FightCamp 2018

Date August 15, 2018
Country United Kingdom
City Coventry

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 137 52
Mixed Steel Sabre 63 35
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 39 27
Mixed Synthetic Backsword 66 36

Fighters in event

Jane Strange San Diego Swordfighters
Emiliano Rosas KdF Manchester
Nico Banasch
Tobias Roeder Schola Gladiatoria
Georg Illing Twerchhau e.V.
Cristian Lopez Glasgow HEMA
Adrien Michaud Auckland Longsword
Bence László Tarr Ars Ensis
Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy
Brian Moloney Blademasters Academy
Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing
Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy
Kim Kiekebos
Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team
Andreas Engström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Henrik Hedelin Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Anezka Havlikova Glasgow HEMA
Rostyslav Zagornov Tempus Fugitives
Tim Clarke
Martin John
George Roberts
Jack Parkinson
Michal Polaski Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group
Chris Williams Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group
Sam Ackroyd Academy of Historical Fencing
Jordan Mock Academy of Steel
Dave McPherson Alpha Weapons Academy
Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club
John Barlow Bath Historical Martial Arts
James Wiggins Bath Historical Martial Arts
Tea Kew Cambridge HEMA
Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA
David Young Clashing Steel Longsword Club
Joel Southerland Clashing Steel Longsword Club
Stephen Morgan Clashing Steel Longsword Club
Scott Thomson Cowal Historical Fencing Club
Alexander Bourdas Glasgow HEMA
Bartlomiej Modzelewski KdF Bournemouth
James Dougherty KdF Manchester
Martin Forrester KdF Manchester
Anna Clisham KdF Manchester
Milo Thurston Linacre School of Defence
Bethan Jenkins Linacre School of Defence
Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club
Robert Clampitt London Historical Fencing Club
Tom Daplyn London Historical Fencing Club
Daniel Weir London Historical Fencing Club
Ian Pattle London Longsword Academy
Sinan Atamer London Longsword Academy
Chas Fenoughty London Longsword Academy
Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club
Thomas Sylvester Mercian Medieval Fight Club
David Murray North Lakes Historical Fencing Society
Robin Dando Oxford Sword and Staff
Angus King Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Harry McCusker Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Michael Sloan Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Tom Upton Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
William Kerr Portsmouth British Martial Arts Club
Mark Gilbert Riddle of Steel
Sam Gedrych Riddle of Steel
Benjamin Hamilton Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Daniel Hughes Schola Gladiatoria
Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria
Ty Harris Schola Gladiatoria
Sarah Liles Schola Gladiatoria
Jaime White Schola Gladiatoria
Laurence Cooper Schola Gladiatoria
Max Beer Schola Gladiatoria
Marko Sanderson Schola Gladiatoria
Martin Wilkinson Schola Gladiatoria
Matthew Truong Schola Gladiatoria
Charles Anderson Schola Gladiatoria
Gabriel Laycock Schola Gladiatoria
Jack Butcher Schola Gladiatoria
Joshua Bradshaw Southampton Historical Fencing
Jesse Richards Sussex Sword Academy
Mark Brown Taunton Longswords
Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives
Tim Jones The English Martial Arts Academy
Luke Dixon The English Martial Arts Academy
Mark Norris The English Martial Arts Academy
Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective
Jonathan Green The Iron Door Collective
Apollon Makropoulos The School of the Sword
Adrian Faulkner The School of the Sword
Michael Aiken The Vanguard Centre
Stuart Beattie The Vanguard Centre
Thierry Flekier-Wathen The Vanguard Centre
Gavin Thomson The Vanguard Centre
Thomas Ive Tree of Shields
Greg Szanto Tree of Shields
Chris Scott Tree of Shields
Anthony Wilkes Tree of Shields
Sam Ive Tree of Shields
Sarah Edwards Tree of Shields
Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group
Jonathan Middleton Wivenhoe HEMA
Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Adrien Michaud Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
Pool Jordan Mock Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
Pool Ty Harris Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
Pool Emiliano Rosas Anthony Wilkes LOSS WIN
