Dutch Lions Cup 2019

Date August 24, 2019
Country Netherlands
City Utrecht

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 212 65
Women's Steel Longsword 51 16

Fighters in event

Johanna Hopfgartner INDES Salzburg
Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Robbe D'Hondt De Hallebardiers
Frederique Van Robaeys De Hallebardiers
Wouter Festjens Invirtus
Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani
Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani
Wim van den Daele SwArta
Karin Verelst SwArta
Jasmine Schnyder Liberi Ensis
Daniel Olivier Sutter Reisläufer Bern
Andreas Reinartz Brückenschlag
Olga Reinartz Brückenschlag
Simon Engel Brückenschlag
Andreas Gesell Brückenschlag
Eduardt Wildt Brückenschlag
Carla Huvermann Grün-Weiß Holten
Simon Berg Krifon
Eva Reinhardt Schwert und Bogen
Bastian Tilgner Schwert und Bogen
Nicos Triantafilopoulos Studio Neues Fechten
Alex Rymark Vorm Hafnia Longsword Akademi
Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Hafnia Longsword Akademi
Marcos Ariño Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Miro Lahtela EHMS
Mikko Lehto EHMS
Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier
Paul Chereau La Salle d'Armes
Victor Lavialle La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Hélène Georgiou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Laetitia Blin La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy
Michela D'Orlando Ordine delle Lame Scaligere
Davide Gallo Sala d’Arme del Folle
Mattia Boiani Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo
Menso Westerouen van Meeteren De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten
Diego Frans De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten
Jerze de Reus De Zwaardkring
Cynthia Kop De Zwaardkring
Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen De Zwaardkring
Tosca Beuming De Zwaardkring
Henric Jansen Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Oskar ter Mors Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Tim Beerens Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Joost Rutger Meijering Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Stefan Brunner Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede
Maurice Booij MARS
Bennie Smit Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo
Jos Baars Zwaard & Steen
Eline Spek Zwaard & Steen
Ethan den Boer Zwaard & Steen
Izabele Aparecida Saorin Zwaard & Steen
Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen
Wilfred de Lang Zwaard & Steen
Lucia Kulhavy Zwaard & Steen
Nadine van Wilgenburg Zwaard & Steen
Jochem Rolvink Zwaard & Steen
Ruben Terlouw Zwaard & Steen
Sandra Belder Zwaard & Steen
Michel Rensen Zwaard & Steen
Arto Fama Zwaard & Steen
Engelbert Spronk Zwaard & Steen
Sander van Eijk Zwaard & Steen
Tijs de Jong Zwaard & Steen
Merijn Spiro Zwaard & Steen
Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga
Maciej Kwiek ARMA Poland Poznan
Dmytro Shpak ARMA Poland Poznan
Rafal Kramek ARMA Poland Wroclaw
Łukasz Dąbrowski Fechtschule Gdańsk
Jan Chodkiewicz Fechtschule Gdańsk
Maciej Jakub Kubik Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Mateusz Konopacki Mordschlag
Konrad Kramarz Mordschlag
Ziemowit Podwysocki Walpurgis
Sergei Geraskin Freifechtergilde
Valentina Mandzhieva Academia Artis Dimicatoriae
Burak Urgancioglu L’Épée Blanche
Reuben Joseph Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence
Robert Stephen Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
16th-finals Mateusz Konopacki Joris Jacobs WIN LOSS
16th-finals Davide Gallo Rafal Kramek LOSS WIN
16th-finals Aäron Faes Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
16th-finals Tim Beerens Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
16th-finals Daniel Olivier Sutter Maciej Kwiek LOSS WIN
