Wessex League: London Chapter 2017

Date December 9, 2017
Country United Kingdom
City London

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 81 31
Women's Steel Longsword 15 6
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 63 23
Mixed Steel Sabre 48 17

Fighters in event

Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing
Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy
Lech Ciszkiewicz Academy of Historical Fencing
Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword
Burak Urgancioglu L’Épée Blanche
Jordan Eyre Academy of Historical Fencing
Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword
Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club
Aaron Daniels Braintree Historical Fencing
Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA
Ben Leary Cambridge HEMA
Daniel Jones Edel Fencing Academy
Nick Laing Edel Fencing Academy
Jo Wimborne Edel Fencing Academy
Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club
Robyn Saul London Historical Fencing Club
Tom Daplyn London Historical Fencing Club
Tony Lamb London Historical Fencing Club
Robin Dando Oxford Sword and Staff
Harry McCusker Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria
Adam Smith Smart HEMA Clubs
Joshua Bradshaw Southampton Historical Fencing
Katie Fleming Southampton Historical Fencing
Kieran Neale Taunton Longswords
Matthew Holden-Williams Tempus Fugitives
Stewart Hotston The School of the Sword
Fran Terminiello The School of the Sword
Adrian Faulkner The School of the Sword
Christophe Loyce The School of the Sword
Robert Williams The School of the Sword
Apollon Makropoulos The School of the Sword
Ziggy Wisniewski The School of the Sword
Mikolaj Krukowski The School of the Sword
Stephen Bourne The School of the Sword
Tim Newark Virtus Sword School
Carson Smith Virtus Sword School
Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group
Rowan Skilbeck Waterloo Sparring Group
David Whitehead Wealden Sword & Steel
Edward Groves Wealden Sword & Steel