Pool Sarah Edwards Anthony Wilkes LOSS WIN
Pool Jordan Mock Adrien Michaud WIN LOSS
Pool Adrien Michaud Ty Harris WIN LOSS
Pool Adrien Michaud Emiliano Rosas WIN LOSS
Pool Adrien Michaud Sarah Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool Ty Harris Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Pool Emiliano Rosas Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Pool Jordan Mock Sarah Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool Emiliano Rosas Ty Harris LOSS WIN
Pool Ty Harris Sarah Edwards LOSS WIN
Pool Emiliano Rosas Sarah Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Pittwood Philip Mitchell LOSS WIN
Pool Pedro San Miguel Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Anna Clisham Philip Mitchell LOSS WIN
Pool Philip Mitchell Brian Moloney LOSS WIN
Pool Jane Strange Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Pittwood Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool Anna Clisham Thomas Pittwood LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Pittwood Brian Moloney LOSS WIN
Pool Jane Strange Thomas Pittwood LOSS WIN
Pool Pedro San Miguel Anna Clisham WIN LOSS
Pool Pedro San Miguel Brian Moloney WIN LOSS
Pool Jane Strange Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool Anna Clisham Brian Moloney LOSS WIN
Pool Jane Strange Anna Clisham WIN LOSS
Pool Jane Strange Brian Moloney WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Antrobus Robert Clampitt LOSS WIN
Pool Scott Thomson Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Antrobus Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Ive Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Sylvester Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Clampitt Scott Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Scott Robert Clampitt LOSS WIN
Pool Sam Ive Robert Clampitt WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Sylvester Robert Clampitt LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Scott Scott Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Ive Scott Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Sylvester Scott Thomson DRAW DRAW
Pool Sam Ive Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Sylvester Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Ive Thomas Sylvester DRAW DRAW
Pool Maria Makarova Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Pool Martin Forrester Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Pool Marko Sanderson Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Pool Tom Daplyn Michal Polaski LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Hughes Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Pool Maria Makarova Martin Forrester WIN LOSS
Pool Marko Sanderson Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool Maria Makarova Tom Daplyn WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Hughes Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Pool Martin Forrester Marko Sanderson WIN LOSS
Pool Tom Daplyn Martin Forrester LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Hughes Martin Forrester LOSS WIN
Pool Tom Daplyn Marko Sanderson LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Hughes Marko Sanderson WIN LOSS
Pool Tom Daplyn Daniel Hughes LOSS WIN
Pool Jamie MacIver Chris Williams WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Williams Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Pattle Chris Williams WIN LOSS
Pool Stephen Morgan Chris Williams WIN LOSS
Pool David Young Chris Williams WIN LOSS
Pool Jamie MacIver Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Pattle Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool Stephen Morgan Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool David Young Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool Lee Conley Ian Pattle WIN LOSS
Pool Stephen Morgan Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool David Young Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Pool Stephen Morgan Ian Pattle DRAW DRAW
Pool David Young Ian Pattle WIN LOSS
Pool Stephen Morgan David Young LOSS WIN
Pool Jerzy Miklaszewski Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Truong Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Pool Jerzy Miklaszewski Tobias Roeder WIN LOSS
Pool Jerzy Miklaszewski Jonathan Middleton WIN LOSS
Pool Tea Kew Jerzy Miklaszewski DRAW DRAW
Pool Alexander Makarov Matthew Truong WIN LOSS
Pool Alexander Makarov Tobias Roeder WIN LOSS
Pool Alexander Makarov Jonathan Middleton WIN LOSS