16th-finals Henric Jansen Burak Urgancioglu WIN LOSS
16th-finals Ziemowit Podwysocki Stefan Brunner WIN LOSS
16th-finals Jan Chodkiewicz Joost Rutger Meijering WIN LOSS
16th-finals Andreas Reinartz Arto Fama LOSS WIN
16th-finals Tijs de Jong Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
16th-finals Konrad Kramarz Sergei Geraskin WIN LOSS
16th-finals Jerze de Reus Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
16th-finals Maarten van der Auwera Marcos Ariño WIN LOSS
16th-finals Maciej Jakub Kubik Sander van Eijk LOSS WIN
16th-finals Engelbert Spronk Łukasz Dąbrowski WIN LOSS
16th-finals Mikko Lehto Alex Rymark Vorm WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Mateusz Konopacki Rafal Kramek WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Miro Lahtela Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Henric Jansen Maciej Kwiek LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Ziemowit Podwysocki Jan Chodkiewicz LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Arto Fama Max van den Ekart WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Konrad Kramarz Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Sander van Eijk Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Mikko Lehto Engelbert Spronk WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Mateusz Konopacki Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Maciej Kwiek Jan Chodkiewicz LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Arto Fama Michel Rensen WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Mikko Lehto Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Semifinals Oskar ter Mors Jan Chodkiewicz LOSS WIN
Semifinals Mikko Lehto Arto Fama WIN LOSS
Third place match Oskar ter Mors Arto Fama LOSS WIN
Final Mikko Lehto Jan Chodkiewicz WIN LOSS
pool 2 Łukasz Dąbrowski Frederique Van Robaeys WIN LOSS
pool 3 Merijn Spiro Maciej Kwiek LOSS WIN
pool 1 Rafal Kramek Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
pool 2 Sergei Geraskin Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Jerze de Reus Simon Berg WIN LOSS
pool 1 Wim van den Daele Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
pool 2 Arto Fama Andreas Reinartz WIN LOSS
pool 3 Maciej Kwiek Oskar ter Mors WIN LOSS
pool 1 Davide Gallo Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
pool 2 Sergei Geraskin Mattia Boiani WIN LOSS
pool 3 Maarten van der Auwera Simon Berg WIN LOSS
pool 1 Menso Westerouen van Meeteren Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
pool 2 Andreas Reinartz Frederique Van Robaeys WIN LOSS
pool 3 Merijn Spiro Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
pool 1 Davide Gallo Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
pool 2 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Łukasz Dąbrowski LOSS WIN
pool 3 Jerze de Reus Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
pool 1 Wim van den Daele Rafal Kramek LOSS WIN
pool 2 Arto Fama Mattia Boiani WIN LOSS
pool 3 Simon Berg Maciej Kwiek LOSS WIN
pool 1 Michel Rensen Menso Westerouen van Meeteren WIN LOSS
pool 2 Sergei Geraskin Frederique Van Robaeys WIN LOSS
pool 3 Jerze de Reus Merijn Spiro WIN LOSS
pool 1 Reuben Joseph Mowbray Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
pool 2 Andreas Reinartz Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Oskar ter Mors Simon Berg WIN LOSS
pool 1 Wim van den Daele Davide Gallo LOSS WIN
pool 2 Łukasz Dąbrowski Mattia Boiani WIN LOSS
pool 3 Merijn Spiro Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
pool 1 Menso Westerouen van Meeteren Rafal Kramek LOSS WIN
pool 2 Arto Fama Frederique Van Robaeys WIN LOSS
pool 3 Maciej Kwiek Jerze de Reus LOSS WIN
pool 1 Reuben Joseph Mowbray Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
pool 2 Mattia Boiani Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Maarten van der Auwera Oskar ter Mors WIN LOSS
