Maciej Jakub Kubik

Club Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Nationality Poland


Charity tournament participant (HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2018)
Charity tournament participant (HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2017)
Charity tournament participant (HVN Charity Tournament 2016)
Charity tournament participant (HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2019)
Charity tournament participant (HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2022)
Charity tournament participant (Charity Singlestick Tournament 2023)


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword 837 (top 14%) 1427.4 308 (May 2022) 1500.6 (May 2023)
Single Rapier
- Mixed & Men's Steel Single Rapier Inactive 1129.7 169 (January 2022) 1166.6 (January 2019)
Sword and Buckler
- Mixed & Men's Steel Sword and Buckler Inactive 1332.2 83 (May 2022) 1361 (May 2022)
- Mixed & Men's Singlestick 26 (top 5% of island) 1549 12 (3 months) 1567.4 (December 2023)


Mixed Steel Longsword 79 39 36 3 1
Mixed Singlestick 39 25 11 3 0
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 15 10 5 0 0
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 4 2 1 1 0
Sum 137 76 53 7 1

Full rating histories

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 1 out of 75 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in December 2020

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 58 out of 100 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 4 out of 69 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in April 2024

Match results

Dutch Lions Cup 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 2 Cody Shepherd LOSS 1357.95 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 2 Adam Prochaska LOSS 1308.30 76%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 2 Xander Bruins WIN 1214.54 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 2 Egon Beyrens LOSS 1771.39 16%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 2 Miro Lahtela LOSS 1992.39 4%

NHK 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier 1) Eighth-finals Ronin De Rooy LOSS 1241.34 69%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier 1) Poule 4 Stefan Brunner WIN 1587.23 39%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier 1) Poule 4 Martin Klok WIN 1099.87 69%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier 1) Poule 4 Eline Spek WIN 1343.50 65%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier 1) Poule 4 Kees Diependaal LOSS 1312.90 69%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier 1) Poule 4 Andreas Uten LOSS 1259.76 72%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2023: Evenement: 1

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Eighth-finals Kees Diependaal WIN 1355.73 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Final Jerze de Reus LOSS 1594.03 30%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 4 Rens Appelman WIN 1307.25 52%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 4 Floris van de Poll NO DATA 1003.84 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 4 Andreas Uten WIN 1325.33 56%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 4 Max van den Ekart LOSS 1635.67 25%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 4 Bor Jaspers WIN 976.45 72%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Quarterfinals Oskar ter Mors WIN 1603.32 28%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Semifinals Stefan Brunner WIN 1590.40 31%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2022: Evenement: 3

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Arto Fama LOSS 1864.66 9%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Dimitri ten Have WIN 1383.95 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Bryan Trepels LOSS 1193.69 68%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Alexander van den Akker WIN 1177.68 61%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Quarterfinals Stefan Brunner LOSS 1573.77 34%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2022: Evenement 1

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Final Jerze de Reus LOSS 1506.24 33%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 3 Alexander van den Akker WIN 1102.58 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 3 Maurice Booij WIN 1342.25 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 3 Dimitri ten Have LOSS 1096.58 55%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 3 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter WIN 1313.07 52%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Quarterfinals Henric Jansen WIN 1672.69 17%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Semifinals Arto Fama WIN 1835.02 8%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2021

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Eighth-finals Arto Fama LOSS 1846.06 9%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) poul 2 Jerze de Reus WIN 1446.23 43%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) poul 2 Joris Roebroeks LOSS 922.85 69%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) poul 2 Bart Jongsma LOSS 1672.38 21%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) poul 2 Devron Sijmons LOSS 778.42 72%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) poul 2 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter DRAW 1220.22 65%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2019: Evenement 4

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 2 Marcos Ariño WIN 1533.02 41%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 2 Jerze de Reus LOSS 1394.36 55%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 2 Henric Jansen LOSS 1629.61 27%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 2 Michel Rensen LOSS 1889.24 7%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 2 Eline Spek LOSS 1255.44 69%

Dutch Lions Cup 2019

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword 16th-finals Sander van Eijk LOSS 1575.59 32%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 6 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen WIN 1212.42 68%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 6 Maurice Booij WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 6 Simon Engel WIN 1130.17 71%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 6 Engelbert Spronk LOSS 1727.50 17%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 6 Konrad Kramarz LOSS 1616.71 27%
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 6 Ruben Terlouw WIN 1256.00 62%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2019: Evenement 3

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Bart Jongsma LOSS 1661.57 31%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Jos Philipsen WIN 982.78 63%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Michel Rensen LOSS 1867.04 13%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Robert Kraaijeveld LOSS 1124.08 78%
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) Pool 1 Joost Rutger Meijering LOSS 1572.08 37%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2019: Evenement 2

