Giulio Schifino

ASD Scherma Storica Pavia


Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 46 31 12 2 1
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler 8 6 1 1 0
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 15 10 5 0 0
Mixed Steel Longsword 89 67 22 0 0
Men's Steel Longsword 6 3 2 1 0
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 56 37 16 1 2
Mixed Steel Sabre 54 44 9 1 0
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword 11 10 1 0 0
Mixed Steel Smallsword 6 6 0 0 0
Sum 291 214 68 6 3


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) 310 1547.2 58 (June 2016) 1687.8 (April 2019)
Rapier and Dagger (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1380 12 (June 2016) 1498.2 (June 2016)
Sabre (Mixed & Men's, Steel) 20 1725.9 14 (March 2022) 1733.1 (January 2024)
Sidesword (Mixed, Steel) 54 1531.4 6 (February 2022) 1593.8 (April 2019)
Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1499.3 28 (March 2017) 1561.5 (November 2018)
Sword and Buckler (Mixed, Steel) 62 1610.5 22 (May 2022) 1617.8 (January 2024)

Full rating histories

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 6 out of 98 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 45 out of 98 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in October 2020

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 22 out of 74 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 31 out of 64 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 37 out of 98 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in April 2024

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 17 out of 88 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 3 Łukasz Gardela WIN 85%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 3 Stefano Di Fermo WIN 77%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 3 Pierdavide Carlea WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 3 Pietro Bruzzi WIN 63%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Round 8 Daniele Adami LOSS 68%
Mixed Steel Longsword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 4 Daniele Adami LOSS 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 4 Giovanni Birigazzi WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Longsword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 4 Gianluca Brambilla WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Round 1 Daniele Adami WIN 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Round 2 Marco Scalet LOSS 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) A Pool Giuliano Tarquini WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) A Pool Francesco Anacardi LOSS 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) A Pool Guido Gozzi WIN 90%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) Finals Sixteenth Roberto Gamberini LOSS 72%
Men's Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) D Pool Gianni Radici DRAW 62%
Men's Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) D Pool Riccardo Barra WIN 70%
Men's Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) D Pool Nicolò Gamba WIN 62%
Men's Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) F Pool Gian Marco Gadini LOSS 85%
Men's Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Eighth Michele Allori WIN 65%
Men's Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Quarter Luca De Sensi LOSS 70%
Mixed Steel Longsword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) ELIMINATORIE (16) Federico Malagutti WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) ELIMINATORIE (4) Arto Fama LOSS 27%
Mixed Steel Longsword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) ELIMINATORIE (8) Luca De Sensi WIN 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) GIRONE H (8) Luca De Sensi LOSS 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) GIRONE H (8) Gianmaria Pedrini WIN 87%
Mixed Steel Longsword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) GIRONE H (8) Gabriele Ponzio WIN 68%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Eighth Final Michele Allori WIN 61%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Pool G Michele Trotta WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Pool G Alessandro Perugini WIN 81%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Pool G Stefano Lucidi WIN 77%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Quarter Final Olav Gianmaria Taraldsen WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Semi Final Christian Heusch LOSS 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 6 Pool Jacopo Queirolo WIN 86%
Mixed Steel Longsword Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 6 Pool Samuele Ninfali WIN 88%
Mixed Steel Longsword Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 6 Pool Davide Mascialino WIN 88%
Mixed Steel Longsword Mutinænsis II (February 2019) eight Matteo Pia WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword Mutinænsis II (February 2019) fourth Moreno Dei Ricci LOSS 22%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Eight final Andrea Rossi WIN 71%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 4 Carlo Ferriolo WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 4 Aaron Caldarella WIN 74%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 4 Davide Morleo WIN 88%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Quarter Final Francesco Viola WIN 73%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Semi Final Mario Villani LOSS 73%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Davide Chiolero LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Eighth Davide Compri WIN 76%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Quarter Nicolò Gamba WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Semi Paolo Tirelli WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Pool 8 Giorgio Marenco WIN 71%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Pool 8 Daniele Pezzoni WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Pool 8 Francesco Viola WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Longsword MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Eighth Final Iacopo Foschini LOSS 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 3 Andrea Migliore WIN 84%
Mixed Steel Longsword MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 3 Niccolò Menozzi WIN 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 3 Gilles Mastracchio WIN 89%
Mixed Steel Longsword MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 3 Mario Villani WIN 69%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Eighth final Devis Carli LOSS 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Pool 4 Andrea Iannini WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Pool 4 Roberto Gamberini WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Pool 4 Marco Agosti WIN 72%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Sixteenth Finals Andrea Lascala WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Eight final Nicolò Papola WIN 65%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Pool 2 Daniele Nuvoli WIN 59%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Pool 2 Sandino Richeri WIN 69%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Pool 2 Davy van Elst WIN 92%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Quarter Final Andrea Rossi WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Semi Final Matthys Kool LOSS 19%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Alessandro Perugini WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Fabio Mariottini WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Federico Lasagni Manghi WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Alessandro Sella WIN 85%
Mixed Steel Longsword Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Davide Chiolero LOSS 51%
Mixed Steel Longsword North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Giovanni Morlini WIN 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Aldo Deambrogio WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Longsword North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Flavio Barotti WIN 75%
Mixed Steel Longsword North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Alexey Besfamilny LOSS 58%
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Jake Norwood LOSS 38%
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Davide Morleo WIN 80%
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Dario De Judicibus WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Moreno Dei Ricci LOSS 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Vassilis Papadopoulos WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Jacopo Penso WIN 72%
Mixed Steel Longsword LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Sergio Rudilosso LOSS 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Daniel Ureña Zafra WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Clément Bégin WIN 48%
Mixed Steel Longsword Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Stefan Quintlé LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Enrico Campobello WIN 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Geoffrey Dolmetta WIN 40%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Matt Galas WIN 46%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Peter Karis LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Alexander Sikas WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Manolis Rhodokanakis WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Ioannis Papamentzelopoulos WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Adam Labropoulos WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Marco Pavanello LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Enrico Marantidis WIN 50%