Pool Tea Kew Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Truong Tobias Roeder LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Middleton Matthew Truong WIN LOSS
Pool Tea Kew Matthew Truong WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Middleton Tobias Roeder WIN LOSS
Pool Tobias Roeder Tea Kew LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Middleton Tea Kew WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Wood Robin Dando LOSS WIN
Pool Robin Dando David Murray LOSS WIN
Pool James Wiggins Robin Dando WIN LOSS
Pool Robin Dando Joel Southerland WIN LOSS
Pool Robin Dando Bence László Tarr LOSS WIN
Pool David Murray Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool James Wiggins Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Wood Joel Southerland WIN LOSS
Pool Bence László Tarr Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool David Murray James Wiggins LOSS WIN
Pool Joel Southerland David Murray LOSS WIN
Pool David Murray Bence László Tarr LOSS WIN
Pool James Wiggins Joel Southerland WIN LOSS
Pool James Wiggins Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool Bence László Tarr Joel Southerland WIN LOSS
Pool James Dougherty Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS
Pool Amir Sheikh-Warak Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pool Anezka Havlikova Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Gassmann Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS
Pool James Dougherty Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pool Anezka Havlikova James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Gassmann James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Pool Mike Prendergast Anezka Havlikova WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Gassmann Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Gassmann Anezka Havlikova WIN LOSS
Pool Andrzej Rozycki John Barlow WIN LOSS
Pool Michael Aiken Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Pool Andrzej Rozycki Alexander Bourdas WIN LOSS
Pool Mark Brown Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Pool Michael Aiken John Barlow WIN LOSS
Pool John Barlow Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Pool Mark Brown John Barlow LOSS WIN
Pool Michael Aiken Alexander Bourdas WIN LOSS
Pool Mark Brown Michael Aiken WIN LOSS
Pool Alexander Bourdas Mark Brown WIN LOSS
Semi-Final James Wiggins Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Pedro San Miguel Sam Ive DRAW DRAW
Semi-Final Andrzej Rozycki Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Semi-Final James Wiggins Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Martin Forrester Sam Ive WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Jack Gassmann Jordan Mock WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Alexander Makarov Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Martin Forrester Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Jack Gassmann Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
Final Alexander Makarov Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Final Alexander Makarov Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Final Jack Gassmann Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Anthony Wilkes Martin Forrester LOSS WIN
Pool Martin Wilkinson Anthony Wilkes WIN LOSS
Pool Anthony Wilkes Andreas Engström LOSS WIN
Pool Martin Wilkinson Martin Forrester WIN LOSS
Pool Martin Forrester Andreas Engström WIN LOSS
Pool Andreas Engström Martin Wilkinson WIN LOSS
Pool Amir Sheikh-Warak Ian Pattle WIN LOSS
Pool Amir Sheikh-Warak Daniel Hughes WIN LOSS
Pool Martin John Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Pattle Daniel Hughes WIN LOSS
Pool Martin John Ian Pattle LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Hughes Martin John WIN LOSS
Pool Nico Banasch Matthew Truong LOSS WIN
Pool Sam Ive Nico Banasch LOSS WIN
Pool Nico Banasch Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Truong Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Pool Dave McPherson Matthew Truong WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Ive Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Pool Alexander Makarov Georg Illing WIN LOSS
Pool Alexander Makarov Thomas Ive WIN LOSS
Pool Joshua Bradshaw Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Pool Georg Illing Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Pool Joshua Bradshaw Georg Illing LOSS WIN
Pool Joshua Bradshaw Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Pool Max Beer Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool Laurence Cooper Max Beer WIN LOSS