pool 1 Wim van den Daele Menso Westerouen van Meeteren WIN LOSS
pool 2 Andreas Reinartz Sergei Geraskin LOSS WIN
pool 3 Simon Berg Merijn Spiro LOSS WIN
pool 1 Davide Gallo Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
pool 2 Łukasz Dąbrowski Arto Fama LOSS WIN
pool 3 Jerze de Reus Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
pool 1 Michel Rensen Rafal Kramek WIN LOSS
pool 2 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Frederique Van Robaeys LOSS WIN
pool 3 Maarten van der Auwera Maciej Kwiek WIN LOSS
pool 1 Wim van den Daele Reuben Joseph Mowbray LOSS WIN
pool 2 Andreas Reinartz Mattia Boiani WIN LOSS
pool 1 Davide Gallo Menso Westerouen van Meeteren WIN LOSS
pool 2 Sergei Geraskin Łukasz Dąbrowski LOSS WIN
pool 1 Andrzej Rozycki Rafal Kramek LOSS WIN
pool 2 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Arto Fama LOSS WIN
pool 1 Michel Rensen Wim van den Daele WIN LOSS
pool 2 Frederique Van Robaeys Mattia Boiani WIN LOSS
pool 1 Reuben Joseph Mowbray Menso Westerouen van Meeteren WIN LOSS
pool 2 Łukasz Dąbrowski Andreas Reinartz DRAW DRAW
pool 1 Rafal Kramek Davide Gallo DRAW DRAW
pool 2 Sergei Geraskin Arto Fama LOSS WIN
pool 1 Andrzej Rozycki Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
pool 5 Bennie Smit Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
pool 6 Maciej Jakub Kubik Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen WIN LOSS
pool 4 Karin Verelst Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
pool 5 Jos Baars Paul Chereau DRAW DRAW
pool 6 Maurice Booij Konrad Kramarz LOSS WIN
pool 4 Ethan den Boer Dmytro Shpak WIN LOSS
pool 5 Miro Lahtela Bastian Tilgner WIN LOSS
pool 6 Engelbert Spronk Ruben Terlouw DRAW DRAW
pool 4 Burak Urgancioglu Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
pool 5 Joost Rutger Meijering Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
pool 6 Simon Engel Konrad Kramarz WIN LOSS
pool 4 Dmytro Shpak Marcos Ariño LOSS WIN
pool 5 Bastian Tilgner Bennie Smit WIN LOSS
pool 6 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Ruben Terlouw WIN LOSS
pool 4 Burak Urgancioglu Karin Verelst WIN LOSS
pool 5 Joost Rutger Meijering Jos Baars WIN LOSS
pool 6 Maciej Jakub Kubik Maurice Booij WIN LOSS
pool 4 Marcos Ariño Ethan den Boer WIN LOSS
pool 5 Paul Chereau Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
pool 6 Engelbert Spronk Simon Engel WIN LOSS
pool 4 Dmytro Shpak Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
pool 5 Jos Baars Bennie Smit WIN LOSS
pool 6 Konrad Kramarz Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen WIN LOSS
pool 4 Karin Verelst Ethan den Boer LOSS WIN
pool 5 Bastian Tilgner Paul Chereau WIN LOSS
pool 6 Maurice Booij Ruben Terlouw WIN LOSS
pool 4 Burak Urgancioglu Dmytro Shpak WIN LOSS
pool 5 Bennie Smit Joost Rutger Meijering LOSS WIN
pool 6 Simon Engel Maciej Jakub Kubik LOSS WIN
pool 4 Karin Verelst Marcos Ariño LOSS WIN
pool 5 Jos Baars Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
pool 6 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Engelbert Spronk LOSS WIN
pool 4 Joris Jacobs Ethan den Boer WIN LOSS
pool 5 Joost Rutger Meijering Bastian Tilgner WIN LOSS
pool 6 Simon Engel Maurice Booij WIN LOSS
pool 4 Marcos Ariño Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
pool 5 Bennie Smit Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
pool 6 Ruben Terlouw Konrad Kramarz LOSS WIN
pool 4 Dmytro Shpak Karin Verelst WIN LOSS
pool 5 Bastian Tilgner Jos Baars DRAW DRAW
pool 6 Engelbert Spronk Maciej Jakub Kubik WIN LOSS
pool 4 Ethan den Boer Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
pool 5 Joost Rutger Meijering Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
pool 6 Maurice Booij Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen DRAW DRAW