Rapier and Dagger (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 4 Gonçalo Polido WIN 59%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 4 Dorian Canham LOSS 59%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Quarter Final Kirill Danilov LOSS 33%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Round of 16 Filipe Martins WIN 59%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Daniele Romeo WIN 80%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Elena Bortot WIN 63%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Evgeniy Volodkov LOSS 62%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Kirill Danilov LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Alessandro Christiani WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Andreas Pavlidis WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Enrico Marantidis WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Georgios Klagkos WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Anastasios Triantafyllou WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Piermarco Terminiello LOSS 31%
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger Hemathlon 2016 (June 2016) Marco Pavanello WIN 50%

Sabre (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Finals Giordano Moreni WIN 46%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 3 Lorenzo Converso WIN 89%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 3 Fabio Mariottini WIN 73%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 3 Nicola Melotti WIN 90%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Round 4 Fabio Lottero WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Round 8 Davide Locatelli WIN 63%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Semi finals Massimiliano Cappello WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Sabre I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 1 Gabriele Trovò WIN 85%
Mixed Steel Sabre I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 1 Nitya Dal Pra WIN 63%
Mixed Steel Sabre I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 1 Stefano Dell'Orbo WIN 76%
Mixed Steel Sabre I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 1 Denes Boccalatte WIN 63%
Mixed Steel Sabre I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Round 1 Riccardo Castiglioni WIN 86%
Mixed Steel Sabre I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Round 2 Roberto Gamberini WIN 78%
Mixed Steel Sabre I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Round 3 Anatolii Berelekhis LOSS 79%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Daniele Adami WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Stefano Amelotti LOSS 72%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Federico Loda DRAW 63%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Guido Gozzi WIN 77%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Bailun Jiang WIN 64%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Matteo Burzio WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Pierpaolo Andorno WIN 78%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Stefano Lucidi WIN 64%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Zeno Toffalini LOSS 48%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Maurizio Viaro WIN 74%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Stefano Lucidi WIN 64%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Andrea Cestaro LOSS 64%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) A Pool Stefano Amelotti WIN 72%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Giordano Moreni LOSS 57%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Eighth Enrico Campobello WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Quarter Andrea Cestaro WIN 64%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Semi Federico Loda WIN 63%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Sixteenth Matteo Burzio WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Sabre LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Sixteenth Samuele Ninfali LOSS 64%
Mixed Steel Sabre Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 2 Pool Denis Dallari WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Sabre Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 2 Pool Silvia Giuseppina Manera WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Sabre Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 2 Pool Jacopo Queirolo WIN 72%
Mixed Steel Sabre Mutinænsis II (February 2019) final Marco Ferrari WIN 68%
Mixed Steel Sabre Mutinænsis II (February 2019) fourth Federico Loda WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Sabre Mutinænsis II (February 2019) semifinals Alessandro Christiani WIN 64%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Eight final Roberto Valsania WIN 77%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 2 Gabriele Dellepiane WIN 77%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 2 Pierpaolo Andorno WIN 61%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 2 Roberto Valsania WIN 77%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Quarter Final Roberto Gamberini WIN 61%
Mixed Steel Sabre Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Semi Final Zeno Toffalini LOSS 61%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Final Massimiliano Moscatelli WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 2 Massimiliano Moscatelli WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 2 Stefano Amelotti WIN 41%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 2 Riccardo Castiglioni WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 2 Flavio Barotti WIN 53%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 2 Matteo Filippa LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 2 Marco Ferrari WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Quarter Final Stefano Amelotti WIN 41%