Pool Max Beer Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Pool Pedro San Miguel Laurence Cooper WIN LOSS
Pool Mark Gilbert Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Pool Laurence Cooper Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Scott Greg Szanto LOSS WIN
Pool Greg Szanto Sarah Liles WIN LOSS
Pool Emiliano Rosas Greg Szanto LOSS WIN
Pool Sarah Liles Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Pool Emiliano Rosas Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Pool Sarah Liles Emiliano Rosas LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Polaski James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Butcher Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Pool Michal Polaski Mark Norris WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Butcher James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Pool James Dougherty Mark Norris LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Butcher Mark Norris WIN LOSS
Pool Jerzy Miklaszewski Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Anderson Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Pool Sarah Edwards Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Pittwood Charles Anderson DRAW DRAW
Pool Sarah Edwards Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Anderson Sarah Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool Henrik Hedelin Chris Williams WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Williams Bartlomiej Modzelewski LOSS WIN
Pool Bartlomiej Modzelewski Henrik Hedelin LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Henrik Hedelin Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Sam Ive Mark Gilbert LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Alexander Makarov Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Jack Butcher Henrik Hedelin WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Martin Wilkinson Mark Gilbert WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Alexander Makarov Greg Szanto WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Jack Butcher Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Sam Ive Martin Wilkinson LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Amir Sheikh-Warak Greg Szanto WIN LOSS
Final Martin Wilkinson Jack Butcher WIN LOSS
Final Amir Sheikh-Warak Jack Butcher WIN LOSS
Final Martin Wilkinson Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Greg Szanto Gabriel Laycock WIN LOSS
Pool Chas Fenoughty Greg Szanto WIN LOSS
Pool Gabriel Laycock Chas Fenoughty WIN LOSS
Pool Mike Prendergast Milo Thurston WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Anderson Milo Thurston LOSS WIN
Pool Charles Anderson Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Pool Philip Mitchell Jack Parkinson LOSS WIN
Pool Max Beer Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Parkinson Max Beer WIN LOSS
Pool Sinan Atamer Apollon Makropoulos LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Ive Sinan Atamer WIN LOSS
Pool Apollon Makropoulos Thomas Ive WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Weir Alexander Makarov NO DATA NO DATA
Pool Martin John Alexander Makarov NO DATA NO DATA
Pool Daniel Weir Martin John NO DATA NO DATA
Pool Pedro San Miguel Nico Banasch WIN LOSS
Pool Nico Banasch Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool Jamie MacIver Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool Adrian Faulkner Cristian Lopez LOSS WIN
Pool Adrian Faulkner Jaime White WIN LOSS
Pool Cristian Lopez Jaime White WIN LOSS
Pool Bethan Jenkins Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Pool Sam Ackroyd Bethan Jenkins WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Middleton Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Pool Joshua Bradshaw Rostyslav Zagornov WIN LOSS
Pool Rostyslav Zagornov Jesse Richards WIN LOSS
Pool Jesse Richards Joshua Bradshaw LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Rostyslav Zagornov Jack Parkinson WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Alexander Makarov Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Chas Fenoughty Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Apollon Makropoulos Jack Parkinson DRAW DRAW