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Eighthfinal 1 Cor van Haastregt WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Final Tim Beerens WIN 1336.35 58%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 3 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN 631.56 81%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 3 Ramon Lippmann WIN 1044.00 70%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 3 Robert Kraaijeveld WIN 1056.62 73%
Mixed Steel Longsword Quarterfinal 1 Tom Jacobs WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Semifinal 1 Mart van den Burg WIN Unrated

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2019: Evenement 1

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Michel Rensen LOSS 1820.07 22%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Henric Jansen DRAW 1548.59 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Brian van Nunen LOSS 1538.02 48%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 John van Meerten LOSS 1408.01 51%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Berend Kruijt LOSS 1368.67 62%

Heffac 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword 8th Final Izabele Aparecida Saorin LOSS 1171.95 61%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Sacha de Wind WIN 1451.73 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Peregrijn van den Berg WIN 1193.86 72%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Andrew Neale WIN 909.59 70%
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Sam Goethals DRAW Unrated

Dutch Lions Cup 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword 16th-finals András Berki WIN 1126.64
Mixed Steel Longsword Eighth-finals Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS 1682.54
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Alastair Sew Hoy WIN 857.76
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Tea Kew WIN 1228.86
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Andreas Gesell WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Balázs Kirschweng WIN 1340.86
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Oskar ter Mors LOSS 1502.55

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2019: Evenement 1

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Pool 3 Antonio Paoletti LOSS Unrated
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Pool 3 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Pool 3 Michel Rensen WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Pool 3 Ties Kool DRAW Unrated

Charity Singlestick Tournament 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Singlestick Eighth-Finals Bart Jongsma WIN 1543.08 41%
Mixed Singlestick Elimination Bracket Pim Baeten WIN 1373.54 54%
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Berend Kruijt WIN 1385.98 50%
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Mees Schultheiss WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Marcos Ariño WIN 1523.19 40%
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Eleanor Marshall WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Daniel Bartholomaus Ciupka LOSS 1736.78 23%
Mixed Singlestick Quarterfinals Oskar ter Mors LOSS 1612.42 34%

HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2022

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Singlestick Eighth-Finals Alan Spaenjaers WIN 1130.04 63%
Mixed Singlestick Elimination Bracket Jerze de Reus WIN 1083.26 70%
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Mick Berwers WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Sander van Eijk WIN 1361.02 52%
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Tim Beerens LOSS 1434.70 54%
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Alexander van den Akker LOSS Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Quarterfinals Henric Jansen LOSS 1571.50 42%

HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2019

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Singlestick Pool 10 Matthew Conway WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Pool 10 Caius Ehmke WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Pool 10 Esther van Haastregt WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Pool 10 Carla Huvermann WIN 1071.83 74%
Mixed Singlestick Pool 10 Peter Meijering WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Sixteenthfinal 3 Carla Huvermann LOSS 1071.83 74%

HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Singlestick Eighthfinal 4 Sander van Eijk WIN 1266.77 46%
Mixed Singlestick Pool 3 Joost Rutger Meijering WIN 922.98 60%
Mixed Singlestick Pool 3 Gerrit Barz WIN 1265.70 47%
Mixed Singlestick Pool 3 Nick van der Lee DRAW 1452.06 34%
Mixed Singlestick Pool 3 Andrew Neale WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Quarterfinal 2 Bart Jongsma LOSS 1507.09 35%
Mixed Singlestick Sixteenthfinal 7 Peter Frank WIN 1282.32 42%

HVN Singlestick Charity Tournament 2017

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Singlestick Nick van der Lee LOSS 1178.94 46%
Mixed Singlestick Pablo Saz Perez WIN 890.43 61%
Mixed Singlestick Cem Ates WIN 993.43 54%
Mixed Singlestick Branko Sakkers WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Henric Jansen LOSS 993.43 54%

HVN Charity Tournament 2016

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Singlestick Oskar ter Mors LOSS Unrated
Mixed Singlestick David Grijmans WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Berend Kruijt DRAW Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Marcos Ariño WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Max van den Ekart DRAW Unrated
Mixed Singlestick Aster Soetaert LOSS Unrated

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2022: Evenement 1

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Eighth-finals Alexander van den Akker WIN 1061.62 57%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler pool 4 Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema LOSS 1247.83 58%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler pool 4 Jeroen van Wordragen WIN 728.84 74%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler pool 4 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN 721.64 80%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler pool 4 Thijs Huisman WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Quarterfinals Jeroen van Wordragen WIN 728.84 74%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Semifinals Max van den Ekart LOSS 1461.45 44%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Third place match Merijn Driessen-Roelfszema WIN 1247.83 58%

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2019: Evenement 3

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Pool 2 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Pool 2 Ties Kool LOSS 1505.34
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Pool 2 Nick van der Lee WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Pool 2 Oskar ter Mors WIN Unrated
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Quarterfinal 3 Martin de Jong WIN 1109.16
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Semifinal 2 Max van den Ekart LOSS 1467.18
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Third place Marcos Ariño LOSS Unrated