Mixed Steel Sabre MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Semi Final Davide Di Francesco LOSS 50%

Sidesword (Mixed, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 6 Yihang Mung WIN 76%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 6 Anatolii Berelekhis WIN 65%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Pool 6 Lorenzo Di Muro WIN 65%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword I.Lake Hema 2023 (September 2023) Round 2 Fioretto Luca Basile LOSS 73%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) ELIMINATORIE (4) Michel Rensen WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) ELIMINATORIE (8) Massimo Cappello WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) FINALE Domenico Fichera WIN 42%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) GIRONE B (2) Gianmaria Pedrini WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) GIRONE B (2) Massimo Cappello WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) GIRONE B (2) Andrea Reggi WIN 52%
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword April Fools 2019 (April 2019) GIRONE B (2) Ruben Ragno WIN 50%

Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) E Pool Carlo Pietrapertosa WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) E Pool Nicodemo Boccia WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) E Pool Michele Proietti WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) Final Eighth Alberto Ferretti WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) Final Quarter Manuel Mazzatelli LOSS 35%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Bronze Giordano Moreni LOSS 43%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Eighth Denis Dallari WIN 68%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Quarter Federico Loda WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) Final Semi Federico Dall'Olio LOSS 58%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) G Pool Roberto Gamberini WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) G Pool Samuele Ninfali WIN 72%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2019 (November 2019) G Pool Isabella Panzera LOSS 58%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 4 Pool Giordano Moreni LOSS 53%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 4 Pool Matteo Riboldi WIN 79%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Mutinænsis II (February 2019) 4 Pool Nicolò Gamba LOSS 40%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 8 João Luis Gregório WIN 81%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 8 François Bois WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 8 Pedro Brito WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Quarter Final Evgeniy Volodkov LOSS 46%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Round of 16 Mátyás Miskolczi WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Bronze Nicola Gasparet WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Eighth Francesco Tarsi WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Quarter Alessandro Christiani WIN 73%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Final Semi Nicolò Gamba LOSS 45%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Pool 7 Emanuele Fedolfi WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Pool 7 Julian Mascherin WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2018 (November 2018) Pool 7 Davide Chiolero WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Bronze Final Stefano Amelotti WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 1 Davide Mascialino WIN 59%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 1 Matteo Riboldi WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Pool 1 Stefano Amelotti WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Quarter Final Luca De Sensi WIN 52%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier MUTINÆNIS - Torneo Nazionale delle Discipline HEMA (June 2018) Semi Final Marco Ferrari LOSS 58%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Mariano Maselli WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Alexander Makarov DOUBLE LOSS 38%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Gilles Carriere LOSS 55%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) David Zinn WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Paolo Gianni LOSS 58%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Edoardo Cornacchini WIN 54%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Eleonora Carchia WIN 54%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Kirill Danilov LOSS 54%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Leonardo Di Bartolomei WIN 72%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier AIMA Roma 2017 (March 2017) Danilo Quibrino WIN 41%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Davide Gallo WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Davide Baffoni WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Giulio Campanella WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Alessandro Sella WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Davide Gallo WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Nicolò Gamba LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier LangHEMA 2016 (November 2016) Andrea Rossi LOSS 48%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Marcin Bialek WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Stefan Quintlé WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) André Hajjar Sesé DRAW 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Marco Pavanello DOUBLE LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Clément Bégin LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Single Rapier Villeneuve HEMA Tournament 2016 (June 2016) Daniel Ureña Zafra LOSS 50%