Semi-Final Mike Prendergast Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Adrian Faulkner Chas Fenoughty WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Apollon Makropoulos Rostyslav Zagornov WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Mike Prendergast Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Jonathan Middleton Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Final Apollon Makropoulos Alexander Makarov DRAW DRAW
Final Adrian Faulkner Apollon Makropoulos WIN LOSS
Final Alexander Makarov Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Adrian Faulkner Chris Williams WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Williams Jack Butcher LOSS WIN
Pool Stuart Beattie Chris Williams LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Butcher Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS
Pool Stuart Beattie Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Butcher Stuart Beattie WIN LOSS
Pool Michal Polaski Tom Upton WIN LOSS
Pool Jaime White Michal Polaski WIN LOSS
Pool Gavin Thomson Michal Polaski DRAW DRAW
Pool Jaime White Tom Upton WIN LOSS
Pool Gavin Thomson Tom Upton LOSS WIN
Pool Jaime White Gavin Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Parkinson Milo Thurston LOSS WIN
Pool Kim Kiekebos Milo Thurston LOSS WIN
Pool Milo Thurston Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool Kim Kiekebos Jack Parkinson LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Parkinson Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool Kim Kiekebos Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Green Chris Scott LOSS WIN
Pool Tim Jones Jonathan Green LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Green William Kerr LOSS WIN
Pool Tim Jones Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Pool William Kerr Chris Scott WIN LOSS
Pool William Kerr Tim Jones WIN LOSS
Pool Max Beer George Roberts WIN LOSS
Pool Luke Dixon Max Beer WIN LOSS
Pool Max Beer Benjamin Hamilton WIN LOSS
Pool George Roberts Luke Dixon LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Hamilton George Roberts WIN LOSS
Pool Luke Dixon Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool Greg Szanto Ian Pattle WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Gedrych Greg Szanto WIN LOSS
Pool Greg Szanto Thierry Flekier-Wathen LOSS WIN
Pool Sam Gedrych Ian Pattle WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Pattle Thierry Flekier-Wathen LOSS WIN
Pool Thierry Flekier-Wathen Sam Gedrych LOSS WIN
Pool James Dougherty Mark Norris WIN LOSS
Pool Mark Norris Sinan Atamer WIN LOSS
Pool Tim Clarke Mark Norris LOSS WIN
Pool James Dougherty Sinan Atamer WIN LOSS
Pool Tim Clarke James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Pool Sinan Atamer Tim Clarke LOSS WIN
Pool Bethan Jenkins Angus King LOSS WIN
Pool Sam Ive Bethan Jenkins WIN LOSS
Pool Laurence Cooper Bethan Jenkins LOSS WIN
Pool Angus King Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Pool Laurence Cooper Angus King WIN LOSS
Pool Sam Ive Laurence Cooper LOSS WIN
Pool Harry McCusker Michael Sloan LOSS WIN
Pool David Young Michael Sloan WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Ive Michael Sloan WIN LOSS
Pool David Young Harry McCusker DRAW DRAW
Pool Thomas Ive Harry McCusker WIN LOSS
Pool David Young Thomas Ive LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Jaime White Jack Butcher LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Jack Parkinson James Dougherty LOSS WIN
Semi-Final William Kerr Sam Gedrych LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Luke Dixon Jaime White WIN LOSS
Semi-Final Sam Ive Jack Parkinson LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Thomas Ive William Kerr LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Jack Butcher Luke Dixon LOSS WIN
Semi-Final James Dougherty Sam Ive LOSS WIN
Semi-Final Sam Gedrych Thomas Ive WIN LOSS
Final Jack Butcher Jack Parkinson WIN LOSS
Final Sam Gedrych Jack Butcher WIN LOSS
Final Jack Parkinson Sam Gedrych LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just FightCamp 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
28 8 Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives 1758.9 23.3
37 8 Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1735.7 24.7
63 8 Jonathan Middleton Wivenhoe HEMA 1670.9 13.6
73 4 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1657.3 6.6
189 5 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1542.6 6
195 33 Brian Moloney Blademasters Academy 1541.4 17.4
213 76 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1530.9 43.8
221 99 James Wiggins Bath Historical Martial Arts 1526.7 57
288 36 Daniel Hughes Schola Gladiatoria 1493.9 24.8
306 Jordan Mock Academy of Steel 1480.9