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pedro San Miguel Tom Daplyn WIN LOSS
Carson Smith Robin Dando LOSS WIN
Tom Daplyn Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Robin Dando WIN LOSS
Rowan Skilbeck Carson Smith WIN LOSS
Tom Daplyn Robin Dando WIN LOSS
Rowan Skilbeck Robin Dando LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Carson Smith WIN LOSS
Rowan Skilbeck Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Tom Daplyn Carson Smith WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Edward Groves WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Amir Sheikh-Warak Nick Laing DRAW DRAW
Jamie MacIver Edward Groves WIN LOSS
Nick Laing Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Jamie MacIver Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Edward Groves WIN LOSS
Jamie MacIver Amir Sheikh-Warak DRAW DRAW
Edward Groves Robert Williams DRAW DRAW
Ben Leary Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Adam Smith Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Ben Leary Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Adam Smith WIN LOSS
Jordan Eyre Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Ben Leary Adam Smith WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Ben Leary WIN LOSS
Adam Smith Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Tim Newark Aaron Daniels WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Aaron Daniels WIN LOSS
Tim Newark Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Stephen Bourne WIN LOSS
Aaron Daniels Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Thomas Couturier Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Tim Newark Stephen Bourne WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Tim Newark WIN LOSS
Aaron Daniels Stephen Bourne WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Mikolaj Krukowski LOSS WIN
Joshua Bradshaw David Whitehead WIN LOSS
Mikolaj Krukowski Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Matthew Holden-Williams David Whitehead LOSS WIN
Jack Gassmann Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Mikolaj Krukowski David Whitehead WIN LOSS
Jack Gassmann David Whitehead WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Joshua Bradshaw LOSS WIN
Jack Gassmann Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Mikolaj Krukowski Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Tony Lamb WIN LOSS
Kieran Neale Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Philip Mitchell Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Tony Lamb Daniel Jones LOSS WIN
Kieran Neale Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Philip Mitchell Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Tony Lamb Kieran Neale WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Daniel Jones Kieran Neale WIN LOSS
Tony Lamb Philip Mitchell LOSS WIN
Kieran Neale Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Tony Lamb WIN LOSS
Daniel Jones Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel Tim Newark WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Jamie MacIver Ben Leary WIN LOSS
Robin Dando Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Rowan Skilbeck Mikolaj Krukowski WIN LOSS
Tom Daplyn Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Rowan Skilbeck Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Jamie MacIver Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Jack Gassmann Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Jack Gassmann Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Adrian Faulkner Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Ben Leary WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Adrian Faulkner Ben Leary WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Thomas Couturier Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS
Ben Leary Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Christophe Loyce Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Ben Leary Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Ben Leary Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Kieran Neale WIN LOSS
David Whitehead Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Fran Terminiello Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge David Whitehead WIN LOSS
Kieran Neale Fran Terminiello WIN LOSS
Stewart Hotston Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
Emilia Skirmuntt David Whitehead LOSS WIN
Kieran Neale Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Fran Terminiello Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Kieran Neale David Whitehead WIN LOSS
Stewart Hotston Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Kieran Neale Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
David Whitehead Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
Jack Gassmann Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Aaron Daniels WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Aaron Daniels WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Aaron Daniels Joshua Bradshaw LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Stephen Bourne Joshua Bradshaw WIN LOSS
Jack Gassmann Aaron Daniels WIN LOSS
Joshua Bradshaw Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Mike Prendergast Katie Fleming WIN LOSS
Jordan Eyre Mikolaj Krukowski DRAW DRAW
Maria Makarova Apollon Makropoulos DRAW DRAW
Jordan Eyre Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Apollon Makropoulos Katie Fleming WIN LOSS
Mikolaj Krukowski Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Apollon Makropoulos Mike Prendergast DRAW DRAW
Jordan Eyre Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Katie Fleming Mikolaj Krukowski LOSS WIN
Mike Prendergast Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Apollon Makropoulos Mikolaj Krukowski WIN LOSS
Katie Fleming Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Mikolaj Krukowski Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Maria Makarova Katie Fleming WIN LOSS
Apollon Makropoulos Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Stewart Hotston Apollon Makropoulos WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Mike Prendergast Burak Urgancioglu WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Mike Prendergast Jack Gassmann WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz Jack Gassmann WIN LOSS
Mike Prendergast Stewart Hotston WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Burak Urgancioglu Stephen Bourne WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel Robert Williams WIN LOSS
David Whitehead Christophe Loyce LOSS WIN
Robert Williams Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Stephen Bourne David Whitehead LOSS WIN
Christophe Loyce Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu David Whitehead WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Christophe Loyce WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Christophe Loyce WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel David Whitehead WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Robert Williams WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Christophe Loyce LOSS WIN
David Whitehead Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Jordan Eyre Ziggy Wisniewski WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Jordan Eyre Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Ziggy Wisniewski Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Ziggy Wisniewski LOSS WIN
Daniel Jones Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Ziggy Wisniewski Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Thomas Couturier Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Daniel Jones Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Daniel Jones Ziggy Wisniewski LOSS WIN
Jordan Eyre Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Mikolaj Krukowski Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Mikolaj Krukowski Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Amir Sheikh-Warak Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Mikolaj Krukowski Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Nick Laing Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Harry McCusker Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Mikolaj Krukowski Harry McCusker LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Christophe Loyce Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Amir Sheikh-Warak Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Amir Sheikh-Warak Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Wessex League: London Chapter 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
15 2 Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1785.4 13.3
29 22 Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1726.3 75.9
60 2 Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword 1640.6 13.5
79 30 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1610.9 41.7
123 21 Rowan Skilbeck Waterloo Sparring Group 1555.9 22.4
202 60 Burak Urgancioglu L’Épée Blanche 1494.8 44.5
204 64 Lech Ciszkiewicz Academy of Historical Fencing 1492.4 44.7
240 55 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1469.8 37.5
271 40 Ben Leary Cambridge HEMA 1449.6 23.9
360 133 Tim Newark Virtus Sword School 1395.3 61.4
390 69 Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria 1385.3 35.3
488 35 Nick Laing Edel Fencing Academy 1339.7 12.3
635 26 Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy 1283.3 6.7
703 616 Mikolaj Krukowski The School of the Sword 1256.6 207.2
732 134 Daniel Jones Edel Fencing Academy 1244 54.7
794 84 Robert Williams The School of the Sword 1221.4 34.9
799 52 David Whitehead Wealden Sword & Steel 1219.8 13.3
863 102 Robin Dando Oxford Sword and Staff 1198.5 40.8
940 Joshua Bradshaw Southampton Historical Fencing 1171.5
960 176 Matthew Holden-Williams Tempus Fugitives 1166.7 52.7
977 251 Jordan Eyre Academy of Historical Fencing 1161.6 82.4
1315 Stephen Bourne The School of the Sword 1064.1
1343 77 Kieran Neale Taunton Longswords 1055.2 15.2
1346 263 Tom Daplyn London Historical Fencing Club 1054 95.9
1487 Aaron Daniels Braintree Historical Fencing 1007
1498 1 Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA 1004.8 9.9
1614 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 972.5
1619 Edward Groves Wealden Sword & Steel 971.1
1723 71 Tony Lamb London Historical Fencing Club 938.5 36.6
2025 Adam Smith Smart HEMA Clubs 831.1
2144 Carson Smith Virtus Sword School 772.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
23 9 Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group 1463.4 32.3
52 19 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1333.9 58.5
62 14 Fran Terminiello The School of the Sword 1312.5 45.2
124 25 Jo Wimborne Edel Fencing Academy 1116.2 91.5
181 Robyn Saul London Historical Fencing Club 946.2 16.3
206 24 Katie Fleming Southampton Historical Fencing 872.7 54.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
23 9 Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group 1463.4 32.3
52 19 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1333.9 58.5
62 14 Fran Terminiello The School of the Sword 1312.5 45.2
124 25 Jo Wimborne Edel Fencing Academy 1116.2 91.5
181 Robyn Saul London Historical Fencing Club 946.2 16.3
206 24 Katie Fleming Southampton Historical Fencing 872.7 54.8