pool 4 Joris Jacobs Marcos Ariño WIN LOSS
pool 6 Ruben Terlouw Simon Engel LOSS WIN
pool 6 Konrad Kramarz Maciej Jakub Kubik WIN LOSS
pool 6 Engelbert Spronk Maurice Booij WIN LOSS
pool 6 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Simon Engel WIN LOSS
pool 6 Ruben Terlouw Maciej Jakub Kubik LOSS WIN
pool 6 Konrad Kramarz Engelbert Spronk WIN LOSS
pool 9 Max van den Ekart Wouter Festjens WIN LOSS
pool 8 Jochem Rolvink Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
pool 7 Aäron Faes Andreas Gesell WIN LOSS
pool 9 Eduardt Wildt Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
pool 8 Eline Spek Nicos Triantafilopoulos WIN LOSS
pool 7 Sander van Eijk Diego Frans WIN LOSS
pool 9 Tim Beerens Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
pool 8 Mateusz Konopacki Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
pool 7 Tijs de Jong Victor Lavialle WIN LOSS
pool 9 Eduardt Wildt Jan Chodkiewicz LOSS WIN
pool 8 Eline Spek Stefan Brunner LOSS WIN
pool 7 Ziemowit Podwysocki Sander van Eijk LOSS WIN
pool 9 Tim Beerens Wouter Festjens WIN LOSS
pool 8 Mateusz Konopacki Jochem Rolvink WIN LOSS
pool 7 Tijs de Jong Andreas Gesell WIN LOSS
pool 9 Gabriel Tardio Jan Chodkiewicz LOSS WIN
pool 8 Nicos Triantafilopoulos Stefan Brunner LOSS WIN
pool 7 Aäron Faes Diego Frans WIN LOSS
pool 9 Eduardt Wildt Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
pool 8 Mikko Lehto Eline Spek WIN LOSS
pool 7 Ziemowit Podwysocki Victor Lavialle WIN LOSS
pool 9 Wouter Festjens Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
pool 8 Nicos Triantafilopoulos Jochem Rolvink WIN LOSS
pool 7 Andreas Gesell Sander van Eijk LOSS WIN
pool 9 Tim Beerens Eduardt Wildt WIN LOSS
pool 8 Mateusz Konopacki Eline Spek DRAW DRAW
pool 7 Tijs de Jong Diego Frans WIN LOSS
pool 9 Wouter Festjens Jan Chodkiewicz LOSS WIN
pool 8 Stefan Brunner Jochem Rolvink WIN LOSS
pool 7 Ziemowit Podwysocki Aäron Faes LOSS WIN
pool 9 Max van den Ekart Gabriel Tardio WIN LOSS
pool 8 Mikko Lehto Nicos Triantafilopoulos WIN LOSS
pool 7 Andreas Gesell Victor Lavialle LOSS WIN
pool 9 Jan Chodkiewicz Tim Beerens WIN LOSS
pool 8 Mateusz Konopacki Stefan Brunner LOSS WIN
pool 7 Diego Frans Ziemowit Podwysocki LOSS WIN
pool 9 Wouter Festjens Eduardt Wildt LOSS WIN
pool 8 Eline Spek Jochem Rolvink WIN LOSS
pool 7 Sander van Eijk Tijs de Jong LOSS WIN
pool 9 Gabriel Tardio Tim Beerens LOSS WIN
pool 8 Nicos Triantafilopoulos Mateusz Konopacki LOSS WIN
pool 7 Aäron Faes Victor Lavialle WIN LOSS
pool 9 Jan Chodkiewicz Max van den Ekart WIN LOSS
pool 8 Mikko Lehto Stefan Brunner WIN LOSS
pool 7 Andreas Gesell Diego Frans LOSS WIN
pool 7 Tijs de Jong Ziemowit Podwysocki LOSS WIN
pool 7 Aäron Faes Sander van Eijk LOSS WIN
pool 7 Victor Lavialle Diego Frans WIN LOSS
pool 7 Andreas Gesell Ziemowit Podwysocki LOSS WIN
pool 7 Tijs de Jong Aäron Faes LOSS WIN
pool 7 Victor Lavialle Sander van Eijk LOSS WIN
pool 10 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
pool 10 Henric Jansen Alex Rymark Vorm WIN LOSS
pool 10 Robert Stephen Mowbray Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
pool 10 Henric Jansen Wilfred de Lang WIN LOSS
pool 10 Robert Stephen Mowbray Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
pool 10 Alex Rymark Vorm Robbe D'Hondt WIN LOSS
pool 10 Wilfred de Lang Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
pool 10 Henric Jansen Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
pool 10 Robert Stephen Mowbray Alex Rymark Vorm LOSS WIN
pool 10 Robbe D'Hondt Wilfred de Lang LOSS WIN
pool 10 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
pool 10 Alex Rymark Vorm Wilfred de Lang WIN LOSS
pool 10 Robert Stephen Mowbray Henric Jansen LOSS WIN
pool 10 Robbe D'Hondt Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
pool 10 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Alex Rymark Vorm WIN LOSS