315 11 Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1474 0.8
330 17 Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team 1470 11
340 580 James Dougherty KdF Manchester 1467.1 215.6
438 235 Martin Forrester KdF Manchester 1420.6 95.7
498 7 Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria 1391.6 5.5
536 156 Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group 1380.3 60.8
643 32 Jane Strange San Diego Swordfighters 1341.1 17.7
728 12 Alexander Bourdas Glasgow HEMA 1312.9 5.7
776 469 Sam Ive Tree of Shields 1300.6 134.9
802 Adrien Michaud Auckland Longsword 1293.2
807 78 Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy 1291.6 19
873 132 Tea Kew Cambridge HEMA 1270.6 41.7
915 45 David Murray North Lakes Historical Fencing Society 1255.5 10.3
973 1744 David Young Clashing Steel Longsword Club 1244.1 459.9
1109 32 Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1201.5 7.7
1114 31 Robin Dando Oxford Sword and Staff 1200.9 7.7
1119 298 Michael Aiken The Vanguard Centre 1200.1 76.9
1207 201 Scott Thomson Cowal Historical Fencing Club 1176.1 52.7
1213 148 Matthew Truong Schola Gladiatoria 1175.1 38.8
1294 128 Ian Pattle London Longsword Academy 1156.4 27.1
1309 77 Ty Harris Schola Gladiatoria 1153.1 22.7
1399 258 Michal Polaski Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1131.5 60.4
1422 797 Robert Clampitt London Historical Fencing Club 1125.2 190.7
1564 270 Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA 1093.6 65.8
1582 70 Thomas Sylvester Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1089.8 18.1
1615 767 Bence László Tarr Ars Ensis 1081.9 189.8
1765 271 Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective 1051.6 72
1783 Tobias Roeder Schola Gladiatoria 1048
1808 96 Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1040.4 19.3
1880 279 Mark Brown Taunton Longswords 1019 72.9
1921 Stephen Morgan Clashing Steel Longsword Club 1008.7
1988 228 Tom Daplyn London Historical Fencing Club 996.3 51
2054 303 Anthony Wilkes Tree of Shields 981.7 83.5
2088 John Barlow Bath Historical Martial Arts 975.1
2212 326 Anna Clisham KdF Manchester 941.6 70.3
2413 122 Chris Scott Tree of Shields 894.4 47.7
2534 262 Marko Sanderson Schola Gladiatoria 857.8 109.6
2543 Sarah Edwards Tree of Shields 855.9
2573 73 Anezka Havlikova Glasgow HEMA 847.4 9.6
2700 Chris Williams Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 810.3
2711 Emiliano Rosas KdF Manchester 807.5
2939 Joel Southerland Clashing Steel Longsword Club 687.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
32 4 Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria 1569.5 17.3
33 1 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1568.6 0.4
34 33 Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives 1567.4 106
52 Martin Wilkinson Schola Gladiatoria 1509.8
65 80 Mark Gilbert Riddle of Steel 1466.8 135.2
106 32 Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team 1396.1 53.1
108 44 Thomas Ive Tree of Shields 1394 70.2
112 24 Henrik Hedelin Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1386 28.2
139 99 Jack Butcher Schola Gladiatoria 1346.7 138.2
146 10 Andreas Engström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1331.5 12.4
165 35 Greg Szanto Tree of Shields 1305.9 61.9
173 40 Martin Forrester KdF Manchester 1293.2 55.7
176 8 Georg Illing Twerchhau e.V. 1285.8 14.7
223 87 Matthew Truong Schola Gladiatoria 1227.6 118.2
272 89 Sam Ive Tree of Shields 1179 101.8
282 Nico Banasch N/A 1169.9
296 162 Ian Pattle London Longsword Academy 1150.2 188.4
318 132 James Dougherty KdF Manchester 1119.5 140.9
333 20 Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective 1106.8 16.1
338 108 Laurence Cooper Schola Gladiatoria 1099.9 111.4
350 Emiliano Rosas KdF Manchester 1088.5
378 113 Charles Anderson Schola Gladiatoria 1058.5 125.5
459 Mark Norris The English Martial Arts Academy 971.8
460 Daniel Hughes Schola Gladiatoria 969.5
461 91 Dave McPherson Alpha Weapons Academy 967.7 109.1
464 Sarah Edwards Tree of Shields 965.5
482 87 Bartlomiej Modzelewski KdF Bournemouth 949.1 122.6
517 Joshua Bradshaw Southampton Historical Fencing 915.3
519 Michal Polaski Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 913.3
540 Max Beer Schola Gladiatoria 886.8
583 138 Chris Scott Tree of Shields 816.7 171.8
585 40 Sarah Liles Schola Gladiatoria 805.8 142.6
591 Martin John N/A 797.2
598 14 Anthony Wilkes Tree of Shields 785 8.1
620 Chris Williams Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 739.2