS WIN
First Round Ryan Tanzer Benjamin Pope WIN LOSS
First Round Matthew Bennett Benjamin Pope LOSS WIN
First Round Mark Holgate Benjamin Pope WIN LOSS
First Round Datian Li Benjamin Pope LOSS WIN
First Round Benjamin Pope Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
First Round Matthew Bennett Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
First Round Mark Holgate Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
First Round Datian Li Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
First Round Ronald Lee Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
First Round Ryan Tanzer Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
First Round Sean Reichman Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round Jacob Haberley Jack Jones WIN LOSS
First Round Fuller November Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
First Round Alex Roberson Jack Jones WIN LOSS
First Round Xander McConnell Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
First Round Fuller November Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
First Round Alex Roberson Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
First Round Fuller November Jack Jones LOSS WIN
First Round Sean Reichman Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
First Round Fuller November Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
First Round Xander McConnell Jacob Haberley LOSS WIN
First Round Sean Reichman Jack Jones LOSS WIN
First Round Jacob Haberley Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
First Round Sean Reichman Fuller November WIN LOSS
First Round Jack Jones Xander McConnell LOSS WIN
First Round Gary Andrews Jack Jones LOSS WIN
First Round Fuller November Gary Andrews WIN LOSS
First Round Gary Andrews Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
First Round Xander McConnell Gary Andrews LOSS WIN
First Round Gary Andrews Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
First Round Alex Roberson Gary Andrews WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November Geraud Lemenager WIN LOSS
Second Round Kristian Guivarra Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
Second Round Benjamin Pope Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Emma O'Toner Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November Ryan Tanzer LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Geraud Lemenager WIN LOSS
Second Round Kristian Guivarra Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
Second Round Mark Holgate Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Second Round Benjamin Pope Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
Second Round Mark Holgate Geraud Lemenager WIN LOSS
Second Round Kristian Guivarra Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Second Round Benjamin Pope Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
Second Round Mark Holgate Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
Second Round Fuller November Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Alex Roberson Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Second Round Emma O'Toner Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Geraud Lemenager Ryan Tanzer LOSS WIN
Second Round Alex Roberson Fuller November WIN LOSS
Second Round Kristian Guivarra Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Second Round Geraud Lemenager Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Second Round Benjamin Pope Fuller November WIN LOSS
Second Round Alex Roberson Ryan Tanzer LOSS WIN
Second Round Geraud Lemenager Kristian Guivarra LOSS WIN
Second Round Mark Holgate Fuller November WIN LOSS
Second Round Emma O'Toner Ryan Tanzer WIN LOSS
Second Round Benjamin Pope Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
Second Round Matthew Bennett Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Cohen Benson Ronald Lee WIN LOSS
Second Round Gary Andrews Zack Dixon LOSS WIN
Second Round Matthew Bennett Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Sean Reichman Ronald Lee LOSS WIN
Second Round Zack Dixon Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Gary Andrews Cohen Benson WIN LOSS
Second Round Jack Jones Ronald Lee WIN LOSS
Second Round Zack Dixon Matthew Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Sean Reichman Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
Second Round Gary Andrews Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Ronald Lee Zack Dixon WIN LOSS
Second Round Cohen Benson Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Matthew Bennett Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Gary Andrews Sean Reichman LOSS WIN
Second Round Zack Dixon Cohen Benson LOSS WIN
Second Round Ronald Lee Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Sean Reichman Jack Jones LOSS WIN
Second Round Gary Andrews Matthew Bennett WIN LOSS
Second Round Cohen Benson Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Second Round Zack Dixon Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Second Round Matthew Bennett Ronald Lee LOSS WIN
Second Round Gary Andrews Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Nelson McGuigan Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Second Round Matthew Bennett Cohen Benson WIN LOSS
Second Round Zack Dixon Jack Jones WIN LOSS
Second Round Gary Andrews Ronald Lee WIN LOSS
Second Round William Deasy Joshua Gardiner LOSS WIN
Second Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
Second Round Katherine Livingston Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round William Deasy Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Second Round Joshua Gardiner Jacob Haberley LOSS WIN
Second Round Jack Wyrill Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round Xander McConnell Lachlan Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
Second Round William Deasy Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Second Round Joshua Gardiner Lachlan Bennett LOSS WIN
Second Round Xander McConnell Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
Second Round Katherine Livingston Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Second Round William Deasy Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
Second Round Joshua Gardiner Xander McConnell LOSS WIN
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round Jacob Haberley Jack Wyrill LOSS WIN
Second Round Joshua Gardiner Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Second Round William Deasy Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Lachlan Bennett Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