Sword and Buckler (Mixed, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 2 Daniele Adami WIN 49%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 2 Anna Carnevali WIN 86%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 2 Stefano Dell'Orbo WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Pool 2 Guglielmo Gibertini WIN 60%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Quarter Final Pietro Bravi LOSS 58%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 7 2024 (January 2024) Round 8 Davide Compri WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) C Pool Ivan Perazzini WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) C Pool Riccardo Sghedoni WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) C Pool Devis Carli WIN 36%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) C Pool Carmine D'Ambrosio WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) Final Bronze Ivan Perazzini DRAW 58%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) Final Eighth Davide Lelli WIN 58%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) Final Quarter Federico Lasagni Manghi WIN 59%
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2022 (May 2022) Final Semi Massimiliano Cappello LOSS 53%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Eighth Final Olav Gianmaria Taraldsen WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Pool A Andrea Reggi WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Pool A Lorenzo Rocca WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Pool A Devis Mari WIN 78%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Quarter Final Vittorio Parnolfi WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2019 (April 2019) Semi Final Devis Carli LOSS 33%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Eight final Nicola Melotti WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Final Mariano Maselli WIN 57%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 2 Mattia Sut WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 2 Gabriele Dellepiane WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Pool 2 Thomas Donati WIN 83%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Quarter Final Alessandro Christiani WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2019 (January 2019) Semi Final Daniele Adami LOSS 49%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Bronze Final Nicola Del Pup DRAW 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Eighth Final Arianna Olivieri WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Pool 7 Elena Scarsella WIN 52%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Pool 7 Samuele Ninfali WIN 62%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Pool 7 Roberto Gamberini WIN 52%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Quarter Final Daniele Adami WIN 39%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2018 (April 2018) Semi Final Paolo Urgesi LOSS 25%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Eight final Marco Pavanello LOSS 49%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Pool 4 Devis Carli LOSS 40%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Pool 4 Luca De Franceschi LOSS 55%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Hema Ianua 2018 (February 2018) Pool 4 Ivan Vaira WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Joris Dufayard WIN 68%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN 85%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Davide Gallo DOUBLE LOSS 62%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Thomas Lobo DRAW 40%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2017 (June 2017) Matthieu Dutheil LOSS 61%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Adeo Di Nicola WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Matteo D’Uffizi WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Stanislao Migliorino WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Scherma Medievale nella Città Ideale 2017 (April 2017) Paolo Urgesi LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Devis Mari WIN 53%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Alessandro Gallo LOSS 48%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Andrea Rossi WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Frédéric Tracy WIN 36%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Davide Gallo WIN 55%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Paolo Urgesi LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler North West Tournament 2017 (April 2017) Marco Pavanello LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Smallsword IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Final Alessandro Christiani WIN
Mixed Steel Smallsword IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 2 Inês Nogueira WIN
Mixed Steel Smallsword IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 2 Mariia Davydova WIN
Mixed Steel Smallsword IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 2 Marco Pavanello WIN
Mixed Steel Smallsword IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Pool 2 Joao Oliveira WIN
Mixed Steel Smallsword IFHEMA Cup 2018 (November 2018) Semi Final João Maia WIN