pool 10 Robert Stephen Mowbray Wilfred de Lang LOSS WIN
pool 10 Henric Jansen Robbe D'Hondt WIN LOSS
pool 10 Alex Rymark Vorm Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
pool 10 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Wilfred de Lang LOSS WIN
pool 10 Robbe D'Hondt Robert Stephen Mowbray WIN LOSS
pool 10 Henric Jansen Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Eighth-finals Valentina Mandzhieva Carla Huvermann LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Izabele Aparecida Saorin Olga Reinartz LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Lucia Kulhavy Jasmine Schnyder LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Michela D'Orlando Nadine van Wilgenburg WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Laetitia Blin Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Sandra Belder Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Hélène Georgiou Cynthia Kop LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Tosca Beuming Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Olga Reinartz Carla Huvermann LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Jasmine Schnyder Michela D'Orlando LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Johanna Hopfgartner Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Tosca Beuming Cynthia Kop LOSS WIN
Semifinals Carla Huvermann Michela D'Orlando WIN LOSS
Semifinals Johanna Hopfgartner Cynthia Kop WIN LOSS
Third place match Michela D'Orlando Cynthia Kop LOSS WIN
Final Johanna Hopfgartner Carla Huvermann WIN LOSS
pool 1 Jasmine Schnyder Izabele Aparecida Saorin WIN LOSS
pool 1 Michela D'Orlando Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
pool 1 Jasmine Schnyder Hélène Georgiou LOSS WIN
pool 1 Izabele Aparecida Saorin Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
pool 1 Michela D'Orlando Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
pool 1 Jasmine Schnyder Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
pool 1 Hélène Georgiou Izabele Aparecida Saorin LOSS WIN
pool 1 Jasmine Schnyder Michela D'Orlando WIN LOSS
pool 1 Eva Reinhardt Hélène Georgiou LOSS WIN
pool 1 Michela D'Orlando Izabele Aparecida Saorin WIN LOSS
pool 2 Nadine van Wilgenburg Tosca Beuming LOSS WIN
pool 2 Carla Huvermann Laetitia Blin WIN LOSS
pool 2 Nadine van Wilgenburg Sandra Belder LOSS WIN
pool 2 Tosca Beuming Laetitia Blin WIN LOSS
pool 2 Sandra Belder Carla Huvermann LOSS WIN
pool 2 Nadine van Wilgenburg Laetitia Blin WIN LOSS
pool 2 Tosca Beuming Sandra Belder WIN LOSS
pool 2 Nadine van Wilgenburg Carla Huvermann LOSS WIN
pool 2 Sandra Belder Laetitia Blin DRAW DRAW
pool 2 Tosca Beuming Carla Huvermann DRAW DRAW
pool 3 Valentina Mandzhieva Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
pool 3 Cynthia Kop Lucia Kulhavy WIN LOSS
pool 3 Olga Reinartz Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
pool 3 Lucia Kulhavy Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
pool 3 Olga Reinartz Valentina Mandzhieva WIN LOSS
pool 3 Cynthia Kop Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
pool 3 Johanna Hopfgartner Lucia Kulhavy WIN LOSS
pool 3 Valentina Mandzhieva Cynthia Kop LOSS WIN
pool 3 Olga Reinartz Lucia Kulhavy WIN LOSS
pool 3 Valentina Mandzhieva Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
pool 3 Cynthia Kop Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
pool 3 Kristine Konsmo Olga Reinartz WIN LOSS
pool 3 Lucia Kulhavy Valentina Mandzhieva WIN LOSS
pool 3 Olga Reinartz Cynthia Kop WIN LOSS
pool 3 Kristine Konsmo Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Dutch Lions Cup 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
8 Michel Rensen Zwaard & Steen 1893.9 3.4
11 3 Arto Fama Zwaard & Steen 1857.8 15
34 24 Mikko Lehto EHMS 1768.9 58.3