Second Round Joshua Gardiner Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Second Round William Deasy Jacob Haberley WIN LOSS
Second Round Damien Hewson-Donovan Xander McConnell WIN LOSS
Second Round Joshua Gardiner Jack Wyrill WIN LOSS
Second Round William Deasy Lachlan Bennett WIN LOSS
Second Round Katherine Livingston Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Second Round Jacob Haberley Xander McConnell LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Swordplay Australia 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
2 5 Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1970.2 49.4
35 18 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1763.3 47.7
96 38 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1670.1 38.2
174 10 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1596.7 8.5
288 112 Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1535.1 49.4
331 64 William Carew Collegium in Armis 1517.5 30.5
673 430 Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1400.1 114.6
807 Chris Binggeli Collegium in Armis 1365
830 379 Jack Wyrill Adelaide Sword Academy 1359.3 100.1
869 20 Denis Antipov Adelaide Sword Academy 1347.8 8.9
876 257 Ryan Tanzer Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1346.9 70.1
917 886 Sandy Appleby Collegium in Armis 1336.9 193.8
919 244 Fuller November Collegium in Armis 1335.7 65.7
927 983 Datian Li Adelaide Sword Academy 1332.6 212.3
1136 383 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1284.7 87
1253 88 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1258.4 26.7
1519 Matthew Bennett Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1209.4
1591 341 Bader Pendergast-Lee Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1196.6 79.1
1838 522 Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy 1150.4 87
1857 Jonas Wong Adelaide Sword Academy 1146.3
2145 15 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1093.7 14.8
2227 Jean Fainges Collegium in Armis 1080
2235 348 Campbell Walker Brisbane Swords 1079.6 84.6
2337 496 Xander McConnell Adelaide Sword Academy 1059.8 75.1
3213 Lachlan Bennett Sword Fighter Gold Coast 881
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
149 Jean Fainges Collegium in Armis 1160.8
200 38 Jessica Silvallana Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1048.6 67.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
13 9 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1744.7 54.5
17 100 Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1734.1 240.8
44 3 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1639.2 32.4
64 8 Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1582 24.4
114 36 Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk 1510.7 36.1
120 47 Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis 1501.1 77.5
158 32 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1454.8 61.2
218 390 Ryan Tanzer Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1388.2 296.4
224 286 Cohen Benson Invicta Fencing Academy 1380.5 219.7
226 147 Fuller November Collegium in Armis 1379.7 129.2
283 53 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1335.5 63.8
285 294 Matthew Bennett Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1334.2 218.7
298 47 Ronald Lee Melbourne Messer Club 1325.3 57.4
302 Gary Andrews Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1321.5
383 Zack Dixon Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1259.3
415 209 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1242.4 160.2
438 William Deasy N/A 1229.7
460 27 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1217 7.5
472 Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy 1209.8
491 Lachlan Bennett Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1198.9
672 Jack Wyrill Adelaide Sword Academy 1081.3
789 Joshua Gardiner Fitzroy College of Arms 997.7
807 80 Jacob Haberley Prima Spada School of Fence 986.8 92.6
818 Xander McConnell Adelaide Sword Academy 982.1
986 Datian Li Adelaide Sword Academy 866
999 Michael Pennington Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 855.5
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
6 2 Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1785.1 26.7
14 163 Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk 1702.4 333.7
47 32 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1556 54.9
58 54 Tim Davissen Prima Spada School of Fence 1537.3 105
76 7 Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis 1501.9 8
84 25 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1490.8 44.3
89 80 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1476.5 102.3
94 326 Cohen Benson Invicta Fencing Academy 1471.4 336.1
162 67 Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1376.9 63
176 1 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1359.7 10.6
179 Fuller November Collegium in Armis 1359.1
197 25 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1336.3 37.1
205 44 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1333.4 38.2
212 252 Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1322.1 226.4
244 Matthew Bennett Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1297
284 267 Ryan Tanzer Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1256.9 221.4
319 Sandy Appleby Collegium in Armis 1222.2
451 Zack Dixon Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1095.3
484 Gary Andrews Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1075.3
520 60 Jack Wyrill Adelaide Sword Academy 1042.8 55.5
536 Marcus Allen Invicta Fencing Academy 1035.2
557 51 Jessica Silvallana Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1008.8 22.8
575 Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy 999.9
605 Campbell Walker Brisbane Swords 970.5
613 172 Xander McConnell Adelaide Sword Academy 962.2 164.5
632 Michael Pennington Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 949.3
656 William Deasy N/A 936.2
685 Braden Twomey Invicta Fencing Academy 908.5
690 Jacob Haberley Prima Spada School of Fence 903.6
702 Aidan Hughes Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 885.8
746 Datian Li Adelaide Sword Academy 823.3
815 Joshua Gardiner Fitzroy College of Arms 740.5
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
212 Jean Fainges Collegium in Armis 1160.8
280 64 Jessica Silvallana Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1048.6 67.6