48 1 Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1739.8 4
49 5 Maciej Kwiek ARMA Poland Poznan 1738.2 7.5
52 5 Miro Lahtela EHMS 1732.1 9
59 5 Engelbert Spronk Zwaard & Steen 1716.9 10.6
67 170 Jan Chodkiewicz Fechtschule Gdańsk 1700.3 156.7
71 15 Daniel Olivier Sutter Reisläufer Bern 1697.8 21.3
80 40 Victor Lavialle La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1685.2 75.6
95 26 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1663.9 28.3
99 3 Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede 1660.9 6.5
109 29 Konrad Kramarz Mordschlag 1643.3 26.6
125 8 Henric Jansen Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1633.5 4.6
131 2 Stefan Brunner Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1627.9 2.1
166 21 Sander van Eijk Zwaard & Steen 1599.5 24
195 2 Mateusz Konopacki Mordschlag 1575.3 5.2
207 9 Joost Rutger Meijering Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1568.4 1.4
213 65 Oskar ter Mors Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1565.7 41
253 52 Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani 1540.6 25.5
258 15 Łukasz Dąbrowski Fechtschule Gdańsk 1538.2 10.1
260 16 Marcos Ariño Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1537 3.2
265 15 Sergei Geraskin Freifechtergilde 1534.4 2.9
266 46 Burak Urgancioglu L’Épée Blanche 1534.3 22.3
290 4 Bastian Tilgner Schwert und Bogen 1525.4 2
306 74 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1518.7 29.8
338 37 Davide Gallo Sala d’Arme del Folle 1502.2 17.6
364 102 Rafal Kramek ARMA Poland Wroclaw 1492.1 43.8
410 42 Tijs de Jong Zwaard & Steen 1473.4 19.3
489 84 Maciej Jakub Kubik Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1439.4 28.3
528 27 Jos Baars Zwaard & Steen 1424.5 8.3
602 151 Paul Chereau La Salle d'Armes 1404.6 40.1
636 161 Jerze de Reus De Zwaardkring 1397.2 46.1
646 68 Tim Beerens Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1394.7 21.2
701 39 Alex Rymark Vorm Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1380.2 13.3
704 87 Nicos Triantafilopoulos Studio Neues Fechten 1379.4 20.7
706 80 Andreas Reinartz Brückenschlag 1377.7 23.3
751 63 Robbe D'Hondt De Hallebardiers 1367.2 13.3
781 392 Ziemowit Podwysocki Walpurgis 1358.6 107.3
950 78 Ethan den Boer Zwaard & Steen 1310.1 25.6
1032 73 Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier 1288.1 20
1160 278 Eline Spek Zwaard & Steen 1258 62.9
1164 193 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1257.3 44.9
1193 337 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen 1248.9 73.9
1254 69 Dmytro Shpak ARMA Poland Poznan 1237.8 10.4
1277 886 Wilfred de Lang Zwaard & Steen 1232.7 186.3
1304 460 Simon Engel Brückenschlag 1227.1 96.9
1376 221 Ruben Terlouw Zwaard & Steen 1210.4 45.6
1424 42 Merijn Spiro Zwaard & Steen 1201.1 11.4
1492 804 Reuben Joseph Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence 1186.2 172
1520 283 Mattia Boiani Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 1181 57.7
1756 218 Simon Berg Krifon 1136.2 36.7
1974 95 Eduardt Wildt Brückenschlag 1090.6 25.2
2088 Maurice Booij MARS 1067.7
2104 345 Robert Stephen Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence 1063.6 66.9
2105 333 Frederique Van Robaeys De Hallebardiers 1063.6 75.1
2161 169 Karin Verelst SwArta 1052.9 28.6
2428 Wim van den Daele SwArta 995.1
2579 Bennie Smit Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 966.7
2792 269 Menso Westerouen van Meeteren De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 933.6 36.4
2818 135 Jochem Rolvink Zwaard & Steen 926.2 17.2
2878 335 Diego Frans De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 912.8 93.1
2927 Wouter Festjens Invirtus 902.3
3250 140 Andreas Gesell Brückenschlag 820.5 25.6
3610 50 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen De Zwaardkring 603.4 6.8